HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1970.04.13CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION April 13, 1970 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli None Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr An adjourned meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from the regular meeting of March 23, 1970, was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Mink presiding. The above -named members were present. PARCEL MAP - Resubdivision Edwards Industrial Park. Chairman Mink announced a continued public hearing from the meeting of March 23, 1970, on a Parcel Map proposing a resubdivision of Lot 2, Edwards Industrial Park. The City Engineer recalled that, at the prior meeting, the matter of access to Parcel 2 was explored, Commissioners in general indicating a preference for a minimum width of 50 feet, in lieu of 35 feet, as proposed. The City Planner stated that the map before the Commission is identical to that submitted at the last meeting -- the owners propose that 35 feet is a proper access. He stated that before the map was brought to the Commission, the owners had made two prior proposals for access to Parcel 2, neither acceptable from the city's standpoint, and that the present map is the result of discussions between the engineer who prepared the map and members of city staff to develop a reasonable plan for the property. In response to questions raised by Commissioner Kindig and Chairman Mink, whether the proposed access will be adequate when the land is fully developed, the City Planner mentioned areas within the city where travel ways are considerably less than 35 feet. He stated that the area of the proposed access is restricted in use, as it lies within the Pacific Gas and Electric Company Tower R/W where struc- tures are prohibited, and that a panhandle arrangement, while pos- sibly not the ideal solution, will support the traffic. Mr. Dennis Hession, San Mateo, an owner in the property, stated that an existing building in the area designated Parcel 1 was built for and is owned by Frank Edwards Company and that the purpose of the resubdivision is to separate that parcel from the remainder of the property. He stated that the parking is at the front of the building and that a suggestion at the Commission's last meeting that property lines be rearranged to widen the access right-of-way, by decreasing the parking area and substituting parallel parking at the side of the building, would not be feasible --parking in that area would be extremely difficult, as an additional 10 feet would not provide the space for turning and drivers would be forded to back out. Mr. Hession stated that he and his associates have been assured by their technical advisors that the proposed access is adequate and will not jeopardize the property nor its use. Commissioner Cistulli, commenting that staff apparently considers 35 feet of access acceptable, introduced a motion to approve the Parcel Map prepared by William A. Bartlett, Licensed Land Surveyor, being a resubdivision of Lot 2, Edwards Industrial Park. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried on the following roll call: Ayes: Commissioners: Cistulli, Kindig, Norberg, Sine, Taylor Noes: Commissioners: None Abstain Commissioners: Mink (absent from portion -of public hearing) ADJOURNMENT The regular meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m., followed immediately by the study session scheduled for this date. STUDY MEETING 1. RESUBDIVISION MAP INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, HINCKLEY ROAD. A map prepared by Louis A. Arata, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, for Mr. Harry Scott, land owner, proposed a resubdivision of Lots 21 through 23 and portion of Lot 24, Block 6, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No, 2. Mr. Arata advised that the purpose of the map is a merging of the 3-1/2 lots into a single parcel to allow for expansion of an existing building. The City Planner stated that the building is occupied by Ampex Cor- poration and that application was made for internal and external improvements, including a proposed addition for an air conditioning system that would extend to within two to three feet of an existing property line, in violation of provisions of the building code, and that the property owners, at the request of staff, agreed to have the map prepared combining the lots. The City Planner reported no problems in the property; the building is occupied by a single tenant with more than adequate parking. The map was referred to the meeting of April 27,, 1970, for formal consideration. -2- 2. VARIANCE FOR PRIVATE SCHOOL (KARATE) IN THIRD RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. An application for variance filed by Martin J. Mackowski, 1.328 Cabrillo Avenue, Burlingame, proposed a "self-defense studio, specializing in children ages 10 to 15," in a rear ground -floor unit of an apartment building at 1045 E1 Camino Real, Zone R-3. A letter from the applicant dated April 9, 1970, stated that the unit being used for the purpose was originally built and designed for a ballet studio;. which operated there for several years. The communication advised that the room is approximately 35 feet by 30 feet, that students are primarily from Our Lady of Angels School, where the applicant is employed as a teacher; that the particular location offers the advantage of low rent (this is passed along to the students in the form of low tuition) and the added benefit of proximity to Our Lady of Angels School. Additionally, the communication stated that the variance is con- sidered necessary for the owner, who otherwise would be forced into costly renovation and remodeling to convert the unit for residential purposes. Copies 'of two letters from the fire inspector, dated March 12 and April 7, 1970, were acknowledged, wherein Mr. Mackowski was informed of city and State code requirements applicable to the operation. Mr. Mackowski filed several photographs to illustrate activities of the school. Mr. Dermott. Fitzgerald, Attorney, was present with Mr. Mackowski and advised that the school has been operating in the location for approximately 14 months, students ranging from "third -graders" to adults. The City Planner reviewed the history of the building, advising that the unit being used by Mr. Mackowski was a dance studio for many years; however, that use has been discontinued for some time. He advised that the dance studio was truly a non -conforming use, as schools of this type were recognized as a proper use in a residential area in the old code but the non -conforming status vanished when the premises were no longer used for the purpose for more than six months. The City Planner stated that dancing schools, music schools and private schools operated for profit are conditional uses in R-4, hence the requirement for variance in the subject application. Mr. Mackowski advised that classes are held Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 to 5:30 p.m., and Saturdays 1 to 2:30 p.m., that enrollment is limited to 25 per class; that the noise factor is minimal, the typical "Karate scream" is not employed; sanitary facilities on the premises consist of a single bathroom and two dressing rooms. During a discussion of parking facilities, the City Planner reported that there are seven units in the building and parking for six cars and there would appear to be no space available for additional parking. -3- Following comments from members of the Commission concerning the question of precedent and the requirement for showing of hardship by the applicant, the matter was scheduled for public hearing on April 27, 1970. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT - AUTOMOBILE STORAGE AND PARKING, ROLLINS AND MARSTEN ROADS. An application for special permit filed by Mr. John Baeza for Elgin Auto and Body, 1304 Marsten Road, proposed storage and park- ing of automobiles on vacant land at the cornea of Rollins Road and Marsten Road. The applicant's letter dated March 9, 1970, offered to install a redwood fence six feet in height enclosing the lot and to main- tain a planted area. The City Planner reported that the land is part of the Dore property and adjacent to Mr. Baeza's body repair shop on Marsten Road. Mr. Baeza stated that he intends to do some grading to eliminate chuckholes, in addition to fencing and landscaping. Chairman Mink commended Mr. Baeza for his efforts in maintaining the area that he presently occupies. The application was scheduled for public hearing on April 27,1970. 4. REPORT: "THE EFFECT OF ZONING REGULATIONS ON RESIDENTIAL AND DAY CARE FACILITIES IN SAN MATEO COUNTY." The City Planner furnished Commissioners copies of the above titled report, prepared by the Study Committee appointed by the San Mateo County Council of the Bay Area Social Planning Council. 5. LAND USE STUDY - CAPUCHINO AVENUE, BROADWAY TO CARMELITA. The City Planner reported that a study was made of Capuchino Avenue between Broadway and Carmelita Avenue, as requested by the Com- mission,prepatatory to consideration of a reclassification to R-3A. Drawings prepared in connection with the study were reviewed, the City Planner noting that the present zoning is R-2, that of the 22 properties that were included, eight are single-family dwellings, eight apartment buildings permitted by variance (one approved recently not yet built) and three non -conforming properties having more than 2 units. The City.Planner pointed out that variances were granted for five - unit buildings on the easterly side of the street --in R-3A, lot sizes would have limited the buildings to three units; on the westerly side, where the lots are larger, existing buildings are six units--R-3A would have permitted 5 five -unit: buildings and 5 four -unit. _4_ The City Planner reported that the apartment buildings are well maintained and always rented; however,five-units buildings on the smaller lots on the easterly side of the street crowd the properties --a lesser number of units would have provided the opportunity for more attractive landscaping and greater open space. It was the City'Planner's recommendation that the Commission forgo reclassification to R-3A, stating that it would be unfair at this late date to apply more restrictive iules that would limit some owners to less units than have been permitted on other similar properties. He suggested that the variance procedure be continued as a method of retaining some control over the ;properties. The Commission was informed that a study has been started of the Corbitt Tract and that an attempt will be made to learn from the County assessor whether properties that are reclassified to denser use are assessed on potential or actual use. 6. BAYSHORE BOULEVARD NAME CHANGE. Commissioners were informed by the City Planner that the City Council agreed to a contest for children of the elementary schools for the renaming of Bayshore Boulevard. During a discussion as to methods of implementation, the City Planner agreed to confer with Mr. O. John Taylor, Superintendent of the Elementary School District. With reference to Chamber of Commerce participation, suggested by a Council member, Commissioner Sine stated that he would confer with Mr. Robert Thompson, Chamber of Commerce President. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig, Secretary -5-