HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1970.06.08CITY OF BURLINGAME •PLANNING COMMISSION June 8, 1970 CO1,1MISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Sine pre- siding. RnT.T, CALL The above -named members were present. Commissioner Kindig, on vacation, was excused. 1. McNAMARA CORPORATION RE: TRAILER AT 1499 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. At the meeting of May 25, 1970, the Commission considered the matter of unauthorized storage of a large construction trailer by McNamara Corporation of California in the parking lot adjacent to their office at 1499 Bayshore Highway, and postponed action for 30 days on a request to permit the trailer to remain on the premises for a period of approximately one year. Chairman Sine recognized Mr. D.N. Erickson, Manager, McNamara Cor- poration, who advised that he had been unsuccessful in obtaining a commitment from the State agency having jurisdiction, as to release of records stored in the trailer. He stated that the company intends to relocate the Burlingame offices to another building where there will be ample storage space, hopefully some time in August, and requested the Commission's consideration to allow the trailer to be maintained until the move is made, at which time the records will be removed and the trailer disposed of. Chairman Sine stated that he would prefer that the trailer be removed immediately and suggested that Mr. Erickson attempt to arrange for temporary space on the lands of Anza Pacific Corporation. Commissioner Mink noted that there are regulations applicable to temporary structures used in construction projects and that to ignore such regulations in the present instance would establish an unfortunate precedent. Mr. Erickson agreed to contact Anza Pacific Corporation, as suggested by the Chair, and to keep the City Planner informed. 2. RESUBDIVISION MAP PEIRA PROPERTY, ROLLINS ROAD. A preliminary map of a proposed resubdivision of the Lands of Peira, bordering Rollins Road and North Carolan Avenue, was submitted by Mr. Richard Lavenstein of Lavenstein and Company Real Estate. The City Engineer stated that the owners wish to divide the property into two parcels, each approximately 30,000 square feet in area, that there are no problems with the utilities but that plans for developing the property should include sidewalk on the stretch of North Carolan Avenue presently unimproved. He explained that side- walk is in on Rollins Road and a small section of North Carolan. Mr. Lavenstein indicated that it would be preferable if sidewalk improvement were made a condition of the building permit rather than the map. The matter was scheduled for hearing at the meeting of Jure 22, 1970, the City Engineer requesting that his office be furnished a proper parcel map for verification prior to that date. 3.. METHODIST CHURCH NURSERY SCHOOL. An application for special permit filed by United Methodist Church, 1443 Howard Avenue, proposed a church -sponsored nursery school (non- profit) . A letter accompanying the application from Roy Damonte (Proposed) Nursery School Administrator, stated that the children will be of pre -kindergarten age, attend school two mornings weekly from 9:00 to 11:30, and that the amount of space limits, by state law, maximum enrollment per session to 24. The letter stated that there is a loading zone in front of the church on Howard Avenue and a small parking area on church -owned property on Primrose Road, which will be used by parents transporting the children to and from school; additionally, staff parking will be available on the latter property. The letter mentioned near -by city parking lots and metered parking on Howard Avenue should the need arise. Mrs. Beverly Jauchs, Mr. Damonte and several others interested in the project were present. Mrs. Jauchs reported that an existing classroom in the church building proper will be used for the purpose, that an inspection has been made by the city fire department, and that applications are in process with county and State agencies. A public hearing was scheduled the City Planner advising that the fire department. for the regular meeting on June 22, he will request a written report from -2- 4. CONVERT COVERED PATIO TO RUMPUS ROOM WITH FULL BATH. An application filed by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Flores, 1257 Drake Avenue, requested approval of a special use permit to convert a covered patio into a rumpus room with shower, water closet and vanity, shower to have double use for steam bath. Mr. Ray Galli, Galli Construction Company, San Carlos represented the applicants. Two copies of plans and specifications for the proposed work were filed. The City Planner explained that the code provider for such acces- sory structures on the same lot with a single-family dwelling upon approval of a special permit; the permitted use thereby becomes a matter of record and the city maintains a measure of control. Commissioner Cistulli stated that he would not object if the pro- posed addition were made to the principal building to provide extrabath facilities but, under the circumstances, a detached unit with complete plumbing would appear to be an ideal situation for conversion to a separate dwelling for rental purposes. In response to Commissioner Mink's query concerning a one -hour wall between the existing work shop and the proposed room, the City Planner explained that the requirement will not apply,*because of open space completely around the structure. In response to additional comments from Commissioners Cistulli and Mink concerning illegal conversions of accessory buildings for residential purposes, the City Planner agreed that such situations have been discovered by staff members on more than one occasion and the necessary measures taken to correct or eliminate. The question of lot coverage was raised, the City Planner reporting that there are no problems. The matter was scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of June 22. 5. ADDITIONAL MODEL HOME AT LINDAL HOMES DISPLAY, LANG ROAD. Mr. Charles Dixon, of Lindal Homes of California, Inc., was present to discuss a proposed expansion of the operation at 310 Lang Road to an adjoining property for the purpose of erecting a new display model. Mr. Dixon reported that arrangements have been made with the owner to use the adjoining lot and, in response to Commission inquiry, reported that there is more than ample parking space to the rear of the office. The City Planner stated that the company was granted a use permit to conduct a retail sales business at a particular location --the proposal to extend to a completely separate lot will require a new application. -3- Mr. Dixon agreed to proceed accordingly and the matter was scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of June 22. The Commission requested that a plot plan be filed at that time. Commissioner Mink complimented Mr. Dixon on the conduct of the Lindal operation, stating that to his knowledge there have been no unfavor- able comments. 6. FIREWORKS SALES ON R-3 PROPERTY. A letter dated June 8, 1970, from Mid Peninsula Yauth League, signed by Andrew Norton, Hillsborough, advised that arrangements have been made with the owner of unimproved property at the northwest corner of Peninsula Avenue and Dwight Road to set up a stand for fireworks sales between the dates of June 28 and July 5. The communication stated that the organization sponsors Pop Warner Football, co -sponsored in the Burlingame area by the Police Department, and that the sale of fireworks is part of its furld-raising program; the organization was unaware that the zoning of the property prohibits retail sales and has gone to the expense of having brochures printed in large quantity showing the address and soliciting buyers for the sale. The communication requested permission to use the! lot for the time specified. The City Planner pointed out that customary procedure, entailing an application for variance, public hearing and confirmation by Council, would not be completed until the second week of July, too late for the applicant's purpose. He recalled a'similar situation some years ago when an applicant for Xmas tree sales on the property directly opposite from the subject property was late in filing an application and the Commission sent the matter directly to the City Council with a request for approval. He suggested the same approach at this time. A poll conducted by the Chair indicated no objection to the procedure suggested by the Planner, nor to the temporary use of the property. Commissioners agreed with Mr. Norton's request that sales be permitted until 10:00 p.m., -- electrical installations to be approved by the building department -- and the property to be kept free of litter and cleaned promptly when the use ceases. The City Planner stated that the matter will be referred to Council for consideration at its meeting on June 15. 7. REQUEST TO CONSIDER RECLASSIFICATION OF R-1 PROPERTY, NEWLANDS AVENUE. Mr. William Jenkins, 2111 Roosevelt Avenue, was present for purposes of an informal discussion on the possibilities of reclassification of property on Newlands Avenue. Mr. Jenkins explained that several years ago the Commission approved a variance for apartment use of an R-1 property that he owns at 1511 Newlands Avenue; subsequently, the City Council requested that he withdraw until such time that a general plan for the city was formally adopted. -4- Mr. Jenkins stated that attempts to dispose of'the property during the intervening years have been unsuccessful, because of the single-family zoning classification. He referred to a number of properties on the street single-family in classification and multi --family in use, and requested that the Commission give consideration to a change in zoning. The City Planner pointed out that Mr. Jenkin's property lies within the boundaries of the area westerly of the highway that was suggested for study to possible reclassification to R-3A. He advised that his study of the Corbitt tract is nearing completion and that Burlingame Park can be scheduled next, if the Commission so desires. There appeared to be no objection, Commissioner Mink commenting that the primary consideration is betterment of the community. 8. REPORT ON PLANNING CONFERENCE. Commissioners heard reports from Commissioner Norberg and the City Planner on their recent attendance at a Conference for Planning Com- missioners, sponsored by the League of California Cities at Disneyland, June 3,4,5. 9. SUGGESTED NAMES FOR BAYSHORE BOULEVARD. The City Planner reported receipt of approximately 50 suggestions for renaming Bayshore Boulevard, submitted by children of Burlingame Intermediate Schools, in response to an invitation extended by the City Council. He stated that all of the material. relating to the subject will be consolidated and presented to the Commission at the study meeting in July. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 9:45 p.m. -5-