HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1970.07.13CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COM1MISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Cistulli Jacobs Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None July 13, 1970 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr An adjourned meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission from the regular meeting of June 22, 1970, was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Sine presiding. ROLL CALL A roll call recorded all members present. HEARING PARCEL MAP OF PEIRA PROPERTY ROLLINS ROAD AND NORTH CAROLAV AVENUE. Chairman Sine announced that the adjourned meeting ,aas scheduled for the purpose of continuing a public hearing on a proposal to resuhdivide land in the industrial area owned by Mary A. Peira. The City Planner, invited by the Chair to review the proceedings to date, recalled that the question of sidewalk construction at a portion of the North Carolan Avenue frontage was raised and that Mr. Lavenstein, the land owner's representative, verbally accepted a condition imposed by the Commission that the work be performed upon issuance of a building permit for the property; the matter was thereafter referred to the present meeting for :4r. Lavenstein to secure a firm commitment from his principals. The City Planner reported that he is in receipt of letters dated July 2, 1970, from :sir. Carl K. Sparks, San Francisco, purchaser of "Parcel S" of the map, and from Nary A. Peira, Burlingame, the seller, each agreeing to the installation of sidewalks over the full perimeter of their respective parcels at such time that buildings permits are issued for con- struction of improvements. The City Planner explained that the communications will become a part of the permanent file and that copies will be kept in his and building depart- ment files for reference when building plans are submitted for approval. The City Attorney, in response to Commissioner Taylor, indicated no objection to the form of agreement furnished by the applicants for the public improvements. A motion introduced by Commissioner Taylor and seconded by Commissioner Norberg,approving the Parcel Map prepared by Howard G. Hickey, Civil Engineer, San Carlos, dated June, 1970, resubdividinq_ the lands of Mary A. Peira at the westerly corner of Rollins Road and Carolan Avenue, subject to the qualifications noted in the letters on file dated July 2, 1970, from Mary A. Peira and Carl K. Sparks, seller and pur- chaser, respectively, was carried unanimously on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Cistulli, Norberg, Sine, Taylor NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN COMMISSIONERS: Jacobs (appointed to Commission after the meeting of June, 22 when the hearing commenced). Kindig, Mink (absent from meeting of June 22). ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for transaction, the meeting regularly adjourned at 8:10 p.m., followed immediately by the study session scheduled for this date. INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMISSIONER Chairman Sine introduced and welcomed Tor. Malcolm M. Jacobs, 2001 Easton Drive, newly appointed to the Planning Commission. FOR STUDY 1. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP - Resubdivision of industrial property, Adrian Road. A map prepared by Wilsey & Ham, San Mateo, proposed a resubdivision of Lots 1,2,3,4C, Block 6, Millsdale Industrial Park 43, and portion of 140 foot drainage and P.G. & E. Towerline R/W. Mr. Frank Finney of Wilsey & Ham and Mr. Max Gruenberg, real estate sales, represented the proponents. In reviewing the map, the City Planner pointed out that the property is vacant land on Adrian Road, adjacent to Burlingame/Millbrae boundary line, that the proposal is to divide into three parcels and to construct a new access road providing each parcel with complete street frontage. During a discussion of building set backs, the City Planner stated that 15 feet was established by map on Adrian Road and that, at his request, Mr. William Wright, the project engineer, has agreed to revise the current map to show 15 feet on Parcels B and C for the length of the cul-de-sac. In response to a request from the Commission for 15 feet on Parcel A in the area facing the end of the cul-de-sac, Mr. Gruenberg requested approval to 10 feet, explaining that a reserve strip 5 feet in width must be main- tained for an existing pole line. The City Engineer stated that the proposed access road-54 feet right-of- way, 40 feet curb to curb -is comparable in width to .streets in the indus- trial area and should be adequate to support the traffic. -2- Commissioner Norberg requested a correction in the map, changing align- ment of the property line of Parcels B and C to be parallel with the proposed curb. Mr. Gruenberg stated that the rear parcel will be developed first and that the tower line right-of-way will be filled and used for parking. The Commission was informed by staff that considerable public improve- ments.are involved, requiring the City Council's approval to the map and improvement agreement. The .matter was scheduled for formal consideration at the regular meeting on July 27, 1970. 2. SIGN VARIANCE - FIAT ROOSEVELT MOTORS, INC. A letter dated June 19, 1970, from Federal Sign and Signal Corporation, San Francisco, signed by Clyde Stone, requested approval to a variance from the sign ordinance to permit a double faced, :free-standing sign 48 feet 1 inch overall height, at Fiat Roosevelt Motors, Inc., 1565 Adrian Road. An elevation and plot plan were filed and a rendering of the proposed sign placed on display. Dimensions shown on the drawings: Existing sign: Height 53'7", Area 9'8" x 1412" Proposed to48'111, 8'8" x 3616" Mr. Stone explained that the proposed display will be several feet less in height than that existing but will be visible above the tree line along the freeway, because of the increased area of the sign face. He stated that the sign will be interior illuminated, non-moving, non -flashing, of blue background with white lettering. The City Planner stated that the legal maximum height for pole signs in the industrial area is 35 feet; of 10 signs existing on the street, all exceed the permitted height. The application was scheduled for hearing at the meeting of July727, 1970. 3. SIGN VARIANCE - COMMERCIAL BUILDING, BURLINGAME PLAZA. A letter dated July 9, 1970, from Karl G. Pedersen, owner of a com- mercial building at the northeasterly corner of Trousdale Drive and Magnolia Avenue, requested a variance from the sign ordinance to permit identification signs on the face of the marquee on the Trousdale and Magnolia frontages. The communication stated that 10 signs are proposed, five on each frontage, measuring 24 inches in height, with varying lengths up to 14 feet depending on the front footage of the individual shops. -3- The communication stated that the marquee projects eight feet from the building facia. Colored snapshots of the building, from El Camino Real, Trousdale Drive, and Magnolia Avenue, accompanied the communication. The City Planner advised that the code provides that signs on a marquee may not extend beyond a point four feet from the property line. He stated that on the subject property the marquee extends completely around the building, that the request for variance applies only to the portion beet tht:public street, the plaza side being excluded, because it is privately owned. Mr. Pedersen stated that 14 tenants in the building have agreed to the uniform display; Town and Country Realty sign, which was quite costly, and a wall sign at the Chinese restaurant on Trousdale Drive probably will remain. The application was scheduled for public hearing on July 27, 1970. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT - TRUCKING OPERATION ROLLINS ROAD. West Bay Express, 1368 Rollins Road, filed an application for special use permit to operate a trucking business from 1368 Rollins Road and to use vacant land adjacent to 1330 Rollins Road for additional truck parking. The zpplicant's communication dated July 10, 1970, signed by R.E.Moore, stated that the firm is engaged in transferring, holding and hauling of commercial freight, maintaining an average of 10 to 15 units of equip- ment, primarily small two -ton trucks and some semi., The communication stated further that business hours are from 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m., five days weekly, that, on an average, there are eight drivers employed, and that the location at 1368 Rollins Road has been leased for five years with an option to purchase. A plot plan was filed. The City Planner reported that the property was built for a trucking company that operated there for many years. He staged that the present tenant, West Bay Express, occupied the premises without a use permit and, additionally, stores(equipment on an unimproved portion of the old Coca-Cola plant at 1330�Rollins Road. Mr. Ray Moore, operator of West Bay Express, explained that the storage area is rented on a month to month basis and probably will be vacated within a year if business continues at the present level; however, should conditions improve, requiring that the full fleet of equipment be retained and used to capacity, the lot will be paved and generally improved. Mr. Moore stated that he has been in the trucking business in the City of Burlingame for approximately 12 years --three years in the present location --and that he is attempting to change his method of operation from large-scale trucking to the bob -tail class. -4- There were comments from members of the Commission concerning dust and dirt nuisances that will result if the parking area is permitted to be used in the present condition. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the rggular meeting of July 27, 1970. 5. SPECIAL PERMITS - RYAN & MAROCCO & COMPANY OFFICE BUILDINGS. Applications filed by Ryan.& Marocco & Company, 1799 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame, requested approval to two office buildings: A two-story building at the corner of Malcolm and Gilbreth Roads and a one-story on Malcolm Road, between Bayshore Highway and Gilbreth. Plot plans, elevations and floor plans were reviewed with Charles Boone, the applicant's representative. Chairman Sine announced that the applications would be heard at the rggular meeting of July 27, 1970. 6. VARIANCE - LINCOLN PROPERTY COMPANY PROPOSAL FOR ACREAGE, CAROLAN AVENUE, CADILLAC WAY AND BAYSHORE BOULEVARD. Mr. Denny McLarry, Partner, Lincoln Property Company, Menlo Park, and Mr. Dan Crosby, representing Frank L. Hone and Associates, Architects, San Francisco, were present to discuss development plans for the 12+ acre parcel owned by Burlingame Shore Land Company between Bayshore Boulevard, Carolan Avenue and Cadillac Way. An application for variance filed by Lincoln Property Company requested permission (1) To construct 48 separate buildings on a single parcel of land; (2) To provide separate parking (garage) facilities from the residential buildings; (3) To include a commercial use in the form of a restaurant and parking area. A communication dated July 9, 1970, signed by 114r. McLarry stated that approval of the variances will enable the property to be treated similarly to a planned community development with community recreation facilities and central open areas for the total complex, and eliminate vehicular traffic within the residential areas. Plans prepared by Frank L. Hope and Associates were submitted. The City Planner referred to prior applications for the property, wherein the zoning classification was changed from industrial to fourth -residential at the owner's request; presently, the land use is restricted to construc- tion of a shopping center and a single apartment building, in accordance with the terms of a recorded agreement between the property owner and the city (a prior agreement for construction of apartment buildings was rescinded). The City Planner stated that the proposal must be :submitted to the City Council for final resolution, because of the existing contract, following conclusion of hearings before the Commission. -5- The Commission was informed by Mr. McLarry that building heights will be restricted to two and three stories, that 800 of the residential units will be one bedroom or less, total number of units 504 and planned population 780. The City Engineer reported that adequacy of existing water and sewer installations will be verified and that copies of t:he plans will be furnished the fire department for study and comment:. The City Planner commented that the project will meet general plan specifications for medium high density - 21/50 dwelling units per acre. Mr. Crosby invited Commissioners to visit "Sharon Green." in Menlo Park, a similar project developed by Lincoln Property Company. The Chair requested that he be furnished specifications on general structural details for study prior to the public hearing. The City Planner reminded Mr. McLarry that the property was divided by map into three separate parcels and that a new map will be required changing parcel lines to coincide with the proposal. The application was scheduled for public hearing at. the regular meeting of July 27, 1970. 7. STREET NAME CHANGES - BAYSHORE BOULEVARD, BAYSHORE HIGHWAY/ AIRPORT BOULEVARD, ET AL. The City Planner reminded Commissioners that a public hearing has been scheduled for the meeting of July 27 on the question of a change in the name of Bayshore Boulevard; furthermore, the City Council will expect, coincident with a recommendation on re -naming Bayshore Boulevard, a recommendation on a new name for Bayshore Highway, Airport Boulevard, and the intervening roads. The City Planner read communications from Leslie O. Merrill, Executive Director, San Mateo County Historical Association, and from an employee of a firm in the industrial area suggesting substitute names. 8. LAND USE STUDY OF CORBITT TRACT. Copies of a report prepared by the City Planner, following a field survey of properties in the Corbitt Tract, were distributed. Maps made in connection with the study were reviewed, the City Planner suggesting that ownersin the area be _:.invited to a ;public meeting for purposes of discussion of a possible reclassification to low density multiple uses. The City Engineer, in response to Commission inquiry, confirmed that studies will be made of existing utility installations. As a point of information, the City Planner reported that he has heard -6- recently from an owner of property on Newlands Avenue who intends to file an application for variance for an apartment building, and from an owner of property on Arundel Road inquiring about reclassification in that area. The City Planner pointed out that both locations have been dis- cussed by the Commission as suitable for low -density apartment develop- ments and that, apparently, there are some owners who are interested. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett 'K. Kindig, Secretary -7-