HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.01.13CT TY OF BURLTNGkIF PLANNING A - "13 - ?_ c: "J COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None 0-711HPIP"s ?PKXESEII'i , .. 'I City 0J -: n r 1�%� City Arzne-e a City An adjourned regular meeting of the Burlingame FlanRing Commis-Q,20T* from the meeting of December 23, 1968was called to order o,,n ne date at 3:00 p.m.. Chairman Mink presiding. ROLL CALL A roll call recorded all members present,, 1. REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE COUNTY -WIDE PLANNING EJNID-U`RSE.D,, Chairman Mink announced that the adjourned meeting wss the purpose of sending a recommendation to the City Counclil to an application proposed to be made by Sari 'Matec Cougv,--) IZ12'-1_r_ou,,-,, Regional Planning Committee for a federal 701 p10111n,"I'la- The City Planner, in retponse to Chairman Mink, -A-eferrelel I-Io ancl from a copy of a letter dated December 26, 1968, from the City Manager wherein a report was made of the CommJ.:._tQ'io'-,.-0S decision to consider the matter at an adjourned Meeting :,.-,I "Ia-nr'.-"ary 1969� The City Planner reported that the City Council Jl-_-.�,d at thz' meeting of January 6 to withhold action pending a the Commission. Commissioner Kindig, delegate to the Regioral Planning explained that R.P.C. will require the assistance of ccn: a II s' I -I certain phases of the General P3&n Revision Program and', o q-11*121AI-V for federal funds to retain such consultants, there, of support for the program from escb city in the coui-ity, Following a period of discussion, a L-iotion intri)!'Juced Taylor recommending to the City Cclunclt. I the enactment ci legislation to assist the R,,P.C_ in its application fov funds for county -wide planning was seconded by Com miss i,:ncier carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for transaction zt this meeting regularly adjourned at 3:20 p.m., followed ii,�tuie; d5i. ate by, Study meeting,, Everett STUDY. MEETING Chairman Mink distributed Planning Commission badges to Commissioners Taylor and Sine, reminded members of the forthcoming Council -Commission dinner at Bob's on Broadway on Thursday, January 23, and announced that copies of the Municipal Code may be delivered to the Office of tle City Clerk for updating, le RESUBDIVISION ® GILBRETH AND STANTON ROADS, A map prepared by Redmond Walsh, Civil Engineer, proposed to delete the internal lot line of Lots 18 and 19, Block 4, East Miilsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 2, for the purpose of establishing a single par�.eio Mr. Victor Carboni, the oviner of the property, was present. The City Engineer explained that an existing building extends across the line dividing the two lots, that Mr. Carboni desires to make some improvements to the building by constructing an addition, and pro-, vided the asap at the request of staff to confine the building; and the parking to one parcel. The City Engineer and City Planner indicated that the matter was routine, involving no problems. A public hearing was scheduled for the rgular meeting of January 27. 20 RESUBDIVISION BAYSHORE HIGHWAY (Le.Baron Motel site o 1_ )3.41 A resubdivision map prepared by Howard G. Hickey, Civil Engineer, proposed to delete an existing lot line for the purpose of including Lot 3, Smallcomb Industrial Park, within the area of an adjacent parcel of acreage, being the Le Baron Hotel site. The City Planner stated that there is insufficient space on the property to accommodate all of the parking for the hotel and separate restaurant building and, originally, the owners intended to construct a double levei parking structure behind the hotel but this has become not feasible for a number of reasons. He stated that Le Baron organization, as an alternative method of resolving the problem,, purchased the adjacent lot, thereby providing for more than adequate parking and, additionally, a secondary egress from the parking areas,, Mr,, Jerry Lamb, Le Baron representative in this area, furnished copies of a parking layout for the Commission's information. The scatter was scheduled for public hearing at the regular meet :ir of January 27. 3, SPECIAL PERMIT o ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION, An application for special permit filed by Anza Pacific Corporation proposed a "wholesale auto service; agency and related repair and body shop facilities" on a parcel of acreage immediately adjacent rt t:le rear to the drive-in theatre site. Zone: M-1. -2- A site plan prepared by Robert M. Flunk, A.I.A., was filed. Mr. David H. Keyston, Vice -President, Anza Pacific Corporation, and Mr. Cyrus J. McMillan, Attorney for the applicant, were present The Commission was informed that the prospective operator of t'�Ie facility holds a franchise from Ckrysl.er Leasing Corporation for wholesale disposal of automobiles that are brought to the plant for servicing and repairs as necessary prior to sale. The City Planner reported that building plans furnished by the applicant shod a large square building with areas for indoor storage of automobiles, wholesale salesroom, auto body and repair shop, steam plant and car painting booth. He stated that wholesale s¢iles are permitted in the location but there is no mention of automobi e repair facilities in the M-1 code and, for that reason, the appli- cants were advised to follow the use permit procedure. In elaborating on the mechanics of the operation, Mr. Keyston explained that Avis Rent-A-Car, as an example, returns to Chrysler Leasing Cor- poration between 1000 to 2000 cars yearly and, at present, these are transported to San Francisco or San Leandro. He stated that the Avis people are most interested in the proppects for a local. facility. Mr. Keyston stated that the arrangement with Chrysler Leasing Cora poration provides for the cars to be transported to the plant, se — viced and repaired and gold in lots - Plymouths to Plymouth dealers, Dodges to Dodge dealers, and so forth. The City Engineer reported that there are no street improvements in the area where the building is proposed to be sited and that the city will expect such improvements to be completed,at least on the f"roiitage of the parcel to be developed and occupied. The City planner's suggestion that a parcel map be prepared so that the Commission may be informed as to the precise area involved was accepted by Mr. Keyston,who stated that a map and improvement plans for the street will be furnished the City Engineer prior to the Com- mission's regular meeting. The application for the use was thereafter referred to the meeting of .January 27 for public hearing. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT ® SAFEWAY STORES INCORPORATED. An application filed by Safeway Stores, Incorporated, Oakland, for a special use permit to construct an office building for division offices currently .located in San Francisco.on vacant lend in the industrial area at the southwesterly corner of Eayshore Highway and. Stanton Road, was presented by the City Planner. He advised that Mr. F.S. Collischonn Safeway Industrial Manager, had advised earlier in the day that his resi deuce is in Alameda and asked to be excused from this evening's meeting. The applicant's communication dated January 13,, 1969, was accompanied by a legal description and plat of the property and a plot plane -3- The letter advised that a request will be made of the City Cou-ji.ci i for abandonment of two public utility easements„ a wire clearaaacz easement, and a water lateral, in conjunction with the proposed ?.am The letter advised further that Pacific Gas and Electric Company and Pacific Telephone Company have agreed to relocate their The City Planner advised that an action on the wise of t.Ae p ol-.►e:rty will, of necessity, be conditioned upon the City Council.'s acceptanca of the abandonment of easements A public hearing on the application was scheduled for the regt1ilar meeting, January 27, 1969. S a PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO MUNICIPAL CODE. 1. Sign Ordinance. A series of suggested revisions to the sign code, furni!:?p cad V-1s mission at a prior Meeting by the City Planner„ was revicuede Chairman Mink and Commissioner Brauney proposed consider r ation to then restricting size and height of Wall Signs. 2. Subdivision of Less Than Fire Lots. Amendments to the'Tess than five lot subdivision?"ordinance appeared to be acceptable as proposed. The City Planner asked that any revisions which the Commi-ssio-n may desire to make be submitted for consideration at. the next: regLIA.ar meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully �;ubm? tted;, Everett K. Kin(I g Secretary -4-