HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.02.10CITY OF BURLINCAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Rrauner Cistulli Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None February 10, 1969 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marx The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00= p.m., Chairman Mint; presiding. MOLL CALL A roll call recorded all members present FOR STUDY 1, REQUEST TO INCREASE NUMBER OF GUESTS LAZAR HOME FOR THE ELDERLY, Airs,, Nancy Lazar submitted a Letter dated January 29, 1969, regaesting that the variance approved in February, 1966, for a home for thf3 elderly at 922 Capu:hino Avenue (Zone !z-2) be amended to allow `:.die number of guests to be increased from four to five. The communication stated thaw the dwelling at 922 CapuWhino Avenue has two double bedrooms and one private room for patients, ;a bedroom for an attendant, and two baths and that Mr. and Mrs , Lazar and their two children intend to move from the home to a recently acquired private residence immediately adjacent at 926 Capuchino Avenue, thereby pro- viding the faculties for an additional guest amid a fall -time adult supervisor. The City Planner reported that San Mateo County Health Department, which administers such matters, has indicated willingness to permit Mrs. Lazar five guests, assuming the City of Burlingame apl-)roves o The matter was scheduled for public hearing at ":he regular meeting,, February 24, 1969, notice to be Tailed to prope_sty owners as required by code. 2. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT ROOMING HOUSE O 238 MYRTLE ROAD. The City Planner referred to a roomink house than; has been in existence for a number of years at the corner of 144yrtle Road and Burlingame Avenue, explaining that the use was approved subject to a runber of conditions, none of which have changed, except that the use pernit, .wc,s granted to a PMUCUlar HOOK& WhO is no ACV901 YYU0*W with the operation. He stated that the change Q maLngwraw �xs diwncvered UK, a routine inspection by staff and that W. Fatriria belerchak, tmf, current manager, reported sho hud nov hann infocoed that the perni: was personal and non -transferable and requests that she bo nflunoLJ to replace the person named in the arigl?al pernip. The Commission was informed that tha proneny is zoned R-3, Mrs. Balenchuk, in response to Chairman Hink, stated that there is space on the property for parking at the present time as two of the,• - eight guests in residence do not own automobiles. Tn response to Com- mission inquiry, Mrs. Balenchak stated that the twe rooms avar the detached garage ere occupied. Following cQwments concerning code requivements for parking: the m,attor -�,eferred to the rogular mestiAg of February 24c 069. 3. PENCE VARIANCE 1428 CABRILLO AVENUE. A letter dated February 1, 1969, from W. and Mrs. Howare Ktrick, 1428 Cabrillo Avenue, requested a variance from the proulsiaps of the ordinance limiting the height of fences in the Tropt wstbrGk to five feet to permit replacement of an existing fence sit feet & Wight. The communication stated that the p'so paUy Welides two WIL, cne improved with the dwelling and the adjoining lot waiwained zs garden, and that a six foot lattice -work fence entwined with Kney- suckle vines, extending across the 100 feet of frontage on CGUIL,, Avenue.must be replaced due to recent storm damage. !he copourica- tion stated that the fence was in place when the property vps rur- chased 31 years ago. The applicant's communication cited justification Air the uWamce as follows: A fence of lesser height will depriva ths cu�,vy K' privacy to which they have become accustanad and mof wvcnv7wqe VMS - passing in the garden; the prnparty is in the riddle of a OWO block and the fence, apparahtly, has not created yzableys 5P the neighborhood as there have never been ccoplaints. Mrs. Patrick advised that basket -weave fencing is Wing coviidwre,�i as a replacement and pointed out that only in Katerink vrd roy.gn will the proposed fence differ from thot which Us nzinted. Mrs. Patrick agreed that there will be an area for glo,Hw U W froat of the now fence. Following the City Planner"s hKof refewaace to Ohn mcutor -1 prvca- dent, Chairman Miuk annoumced that tne 4uplicaUnp yvnAd A ho-O a". the regulaK mostlug of FebrHary U., 4. RUSUSUSISION MAP SAFEWAY STORES OFFICE BUILDING Slf_`4 A map prepared by Charles 0. Savis, Liconzad Land juy�syyy, O;Wnq 10 lets in Block S, East WOWS Tudonrial Falk, Unit No. 2. prcpesimg to delete interndl lot lines for the purousu of astablish- ing n single parcel at Daysue hore Highway and StSUVO7 ROW to ba improved for Safeway Stores, Inc., district office, was discuss,3d and referred to -the regular meeting, February 24s, 19169. In connection with the proposed construction, building plans and parking layout were reviewed. S. SIGN VARTANU WESTERN .ATR LINES. A letter dated February 3, 1969fl from Federal Sign and Signal Corpora- tion, San Francisco, signed by C.R. Allen. requested approval of A variance from the sign code to permit a pole sign to an overall height of 63 feet - where the code allows 20 eet - to be installed for the purposes of Western Airlines ticket office at 89S Stanton Road. The communication stated that identification at the proposed height is required to provide visibility over freeway landscaping. Sign detail and photographs were filed. The Commission was informed that Western Airlines intends to rent space in - the building occupied by Facit Odhner. o providing the location can be identified. A representative of Federal Sign and Signal Corpora- tion explained that the sign mast be of sufficient height not tointer- fere with an existing Facit Odhner sign and be visible to the freeway. Questioning the applicant's statement that freeway identification is essential, the pity Planner pointed out that the facility may provide a welcome service to businesses in the industrial area but that it would b�,-reasonable to expect that persons traveling the freeway would be more disposed to take the direct route into the airport, The sigh company representative stated that the sign will be illuminated a representative of the airlines advised that tnlle office will be ripen rive days a week, vine hours daily. The application was referred to the regular meet'-i.hg on February 24 for public hearing. 6. SPECIAL ,PERMIT SHAKEY"S. IN -- ,. OFFICE BUILDING. An application for special permit filed by Shakey 0 s, Inc. -proposed to abandon warehiouse use in an existing building at 88`� Mitten Ro6.d and add office space and parking. A preli i.nar plan prepared b , William A. ?Whifler, architect, showed existing office area, proposed office area and parking. Mr. Whifler and a representative of Shakey's, Inc. were present. The City Planner explained that office buildings require a use permit approved by the Planning Commission and that the applicants are pro- -3- posing to convert the first floor of the warehouse to parking and the second floor to offices. Mr. Whifler advised that there will be sao alterations to the building exterior. The Commission was informed that all of the office space will be used by Shakey's and that parking as shown meets code. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the regular meeting, February 24,: 1969. 7. GASOLINE SERVICE STATION IR, SHORE HIGHWAY. An applicationfor special parmit..submitted by Anna Pacific Corporation, et al, 1310 Bayshore Highway, -proposed gasoline service station use of a. portiop of ..acreage in the industrial area, identified as 1551 Bayshore Highway. A drawing indicating the site was filed. Mr,, George N. Keyston and Mr. Cyrus J. '1,1104illan, Attorney, were present in behalf of the applicants. Per. Keyston .described the location "Charlie Brovin Restaurant on two sides, City -and -County of San Francisco on the other." Mr. McMillan explained that Anna Pacific Corporation has been unable to negotiate with a specific tenant as Charlie Brown Restaurant retains architectural tonitrol of the -=site; however., upon approval of the use by the city, drawings will be prepared and forwarded to the restaurant people. During a period of discussion, the Commission was informed that the location is.approximately 540 feet dista;rt from the closest existing service station. In response to Chairman Mink°s comment that the Commission would prefer not taking final action until plans were available, Mr. McMillan stated that he would attempt to obtain an. indication From Charlie Brown Restaurant as to their ideas for the area and, Failing that, the appli- cants would be agreeable to approval in principle. The matter was referred to the meeting of February 24, 1969, for public hearing 8. FINAL MAP PORTION ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION l,VOS. A final subdivision map dividing acreage Lying between the drive-in theatre parcel and the water of the baY -5.nto th-s-ee parcels with frontage on Airport Boulevard was reviewed, the City Planner and City Engineer advising that the snap agrees with the previously approved tentative map, with the exception of Minor changes in engineering detail. Mr. Cyrus J. McMillan, attoTney for the subdivider, stated that improve- ment plans and agreeRent.s will be prepared for City Council approval. The map was scheduled for formal consideration at the February ?4 meeting. 9. VARIANCE AUTOMATIC CAR WASH IN Csl DISTRICT. An application for variance filed by B.R. Kidder and J.A. a auchman, San Francisco, proposed an automatic car wash facility at the sout#k- wes`erly corner of Murchison and California Drives m Zone C®10 The applicants' letter of justification dated February >, 1969, stated that the subject property is presently used as a self -park lot for .-automobiles, that it is directly behind one gasoline service station and on the opposite side of the street from another; the facility will be the first of its kind on the Peninsula. The com- munication described the cleaning operation in detail, stated that an attendant wi.l.i. be on duty, and that ingress and egress will be avail- able on both Murchison and California Drives A site plan and colored rendering were filed. In response to Commission inquiry, the applicant's representative advised that the service will be avai lab le sever; days a week during daytime only and that steam equipment will not be used. The City Engineer raised questions concerning : maximum waste grater entering the sewer, type of detergent, and greasy: traps, requesting that the information be furnished his office prior to the regular meeting. The application was scheduled for public hearing; on February 24. 10. SPECIAL PERMIT CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL. An application filed by Ib Barre, Architect, in behalf of Russello and Rosenberg Enterprises, Oakland, proposed construction of a con- valescent hospital at the northwesterly corner cof Tr ousda lea and California Drives. The City Planner advised that the use requires the Commission's approval of a special permit. Drawings filed by the applicant showed a three story building over a basement garage with spaces .for 80 autoasobiles. Mr. Barre advised that the.application requests approval of 318 beds but that the owners will accept a seduction to 00 if required. The City Planner stated that commercial properties are exempt from setback requirements; however, the applicants agreed to provide an area for landscaping on the two street frontages arad capen space between the building and two i Cerior lot lines Following a review of the plans, t43e application was scheduled for public hearing on February 24, 1969. ®Sm RECESS: Following a recess at 9:30 pgRo, Chairman Mink called the meeting to order at 9:35 P.m. 11. SENIOR CITIZENS RESIDENCE 500 ALIT£ R ROAD. An application filed by Conway and Company requested approval of height and parking variances to permit construction of a Senior Citizens' Residence - 13 story, 199 unit building with 48 parking spaces ® on property classified R-4a The applicant's communications stated that Conway and Company has entered into or agreement with Hillsdale Senior Citizen Service, Inc., a satellite corporation formed by the Hillsdale Methodist Church, whereby the property at 500 Amer Road will be purchased by the cor- poratiorl upon approval by the city of the requested variances. Mr. Cyrus J. McMillan, Attorney, Mr. .lohn Conway, property owner, and representatives of the Hillsdale Methodist Church were present. The City planner reported that on two prior occasions the city approved height variances on the subject property,the projects Failing to develop due to lack of financing. He stated that in the present proposal, the applicants, at his suggestion, were guided by the Variable Height District regulations i.n planning the building; how- ever, the rules have never been applied to any property and, for that reason, the proposed height will require a variance; the second variance relates to the number of parking spaces, considerably less than code requirements for units proposed. To support the request for parking variance, Mr. McMillan cited Park: Towers and Pilgrim Plaza in the City of Sass Mateo, quoted statistics gathered from similar residences in other areas, stating that experience proves that parking requirements for senior citizen: residences do not equate to parking requirements for the usual type of apartment building. Mr. McMillan recalled that the property has been the subject of prior applications for height variances, approved by the city. In response to a series of questions raised by Commissioners, the proponents stated that the building has been designed to accommodate a maximum of 225 residents, that service personnel probably will not exceed five; the City Engineer advised that problems are not antici- pated from the standpoint of water service but that sewer installations will be investigated, Mr. McMillan stated that if the project is approved the proponents intend to .submit a proposal to the City Council whereby the city will receive compensation for municipal services in lieu of property taxes A public hearing was scheduled for the regular meeting, February 24. 12. SPECIAL PERMIT OFFICE BUILDING, S14ALL RESTAURANT., COCKTA3`L LOUNGE, BAI SHORE HIGHNAI An application for special use permit submitted by Associated Innkeepers, Inc., Honolulu, proposed to use a portion of acreage in the industrial area, identified as 1S54 Bayshore Highway, for office building purposes, a small restaurant and cocktail lounge® A letter dated February 10, 1969, from Howard Sheehan, Real Estate Investments, San Francisco, on behalf of the applicant, stated that an existing concrete warehouse will be retained and remodeled for offices and that the restaurant will be aspen to the public but serve, primarily, as a model unit to"'showcase the style and method of operation to fran- chisees°" Mr. Sheehan reviewed the plot plan, advising that there is an area of approximately 4-1/2 acres with ample space for parking and landscaping. At the City Plannerb request, Mr. Sheehan agreed to furnish a parking plane The application was scheduled for public hearin g February 24, 1969. REPORTS Commissioners were furnished copies of "PLANNING COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT, 1968" and "SAN FRANCISCO BAY PLPAI -SAN FRANCsISCO BAY CON- SERVATION ARID DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, January,, 11969. t8 SPECIAL STUDY MEETING SCHEDULED. Wednesday, March 12, 19690 8:00 p.m., was selected as the time for a special study meeting on the Preliminary General Piano CODE AMENDMENTS The City Planner reported that an ordinance amending cone provisions for less than five -lot subdivisions was introduced at the City Council meeting of February 3, and that proposed amendments to the sign code will be submitted to Council soon. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, F-verct= K. K6indig, Secretary 0 -7-