HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.03.10CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING, COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Ci.stulli Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Brauner March IDa 1959 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Ka;rme l City Manner Mann :City Engineer Maur The monthly, study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8.* 00 p.m., Chairman Mink pr e- sidi.ngo ROLL CALL The above -named members answered a roll call.. Ca riim:iVsi.onar Br&.iner, absent due to a death in the family, was excused. A period of silence was observed in memory of the gate Werner ii., Diederichser, respected and dedicated member of the Burlingame City. Council. APPLICATTORS to PROPOSED RESUBDIVISION,, t-OLLINS ROAD, A reap prepared by Randlett, Clegg and Foulk, Civil Engiaeers .and Land Surveyors, Redwood City, was filed with the City, Engineer proposing to divide Lot 25 and portion of Lot 24, Block 10, Mil.l.sdale Industrial. Park No. 5 into three parcels with frontage on Rollins Road The City Planner stated that the purpose of the map is to ;provide separate bey=:laying sites for three different ration o ganizations intereF;tec in relocating offices, meeting balls and related! facilities from other areas, and the .land has been divided and will be itiproved actor Ping; to the individual union's requirements. The City Planner referred to a driveway easement 20 feet in width for access from Rollins Read to the parcel at the ream starting it -aas 'his understanding that the driveway is to be shared by all three parcels and will be widened to 36 feet when the property is improved. Mr. Randlett, Cavil Engineer representing the owners o the property, was informed by the City Engineer that aparcel map will be in .lieu of the resubdivi.sion map si.ni_e 1-he proposal is to ,sstablisb property lines where none existed Previously. The maw was scheduled for public he&"_ ing at the regular meeting,. March 24,, 1969. SPECIAL PERMITS: OFF'ICP BUILDYNGS P'-OR aiNION ORGANIZATIONS' 1, Local Lodge 1781 IAMI AW Building Corporation Interne- ti ena.l Association Machinists & Ae o Suace Workers). An application for special use permit for union 4)ffi.ces and union mall on Rollins Road in Millsdale Industrial mark was filed by focal Lodge 1781 IAMAW 8,ui 1 ding Corporation, 960 San Mateo Avenue,, San Bruno. A communication dated March 7. 1969, from M. Suzanne Hines, Fox and. Caarskadon, 'Tnc., Realtors, in behalf of the applicant, stated that a tiro -story building is proposedi, that the ground :E' loor area will approximate 1.4,500 square feet - 4v000 square feoit for auditorium, 3000 for finished offices and the remainder for anascellanevils serviee and storage areas; the letter stated that the second floor will not be complete; immediately but reserved for future expansion of office space. Mr. Clarence Co MacDonald represented the applicant, advising that present quar.2ers in San Bruno must be vacated because of new freeva;r construction and that, contingent upon ratificati:'on of the membexr:z�s.ps the union intends to purchase alkad improve the area. designated "Parcel C" of the preceding resubdivis ion map. The City Planner suggested, since there are nei•16-her building nor parking designs available, that the use may be considered in principle, final action being withheld until there are plans for review. Following a .report from Mr. MacDonald than: sa of architects has been retained and material may be available shortly, Chairman Mink announced a. ptiblic hearing for the regular meeting, March 24,, 1969, 20 Transpor 'porkers Union m Local 505, An application for special use permit submitted by Transport Workers Union -Local 505, 958 Scan Mateo Avenue, San Bruno, proposed union offices and meeting hall on Rcollins Road in Mi.11sdtale Industrial Park, A letter dated March 7, 1969, from H. Suzanne Hines, sales representa- tive, Fox and Carskadon, Real -tors, in behalf of the applicant, stated that the area of office use will not exceed 2500 square feet --the remainder of the building to be used as the union hall --meetings are held periodically throughout the mouth and attendance per meeting averages 50e Mr, 9. M:acchi.averna represented the applicant, advising that Parcel A, the smallest of the three parcels in 1-he proposed resubdivision, has been selected as the site of the new f>uild_;ang,, that Mr. Douglas Pringle is the general contractor and that building plans are s Abject L o executA beard approval prior to start of construction., Mr. Macchiav+erna stated that plans are not available as yet. Following comments from Commissioners that without drawings of some f0VP it was difficult to deter vne that the proposed site could be adequate for the use, Mr. H c hiaverna was requested to attempt to secure at least a plot plan and parking diagram for the wiesting of March 240 A public hearing as sclhiiduled for that date. 2 1.f3o 3. Joint Apprenticeship Committer Plumbing and Pi e pitting Industry of Saj9� Mateo County, An application for special use permit filed by the above organization proposed construction of a building for purpose: of union offices, meeting hill, apprentice school. can Rollins Road in Mill.sdale Industrial Park. A letter from the applicant, dated February 28, 1969 and signed by Noel. K. Berry, Coordinator, stated that the proposed site (Marcel B of the resubdivision map) includes 44,501 square feet, that the structure will approximate 22,O00 to 24,000 square feet with parking for 100 automobiles; parking requirements during normal working hours to be limited to office personnel, during school hours - 7:00 to 11:00 p.m., or a union meeting, there may be 7s0 to 80 automobiles. A lettet dated March 7, 1969, from M. Suzanne Hines, Fox and Carskadon, Realtors, in behalf of the applicant, stated that o in addition to office space, there is proposed an apprentice school, consisting of probably 10 classrooms and two shop areas,, in session four nights a week Monday through Thursday. Mr-. John Lauder represented the applicant. advising that the buit"Iding will be two floors but that plans are not available and that acquisition of the property depends upon the city°s reaction to the proposed mentso Mr. Lauder stated that representatives of the three organizatiorts con- ferred on building and parking requirements and agreed that the land division as shown on the •resubdivision map will be suitable. He :,fated that the union which he represents is sa.ti.sf4ed thtt its needs will be met for years to come. Mr. Lauder mentioned that the parking areas will be used jointly and that only on rare occasions would all of the unions meet at one time, The City Planner stated that each building must. 'be self-supporting as to parking As a method of procedure, Chairman sink suggested that signatures be with- held from the asap and final action deferred on the use permits to such time that appropriate drawings, including parking and landscaping, detail, are .available. A public hearing on the application was scheduled for the regular meeting, March 24, 1969. ZA PACIFIC CORPORATION RE: TEiiriORA:RY OUTDOOR AUTOMOBILE STORAGE. A letter dated February 28, 1969, from ".n ra Pacific orl o:ration; signed by David H. Keyston, Executive Vice President, requester? permission for "temporary parking of automobiles on a portion of our property." The communication referred to a special use permit recently approved by the Planning Commission for an auto service facility behind the drive- in theatre, stated that ?mj:rGyauent of the area Bias not been possible -3- due to weather and, consequently, t:hc: tenant faces _c serious storage problem and has requested a temporary area. Fact provided until the per- manent site can be used. A drawing accompanying the application outlined the precise area -a west of the drive-in theatre :site, bordered to the south by the lago+_-►n and east: by the bay front channel Mr. Keyston indicated that the :location probably would be needed for a period of three weeks. In response to Chairman Mink *s query concerning police and fire pro- tection, since the area is open and visible stun: the freeway, M.-. . Keyston stated that a fence will be installed at the noY,,th and west m the remaining sides being surrounded by water W and that there is private patrol service in addition to city police pairo1. The matter was .scheduled for hearing at the regular nea ing, March 24. ANZA AIRPORT PARK TENTATIVE MAP. A preliminary tentative map,"'Anzaa .airport Park„ Unit No� &," inzlucJng all of the .k and remaining after the subdivisions of Un _is Nos, 4 aar.d 5, between the lagoon and the bay, prepared by H.G,: Hickey, Civil. Engineer, for Anza Pacific Corporation was reviewed. Daring the discussion reference was nade to the large number of lots with 64 feet of frontage and the suggestion offered that this had not worked out too well in East i illsdale and that & better, method would be to divide into 100 foot lots., Mr. Keyston explained that some of the area remains in single large parcels in order to create a subdivision that can be taken to the real. estate commissioner as a unit. It was called to his attention that should the large parcels be further; subdivided `.ntc five or more lots they would become subdivisions and require refs,linU with the real estate commissioner. Mr. Keyston was informed that the strip 25 feet: in width bordering the lagoon that has been leased to the city should be divided from the remainder of the property. The Commission requested that a similar strip sae., provided on the bay side. Mr. Keyston agreed this could be arrangovl but: that he preferred it be an easement for public access, The City Engineer suggested that an t asewent be provided contiguous to the bay front channel for the purpose of channel cleaning and maintenance The map was referred to the meeting of March 24 for fo -.ma.l consideration. COW.IUNICATIONS- letters received by the City € fanner from Mrs. Gladys Lundquist con- cerning unimproved property ­,ahlc:h she owns, on j-o:,iguna Avenue and from ` Mr. David Wells concerning multi—f-amily use of `our adjoining single- -4- family lots which he owns on Arundel Road and 13-loomf eld Read (two lots on each street) were discussed and referred to the City Plariner for reply. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjOUTned at 0:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary s��