HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.03.24Cl aY OF BUIRLiNC AMA PLANNING COMMISSIOM COMMISSIONERS PRESENT 8rauner Cistulli Kindig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER March 24, 1969 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PTRESENT None City Attorney Karmal City Planner Mania City Engineer Harr Mayor Johnson A regular monthly meeting of the Burlingame Planning; Cemmi,ssimn was caned to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman fink press di.ny ACKNOWLEDGMENT Chairman Mink acknowledged the presence of Mayor Jcbvsou. ROLL CALL A roll call recorded all members present. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of February 24, 1.969, previously s .'b- witted to members, were approved and adopted following a correction paragraph b, page 5 toclarifythat fences in excess of 6 feet in height were observed "'within an area of approximately -1/2 blocks." The minutes of the study meeting of March 10, 1969v were approvedas sub- mitted. MAPS 1. RESUBDIVISION ® Lots 18 and 19, Block 4, East Hillsdale Industrial Parks No. 2. Gilbre:h and y.antoa Roads. A resubdivision snap of the above described property, prepa i ed by Re,hyi and Walsh, Civil Engineer, was referred from the meeting, of February 24, i969" to the present time at the request of Mr,. Victor C q.boni, owner of vhe property. It was determined that Pox. Carboyi was not present.. In response to Chairman Plink, the City Planner stated that the owner haay have decided against resubdivi i g at this time as there has been n,) further communication from ham since a telephone co,3veysat:Lon prior to the last meeting wherein it was indicated that current proposa.is for the property were tentative and subject to change. chaiB:'iik°xn ,iir'ak r'hex,e sft"er annt—' b_11--ed, wi _ii u <c �<>:s$_u9B ''BYS .YiC't,'.'}'rli. a� Y of the subject 14atter froim the agenda.. 2. PARCEL MAP - Lot 25 and -,)onion Lot 2-9, 3lock 10v Millsdale Industrial Parkes unit 1INob 5. Rollins Rowdy A parcel map prepared by Randlett, Clegg and Poulk,, Redw;:)od City, proposing a resubdivision of the above -described property by r:5taf,1ishing interi.o:� boundary .lines for the purpose of dividing the propertyintothree l arc-eis with frontage on Rollins Road, was reviewed at the sud,4 meeting and scheduled for formal consideration at this time. Chairman Mini: itv,.iited ,staff to comment. The City Planner explained that the reap relates to three. applicoticts 11,3r special use permits for office buildings to be considered by the later in the meeting and that the lance is being divided to accommaod;_te ,,Tie specific uses. Ho noted that the resubdivision will create two parcels ti:)n Rollins Road and 6 third, having frontage on Rollins Road over a. Panhi-andle 20 feet in width; that the prespective owners intes,3d to establish easements 8 feet ride on either side of the panhandle to provide an overall width of 5'6 .feet of iri.veway. He ste-ted that the buildings will be simiLlar iv use, that each parcel will furnish the required parking; however, the principal: con- template joint use of parking areas and the wider driveway Ni ll facilitate common access and parking, The City Engineer reported that the parcel map, submitted in lieu of the resubdivision map reviewed at the study meeting, is in order with, the exception that provision has not been made for signatures; he state& that the project engineer reports the owners prefer to sign at a futuretime. The City Engineer advised that the Commission may proceed tc consider the map, withholding signatures pending submittal of tr':Acingr.s. Commissioner Brauner inquired if it has been established that the ovner5 agree to the resu division. Mr. Charles E. Ra.ndl.ett, Civil. Engineer, stated that he was retai.nec by the owners to prepare the map and that they prefer to delay rec-ordi.r g until details of the uses are finalized. Mr. Robert Dean -Turner, Fox and Carskadon, Inc., Realtors, stated that Mr. William Taylor, the owner, was expected momentarily. Chairman Mink announced that further consideration of the map would be delayed temporarily to accommodate the members of the Commission de! sous of speaking with the property owner. 3,, TENTATIVE MAP - Anza Airpert Park,v it Eoo 6. A tentative subdivision map of the lands of Anna Paci-fic Corpioraptiou entitled "Anza Airport Park, Unit No. 6,11 prepare:: by H C. Hickey, (�. 3i I Engineer, was revi eyed at- the study meeting and scheduled for s'�sx.',ia.. Con- sideration at this time. In response to Chairman Mink, the City Planner reported that. the reap pro- poses to include all of the ba.lan.ce of the lands of Anza Pacific Cn:.-po a- tion between the lagoon and the hay remaining after the previou;1y approved -2- subdivisions, Units Nos, 4 and SG The City Planner 3 t ated that the map AF been revised to incorporatesuggestions madeat the study meeting, as follows; most of the lot frontages have been increased Ass 60 to 100 feet, the strip 25 feet in width along the lagoon, leased to the city, has been separated from the lots abutting; the map now includes a non-exclusive access easement 20 feet in width i along the shorelines. The City Planner reported that the fire chief has requested that the proposed street name "Anza Boulevard" be changed because: of possible confusion with Ansel Road. The City Engine6r advised that there will be a. number of additions ai d revisions in 05 improvement plans, ;gone affecting the present cap Commissioner Taylor referred to the discussion at he study meeting idn— : erning an access strip cn the north side of the p operty, stating that he recalled 25 feet as the suggested width. Mr. David Keyst h indicated no objection to correcting this map accordingly. Commissioner Kindig tefexTed to abutting lots to the access strip on the water side, suggesting ng that the map be revised to show IS feet of setback in that area. Commissioner Kind g commented on the possibility of future resubdivisi;ons of the single laatge parcels, requesting consideration to an additional access at a point approximating the middle of what is now "Anza Boulevard,to to connect with the shoreline access easement. A motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig recommending the tentativ; snap of Anza Airport: Park, Unit No. 60 to the City Council was c:onditiored as follows: the nonce°oxclusi.ve access easement on the north side of the property to be inkreased in width from 20 to 25 feet; a rear setback of IS feet along the bay side to be established by map, consideration to be given in the future to an additional access from an improved street to reach the 25 foot shoreline access The motion was seconded by Commissioner Taylor and carried unanimously on roll call. HEARINGS 1. SPECIAL PERMIT -APPROVED OFFICE BUILDING g ROLLINS ROAD . MAW; Chairman Mink announced a public hearing on the application of Local Lodge 1781. IAMNN Building Corporation (International Association Machi.ni.sti and Aercz Space Workers), San Brunk, for special use permit for union offices and union hall on porti.ow of LoQ 24 and 25.g, Block10, Mi.l:3sdale Industrial Park, Unit No, Y Zone. M-1 (Light Industrial). A communication dated March %, 1969, from H. Suzanne Fines, Fox and Carskadon, Inc., Realtors, an behalf of the applicant, was read ad"ising that the proposes building will comprise office space, auditorium, mis- cellaneous storage and service areas. The communication stated further -3- that evening meetings are hold weekly - the attendauce averuging yy 0 Tentative drawings prepared by Mattson and Mat.tso.nv Designers, inxcInded plot plan, parti& larking Plan, front elevations and floor plans. Mr. Clarence G. MacDonald represented the applicant At the request of Chairman Mink, the City Planner initiated the discussion, noting that the drawings indicate a two-story building in one area, the remainder, one-story; the main :door comprising offices, auditorium,; and miscellaneous service areas; the second floor, when finished, will provide additional offices and service areas. Commenting on the parking, the City Planner stated that the layout is incomplete but that 130 spaces are proposed.,:, He pointed out that thn plot plan includes the driveway easement. 20 feet in width, for access to the rear parcel, and two B foot wide easements for driveway widening, Mr. MacDonald, in response to Commissioner Kindi.g, confirmed that toe. driveway will be .widened to the full 36 feet. He referred to an additional driveway on the southeast sage of the building for egress From the rear parking. In further cemme t, and in reply to Commission inquiry, Mr„ MacDonald stated that the plan for W711tback is tentative, that BO feet of set- back was considered to give the building on the rear parcel maxiuum street exposure; howevor, this may be reduced to 50 feet with one row of parking. Mr. MacDonald steed that, it any event, there will be maximum landscaping aping to complement the building. There were no co oents from the audience in response to the Chair The hearing was declared concluded. A motion introduced by- Commissicner Ci.stull.i to approve the special use permit application of Local Lodge I281 1AMAW Building Curporationn for union offices and union hall use of Parcel "C" of the parcel map of Lot 2.5 and portion Lent 240 Block 10, Mi.11sd:ale Industrial Park, Unit No. S. _propaared by Pand.lett, Clegg and Foulk, dated March, 1969, contingent upon acceptance of said parcel map and submittal of final plans for Commission review, was seconded by Commissioner Sing: and tmarnimously carried on roll. call. 2. SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPROVED OFFICE BUILDING, ROLLINS ROAD, LTRRNSPQR ' Chairman Mink announced a public hearing on the application for special use permit submitted by Transport Workers Anion, Local 505, San Bruno, for union offices and meeting hail use of portion of Lots 24 and 2S, Block 10, Mill.sdale industrial. Park, Unit No. S. Zone: M-1. (Light industrial). A communication dated March 7, 1969, from M. Suzanne Hines, Fox and Carskadon, Inc., Realtors., on behalf of the applicant, stated that the pro- posed building will combine office and meeting hall uses and that attendance at evening meetings helot throughout a month averages 50. A site plan prepared by Mogens Mogense n, A.I.A. , Architect, was filed. Mr. Barney Spera represented the applicant. -4- Relative to the drawing, Mr. speTa .reported that total thug lding area is pro- jected at 5000 square feet Q, first and :second floor offices 3000 sgivare feet and meeting hall 2000 square feet. Mr. Spara stated that ample area will be provided for landscaping. The City planner noted a} total of 35 parking spaces are shown, that setbacks are correct and that the drawing includes the strip B feet in width for driveway widening, There were no comments from the audience in response to the Chair, The hearing was declared concluded. A notion introduced by Commissioner Taylor approving the, application of Transport: Workers Union m Focal 505 - for mien offices and meeting hall use of parcel "A" of the parcel vaap of Lot 25 and pcartion Lot 24, Black 10, Millsdale Industrial park, Unit No. 5, prepared by Randl.ett, Clegg and Foulk, dated March, 1969 contingent upon acceptance of said parcel asap and submittal of final plans for Commission review,was seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and carried unanimously on roll call. 3. SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPROVED OFFICE 3UILOING, t2OLLIUS ROAD. �APPRE�eTICE I#I ' COMMITTEE PLUMBING-& PIPE FITTING INDUSTRY Chairman Mink announced a public nearing on the application of Joint Apprenticeship Committee Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Ineaustry of San Mateo County for special use permit for union offices, meeting hall, apprentice school uses of a orti.on of Lot 24 and Lot 25, Block 10, Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. S. Zone: M-1 (Light Industrial) The applicant's communication dated February 28, 1959, signed by Noel K. Berry, Coordinator, and a. commun" cation dated March a, 1969, from M. Suzanne Hines, Fox and Carskadon, Inc., Realtors, on behalf of the applicant, concerned building size and parking facilities, advised that the apprentice school will hold classes four nights meekly from seven to eleven o'clock, and occasionally on Saturday, with an approximate enroll- ment of 80 students. Mr. Jahn Lauder represented the applicants, advising that drawings are not yet available and requested consideration to the proposed use on the condition that drawings shall be submitted for approval. Mr. Lauder stated that a two-story building with floor area approximating 30,000 square feet is being considered, that tentative parking require- ments were computed at 80 spaces but that actival spaces will total 110. There were no comments from the audience in response to Chairna.n Mink. The hearing was declared concludedo A motion was introduced by Commissioner Brauner to grant a special use per- mit to Joint Aprg�entice3hip Committee, Plumbing and Pi.peFi.tting Industry of San Mateo County, for union offices, meeting hall,, apprentice school uses of Parcel "B" of the parcel map of portion of Lot 24 and Lest 2S, Block 10, Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. S. prepared by Raandlc tt, Clegg and Foulk, dated March, 1969, conditioned upon submission of plans for revieW and acceptance of they parcel. map. -5- Mati.on :seconded. by -ommissio er xi.nd g and carried sn 11J110as1y on roll call. PARCEL MAP - ROLLINS ROAD. Mr© William G. Taylor, owner of the property which was the subject of the proceeding heaariags, appeared and confi;rved, in response; to Chairmaza Mink, that the parcel maps was prepared and f . ed at his request. The ensuing discussion established wxraAt a width; of 20 feet is ample for the driveway to provide competent: access to the parcel at the rean that the internal 8 foot easements for driveway widening are the property owners' concern but that building permits will not issue until the city is furnished evidence of recordation of ,such easements; y that the fire department will be furnished plans for the building on the rear parcel for its recommendations as to fire safety installations. Where were no comments from the floor in response to Cha.irwan Rink. A motion introduced by Commissioner Cistulii, seconded by Commissioner Taylor and unanimously carried, approved tha parcel map of Lot 25 and portion Lot 24, Block 10, Mil.lsdale Indus -trial. Park., Unit No. S. prepared by Randiett, Clegg and Foulk, or. file wi-11-h -aac; City Engainee~r. Chairman Mink c_omirtanded the cooperative efforts of Che Applicants abide.. others interested in they projects in planning imr�rovemet is of mutual service and benefi t � COMMUNICATION 1. ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION TEMPORARY OUTDOOR STORAGE OF AUTOMOBILES. A letter dated February 28, 1969, from A.nza Pacific Corporation, Burlingame, signed by David H. Keyston, ExeculLi e Vice President,, requested permission to store automob-i-"es on a tem-pora-z—y basis in an unimproved area adjacent to the driver -in theatre site and bordered by the drainage channel and lagoon, pending paving and fencing of the permanent area recently approved by the Planning Commission for an automobile service facility, During a pari.od of general discussion, Commissioners ,eferrad to the fact that the automobiles have been moved in and that the- area is currently being used. for the purpose,, Following Mr. Keyston's statement that the automobiles will be removed within two weeks, weather permitting, the matt e;T was referred to the regular meeting of April 28, 1969 ACKNOWLEa G ENTS 1. WEST BAY RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY Chairman Mi.r�k announced receipt of notice of public hearings on the proposed master transit plan for San Mateo Couarty to be held, March2 ;, 26 and 27., in the cities of Daly City, San Mateo as -id Redwood City, respectively, 2® PENINSUL4. BUILDING ASSOCIATION. Chairman Mink acknowledged an invitation extended by the Peninsula Building Association to attend "Planning Commissioners' ",light" to be held at the Elks Club, San Mateo, Thursday evening, March 27, 1.9,69, announced that: lie would be unable to attend and that Nacre -Chairman Taylor has indicated interest. NEW BUSINESS 1. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED PRELIMINARY GENERAL PLAN. On a motion introduced by Commissioner Ci.stulli, seconded by Commissioner Norberg and unanimously carried, Monday, April 28, 1969, was the date selected to initiate public hearings before the Planning Commission on the Preliminary General Plan for Burlingame prepared by William Span& and Associates. .. 2, WATERFRONT COMM":.RCIAL DISTRICT, Material prepared b• the City Planner classification "Waterfront. Coa--miercial meeting of April 14 for discussion. 1'y4,#RYOR JOHNSON COMMENTS proposing regulations for a new zoning District" was referred to the study Mayor Johnson graciously acknowledged the time and energy devoted by the members of the Planning Commission to serving the city, expressing personal appreciation as Mayor and in behalf of the City Council. CITY PLANNER REPORTS 1s The Commission was informed that Western Asir Lines, Inc., which with- drew its original request for hearing before the City Council on a sign variance denied by the Commission, has submitted a -requast to Council to reinstate the appeal 20 Proposed amendments to the Sign Ordinance may be completed and in form for presentation •te the City Council at its next meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 9.55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig, Secretary o,�