HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.04.14CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING (:OMISSION April 14, 1969 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Brauner Mink City Attorney Kar3taol Cistulli City Manner Mann Kindig City Engineer Marr Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER The monthly.s hady meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was celled to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Vice -Chairman Taylor presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members answered a. roll call. Chairman Mink, away from the city on business , was excused. 1. FLANS FOR AUTOMATIC CAR .MASH APPROVED. Commissioners reviewed and accepted plans for a proposed automatic car wash facility at the southwesterly corner of Murchison and California Drives, the use having been approved in principle at the meeting of February 24,1969. 2. RESUBDIVISION EPISCOPAL CHURCH PROPERTY MARIPOSA DRIVE AND MONTECITO WAY. A tentative parcel map prepared by Wilsey and Ham for The Protestant Epis- copal Bishop of California, a Corporation Sole, proposed a resubdivision of Lot 28, Block 38, Mills Estate No. 13 for the purpose of dividing the property to create two lots •- Lot 29, site of the existing church building vrith an area of 1.621 acres more or less, and Lot 30, site of an existing one-story dwelling and an area of 881S square feet, Mr. Herbert Hall of Wilsey and Ham explained that the dwelling 'has been and will continue to be used as a parsonage but is being separated from the church site for reasons of financing and at the request of the lend -ling agency. The City Engineer mentioned that separate water service and sewev lat z�r al will be required for each lot. The matter was scheduled for public hearing at the regular meeting on April 28, 1969. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL, TROUSDALE AND CALIFORNIA DRIVES. An application for special use permit filed by Russello and Rosenberg Enterprises, Oakland, proposed construction and use of a 296 died Convales- cent Hospital on unimproved property at the northwesterly corner of Trous- dale and California Drives, portion of Lot S. Block 1, Mills Estate Sub- division, No. 1. Zone: C-1 (Commercial -retail trade) i r .fir .n�'y;.r � "ep eel by i ii.�.l:; 3 ." :.:�' s a :a a-0i t. '' t d,,s�- w,��+ let- Y:. s .'s ay-,, a war -a fi led. .:$'V4 i fl 4 The ,Cit_y Planner explained that a priori proposal submitted by the applicants and approved by the Commission (February, 1969) for the same property and the same type of use proved economically unfeasible and the original drawings were abandoned° lie stated that the appAicants were advised to resubmit to the Commission inasmuch as the revised proposal differs signifi- cantly from that approved. Mr. Mullen reviewed the drawings at length, pointing out that the building has been reduced in height to two floors with space for 296 beds. that 63 parking spaces 10 feet by 20 feet are proposed, as against 80 spaces 9 feet by 20 feet on the first drawing, and that it is felt where larger spaces provide better maneuverability visitors will drive in oaf the street. With reference to parking, the City Planner stated that statistics as to ratio of car spaces to beds, gathered from a number of sources, vary con- siderably depending upon individual circumstances and conditions, but that an attempt would be made to have material available at the regular meeting. The matter was scheduled for public hearing on Monday, April 28, 1969. 4, SPECIAL PERMIT . CAR RENTAL AGENCY � BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. VMD Corporation, dba Dollar -A -Day Rent-A-Car,, submitted an app$icatfion for special use permit for construction of a building for daily car rental operation, gas -tank (submerged) , washing and car parking facility on unimproved land on Bayshore Highway between Mitten and Malcolm Roads, directly north of Sky Chefs, Inc., plan.!, Mr, William Hotmann advised that the parent corporation is located :an Los Angeles with franchise operations it approximately 100 locations .in 18 states Mr, Hotmann furnished the City Engineer a drainage and grading plan and, in reviewing preliminary plans for the building and sign., stated that a standard design is used in all locations. He advised that the proposed construction will entail approval of a resubdivision map combining three lots into a single parcel© Mr. Hotmann advised that the actual site is approximately 30% larger than required and that it is proposed to locate the building 30 feet back from the curb, provide a circular driveway and landscaping at the front and brick planters !along the sides of the building; cars prepared for rental will be stored on either side of the building in units of five and 10 with landscaping between; a service area at the rear of the property will be enclosed with fencing and landscaping for gassing, washing and storage; facilities for more involved servicing and maintenance zre located In San Francisco, The matter was scheduled for public hearing at the regular meeting, kpril 28, The City planner requested that he he furnished a plot plan prior t..3 the hearing. During a discussion relating to signs.. the City Planner noted that J:e two proposals m a roof sign and a free-standing sign - exceed code . 2 limitations, requiring applications for variances. 4 (a) , RESUBDIVISION BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. Relative to the preceding application, a resubdivision map was submitted proposing to delete interior -lot limes for the purpose of combining Lots 4;, 5, 6, Block 3, East Millsdale industrial Park #1 into a single parcel with frontage of 181.51 feet on 6ayshore Highway. The map was scheduled for hearing at the regular meeting on April 28, 1969. S. SPECIAL PERMIT OFFICES AND RESEARCH LABORATORY 1657 ROLLINS ROAD. An application failed by National Can Corporation, Saar Francisco, requested a special use permit for "use of existing office: building for office building purposes and use of existing service building for a food technology research and development laboratory," Site drawing, plot plan and laboratory layout were filed. Mr. Charles Phillips represented the applicant. Mr. Phillips advised thEt the site, formerly Purity Stores plant, is now owned and partly occupied by Hiram Walker &:Sons, Inc., that national Can Company has leased a portion and intends to occupy the existing office building, which is vacant, and to share the existing service building with Hiram Walker. Mr,, Phillips stated that garki.ng spaces will be TesetVOd exclusively for National Can Company. The City Engineer inquired as to forms of chemicals to be used in the laboratory, explaining that the city prohibits disposal of waste water *:;fist will have a detrimental effect on the sewerage treatment plant and requesting that he be furnished information on methods to be employed for neutralizing chemicals prior to disposal. The City Planner stated that it may be necessary for the applicants tc9 file a resubdivision map and that the matter will be explored further. The application was scheduled for public hearing on April 280 1969. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT HOTELS 1S40-lSS4 BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. An application submitted by John W. Ronayne, Concord, California, requested a special permit for hotel use of two large parcels of acreage on the north- easterly line of Bayshore Highway. Drawings prepared by Shaw and Petersen, Architects and Planners, Was.nut Creek, accompanied the application, Fie Morris C. Ross, associated with Delcon Realty Company, Burlingame, rep: e- sented the applicant. The Commission was informed that the site includes holdings of Mrs. Nielba Moore Riley and Mr. H.R. OOHara, immediately north of Smallcomb lndAst'Y°ial -3- Park; additionally-, the applicant hopes to arrange With the elty to improve a portion of the drainage cMEtlannal for parking. During a. review of the plans, it was noted that there are two "Guest. Unit Buildings' each with 250 unitsU-one building of lQ floors and the other 11 floors with a complete restaurant on the ray;+f will be joined together by a three-story ,guest services building at the front. The City Planner explained that the parking structure plus the additional parking will be sufficient fot, the buildings as proposetp Reference was made to a walkway 12 feet in width to the shoreline, con- tinuing along the bay side as far as the property extends and, in response to a suggestion from the Commission, the applicants consented t*ncrease the width from 12 to 25 feet. to provide the space for an attractivit winding path, as opposed to tLe "straight line" effect The City Planner mentioned that a portion of the property remains unfilled and BCDC will become involved if the finished plann requires land fill: furthermore, use of the drainage channel may require RCDC approval,, Tyr. Ross reported that BC€3C is aware of the proposal for the channel and is investigating the area of authority. The application was scheduled for public: hearing on Monday, April 28; the architect agreed to have building design sketches available. 7o SPECIAL PERMIT OFFICE BUILDING, GILSRTH ROAD. An application for special permit filed by Ryan, King and Company, Burlingame, proposed construction of a two-story of -ice building at Gilbreth Mooed between Mitten and C 14an Roads, East Mil.lsdale Industrial Park Unit No. 2� Air, Richard Aare represented the applicants. Following review of site plan and elevations, the application was scheduled for public hearing on April 28, 1969. ?. (a). RESUBDIVISION MAP GILBRIETH ROAD. A resubdivision map prepared by Randlett, Clegg and Foulk, Redwood City, proposed abandoning three internal .lot lines for the purpose of conbilai ng Lots 160 17, 180 19, Block 2, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit #1 into a single parcel with frontage of 350 feet on Gilbreth Road to create P. building site for the construction proposed in the preceding application. The map was scheduled for formal consideration at the regular meeting April 28, 1969. S. SPECIAL PERMIT OFFICE BUILDING, MALC OTM k4D GILBRETH ROADS,, An application for special permit filed by Ryan, King and Company. Ba lingame, proposed a two-story office building in the industrial area at the co -mar of Malcolm and Gilbreth Roads. Mr. Richard Hare represented the applicant. -4- Following a review of site plan aiid the was ­"zduled for public hearing on April ., 28� 1969r 9,, RESUDIVISION MAP -, PORTICN BL('-IC''K 3, ILLS. -DALE 1NDUSTRIAL PAFK INLO, -2.,, A map prepared by Charles E_ R, and 1 C, i'Y i I Engineer , Rediv --il't 1 Ryan and Company and Ryan, King and Compa-ay, proposed to '-,`_tend tl-,C, an existing parcel fronting on Mitten Road (designated Parcel I", by abandoning sx-isting dot lines and adi-ohn.,g lots and po-rticn.s of lvt�_,, Malcolm Road,, thereby creat;.ng a siiigle parcel extending through to Malcolm Roads; and, additic-nally, to Create a new Parcel Parcel 2) having frentage on Malcolm Road, Mr. Richard Ware, representing the owners, zxplained that all of "'Jine E:'Tf�;I involved in the resubdivision is improved with office buiidini-s' title to land and buildings is vast-ed in two separate ownut7shIP5 'Sn,6 "M� purpose of the wap is to diviee sr_carding to the 01;;IneTs: Following a comment from the City E.nginee-r that the Proposal gill e.JvLC­ a parcel map rather than a simple r�rsubdivision map, the natl-.er for formal consideration on April 29, 1969p 10. SPE":IAL PERIN11T TRUCKING FUSINESS.. I-4ARSTEN 'ROAD. �f K-11 �- An application for special 'per-mit suibmitt-_d by- Gener;x1, Air F�.-.Ight Cc-lrpnr=l- m rt i tion to operate froa locaiivork i�Vlarst-e-n Road was referred J-1c -3r.ufly meeting of M'ay 12, 1969, upon deterzpina-lion by the Gsnairi t-haf, the was not Dresent. 11. WATERFRONT COMMERCIAL DTSTRICT, Following a brief discussion, of vropcseid zoning regulations foi: watei..rvnt properties, the subject w"- as referre,,.tc studyP melating of ;F.Y. 12, J.9'S`)' ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at D"-:40 P,n,. Respectfully Everett Ka Kineig, �5_