HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.05.12CITY OF BURLINCAME PLANNING COMI'MISSION May 12, 1969 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT f OKMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli K:indig Mink Norberg Sine Taylor (8:5S I)"m.) None City Attorney }Carrfre 1 City Planner Mann City Engineer Harr CALL TO ORDER The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission tiaas called to order on the above date at 8: G5 p rr, , Cha= rma.r. Mink R01-L CALL A'he above -named members answered roll. cal l; Cornmissioner Cistu .li. was delayed by another appointment. APPLICATIONS 1. FI,NAL ,MAP ANZA AIRPORT Pl�fiK� UNIT htC3� `6.a Commissioners reviewed the above subdivision map prepared by Ke:rneth Pig, Allen, Civil. Engineer? for Anza. Pacific Corporation, Mr, David Keyston represented the subdividers Dur ino the discussion ➢ the City i'l<nner referred to a number of snal l parcels that have been created I Y dividing, the 25 foot _trip leased to the city alon" the lagoon, commentf.n;; that the parcels are meaningless ane that abetter method would appear to be a continuous parcel wil 11 a single nuiAber, 11r, Keyston agreed to convey the Ci.t r Pl.anner°s suggestion to trc j:-)roject engineer. The map was scheduled for formal corn: i€!eration at the regular Nlay 26, 1969. 2 a RESUBDIVISION MAP " LANDS OF B?DEL PAOFIT'r,, C ALIVORH i A DRIVE: A map prela d by William To Black, Civil Engineer. ',nr Bue l ow-aer, proposed to dolete interior lot lines and tc) combine thice parcels into one with frontage on'the southwesterly lire of Drive. In response to the Chair, the City Planner explained that the zoning is Cd2 with the exception of two small areas at the rear that are R-1, acquired by Mr. Profitt from the owners of adjacent residential lots fronting on Wiilborough Place for the purpose of squaring his property lines. The City Planner stated that Mr. Profitt submitted plans for a new building; at the rear and was informed by staff of the requirement for a resubdivision map whereby the residential areas are added to the commercial and assume the same zoning classification,, In response to Commission inquiry concerning off' -street parking, the City Planner stated that the proposed building will be required to provide parking in compliance with code; however, parking facilities for two existing buildings constructed prior to adoption of the parking code are deficient by current standards. Mr. Profitt advised that the new building will serve as an accessory structure for A&D Tire Clinic which requires additional space. The reap was scheduled for formal consideration at the regular meeting of ,fay 26 3. SPECIAL PERMIT - GENERAL AIR FREIGHT CORPORATION REQUEST TO OPERATE FROM 1344 A4AR5TEN ROAD,, An application submitted by General Air Freight Corporation proposed an air freight forwarding business in the industrial area at the above address. A lettr dated April 18, 1969, from the applicant, signed by IV,L.Nicolls, Branch 'Manager, stated that equipment consists of one double axle truck with 12 foot box attached and one 1390 pound capacity van, that the company is concerned primarily with forwarding air freight, assem- bling loads at the Plant for delivery to the airport and servicinx private and commercial customers throughout the bay area. Mr. D.P. Martin represented the applicant, advising,in reponse to staff and Commission inquiry that equipment is stored on the property since there is more than adequate parking and that asphalt and crushed rock have been laid to eliminate dust and mud problems. The application was scheduled for public hearing or Monday, 'May 26,1969. 4. SPECIAL PFR1,41T ONE -DAY AUCTION IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 380 LANG ROAD. An applic.^_t:ion filed by Bernard E. Calkins and Farke-Bernet Culleries, Inc., requested approval of a special use permit to conduct an antique automobile and automobiliana auction on .tune 23, 1.969, at 380 Lang Road, AnZA Airport Park, -2- A letter dated May 6, 1969, from Spaeth, Blase and Farman, Palo Alto, attorneys for the applicants, stated that the auction will be held at Bernard Ee Calkins Antique Car Showroom and conducted by Parke - Bernet Galleries, that automobiles owned by Mr. Calkins, together with other antique cars, will be consigned to the sale, which will �e limited to one day, with merchandise on display for two zsrecedirsg dayso The communication stated that adequate parking will be available and police protection provided for the merchandise and to control traffic and parking problems that might be created,, The City Planner explained that Mr. Calkins maintains a showroom for display of antique -type automobiles, which would not be considered a retail operation; an auution, however, where merchandise will be sold, requires the Commission's approval of a special use permit. Mr. Calkins stated that the primary purpose of the facility is to provide a museum for collectors of antique automobiles and accessories and that occasional auctions will be held for the benefit of such collectors, Mr. Calkins stated that the subject application relates to the elate specified. A public hearing was scheduled for the regular meeting, May 26, 1969, S. HEIGHT {VARIANCE - C-3 DISTRICT MARgO POLO WAY. An application was submitted by Baywood Medical Building;, Inc,,, ?Millbrae, fcr a variance to exceed by 11 feet the maximum :height of 35 feet per- mitted by code in C-3 District to permit construction of an extended -care type hospital on Mlarco Polo Wsyr Edward Ho de Wolf,, de Wolf and Associates, architects, represented the applicant. Mr. de Wolf displayed a colored rendering of the proposed build-ing and, in discussing the drawings with Commissioners, advised.that approval of the variance -will result in a building 4 stories in height, a total of 302 beds with parking for 88 automobiles, fie stated that there ijill be approximately 60 employees. The Commission was inforned by staff that the rear 60 feet of the lot is a pipe easement of the San Francisco Water Department where parkin; is permitted but no construction and that the plans show set- backs in compliance with rode. The application was scheduled for public hearing on Monday, May 26,1969, . VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT APARTMENT BUILDING IN R-1 DISTRICT. An application for variance filed by Neil J, Vannucci, M. Bc.D,, South San Francisco, proposed construction of a 14 unit apartment building -3- at 255 Bayshore Boulevard, intersection of Bayshore Boulevard and Humboldt Road. The applicant's letter dated April 28, 1969, stated that, presently; :here; is a vacant service station add several abandoned automobiles on the property; fliat Bayshore Boulevard frontage is zoned R=3 with the exception of the subject property and tine immediately adjacent., and that apparently a variance was granted the latter property as there is an existing apartment building, A plot plane front elevation and colored rendering of the proposed construction were submitted The City Planner stated that: numerous attempts to prepare .a workabl,, plan have been unsuccessful, because of the odd shaped lots thu-t coi,,j- priffe the total property. [le stated that the current proposal anpe:.rs to be acceptable Mr, Vanucci reviewed the dva-winos, advising, in response to Commis,+on inquoixy, -that total land aria approximates 12g000 square feet , th�;t there; are proposed four one -bedroom units and 10 two bedroom units, a. laundry room on each floor, and 19 parking spaces, where 18 is required, arranged to eliminate backing out into the street. The application was scheduled for public hearing on May 26, t,.P69, 7. VARIANCE TO CONDUCT AUCTION SALES IN C-1 DISTRICT._ An application submitted by Ronald A.. Rosberg requested a variance: ,rant to conduct auction sales at 1420 Burlingame Avenue,. A letter dated May 9, 1969; from ;'nrgi:. D. B, brow, Attorney ;At: Lana, in behalf of the3 applicant, stated that the subject property is present. -Ay used by Mrs, Rosberg for sales of office and household furniture and equipment and various sundry items, that the building was formerly occupLed by Montgomery Ward Company; Mr. Rosberg occupies the ground floor and mezzanine, where there is ample space to display me rchaad_ se and to accommodate large groups of people that would gather v- an F,"Iction °; additionally, there is a private parking lest in the rear f ".-he 'o;. PcIin ;:, The communication mentioned that. Mr. Rosberg is an experienc.'d and established auctioneer,, Mr. Rosberg stated his prefere4ice to conducting the sales at ni€phi_, He advised thdt v in addition to p-,=ivat.e parking at the rear oft the -5tora 9 there are city parking ,lots nearby, In response to Com;nission inquiry, Mr, Rosberg stated that: he spec:.? :i'.izeS in commercial and industrial morc:hanclise, purchased new or tibrough "i-krnk-,. rapt cy sales. The City Planner advised that the proposed use requires approval o a variance since the code provides for auctioneer establishments in C-7- District, that the Commission is Con .erned solely with the a -se, I - S "E, y 1 C of auction p 's b e i i i t I i 1�-- E-� p e 14 CY; ci, and involvincl an'd -'re'rox-ts f'."'07n' ithosso wit,14 publ2k health. and. safeV- e application was scheduled For pub"c 1-k-aring, on Mon (1,' PACIFIC GAS AND ELECT t�I C C `--AX' Y R E P J: C -I', A 1, F E R Nil; S U iS TAT 1 ON -avill' Bivision ]r,,tter dated Illay Sr196), frcm� IVC� ile ST-I 11 5 �� Tacific Gas an.0"T hl2ctric Company., G of "- special perp.-` fo extension to June 3, 197 �:' - -on `-i.n East La-ne bevvreep. Ho-vj"-d i- ..-ic: o' T an electric subs,ati i Cc a,-n e Avenues was r --a f e rr e dt to t h e C i t y P j- a n R e 7, f o. e r ' I stinr that the I)e 1P.1-orwe'd tha- us,-ionars reque 1,a� expired due to failur,D to exarc3se as requilied by cf"Ie' E.--nz'J. a vv.,w a2plication may be stib-mitt-ad %vhen .5, decisior has niinw` "ITOCCed with the cots struc-tion, '"EN--*RAL PLAN' HEARING DIATE. therc h@ve een 'eque sts i C;L Pla-nner repoTted that -n' -ffiat the e e ct a do ot h e v t h an Mlo t 1"L S5, 101' S ze hearin& on the Gene rt-1 to a ".'.onflict di z -'kf fhe .omyftunity Dinner, '--`riday , June 6, 1969, at 8:00 appeared to be acce"i", : Ii ''iiamhers and the matter was referrec.1 to the regit".ar meet, for- con -!--'Lrmation� Ap'.` O;URN;�'i'E-Nl' he m I eeting regularly adjourne at 9.,45 i J y sikbril." I UndioL Sal---retary r, --