HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.07.28i?" nk C"V,L TO ORDER APSEIIIT OTFERS PRESENT City Engineer Marr (City PI'anner Oil vacatiolij A ,"eaula'a meeting alf, the, Burk.:ngmie- Pl aTtning %vmmisv3oD was cal ed vvdeR on te`v., abova date, a, 8>00 pur,o, 17ip^e-C,haixma.r� !'a,>lor p-�,'eti .. ,J,. :S�40S el=ic �fJA C a I a2d vLr,present, 35 i,`xuE? n having c4. r-ised V-r`it lie wC'o.Jd. b Pr}l. M 1,11111 TES'i Q? eP' ne, 23 and cd=Jly 14., 10611, spiatbmittr, d ?.o aSiP`t;-?t 8'�a 5 werie, t ppro` ed and a..3-i?"s?ted, aIFA' INf,:7S j''t;.`su.ca-ntFFto ri`L".b.a ic}*�33o�"i notice, ±i p-.sY�'p��.ings �3';'����fMe9�'tAA�ed %i:APPROVED. stTT /y{r��. i n �M a1�°i �s [:?;<EA FOR BU���, Laid S',itJ z`� ��tf Fl�ifliiF� A3"l�R�il ED. n.��s,.,..,._.e�.........z,�.<...a,..�..,Q-..__.Y...e...�e..,...,.e,-..,,.�s...�.,.Y,.� �,.a.�,.... iiai rma , Pro '�'er�po3a �'ay1or announced a pul)lic hearirT or. the eat: ypli ca io o- Anza Pacific Corp 'l rnC lon, Rays7lol- . Highwa-, g� Tlin� a -,- , fc;.1r a special use peer -it s:o r :°sc ioc€l I)a 3 terminal and E =: vi cu3 facility" in. the 600 block f;- Airport F:cu i e and Lo i and 3, Block , Aiiza Airport park h c� 61 Zane - 1.4- erg. ac'i.-Sfrpani J"ng the ap plic&tior slho�;'e,,..i Icc✓a.tit,n .fL - :%Tr-- Sou-levarel snd a i aacent a ' # 7, ?r -to thS le ascc pzcr el along 1,he recreational lag: �cn - _.; :P ... �,.2. .r � a, �u3: E, �,; :� �:_.,. �: i �. L..w� ';_L F .. ., � �1�.,. x. �?4�. e t.,l t'•�:. t.�E: 3- .. 4;: h. _ a-. _,s ;`i ^a !, i $`.p r J: VIn �-c, I- s1 +. f.+'�Iry g F.a : , a.- ' it ..e 2m ?4_ r _ .W ... i�-kP . I._fo.l L�^Fd TT a I recent I V CGQ, -;IT- ides b_111_�."; Sii' r_11;1 i C, I f- 'or -an �mat� C v. X, 04� ry Z _a xif;�_ it i, a C t t 1 the site is7,, m-­- h i i i i IV. li_ S 52 t `hal: it is interilde-J. to pp--1T_, the parking area at' a7l i p p r o x -I mi a E. e .31! + 2 a D -p Y 0 111 a e IF 7 e e t b o 1 o w a,,j oa e z-i c I. V On v 0 -fro) ew to ae n c o s e t 11 e s i "fie'. w i a f e n C e :3 1 x be4 i n h ---J d i t I ,a , id�nc, 1 t s f -0-i11: a! -I'd 1.'ea r t 0 of{ ff�� l7- -Z� J v e -1y -S C ro� el 1 Al-rpcmrt Raule'varru an13 C: reeW ay rmd 3ei-11-ise-1 thai_ tnanl, iie teay requl:c a 1,ui f�ug to �000 squ�ra fect. )-posal --ing t, e d ti An z - Paci f ic -I, Yk 1 m use a� d r. o n t,,?l r ea d t o�, letract P� -Icralk-Aqanr:, e Ti t h u s- i a z; m fOr ar, eventual reclassifl,.-aticii to r1a j d Ks.':Fj n, represoitii.thppi cant, rekported b !Ale I `ded aigainst a f -Y. !. - -r -Z cc a c A Y J, a J o r m e, c i n c a c? r f 0 r 1?; :3 11 _J i S, a y_,vton st:ted that Ve PZ-operty W-J'JI be rc!7,tricred 4_11 use to gaso, ' ine -orobably idlere,7_!,otmd sttorago t-anks., ayid b e _a3t a I led , inciuding u. rr'q-,-1F-,--,:ted t-Etat the Commission considecr t7h-e application -is a req ' ties t 1pte­ii?i use Of the proi:iert-, for pur-eses c-f tot p­.rcxz-,r­r1-f parki--li; arcaa for b�lsil.)F� Ito an inqui-ry frcm- TO)-- Cit-y- Erginec­;- *-Ionceriiing instal- -m; eported ­n -a-� J.-ary -fac` Ut�les 4:or omployaes, Mr. K_-ys will, be reave �*n the site prope-.-; however, the ton -tint is con- sild._�­;dng ei,.5--he<- rerst-ing office space in a bLdId"Lng under ron.struction alf'. 31,;51 Beach Road or sharing facilit-lies at the rixising bus, terminal Lang Poad, Dr. ,_:spouse to further inquiry frovin, the City Engineer, r. Keyston st,vf-"Aj U-."at the subject propert-ty is �--,Athin Anna. Airport Fla, -A No. 6, t"i,t final appxavel Lmnd rpecord-tion of the mp-p are 'Iel' :'m a p C P, n d `L�F! g c c mp I e, t ion of p. ub Uk c 1. r p ro ve m e., n t s . that aii WE k-2 3--s below, whm: -0—s consid-oree. a 41, - _I_Opt 're '�%ation, t-he City Enginee-_r recommend:d that, p., _�r grad.�� at -L-1 A. _? should the use be Ppproved� than- Com-mission in.clude a condition f, Uahili­y for d -2, r. F, g, v, the ci'-y sh-all be ab a o 1 v e d w,�i a I I d by f I o o Ax 31 r, f d i C8 t d w i i I q-s s zc o.­,ce�pt t, e rocommen led IS C d irgte,.A-11 O'x- 0-n the iy-E-ounds of inconivatabi lity �3f -ee:- -_Ile� tic va lues d It Zl z .1C he ;.;,% s T m a r i -v concerned with A' i r e .5 s c- to C o i'v urti i ss J o ;i e, r B r a,, -i n e -r , e Y p. r e s s e d t­ tr r, ­;- doulit that_ the city wou-I'd havz-'. a liabili-,T. Ile Suggested that -ission consider xrequiring the proper,"-_y ovmer and his nl-mt to e­_om­te -slip --op rL'A e instru:mev ',ioldim­ the city harm - An repo-tse Zo ("omm-issioner deg.cri"Pbed in detail ;^Ie th O�ls J, oyit ol e I im 'M at to it-n de rgromn� I seepages and t,-, es tab - j i V"I e_i, l mz, -throughout the area, vatio s S ik (:,-'aer N c"­r` e"?g, comi-,iente d that th e propose (I f ac4 I ity would AL A StrIct ir mea- tn be a -use i-a Di ,,oli-Ymmn, pr�-, Pcm.-,nore7'aylor surigest-ed, a.,; q -miatt,er of er-onomicso n -t abie permane -D t o o i�a_ll -14, &Inled the opportunity to 4.--in-oiulcisome form of o -r 1 -1 1 t -Tted , in zresporse Commissio ., inc-ui , K e y 3 t. c�rz - s TV o ry , i: �, a t h o s has an a, o! 73, 500 square feet , -rapab i e accommoda t ing S f � z 7 0 buses fie ad-,.,rised, 3171rt3e�:, th-A Vle p"arking S.-ma at -E-2' eivat iam will be approximately S the embanki.iient C-dering V%e Jagoor, frorr, Ve r)r protesting th%-;use pet,o_­Ad 'Shf--_ hearing wa,.s deziarcd concluded,, A motion introduced by CommissioneT Ci3t-1.1171i approving the appl-i- cat:en of Ay-.,Izz. Pacific Corporation 'For special usze pernit to establish a -ivl,king area -for the pu�.--posc- o-IF Stcrige. of Muses for Educp tiona.l. arc.,� 'Recreational S�ervices , , on L c-ot-S -1 9 2 OP amd 3, bloc 7, Anza Airpart Par 1: , Unit N--,- , 6 (506F i-- I cr_-k Ai rport Boulevard) was as 17cliows- t,o struz,tv­-e of any shail bo, bui.36-L --a _he. in View of t� es v a t- i on applicant 2, Tfie appint to sixtiziit apprrpriate plaIt - ns, and cross section for approval by the City Planner &-ad Ci.!:y Ergineer; 3z, The site tco he enclosed with a slattedd, chain 1'-'Lrik 33,.x feet in height, d it t a a rh e d wire; a- p, 1 ar, t i n g f, o t c bme su i t ab ly 'a n ds - ap e 4 vvm,d maintained 'hi-atween the fence inmd the sidewalk ,m Ai-fporlt Boule v--;Td and be ,twe,:,m the fence the leaLsed pToperty along tKe TO Velease. -,,C- C`,ty f-kcm all "e'sponsi- eel -hie p pl�t, tlle -a Fri C U I t- -in R fr o ri, '14, g 11 2-Y fo� 'd- - c, r i'D h e S.J t ,4, an 4­01,a?-,Im, 'Cat'-1 f -4 1 , I- ­ � 1 V S'OT n f 1-,.- �:i m e A-alla, F f-ific is- d The motion .-, as s co-nded by Comw.issioar Norberg and declared car- ried on t o : following .poll oa,.I: AYES: 'OKMISS1O'NE RS: Bremer, Cisvilli, Norberg, Sine, Taylor NOES: Qi IMISS IOON : Kindig ABSTAIN C, MMI SS IONERS : None ABSIENI' Mink The applicant' v,,us inform�ci thn- perr�31 a would 'be offective Tuesday, 2Pf-y�(gp�AJ a..`'E 4EWT TO CODE aeWATER RUNT C,G'MFI CI.AL DISTRICT Ch;_:Irman F'r +. ``wpore. Taylor a-arounced that this was he time and place sc edul-_d tc condor--t a public bearing for the purpose of . sidexrknlg aiiz al 171, ;;z F#?€;sat zT Cat t urii3lgame MtEn c--pal :ode mT o'�-1 :a :x ne'�3 o ,e clan _ ICr`.a� t3?� -intitled "Waterfront CE}ifs- Cpayl, the Chair recognized t'q-- ("it-v- Attorney : ib ,te ca-pies of c.. p) r posad o `dinance .el ddi 2", ..41 To T.C�.��::. k' 4c 2.'on ng, luf he Cod€.``. Of tibua ,J.'d; E€h�--, Of `..a n ,_7, Said District"9 and, i3° for9ind. the !,?I_Vlg s p~ _4 3 general di<x-,s icn, the City Attora�L;i' S: }.ICE response T. qtq.estions raised sad., mei,a r of the Commis -.ion., painted ow-. a f° ` T {r ed ordinanj<�t is intended to create '.ri: d!strict, Ti' 'R ;aI.. ¢ us t0 a Par t i _iiIav the Colmniissioa� then _,, P I•. r not rm—eadmea s are, ir, order. V?Y. `i :,v-irni . ents from t-Ie Audience in response to u`ic "hair. the h tlarino A,7a declared Co CIITA ed. A b C•it€�E€;�i°afs: ts1r�'s .Andig and seconded YSA Cfrw' _-;sval '.�,diracting staff te prepare appropriate Pateo-cu€ltents ':u'?c—n she'll :fecori 4e2.d the kz cpo eel araendment to the C.ty Cc w .:. r 'w.j eeclare' E .. ': c. rna the Jrfo lmv;in g r al F'S }`�i ;� .�'�in Ts yl s+-r �i 6+ �y 6 001"z�,•M-' S7G ` S: None RESOLUTIONS 71,an For Burlingame., a - t ._:%>zn:y;�;_Ii.»'.`fx:9,E flaw f_..'<_�_<: C>o_ p'F#ss'ag.s' ?old of fj V I t. t t De C D 33,11 J.""ed, to b-I 01 _,QT: F, Y f, a. ng, o. �0 af." -r-ParUre 41t this I, me. aL t e C bi fs 0 X IV J- 0 ;n c a w t u d y Flea" Sim w On the f�)Ilowftg rot AYP S 11 04 F, IRS .1 4A Kl.nelijq, Norberg, '3ine, Tv.wlor "rom f­uwn Of Put"Lic: S, P A r 3 5 S J III Fl. ASEt 19 _T� I e. � p T 7 1 i�t D e. y T - C I _ISCTUSSC,6tk,-.e matter of s c,� r I y o y r f E I C am i no g p t N r. u e e, ­,-Y30 a n apartment C t e�),x­ I'l ii il ! f, A li ass*�Iclates Aic the`ir -rt­-f_ r .3 R P - M � D C�,, aly -ad fo-c ti-e- purp-se ��f C0.1-3sidleirmv, Comor.ID m(_" al .stri ct Regu- C i C Respec_tfully submitted, Everett K, Kindi? setn-e-t*�,177