HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.08.11CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION August 11, 1969 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Brauner Mink Cistulli Kindig Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr An adjourned meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from the regular meeting of .July 28, 1969, was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m,, Vice -Chairman Taylor presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members answered a roll call. Chairman Mink, on vacation, was excused, PROPOSED ZONE CLASSIFICATION "WATERFRONT COMMERC:IAL." The resolution and findings prepared by staff at: the request of the Commission, recommending to the City Council an addition to the Municipal Code providing for "Waterfront Commercial" District and the regulations therefor, were read. Commissioner Brauner referred to recent legislation extending B,C,D,C, jurisdiction to shorelind development, extending; 100 feet back from the shoreline, and questioned the impact of such legislation on the City°s Waterfront Commercial zoning, The City Planner stated that the city*s legislation is intended to support B,CaD,Ca policies, that a copy of the regulations were for- warded to lard Alvin Baum, B.C,D.C, staff, but that no comments were forthcomingb and that whether or not an area of conflict exists will not be determined until copies of the final bill. approved by the Assembly and the Senate are made available to the city. In additional comment, responding to the Chair, the City Planner reviewed procedures whereby, following adoption of the "Waterfront Commercial" District Regulations into the Code. the Commission will initiate public hearing to accomplish actual land reclassification, RESOLUTION NO. 2-69 "Recommending The Adoption Of An Ordinance Provi3ing F67 aterfront Commercial District And The Regulations Therefor" was introduced for passage on motion of Commissioner Brauner, seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and declared carried on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: ADJOURNMENT Brauner, Cistulli, Kindig, Norberg, Sine, Taylor None Mink The meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:20 p.m., and followed immediately by the study session scheduled for this date. STUDY MEETING., 1. VARIANCE TO EXCEED ESTABLISHED MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT LIMITATION. An application for variance submitted by Howard E. Westfall, Architect, AIA, in behalf of CTA Bay Section Credit Union, 1845 Magnolia Avenue, proposed an office building on Magnolia Avenue, adjacent to and south of 1845, exceeding by 9 feet the maximum height of 3S feet permitted in C-3 District, (Portion of Block 7, Mills Estate No. 3.) A letter dated August S, 1969, from Howard E. Westfall, Walnut Creek, signed by William M. Maguire, stated that the proposed building part of a total complex d will be built for the purposes of CTA Bay Section Credit Union, with some rental space to make the project economically feasible; that, due to ground slope, raising the struc- ture an average of 6 feet above existing grade will minimize excessively high basement retaining walls and preserve design ele- gance vital to the complex; additionally, larger interior spaces require additional height for aesthetic reasons and to facilitate required duct spaces below the concrete floor structure. Architectural drawings included "Perspective View from South," "Site Plan" and "Typical Building Section -Exterior Wall." The City Planner explained that the code in C-3 specifies building height of 3 stories or 35 feet; the proposal is 3 stories, 44 feet; the basement --a complete floor -does not constitute a story. The variance relates solely to the additional feet. Mr. Maguire, representing the architect, advised that rental spaces beyond the ciint°s functional needs will be made available to groups affiliated with California Teachers Association„ Mr, Maguire reported that the basement ceiling is proposed at 12 feet, that one-half will be exposed to view, and that it is planned to take some of the excavation of the half basement to undulate the ground at the front to conceal street level parking as much as possible and minimize some of the additional height. Mr. Maguire stated that it would be feasible to meet code require- ments except that the client has requested that the first floor be elevated above grade if possible for aesthetic reasons, to provide second and third floor rental units with bay and mountain views over a nearby existing commercial project. The matter was scheduled for public hearing on Mondays August 25, Mr. ?Maguire agreeing to submit additional drawings, includirng ele- vations,, at that time. 2. VARIANCE FOR ROOF SIGN IN R-3 DISTRICT. A letter dated July 28, 1969 from Cerald K. Sandbulte, D.V,M., requested permission to erect a roof sign at 13,17 Bayswater Avenue to identify Camino Real Pet Clinic. The communication stated that the sign would alert area residents to the existence of the clinic and be helpful in directing clients on their first visits. The City Planner advised that there was no provision made for a sign when the variance was approved for the use of the property. A sign rendering indicated dimensions of 12 feet, 2 inches long by 18 inches high. Dr. Sandbulte advised that it is proposed to mount the sign with one side facing El Camino, both sides will be lettered. The sign will not be illuminated. Commissioners suggested to Dr. Sandbulte that, aesthetically, the sign could be improved and requested that he confer with the sign people The matter was scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of August 25. 3. AUTOMATIC CAR WASH. A Mr. Engman was present to discuss "Mr. Scrub," an automatic car wash system for service station bays. Copies of a descriptive leaflet were distributed to Commissioners. The City Planner advised that Mr. Engman was invited to appear since his proposal is one of many automatic car wash -systems currently on the market. The City Planner stated that the Code provides that cars may be washed in service stations and that in C-2 "steam cleaning" and car washing equipment are mentioned --equipment in use today did not exist when the Code was written,, Stating that it is his interpratation of the code that automatic car washing equipment may be installed in service stations with a counter permit, subject to compliance with building, engineering and fire codes, the City Planner requested an opinion from the Com- mission. Following comments from Mr. Engman concerning installation and operation of the units and from Commissioners indicating that the code appears to be dated in the area of automobile washinstallations and probably should be revised to provide for modern methods, the City Planner agreed to prepare material for the Commission's con- siderations 0 30 4. GENERAL PLAN HEARING. The City Planner suggested that Commissioners may be interested in attending the public hearing -on the General Plan before Council on September 20 5. GENERAL PLAN o INSTITUTIONAL USES. Commissioner Kindig referred to recent articles in the local press indicating that Burlingame High School may cease to function and the property placed on the market. He suggested that the Commission seriously consider early implementation of the new zoning district (recommended in the General Plan) applying to all properties used for public and institutional purposes in order to assure the city•s control of such properties in the event of discontinuance of an existing use or sale of the property. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 9:S5 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary -4-