HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.08.25QK OF WRITNWE PLANNINC CQMWS10I',J CFED41ESYPIERS AWNT N314,7, q, rMy Far CALL TO ORWR Auguy! 15, 19619 OTHEFS PREWNT Cim Attorney Karmn! City PlOnner H2nn 0ty qrgineny Mar) - A �Fgriwx �avripg of zhe KrUngere P!Rnning Commisy5on yes cp1led In Lrday w� 0% QnTe date at 800 r m,, Chairman Mink prnsiding4. ROLL Z&H, A rut! ov"i vtoorded all mEmbars presenn, MINUTIS TA% WoW Gf the regular moeting of july 28 and tho adjouined nvEninj snd study meatiig ef August 11, 1969, pravionsky sub- mnized Q nembeis, vere approved and adopted, a ROW WN VARIANCE, 1311 BAYSWATER AVENUE, (cantinued) A public hearing scheduled for this date on the request of Geyald q. Sandbulte, KKK, for a permit to erect a rW sign to identify Wino Real Pot Clinic, 1317 Bayswater Avenue, vas ccn- t0und 1( We reguivy meeting of Santember 22, 1969, upen reccipt nY � conruAication from Che applicant datad August 15, 1969, Rdylain; Zhat, hopefully, studies in progress will develap a sign 1q;1ACKWIV acceptabig to the Commission. 1. HEIVOT AFWO-JYD OTC PAY SECTION CREDIT UNTON HVILDIM0, MACUOLIA AVENUE, ChEirman Mink anuounced a public hearing an the 2pplicatnon fcr osilance submitted by Haward F. Wrstf=, Architect, A , in beholf of Caljf*rnia Teachurs Asscciatiun, Bsy Eertiov CTedit Kiev, !SQ Magnolia Avenue, to construct a 3 stoxy effise building above - a eeprewFwd toserenT 14 feet in height, zxceeding by 9 Wet the SKY210W mv�201 Wilding heigLl Ainitatinn in C-3 0WHU, (?yrrvn� K BWK 7, M1115 Estate No. 3�'' A letter dated August 5. 1969, from Howard E o Westfail and Associates, Wlala ut Creme, signed by i°lrll.iam M. Maguire stated that the building is part of a total complex and that the client stipulated there =re some rant -a l space included to makq the proJect econortically fe sibl:o the rental spaces have bay and goo-ifaaire views over existing commercial areas; t.'E,,;t :urger interior .Spaces require additional height fog aels c.hetic reasons and to facilitate duct space:; below the concrete ilear st'ruc'ture; and that raising the structure an average of G feet above existing grade will rdni.mize excessively high basement reitaining walls and preserve design elegance vital to the complex. Architect l.s drawings on file included " Per•spc cti ve Wri.ew from South," "Site Plan," "Typi.cai Building Section -Exterior Wall," elevations and f1tor plans The City Planner, in response to Chairman Nfir3k, stated that 'the site, adjacent to a smaller building presently occupied by gay Section Credit Union, is part o-JI the total property owned or con- trolled by California Teachers Association. He reported that all phases cf the project conform to code with the exception that building height in + -3 District ;s limited to 3 stories or 35 feet an( , far V-iat reason, the proposed building would require a variance for the additional 9 feet. Maguire represented the a.ppiicant 6. In response to Chairman Mink, Mr. Maguire started that restricting a 3 sure—y 6ui ld ng to a eleight of 3S feet cry aies a situation of hardship by :limiting flour to floor dimension to Ness that/ 12 feet, �ii th the barest rnirimum of less than 14, inches for duct area. lie ststed that the wain lobby in thy: proposed building :will be approximately 35 feet by 50 feet and, to maintain ar, impression of spa : e tk rless, the ceiling should be at least 12 feet; a suspended Ceiling to provide roe duct. areas will neces.-itator O.•pproximately 14 feet first to second floor diviension; the second and third stories: including duct area have been projected zat 12 feet; the basement Level, with 12 foot :veiling, is prop -used to be raised approximately b feet above existing grade. t+bra Maguire maintained that the proposed dimensions are considered minimal for an aes- thetically pleasing 3 story building. Mr. Waguise referred to drawings on file and discussed plans to utilize earth excavated from the basement area to create an undu- lated landscaped area to effectively screen the parking area and minimize building height. In response to Chairman Mink "s request for c Rarification of the rules that determine whether or not a basement shall be counted a sto-ilzy for height purposes, the City Planner cited previsions of buildl ng and zoning doles whereby an area of a bui ldbrig more than 50t below grade is not considered a story. Its response to Commissioner Kindig, Mr. Maguire stated that the basement is proposed to a e ut .lined for storage and rechani.c,:J eaul-Z. _pTient for the present, and that. eventually, tho area will be covnv,, �rteef to accommodate some form of clerical op(.Tnts oK. ' s �.rtis� g> _^•'.� gtry'' r y,:a- 1-7-e C.Y. �..�'� E �r c f r:�i-6 `that z-:*,G=.ryn t•���o1. parking has -c—t< —3 coritputed on the bas -i `-> o°f 3 f"o€ Tf, of as:£ f" cE'. use - 6 a 's=ia`r wf gene .t storc`'Etge' nd thfAt tie ?^,a.;rk:_ ig, ;tut' t b + (�' 77�� s .LC:r c�.rru�L.,� es €:1 i'cA?Tt. i t g i.`. sh cult y.;i e aeei:2 ,.y : `f';i.j•lo rf e C,? i-v � ti B,` cc-i ed, i-n. L:hti'�, _o6e fcr �. �" �"�' i�C:�? �.:� �, to � � , a !_ .:. Variance gTants The City P Winner slated he ,;a is no ',;,ard,TshF.p iii he lard, per se,, si. ce there is additional building space available on the property,, He stated that 'Mr. Maguire advances the argument that the proposed building tfill enhance the aesthetic values of the total property and that the downers will be penalized if required to build a lower strur-t-ure tl_ereby sacrificing amenities of open space a}nd landscaping. The City Attorney, in respons to Commissioner Taylor, advised that there oust be a finding on Vie evidence that all of the conditions recuri-red ,ry d:osie exist in order to establish hardship which jus ti fi.es a -fariance. In. response to Comm-iss i oner Brauner's inquiry whether the findi nI is personal on the part of each Commissioner', the City Attorney repli=s-_ i--a the affirmative. �.L reeing tglo t: t �e bu l,dipg probably would°most pleasing from the 3t.andp,oint. vf architectural design, Commissioner Kindi.g objected that the awue,V appears to be t:a%ting advantage of the 'anguage of the code by creati.n 7 a full story below grade.. Comments were invited from the audience Mr. Hugh Page Executive Secretary C A Bay Section, snd Treasures f Bay Section Credit Union, pointed out that Cali.fornit. Teachers Association has been located in Ourl:ingame for la ycsrs. and intends that: its holdings, originally a square bl� v.L of choice lard, shell enhance the visual ru_l.ity of the immediate neighborhood and the communit:y generally. Referring to the proposed construction, Mr. Page stated, that the credit union will require ` 40, 000 square feet, that the building has been designed to be functional and aesthetically pleasing and that denial of the variance will create a hardship bE,cause a lower buiLlding, covering a greater area, will deprive CTA of the highest use of its property. In response to a series of questions raised by Commissioner Sine, Mr,: Maguire discussed technical aspects of building construction, advising t3nat colored and textured concrete will be utilized on the building exterior to offset a raw concrete effect. 1:,, per p.onse to Commissioner Brauner, Mr. Maguire coni'i­rmed that rental spaces will �ae restricted to groups affiliated pith CTA. Following comments {roe, Chai.rc,,)an Mi ik complimentary to C TA's °:.C3nceraa fdr the 4 mea ' ies of =;peg space and land.! can..,;.Y t;ie hearing was declared "conclu led . el&ced s� ° c!?n'•tpis:-!One IsE'r' ti F 4 rJR£' cation o California Teachers Assoc.l.stion Bay Secion Credit UnYc? for variance to exceed height. limitation in C-3 Distrsct b permit construction of an office building 44 feet in height from ground .level to roof line on Magnol. a Avenue, adjacent to 1845, (portion Black 7. Mills Estate Subdiv s ion No,. 38 subject to construction., perking and Landscaping conforming gex?. �ra? 1y to pla'.s on file pre- pared by Howard Ea Westfall, Architect, The mot.ioR was seconded by Commissioner TayIor and ca ried unani- mously o-n poll cail.a The applicants were informed the variance would be effective Wednesday, Se-ptt ember S$ 19690 if not appealed, C1T"I PLMNER COMMENTS 1L off-St:�eet Paris�.n� Rer�u�.Mementsb The City planner reported that he has rewritten the section of the code relating to off-street parking requirements, incorporating material collected for some time from various sources, and that a draft will be submitted to the £ommx.ssion for consideration at the September study meeting. 2� Ieaeyal Plan Hearinka Commissioners were reminded Flan has been scheduled for Council, add the Waterfront September 15 meeting, ADJOURNMENT Waterfront Commercial District Hea.rial.. that the public hearing can the General t-he September 2 meeting of the City Commercial Distxict hearing for the There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was regularly ;� adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary