HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.10.14CITY OF AURLT&GAVE PLANNTEC COAMES31ON PRESENT Braunv-, KindY., Mink N0007,�,. CALL 70 ORDER _DNERS ASSENF chatuill (other commitment! October 14, 1969 OTHERS PRUENT City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr 5 maythly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was callc,.', to ovdnz nn the above date at 010 p.m,, Chairmim Mink presiding. AULL Q3 �Vyz-rmcld membars ansyeTsr rail ca!V 1. ?UJANCE VO ALLOW 4 PAYING GUSTS WHERE 3 ARE PERMITTED. An anVicaVai Vy vailancs Mcd bv WernsT V Kanf. ouerator of n boa-df; Nome for ambriatoyy Rged at 1505 hillside Vive, 7roposed to tnaicase vhe zumher of guens in residen ca "rok 3 to 4, k CeTMIMICatj in from won app 0cont stated wat 'we San Mateo Count, Healtj", and lalfart hapartmnat licsonec the home in Una, 1968, and inspection repcts, filee at that time, frva the Rurliagnme Pire Department and County Sanitarian, 0dicatat v3 Kjoction to 4 gno3ts. The fify Plarver explained that the applicantm = and occupy a singl& familf duelling in a first -residential dismict and are pormittad by c-dg to booze 3 paying guests; that. generally, the city is not concerned, except that humes for the eldaTty and for foster children are adwAQsVyQ by thi wounty and requixe and znspactone! by the local fire dapartoent. The My Unprer noted that thn applicant"s request to exceK thn ral, 1i 0 oil! ilc a.voylanza, Q, Kopf amted that o0stirg Militias YHY Eccomrodate 4 gusV7 and tha? tntal occupancy to OSS0100, as a Natt(r of ecvnonjcs My. 0>� explEined that the !Vspse issued hy the county restricl. thn F 0 rrs%dence cc the plysically and mentally Vail, PRTSOns sonewha A&M,V. cappod in mainteiring P re0dence, or caring Ur themseives, becanse a` age. Mr. Kopf poinlef out Abet tha situatinp vapid he similer if his 07, Kopf's nrreRts wer; living in the h0mv, n_ pcp se '0,,4 i-nQu:LT;_-es fytam the Commissa.lon, 4-t ,, Kopf rePOTted that tCI;OTe 's tang` � : ° f�i 3 1�a s`i ci�g r�l ' <l * ? *- y °; y�.h tx tI e p operty yWas p r il.,, 19,58i �.:�at �`��x"ere xi3e e tv,`o t l---.i s��S.n lietly�:soms arnd thr, -a PROre .'added by c�¢}a.nv r `.s lon of floc lin: ?'fig .''�'.�'es 5 t-ha,t S�6ni z�. ca. ,v f46u it.Y�.s Conform to cr�:+%�� ty' reWHIZ'` —Ifi nts The aPPle.eat3on 112_S fo,, publ:lc air the regular meeting, of O-°tal j:r 27, Nr. Kopf agre„d to have a floor plan, i.nc3.udi g �jiirte- —! does, avai-lable at that meating. w, SPECIAL HIRMIT AID: FREIGHT TRUCK TERMIINAL 3EACH ROAD. An application submitted by Anza Pacific Coorpar°ation requested a special use permit to est:abl.is.4 a "Truck terminal m Air Freight for Pacific Inter. mounta-In Express" in a portion of the build=.Uig under construction at 347 Beach Road, Anzs Airport Park. The applican't s letter dated September lb� ,advised that freight will not remain can the preen- Ises overnx.ght and that truck. parking will be cor— fined to a depressed tTlack: dock in the back of the building. A floor plan c;{:f the building was riled. I'I-ie City P.la-icier reporzted that all tr- c Ding oaerations require a use per- mit; that there are more than a dozers air k:alght truck terminals in the cite, differing from the usual trucking aperrtioin zvherc large amounts of heavy freight are; handled and stored; air freight is picked up from the various consignors, , assembled into loads at t )e trucking terminal, and transported the same day to the airport, Mr. David Key!scan advi3ed that, aY3 his knowl.edgo, there ii! little activity throughout the deny, as the truck:. are on the °soz d¢ from 3F00 to 6:00 p.m., the freight i !�, b .-or ght:. in and prepared for shipment. Mr. Keyston stated that the site is to the rear of Lindal. Cedar Homes. The application was sc.h dulc d for public he€tring �. t the myular meeting of October 27,, 1969. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT CAR RENTAL AGENCY BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. An, application fwled by Dollar -A -slay Rent-A-Car, Inc., 5307 W. Century BoOlevard, Loy: Angeles, requested approval of a use permit to maintain a car rental agency in an existing office/warehouse building at 1815 0ayshore HUg:nsayi, East Hinsdale Industrial Park The applicant`s communication dated October 14, 1969, signed by H.3wCns�ks�a� Presi.. ent, stated that the proposer facility -iil.1 be one of over fifty branches opeTatirg throughout the coentry, end will be company ourn;ad Und operated* that all of .,'e operat _�as willlay° (:oriductee within. the ,uilding, �Vxcept for 29 veb=i v? c:r= parked in the op�Dn s z,nd that tb e. concrete paol in front of the 1bui ¢ ding w i.1 be roK owed a d tT;e egit:i. ra area newly lainds caped, A site; plan �`i :ledt -2- —reported thif;. F"v:.`/f v. ayeas will o ,ntth n the Tm...ehovsc.. In 9--urtrmv ce fi zen,1. MxCaruso :sta,'.ed hit business ae a _.`.�T?: >v 3n.,:':e, s tol 1..s .' p..ra ; 91.1 h a c %a :: ix fP'ot :f � 32d7� i L •, Y:Lw.u�SaLsi P`.Sgates across 4h e dr.e: s ay :l .,- _. In r-es rye"re V-'''ir l'a m t, MrtCa sz,o afire-d to extendlandscaping -_,alcyng the fer'_ � : a tictted there would be s ,;:t :e on t'hN nortlh for Similar laa.d:°caping, The application wzis scheduled for pub l-c hearing at VIe regular meeting of October 7, _'.969 . " RIANCEII; REAR YARD AND PARKING SPACES. MEADOW LANE. VX Mr,, and Viers. Eric, G. Mausses, .f-3 €feadow Lane, filed an application for vmrri_t�-"'Ic7es to ccinstruct an adiditiozz -to a single-family residence to within, teef: of the e2'it ' pr opa. ty 1 - ne r,.nd pi"ovi di,' less 'th-a'i required ,garage or A, :fat€=•i September 21155 1969, fror, the P.pplicants stated that the ;rOP03—=�a cons`- ruction, 18 feet in width by 73 feet in will add a n7nd sccoRd bath the existing t o bee* Z3E>mis and one bath .s e 4..�zadequate. for a f a. of Fr taiat the addition was designed) to be uncti or, aI, a o we11 a,s a t tff t"a.ve f-rom ts.ie �_-xterior, d to preserve as Merge an area, of he yard as possible. Ile communication stated fur h r that addiab s a. seC43nd story would be expensive, i.n vad -. ne i, 1hbor s f p i L acy and be incompatible. -tith the appevard a nce of, Uh_- ca a is ia}° a€ l the rac i ghborhood generally; and, 'that the proposed addition, if oui l t t D c°-d , wou3 ' J result ir, a. 'nar rovvr x ., sha...ped yard and very narrow b• draomG A plat showing ?'i card. 3f the--rep;'.r y and asite r arc - iled. The City Plan —_-ter reported th t the rear yard requi.remer-'t is IS feet and that, where a third b--droon, is adecW., 4arage or cai t oft spaces. must be provided for ? automobiles . Mr. Mausser state €h"at lie was unaware of the parking require-ment, pointing out that cne­.-_a::, garages pred€minate throughout Burlingame w'i klage, ?he appi4cat ion iftas scheduJIed for -pd'blic hearing at the 3'eglular meeting of octobt. 27 v :1969� iAR An application for variance -uibmitt.ed by Western Conference of TeamsteTs, 1870 Ogden Drive, prc.,p se-d . +K;��o 'hydAauli.:, lift oouble stacking parking equil-pi1ent to .;rt3vida v'<Mqui ata niw'l':be'F s, " p rl(ing stzal -s," in conjunction with a p3"C'rp'Lz;zs d office 'biAild.'..ng an vvc;znt land adj.i:'.k.?ia to the existing Teamsters Headquarter s °' ",a:.l d.ia: v, ,, A .:.F:Ymmun ii.-4G:.4K s.'a 'J4t-- ed O'c".. oil eE �. 'vi S. 10169 .4 ro-'n S. lyt,ais..`'r A.`xchitI Ct+� sa. x-i x.,7: �+:$.:"sod tb lt- the ui a l be fx—asa U' _` e, c3.j.T.:` - th!,f) mtaj yd""' of, automobiles do not leave the parking area during working hours, and that thecae is i.nsul"fi.cient land space to accommodate conventional parking for two floors of oaf -'ices Architectura: drawings and mated ial describing the parking device were filed. The City Planner that there i 3 basewient parking in the existing building a.nd that a comneen d-li ewaay is proposed between the two buildings; that 64 park_`ng spFc.s are required for the new building, which the appli- cants intend to fuF'nl.sh by installation of the hydraulic lift system;, and, that the proposal on-',ai.l.s app oval of a variance fropi off-street parkin; requirements because; orte-half of the automobiles -will not have direct: access upon an ais'.e. The matter was sch�,ndzjled for public hearing at the regular meeting of October 27s 1969. At this time the stu4y ric,eting :yes interruitEd for .the Commission to take formal action on two matters referred by the City Council. (See minutes of €. ' our-n d, meeti 3 -, Qc�tober l.4 , x qbq) The study meeting .e3umed at 10.00 p.m. STUDY MEETING___�SciL- 6. OFF-STREET PAR`'UNG RE3QUIREMBINTS, Material prepared ly the City Planner,, proposing amendments to code X-equx re - vents for off-street parking, was reviewed, Chairman Mink sugges te d ghat the last sentence. oll paragraph "b.", 25a 70� 020 be Tevi,3ei to read: .... o e . 0 0 . additional tandem parking spaces L, in excess of Cod-, r emen_ts g will 17a permitted,.. Commissioner Brall)ltaT r ferred to §25.70.030 a. ParkiU requirements for single-familydwellings, and objzcted to the pray isxon t at prevents an owner wit a o�ae�c;a� �;sz?��+u from adding a bed -room unless "at least two garage or carport space-• of the dimensions Speci,fied in 925. e€}6020 are provided." Commissioner Bratiner stated that on vany of the, older properties the gar a.ve is located at -bhe end of a longs driveways where here is space for an automobile to be parked off the street, and that the requirement for covered parking ivoold be unreasonable undei- such conditions. During a period of Commission comment, it appeared to be the consensus that alters;ate m t.hcds; of providing on -rite pwk-Ing should be El -lowed, depending upon condit- ocnE: in the property, The City Plannr�r ravie od ctheir t)f the pyoposed a-mi 3etCldiienlTCs, , a�dtv/igysgign9gytqhat _hinges w°iere € .de .n� sy r rqr-.l vr!eas s the tesu�l_'t of 4 n The City Planner read a letter dated September 11, 1969, from David 11. Keyston. Executive Vice President, Anza Pacific Corporation, suggesting that the Commission consider changing the requirement for business offices, banks and office buildings from 1 space for each 400 square feet to 1 space for each 300 square feet, and that the parking aequ:1revent for bulk warehousing be retained. A letter was read from George N. Keyston, Jr., President, Anza Pacific Corporation, suggesting consideration to expanding the parking require- ments for hotels and motels from I parking space per room to require additional parking for restaurant and banquet facilities. The City Planner stated that the material would be prepared in form for Commission consideration, including modifications suggested by Commissioner Brauner. 7. UNCLASSIg IED LANDS. The City Planner reported that the question has been raised concerning city control over areas within the city which have never been clas$fied and that he has prepared a proposed addition to the zoning code to provide for such controls. The City Planner requested that a date for public hearing be scheduled. B. STREET NUMBERING AND RE -NAMING. The City Planner distributed copies of a proposed amendment to the Municipal Code to provide for a system of numbering buildings and structures in the •cite rocedure for changing the name of a street, advising that State statutes require a recommendation from the Planning Commission to the City Council. 9. STREET NAME CHANGE. The City Planner reported that a request of East of Bayshore Improvement Association to change the: name F►Bayshore Highway" to "Airport Boulevard►, has been referred by the City Council to the Planning Commission for recommendation,and that the matter will be placed on the agenda for the Commission to set a date for hearing. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at I1:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig, Secretary Chairman Mink reported that he will be away from the city on the date of the next regular meeting, October 27, 1969. -5-