HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.10.27htA, k i e i n of '�-e Btr-,irgCmL- P`i,�-mfng Commissfou was callecl to e.-,rder on the i,".1 ltc a 1". S -wo Dar. f a i n a t o m i: 1 f Za, 1 7, n e S 14 n `M M I I C 51 4� Pl k.! 1* 07 t4aC r e cif u ¢ &,r m4 P. e t i n,-i a f 22 a d, c u, n e v -e u a r ri v a t i P. of tte;! t members t -1 ",OU'S and -ud -e nc aj pr ve -in-f F-.da-�ftd, TO A!-t.C!W FOR PXVING GUE 3. 5 IN �'-`N'GLE--FAH'1LV PESIDENCE DWEV. vAq �io V, L. A Terapore Taylor announced a p0lit. hearing on the application for varian",e �-4.v Wex--iwr A. Kopf, owner and vperator with his wife, Regine, of a boarding �x-;;,z! v-�ie atgeJ at '305 Hillside Drive, to allow 4 piylng guests in the home, w6bh ery c�x;e p3rovides, -for 3. (L.ot 4:: Blx-k 62, I':aston SuAivisiov---Zene R-1�; dated September 10, 1969. from r3s. Kopf-" tzted that, ai. the ti,nie ' icense, ;.Yas issued '-,,Y the San tlateo Co�t.mty and Departrwnt, f;t:e T was roved bv Vhe cQunty ear:" , taria, cand Bu-.12-.vimfrie inspector as i 1 capabl,,.. accommoda-1-ing- 4 A stal?.:rmllen.t frarr the app14-avts. cdated Oc-`.ober 1,1., -Avised that -.-:1 S.-optember6 7, 1969, -;'n-vitatlons wel-e Iie7ivereru pers'f na" ly to al I c-,--. 1 dents in the -,.rea within feet, of ho;%- to all Open NNISE On SUAerilber, fob` the purpose of th ­0 J Ali fo V- most pz* a n d t r aw a t. t t P we re ;1>fests --n thi-, nm V.F 1:;v 0-` 1 (1: C n r, t, n 2513 Hillside Drive githered Q a group close to the Wpf home and remained there during the tw -hour pariod of the opera douse, and that it was felt that such activity discouraged neighbors from stopping, to just one perscn saute` in response to the invi.- t;ati ons . Ile statevent r`..:i ted precise incident; of harr asoment directed to the Kopf family and their neighbors, hbors, ir. and Mrs, Loy , ., V. DeVl rcen7i ; 250i Hillside Drive, all matter of record with the Burlingame Pal i a e Cepar ;':men t. There was attE hed to the applicant's statement a copy of an anonir:nous letter ci rcu!.. aged througitcut the neighborhood stating that approval of the earl r ce will result i r{ of a residential a rsa and urging strong opposition, A floor plan of the upper and 'loner stories was filed.. W. Themes Adams, attorney representing the Epplicants, was accorded the prWiieye 0 he nr1C'cr.. Mr. Was referred tv code C25.08.250 .�hareir single—family dwelling is defined gas ,a residence Wi di ng containing but € . -e kitchen, designed and/or used tc house nal, . more than one family, and not mnve at iny time than three paying guests of such family." " Mr. Adams stated that his clients own 3 single-family dwelling in an h-a1 District, teat they have had and continue :o have 3 paying guests in residence, and that they are qu . erg pe -;:i .sic n, to add 1 additional guest; that the Kopf Hone for the Aged has been approved by fire, sanitation, and health and sae? are agencies, that the premises, wimn observed Q' m the street. are nut unlike i:iiy other un Hillside Drive; that Mr, and, :`v .s kcpf, tees daughter and the guests live as a family, dining togethe" and sharing WC� litles in the hurp, Mr. „ Adems stated that the house meets a community geed for facilities to c:ara for elderly persons W are : 0 ther 'Jhys al l r 6`?ov r;nn tal z y ill, but, because of age , ?nqulre some r,� 2 ane supervision. Mr. Adams stated that an economic need exists zs h P ;1 unts are heavily burdenEc W : '.1: expenses resulting from their daughter's physical a'�isib' .'siy. Mr. Adams stated that: he discussed scussed the governing ardliarce with the City planner anj That: it would appear that there was no basis for TO `rule of " except that an arbitrary number ► as selected, and that perhaps it should be changed. Mr. Adams stated that if Dais and Mrs. dares` p rents were to establish their residence in ,.is oss 3 there would be no re sun for objection `:prom any source; and that a fourth gv st in the Kopf home would not appear to :e so totally dissimilar that approval of the err arc;e would ere WNW or c:asturbirg to a y other )rcperly or person. Mr. Pdam; requested e''nd was arented permission to rnai a communication dated September 27, 1969, from Lou -Ts & Delincenzi, 2509 Ail side Dive, in fa`,cr of tk� variance, (Tie original was filed sirlier in the am i the Office of the City Cle r. De nnenzi, in his communication. stated ,,;tat, as e next -door neighbor._ he hod no rwason to object in any way, that thp "' need i'dii �' a ca der`ate, a;at"r�?!"s`ble �,.:rd-t?t"�`�fin family, a credit it :q the neighborhood. The ,,...,<tPi c>.tBalr "�;�:3�1T!F'it'�., .�L oE .+`liy on improvements that the ku'f'h Nava made LK3 i., ;i' property zed on the crostant maintenance of Ondscaping, front and rear; Ytated tha'' there is comparatively less traffic to thn hone thar to the 4!1 the area; that there ore excessive noises in Ve fiImr-III&VI are act from the Kopf home, but from tha house and driveway at 2513 Hillside Ur��Ye, to the DeVincenzi bedroom and living riam windows. The connunication recited incidents of hi mass: directed taward R. OaVlpcenzi and his ricentiy deceised wife, because of their refusal to join Nth reigiburs who wcn-, hitteTly cppcsed to the Kopf fzmily and refer -ed to a ieighbar's decla-ed UPON: f inp tpf fmilmove.oforche Koeyo Clair van No Tempore Pylor referred tc code N25.54.020 "Conditions for piTnt0q variances' and reluested Mr. Adams to convent on "exceptional or extraordirary ciwcum- stances or conditions applicable to the prope-ty iivolved, or the inteqded us is thooncl,, Vich to cat apply generally to the property *r class of uses in the distvict, so tict a dental vF the application would result in undua iraparty loci.` Mr. Adams requested and was granted permissici to Parao the saction referred to 4y tv; Chair. Commissioner Cistulli stated that he wculd a0vain frat vesting on the issue, hecauso of close personal association with neighbcrF in 0a innadlats area of the Kopf residence. The Chair invited cumuents from the audience Favoring the application. Mrs. Esther Quist, licensed social worker for boarding homes for the aged under the jurisdiction of San Mcteo County Health and Welfare Department, spoke af the desporate need fbr 5uch facilities in the City of Ruriiignme and of the excellent carE received by guests in the Rnpf home. Mrs. Harry E. Haseleu, 1427 Montero Avenue, Firlingams, stated that stat"2&cs reveal Vgere are moire widows living alone in = Cit: of Burlingame than in 6ny of Oty in San Maneo County. cnd that this sitoation inints up the need for th,,? coviiunity i:ri provide for its eider citizens in other wayi than institutional care. Ars. Haie"eu urged approval of the variance oi the basis of reed for family -type carr..' fop elde&y persons. There warn no further comments in favor Pf tha variance, The Secre,;ary acknowledged receipt of a petition filed with the City Clerk under date of October 23, 1959, bearing 159 signatures and representing 99 residences within 500 feet of 2505 Hillside Drive, "objecting to cny change of the zoning classificalion of 2505 Hillside Drive property by veriarce, to 'inything other than R-1, which is for risidential purposes only.'' A letter in opposftion to the variance, Epparantly circularized prior V ":he actua] petitiou, stated that, as a result of Mr, aid Mrs, Kopf 's gainful amploInHO in onv the local hospitals, thly learned that need exist; ley boarding elderly paopin in private homes at a profit); hat, consequmly, thqv picceeded to rpmodel their home V bad and toard three adults otfe: than themselves; thai uppyoval oT Vo - cation fo, wariarce will change the rESIdential classification of nhe aini atfvz, properyy Yalues znd the tax bise, and 44 letto sPilar reqnests for i omerria' ani joNns do not i no-d hapw tc ths vn�c V5 w 1 z out 41 a then ro accup � the r, It- ot. tzii-,Y other typical r�sjdenW� &Pew Jaz K nFpv a?v)� fWaghout W., 5301 01 WN are QUY dMWO Wcal"ITS Nj thm'. 71a& :rnmeprIV zes aid Y iac.!Nan SUN as N; pro MYS Now! dysirn to raintai- swuld 12 11CON or nvnl� conrornia, AUCIVers. aposing the YRrOnco xv-v nan Tres: WOUXn Q. all Marian C. Sackett, !Us V0017V 09nual Knyhn- A, ON DOns P.Dalrul, WR MvWra Av;Aue; Louis Spactuck Davp, N,N, 1427 Castillo Avonne; D, Heaton, 2601 A!"Iside Wvc The prvWtant3 slaNyd 1n;­-,­u:-,`0;, of use into a first-yWaarvial neighYr.- aund; QW sac! O&I'Ves advtrrely aflook rosidenial proper,'; y a plea of n4onemic need does not justify uppinval of a grant of variance. Wown; UT tNF audience were heard "''Car -. Mr. 70oky T. Regan, 1351 Montera Avenue; Mr. -oh: Surzan, 2517 Easton Drive; On Los Wter, 1408 Castillo Avenue; Mp. Stailey U. Brothers, 1407 Montero Avenue; Q, Silvia R-sllr�,Ato!404 Hillside Drinat Mr. Samuel & Clark, 1412 Carlos Avenue; WN wsazrn aas dir"cted primarily to preservaticii cf -,,Yie reOdeitiwl c'aYaf- Zhe area and the mattur at precetint. 11, F"ayl C. Parts, 2500 HillYde Drive, read frem i ptspared statement a3 follows: The abinctions were intended to be puysly objactive, a5 ne was not acquiinted the app! i ;ants; Fvvn personal abseriation of the WOOg at 2505 Hillside Drive, on the accaslar of OWN U the Wmer owner, the hunc pineither s nher designed nor bl, ulto be used as a WrOng noise, but rather Or a small family of 2 to 4 persons accustomed to livirg together fn close hannony 3nd intimacy, Approval of the variance will allow wrimer&V anWi-prises ii the neighborhood, establishing a pimcedint leading to WuHwrabla incitits or dewznds rQ a similar nature, Mr. Froast G. Chandler, Jr.,1317 Nontena Avenue, statcd that a telephone survey of similar Ocilitins revealee thern were vacancies, indicating that there would apperr to W to great need for expandQ existOg facilities; and that the sale grounds W khe FrUnant's request Or ravlance eppears to be personal llnancW hardshtp. in response to Cummissioner Gr:cutter 's equest for a statement from Ne applicant's attayney concern,ng cade canditlans requisite to variance grants. Chairman Pro Wworc Taylor invited Mr. hdims 'to co'.-ernent. Mr. Adars W06 that, other Wi the ;Wal need and personel financial need of clients, thery vmre na grounds for appraial cf the vaplarce as defined W t4c Lode, that there smyv no exceptional or exupaordinery circunstances applicaVe tc Oe prvF;YQN,' an, thst denial of the vaKaace would W result in undue property loss, as such. The AQ Attornly. ir response to Camnlssfaror Wavier, yonfirme? that trndNK, WerWe" in thl W! 990 bE get beNlY a vapiynaq cin A granted, T4v &Q; Tlanne�, in rcspon3e to the mir, -4- are brought to the Com issoor are truly social problems and not strictly planning; that the subject a.pplil ation treats of a social problem; that statistics would appear to prove there is a tremendous need for owes for elderly F eople ; jarst as there is a need 'For h,=es fcr° fos ler cMI d—ren and € n g ld care centers and that, eventually, by zoning changes, cities will attempt to n1aAke provision for such facilities, because cc' the p es:si g treed ®'he City Planner state l that the General Plan for 'Whe City of Burlingame envisions no change in Tensity in tie area under discussion; that granting of a varriance of this type dr as °`opc r} pine doer" to sifai' ar requests in other single --family neighborhoods. The r i ty Planner seated that he itmts reluctant to comlorr a use that is so much on the c.o - ial side thlat econor�ics is the silo reesna for she application, that 3 paying guests is the proper nimber in an R-1 District and should riot be varied In individual co Erent> Coress5ronors discusses code requirements applicable to variance grants, and the matter of precedent, and acknowledged the exi Atence of a community teed �i or such facilities. The hearing was concl v ded. motion introduced b}� f+�a��F i ssi "�ner� �o anner to deny the application for variance of Werner A. Kxpf, 2505 Hillside Drive, to allow 4 paying guests In a single-family ,esidence, was seconded by Commissioner Sine and carried unanimously on roll call. LOl�Y'iE (..o.rljr,iJ��a ✓��..f L'iv/I �1. Rb,rlHeo( pro" vast! ng . Following gag pr�ecess at 9-30 p.!P9, the Chair reconvened ,he meeting at 9.110 p.m. t KNOWLEEJC-MENT z zirAw n: Pro Tempore T yEo a krzowledged the presence of Councilman F]en<hnson and Mr, Johrrscini RWINGS Lcont.l. `'. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR TRUCK TERMINAL BEACH ROAD, ArLPIME[�. Chairman Pro Tempore Taylor announced a public hearing on the application for spec:ia` use pemi }; filed by Aliza Pacific Corporation, 1310 Hayshore Highway, Burlingame, to establish and rrraintairr a truck terminal - stir freight for Pacific: Intermountain Express in a port` on of an ex` sti n building at 347 Beach "oad, Anza Airport Park No. e - - Zone M-1 ;Light Industrial?. A communication from Anna Pacific Corporation, dated September 16, 1969, signed by David H. iCe_yston, Exe(.utive Vice President, stated that the tenant, Pacific Intermountain Express, Etas indicatedthat freight will not be stored on the premises overnight, as it will be prepared immeJiately for delivery 'to the airport.. The communication stated further goat a de. -pressed cock in ti r? back of the isui1cing will offer semi,-coverej parking, thereby minimizing ob,'Jectionable features )f outdoor t—uck storage. `: floc.. plan of the b-rildirg showed a , truck depresscd truck deck under the Pacific: Gas and Electric tran3mission litres and a 3500 square f —t area within the tuildir-, for the }'iiirno es of Vaa: e "-1 c Jntc,nrCr,I fir. David Keyston, rep-esenting the applicant, advised that the proposed facility is identical, in principle, with Medallion Air Freight Corporation operating from the 375 Beach Road building, except that the latter does not own nor store trucks on the premises and was not required to i'ollmi the use permit procedure. Mr. Keyston reported tint the tenant has advised as many trucks as possible will be moved into the warehouse after the freight has been dispatched, the remaining tracks to be parked in the dock. The City, P annF r, in response to the Chair, stated that the use is conditional in the district, requiring approval of a special permit, t, and .indicated no objection, commenting that usilization of warehouse space for parking will eliminate problems of housekeeping genet -ally assoc i sited with outdoor truck storage. In respchse to the Chair, there were no comments from, the audience favoring or protesting the application. Commissioner Kindig noted that Anza Pacific Corporation, owner of the property, is named as the applicant, that, normally, where trucking operations are involved, the permit would Lie Issued to a specific tenant: as a method of reaul:;lip use of the property, and that should Pacific I nter€ucuntai n Express decide for n2asons y'i t5own to discontinue the air freight business and vacate the premises, successor tenants could circumvent the requi remer; . for a use permit. Mr. Keystvill requested that the application form be amended to show the applicant as "Anza Pacific Corporation, agent for Pacific intermountain Express." The City Planner requested that the communicat?on accompanying the application be changed accordingly. The City Attorney conmiented that he was queried recently by the City License Collector concerning a tenant of Anza Pacific Corperation where there was a question as to the area of r esponsbi l i ty° for the business l i cease, and observed that approval of the subject application will not license Anza Pacific Corporation to engage in the business and that:, to eliminate a situation of confusion, the person who is to conduct the business should fd le t`se application for the use permit. In response to Co.mmissioner Brauner°s inquiry concerning equipment, Mr. Keyston stated that there will be no more than 5 "bob tail" trucks, except a larger truck will be used when volume demands, but will not remain on the premises overnight. In response to further inquiry from C(=nissioner Brauner, ter. Keyston advised that the firm conduct its business during the usual working hours and wall.not operate at night; that landscaping will be maintained against the building on 3 sides, similar to the pattern throughout the entire area; that a fence is not considered essential, because;! the parking area cannot be seen from Beach Road and will be screened from, the freewa;r as properties develop along Lang Road; fron the standpoint of security, a new patrol e�° i has b �n inieh-',Its betwTen.the hours of 7.6� �.� to 5• �.m., th�ou�t�out n i�hIrp= rt Irk an perm ssion has een gran a i) estab�s co-&unica oon wi': the Ci 6yr of Surlingawiti Police Department on its radio frequency; and that there will be no facilities on tine premises for washing or servicing the vehicles. The hearing was concl,jded, A motion introduced bu ("(5fmni ss l over= Cis itu I ; i to approve the application, of Anza Paci -<T i ; Corporati t,n, agent c; Pacific 1. ril"r-i c its i n Express, to maintain a tr ;r; : terml; nal /o —z7— G f air freight- for Pacific Internuuntain E .ptvss in a portion of the building at 347 Beach '<oad, it accordance with the communication dated September 16, '1969, from David uz K!yston and Vie building plan on file, was seconded by Commissioner Sine and carrie t unaniffously un roll call. 3. CAR RENTAL AGENCY 'PPROVED, BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. Chairman P� o Tempcore Taaylor announced a public hearing on the application for special use permit submitted ky Dollar -A -Day Rent-A-Car, Inc., 5307 Vilest Century Boulevard Los Angele , for czar r=ntal agency at 1815 Bayshore Highway, least Millsdale Industria *11 Park. :':omi: M-1 (Light Industrial l . The applic`int's communication Sated Jcto5er 14, 1969, signed by H.J. Caruso, President, advised that the proposed faci l.f y, one o° over fifty branches coast to coast, will be company owned zind operated; that the location is corvenient to the airport and airport -oriented Hotel.;, from which the firm's business is derived, that the existing building will adapt readily to the companf's needs, as there 'Is ample office space, a sprinklere' warehouse and adequate off-street parking; that all of the operations will be conducted within the building, except for outdoor parking of 29 automobiles; and that it is proposed to remove an existing concrete pool at the front of the building and rerands.cape the entire front. A plot pla: showing l a°9dscaped areas and outdoor parking was filed. The City Planner, invited by the Chair to initiate the discussion, recalled that at the study ueetinq the yompany's representative stated that all of the actual repairs a.+d sevvi c i ng and othe activities in connection with the vehicles will be conducted wi thi rt the building; f,;dr°thermore, the Commission was informed that the public utility easement a¢: the extrem.a rear of the lot will be paved and used. as necessary for vehicle sVirage, which is permissible. "Fhe City Nanner referred to discussion at the study meeting concerning installation of a fence with l andscip°i rig along the fiance line. The City Planner stated thaat the use s conditional in the district, requiring approval of a speciscl perm+ t, and that he found no problems in the application. In response to t1;e Chair's inquiry, thane were no comments Prow the audience favoring or protesting the special permit. Chairman Pro Tempore Taylor recognized MIr. Henry Caruso, Los Angeles, principal in the company. Mr. CarLsc stated that a fence will be installed encompassing the property, 'that -the front will be re ondsc.aped, and landscaping extended along the fence line on both sides. renderiing o oThe"I u,��ieg, n lalte€dcarper�odhoofs��scu5s�on, cur nga�r�iic�nt�iecm�s��edr of aesthetics was explored.. Commissiorer Kirtdiiq suggesting that the color, being somewhat garish, the sign may prevai i over z. `s other car rental agency si gt=s In the area, resulting in application:-, for replacement >0•- axistiejq signs. Mr., Carusc; repor"'od t t at the :sign will W onfort: to tYOde requirements 'in all areas, .1&ise€itata:..'1 a * t p�. } '�: ..z, ; ,. c i:. e f. r`t 4` -i3' ,. .{1 _ 4:'. e �..hhe e'"'t�.ii.`� d f sl��' ..�i �".r�E't? ��.- !i5 ..i. col or; the 'identical slgD i s ---Pp € o xi at all bran hec :he =;:nyY and the predo inat"anq color wou-ldthe c�cn, dar�-_d crFar-E or peie yellow. Mr. Caruso strte� 'that a prior ape , i cati on approved by this City of Bi .irl i ngaire for a franchise operated Dollar -A C-a-r-Reptal-Agency contemplated te same sign display. Mr, Caruso. confi fined that, i, o signs are. proposed to be located on the The City Planner, in reply to Coi:u i ss .4 €;n inquiry, repa fled that the code makes no reference to number o i" free-standing slIgns on a propel^ ,;,, . Mr. Carusc advised that a ma<'_3.,ium of 40 vehicles will be stored on the prpmrses, 29 outside of the building. The hearing was concluded. A motion introduced by CoriTissioiter Brauner to approve the special permit application of Dollar -A -Day Rent-A-Car, Inc., to maintain a car rental agency in an existing office -warehouse building at 1315 Bayshore highway, was conditioned as follows: 1.- The property be fenced on south, east and west sides; 2. The area of the public utility easementt shown on the drawing, proposed to be used for parking, to he paved; 3. On the east z.-nd b€eat sides of the building, an area 2 Feet in width and 50 Feet in depth along the fence line to be landscaped and maintained. The motion was seconded by C rrpissioner Sine i;nd carried unanimously on roll call. 4. VARIANCES -- REAR YARD SETBACK AND LESS THAN REQUIRED PARKING._ (cont.) Chairman Pro Tempore Taylor annoup ced a public hearing on the application for variance filed by Mr. and airs. Eric G. Mausser, 1535 Meadow lane, to construct addition to existing residence to wi't-It? feet of rear property tine and provide less than required garage or carport spaces for 3 bedroom home. (Lot 19, Block 2, Burlingame Village Subdivision, ?one! R-•1, Single-family dwellings). The application form indicated improvements existing: "one-story residence." The applycant:s communication dated September 25, 1969, stated that the proposed addition will measure 23 feet in width by 18 feet in length; that the existing residence, comprising a one -car garage, kitchen, living -dining room, den, two bedrooms and one bath is far from adequate for a family of two adults and three children; that efforts to purchase another residence, wpth similar advantages in the present location of neigh- borhood, surrounding area, and the city, generally, were unsuccessful; and for these reasons, the decision was made to attempt to construct an additional bedroom and bath. The communication stated further that the proposed addition was considered the most feasible irrethod of expandi nthe structure and preserving a useful and spacious rear yard; attempting to limit tge addition to code requirements would result in loss of needless footage for the stairs into the rear yard, a narrow L-shaped yard and extremely narrow bedroom; and that consideration to adding a second story wets `1 nlin;!.ed because o'F costs, invasion of neighbors' privacy and inconsistency with the general appearance of the dwellirg and the neightczr°ho>�d< A plat showing 'xocatforl e ; � § � er�t:�° anti a F,lo'b. pia; !sere filed.: A letter dated Cctobe 23, 1969, frog, Grant R. and Mildred W. Bishop, Star Rte. 2, Pine Grove, California, owners of the property at 1537 Eastmoor Road, immediately adjacent at the rear to the subject: property, protested the variance for the following reasons: the proposed addition will infringe on their privacy; obstruct the evening Sun from their rear yard and lower their property values. In response to the Chair, there were no co!mwnts from the audience favoring or pro- testing the variance. The Chair recognized Mr. Mausser. Commenting on the statement in the communication opposing the variance, Mr. Mausser questioned the allegation of property devaluLtion and stated that, unless he were to construct a second story, there would be r;o interference with the neighbor's privacy nor deprivation of sunlight. Commissioner Norberg suggested, as an alternative, reversing the dimensions and constructing an area 23 feet in width by 13 feet in length, thereby increasing the open space between the building and the neighbor's property. Mr. Mausser explained that prevision must be made for an outside staircase and that the resultant master bedroom and bath :could be considerably 'less spacious and attrac- tive than the submitted plan, and the yard area less functional. In response to Commissioner Kindig, the City Planner reported that there is a large front yard and that, with the proposed addition, lot coverage would be under the 40% required by code. Commissioner Norberg requested than: the applicant furnish a floor plan of the dwelling, showing existing and proposed rooms. Mr. Mausser stated that the requir+emeni.- for a two -car garage appears to create an insur- mountable barrier}--th,,! necessary space does not exist. Mr. Mausser, thereafter, agreed to have a more detailed drawing available for Com- mission review at the study meeting of November 10. The hearing was thereafter continued to the regular meeting of November 24, 1969. 5.. PARKING VARIANCE APPROVED, OGDEN DRIVE. Chairman Pro Tempore I'aylor announced a public hearing on the application of Western Conference of Teamsters, 1870 Ogden Drive, for a variance for "use of hydraulic - lift double stacking narking equipment to provide required number of parking stalls" in a new office building proposed to be constructed on Ogden Drive adjacent to the existing Teamsters Headquarters building. (Lots 19,20, Block ' Mills Estate Subdivision No. 3; Zone C-3 Professional Uses). A letter dated October 10, 1959, accumpany�!ng the application, and sinned by S. Iyama, Architect, stated that there is insufficient li%d space to accoimnedate conventional varying `or tv>o floors of offices; that the tk�rdrauaic gift ��5ten will be feasible, as ':!�e majority of cans parked do nc=t leave, the pr°opertyduring working hours; that tfle equipment will be installed i rsi de the bui'Hi ng, es E heti cal ly preferable to the normal su fire lot, "W"Wral dyawing; aN THarature jescribirg the parkinc equipment were Aled. Mki"7001i - W OMPA BOW, WESUrn Conference if Teamsters v2presentative, Mr. HULA McKamiy.. ArchOW, ane Mr. Sigmand Grominger, parking system representative, were present,, W Obvir acccmnd the privilege of tha floor to the bpplicants,. Air. kohaibky staisd that. because of the HOW land area avAilable, the porking device was ivcammesdut to thair clients as a method of preserving the aesthetics of the prappNy and the general area and attag maximum use of the land. W. PrOmey staind that the building his been designed to confo,vi to C-3 Oistrict WHOrp on., height regulations, the oily varAtUn Wing the rathar unprt4opox porking arranEement. Mp. Fallen reported that the building will serve as headquarters for the pegsion fun; wronven aid will to used as a computer center. in Fesporne tc the Chair's AqUiry Or comment from the audlenca, a group of interessef! (ARQns "Y3UeSYVd and were !p'auvted pra-;--mission to view the architactoral drawings. Mr. ballew rEperted Wat the building will be no higher than the existing Tuamxtsr�: OvAuNg ind of the same archi tat turai design. Wmissloier Kiodig inquired of the City Planner whether aq per,, -Oa. would b-.! issuni tc the Wants prior to installation of parking. The Vfy Planne, sUtad that, legally, the building should nut be occupied until Ar- parkli; aid all other phases of the coistruction ape completed. The City Planner twe that Kyre have been some problems in et. forcQg the law and recited incidEnis n0r; Wildines "ave been occupied pr1or to Issuance of the permit. Q. KIM stated that the parking units will he instalInd without delay, barring unWaseei commPlications.. in reipense to Commissioner Sine, Mr. Grozinger stated that 60 days A the maximum tw� allotted For deAvery and that, under normal working Gand itions, units can be jnsti!Te,,,, 70 per day. in response to a series of questions dir-ecte-d by 'C'err.rrIssioner One, Mr. McKamey Wscyss;O, technicel aspects of building construction, advising that, if raquired, e sprinkiQ system coa be installed. The bity Ranner reported that it is his and Fire Chief Nnapny'2 reconmendition tha; the Cnimission consider sprinklers in ths baseamnt. Are RAW Maerby recommeNed consideration to ceiling Op the bassnzK, The City Planper and Fire Chic:Moorby explained that such AnYllations waild L.-: invaluable in coutalping a prior to arrival of Aro department crews, Refeyring to the prclosed park7ng arraigiment, -the O',:y -,--1anner HOW that such :wnkal I Wcns and, sip Darly, larVe punking Wucturcs, mzy appear, on the surfaz, to W conly and Derheps e.�pondicures; nevertheless, mith 40 crits rontmOw., to rise, artmel W re"pQ 7AW if Ony diFflyrr— 11 -L-1 Ki qW, 3arkinu yDace !he City Plannep stated that amendi-i.-ien-ts to eff-street parking regulations, currently rider study by the ComM-s,,slan, will increase parking requirements and that methods must be found for accennodatitag the vehicles. Mr. Grozinger was - granted permission to show a brief 111m of the "Space-O-Matic'' parking system in operation. The hearing was concluded. A motion introduced by Cotigni ssi oner Sine approving the application for variance of Western Conference of Teamsters for use of kydraulic-lift double stacking parking aquipment to provide required number of parking stalls in a proposed building adjacent to the existing Teamsters building on Ogden Drive was conditioned an installation of a sprinkling system in the ceiling of the garage area ind, additionaDy. the garage ceiling to be three-hour fire retardant construction. Motion was seconded by iommissioner Brauner and carried unanimously. AEW BUSINESS i. Public Hearl, Scheduled Name Chan BAK Payshore Pjayway. Commissioners wc:re lrfowim£ by Mr. Leonard Waldo, SrcyptarT, East M'.­!!!�di:le Association, that zt a meeting earlier in the day, the principa' prcp�­-ty owners in East Hillsdale Park agreed to request the city to make its decision an the street nawR change prior to the first of the year,se that Nstings in the new telephone directo re''Y would reflect the cKnge. ..onday, Novemtxvr2j, 1969, at the hour of 8:00 p=, was selected as 0a tire ibr conducting a puhiic hearAg in the matter of changing the nano of Qshcr* Highway, Vrom Bro&wAy to Overa, chfe soWpspt aueyar,opupookiiq a PecomweKation Q the matter to the City CounKi. 2, Res: cnation from Regional Planning Counission, ,'omir C ilssioner requested that he be vvp"',,if.ed as., official delegate to tha keg' onM Manning Commission ecause of the prassury of his work. The Ci Lty . ianer the matter will be Vaught to Je attention of the City Ccuncil, 3, city -planner Comments. 1. Copies of a now draft of proposed amendments to the code providjog for off-street parking requiremerts, and incorporating suggestions vciced by CoaininAlover y at VhE 0061- maeting of October J, were Jistributel and rsfOrred to lche study avl etlwq of NoveQnr 107 1 The matter of a proposed aez*,_rtdment to the code, providing for usis of unclaisMid lands within the city, was referred to the stu('�I" meetiilg. 3. The ordinance providing for Waterfr:ant cow'v!rcl' 911trict Regulations was 4r7o- duced at the meeting of October 20, including recommerdaWns ef the lounlysion %- iandscaping at the rear of buildings, particularly in the aroas- �-f 4mak Trading docVs- and omission of variance procedure in the section relztIng to Qns. _11... A. On lot Ga Burka, Road quithased by Le Swon .:tom el w expand it, daikOy W, has not kaes improved ind is being used W sturaga of waterials W NIQ Ar: Me matter has bean brought to the attention of tho hat27 manager. Me meeting regularly adjourned it 11:25 p.m. RelpeAVU111 MUMME$ Everett K. Kindig. Acrvini,;