HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1969.12.08CITY OF P.URLTN K2 t'LANNINC CWIMISSTON C01MISSIONPRS PR.ESENT Brauner Cistulli (8:10) KindiF.. Norberg Sine Taylor CALL TO ORDER CO"J�ITSSIONFRS ABSENT Mink December 8, 1969 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Starr An adjourned regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from the meeting of November 24, 1969, was called to order on the above date at 8:05 p.m,, Chairman Pro Tempore Taylor presiding, ROLL CALL A roll call recorded the above -named members present, Chairman Mink, absent due to business commitments, was excused, Commissioner Cistulli was delayed by another appointment, to NAME CHANCE OF (OLD) BAYSHORF 1IICHWAY, (continued) Invited by the Chair to initiate the discussion, the City Planner recalled that following a lengthy public discussion at the last regular meeting, wherein comments pro and con were heard from owners and tenants on the street regarding the change in nagre of (Old) Rayshore Highway, the hearing was closed and the subject referred to the present meeting for Cormision consideration and recommendation to the City Council. The City Planner reported receipt of communications from Past of Bayshore Improvement Association, Anna Pacific Corporation, and Mr. Richard Crey, Vice President, Consolidated Test and Equipment, Inc., repeating, state- ments that were made verbally at the prior meeting, Chairman Pro Tempore Taylor distributed copies of a communication received from Chairman !Rink (unable to be present because of business obligations) expressing personal opinions on the subject, Noting that two r+embers were absent, Commissioner Braiiner stated that he would prefer that the Commission's reconrendation to the City Council represents the thinking of all of the members and suggested delaying con- sideration to a future meeting, During the ensuing discussion, the majority appeared to be agreeable. Commissioner Sine advised that he would be away from the city on the date of the December regular meeting. Commissioner Cistulli arrived and, in reply to the Chair, indicated no objection to a postponement. Chairman Pro Tempore Taylor thereafter announced a continuance to the meeting of January 26, 1970. 2. EXTENSION GRANTED FOR HOWARD JOHNSON'S a3OTOR LOWE, A letter dated December 4, 1969, from noble, Cooke Properties, Inc,, Los Angeles, signed by A.W. Mall, referred to a special use permit approved by the Planning Commission and subsequently granted by the City Council on December 16, 1968, for construction of a Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge and Restaurant, Bayshore Freeway and Broadway The communication noted progress to date preparatory to actual construc- tion, stated that plans and specifications for the building have not been completed to the point where construction can start and, for the purposes of maintaining continuity of city approvals for the work, requested approval of a six months extension of the use, permit. In response to the Chair, the City Planner stated that the code provides for such extensions, for a period not to exceed one year. On a motion introduced by Commissioner Cistulli, seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously, the special use permit for construction of a Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge and Restaurant at Bayshore Freeway and Broadway was extended for a period of six months to June 16, 1979, ADJOURNPIENT There being no further business for consideration, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:20 pram., followed immediately by the study session scheduled for this date. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary -2- STUDY MEETING 1. RESUBDIVISION MAP, BEACH ROAD Mr. David keyston was present to discuss a proposed combining of lots in Block 2, Anza Airport Park Unit No. 1. Mr. Keyston advised that Pirelli Tire Company has outgrown its present facility at 330 Beach Road and that the map proposes to delete a series of interior lot lines and establish a single parcel for the purposes of expanding the building. The City Engineer indicated no problems. The map was referred to the meeting of December 22, 1959, for formal consideration. 2. PARCEL MAP - P_ORTION OF BORE PROPERTY, ROLLINS ROAD A parcel map prepared by Donald 0. Greek b Associates, Orange, California, of a portion of the lands of John H. Dore, Rollins Road, was discussed briefly, staff reporting that the proposal is to establish new interior lot lines to create a building site for Blue Chip Stamps, and that there are some problems, including legal questions. When it was determined that neither the property owner nor the engineer waspresent, the natter was referred to the study meeting 1n January. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT - COMMERCIAL PARKING FACILITY, ADRIAN ROAD Budget Valet Airport Parking Corporation of America, 715 Blanton Towers, Dallas, Texas, submitted an application for special use permit to operate a commercial parking facility in the 1800 block of Adrian Road, Millsdale Industrial Park. A communication from the applicant dated December 2, 1969 signed by Ed L. Storms, Vice President, stated that the facility is proposed for the purpose of corporate and executive parking for air travelers using San Francisco International Airport, and that customers will be driven to and from the airport in specially equipped busses. The communication stated that the site will be paved, lighted, and fenced and that waiting rooms and comfort facilities will be installed for the convenience of customers. Colored snapshots of an existing similar facility in Dallas, Texas, were filed. The.City Planner reported that the site is adjacent to El Portal Creek, on the Burlingame/Millbrae boundary line. Cyrus J. McMillan, Attorney, represented the applicants, explaining that the service is a relatively new concept for accommodating airport patrons by providing convenient parking and shuttle bus service to and from the airport. _3_ The applicants were informed by staff that any proposal for use of El Portal channel will require approval of the City Council and that, additionally, the city engineering department will expect to be furnished detail on improvements contemplated in the 140 foot drainage right of way. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of December 22, 1969. Mr. McMillan agreed to furnish a site plan and a preliminary sketch at that time. 4. ILLEGAL SIGNS The City Planner directed comments to Mr. Timberlake of Coldwell, Banker and Company concerning illegal displays of real estate signs in the industrial area, and requested their prompt removal. S. VARIANCES FOR ADDITION TO DWELLING, 2701 MARIPOSA DRIVE An application for variance from William J. Thompson, 2701 Mariposa Drive, concerned a recreation room recently added to the dwelling, for which there were no permits issued. A letter from Mr. Thompson dated December 2, 1969 stated that the structure was intended originally as a windbreak in the area of the swimming pool and enclosed later to prevent rain damage to the children's recreational equipment. The communication stated further that the room is not used for living purposes but for the children to entertain their guests. A memo from the City Planner cited Zoning and Building Code violations observed in a personal visit to the property after the Building Inspector discovered the work while on a routine inspection In the neighborhood. The City Planner's communication mentioned that a similar application made by Mr. Thompson in July, 1964, was denied by the Commission. Drawings filed by the applicant were reviewed and a public hearing scheduled for the meeting of December 22. 6. WATERFRONT COMMERCIAL DISTRICT The City Planner reported that he is hoping to have material ready for the January study meeting on the areas to be considered for reclassification to "Waterfront Commercial." ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig, Secretary -4-