HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1968.03.25-� CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNINC COMMISSION i - March 25, 1968 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Bra.uner None City Attorney Karmel Cistilii City Planner Mann Kindig City Engineer Marr Ming, Councilman Johnson Norbe,Tg pie ?Ce Tayl r CALF. TO ORDER The regular monthly meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Cistulli pre- sidl.ng. ROLL CALL A roll call recorded all members present. MINUTES 'he minutes of the meetings of February 26 and March 11, 1968, previously _�ubrtitted to members, were approved and adopted. HEARINGS Pursuaat to public notices hearings were conducted as follows., 1. SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPROVED TO EXTEND VETERINARIAN CLINIC MAGNOLIA AVE.. An application for -special permit filed by W.M. hand, DVNI, owner and operator of Plaza Veterinary Clinic, 1806 Magnolia Avenue, in the Burlingame Plaza Shopping Center, proposed extending the clinic to include a vaunt store immediately adjacent at 1808 Magnolia Avenue. A communication from the applicant stated that the operation is properly classified ."an out -patient clinic'°,that the added space will be used for office and storage -cage purposes and a second surgery room, thereby effecting a more efficient arrangement and providing separate areas -for caging sick and well animals confined during the day. A site plan %and floor plan of the proposed addition were filed. Dr. [land was present, explaining in response to Commission iaquiry that overnight care is restricted to emergency situations. There were no comments from the floor in response to the Chair's inquiry. .e motion was introduced by Commissioner Mink approving a special perartit to Plaza Veterinary Clinic, 1806 Magnolia. Avenue, to extend to the premises at 1808 P•2agnolia Avenue, under the same conditions atta ed to the original permit (October, 1964), requiring the premises to be sound- proofed to the satisfaction of the building inspector, and animals not `1 to be detained overnight, except in emergency cases with a licensed J veterinarian attending. Motion seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried unanimously on roll call. 2, VARIANCE FOR GASOLINE SERVICE STATION, BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. (Continued) An amended application for variance, dated February 29, 1968, filed by % Barry Spivak, Secretary -Treasurer, Central Valley Real Estate Corpora- tion, Sacramento, proposed a gasoline service station at a location it the industrial district on Bayshore Highway which may be closer to an existing service station than permitted by code. A site plan designated "EXHIBIT A" and a metes and bounds description designated "EXHIBIT B" located the property at the corner of Old Bayshore Highway and Broadway extension, immediately south of the California Trucking Association building. A copy of a Purchase Agreement dated December 7, 1967, appertaining to the property, signed by Barry Spivak, Central Valley Real Estate Cor- poration, as Buyer, and Ariades and Ruth T. Luppi, Sellers, was filed. A letter designated "EXHIBIT C" dated February 29, 1968, from the law offices of Tarver and Doherty, Burlingame, and signed by Robert. A. Tarver, attorney for the applicrnts4 justifying the application for variance maintained that Ordinance Code Section 2S.74.020 (Required conditions for granting permits for gasoline service stations) "should not apply, because the intervening streets in this case are the north and south bound lanes of.Bayshore Freeway." A letter dated March 20, 1969, from Mr. Robert A. Tarver, requested that a variance to erect a sign 27 feet in height on the site be considered as a part of the variance for the use of the property. Drawings accompanying the application included a plot plan, building details, and photographs of existing service stations in other cities similar in design and construction to the proposal. Mr. Robert Tarver and Mr. H.H. Hart, District Field Engineer, Mobil Oil Corporation, represented the appritcant. MY,, Tarver advised that since the letter concerning the sign was j�ritten visual studies appear to indicate that a. sign 27 feet in height wi:_3 not be easily seen because of the trees southerly of the site, theses.pre- su-mably, will be maintained as a part of the city°s park area necessita¢inf-i a``��yys%gn considerably higher --Mr. Tarver suggested a height of perhaps 50 i e,, a O Dur:+gig a period of Commission discussion, it appeared to be the consensus that the sign should be considered separately from the variance for the usro The City Planner reported that, as yet, the applicants have not furnished details on drainage or landscaping, nor agreed to makes street improvements at the time the property is improved. �2a During a review of the drawings, Mr. Tarver mentioned that the location of the building has been changed slightly since the study meeting dis- ussion. Mr. Tarver and Mr. Hart referred briefly to proposed planting yeas and drainage installations. Commissioner Norberg stated that information he received recently from the State Division of Highways would indicate that a considerable por- tion of the property will be lost to highway and overpass construction** he suggested that the matter be pursued with the proper city and State officials as the site plans have little value if there is a drastic change in available land area. The City Engineer and City Planner stated that the city has not approved a plan for the overpass and, to their knowledge, has received no corres- pondence from the State indicating its approval to a particular plane Mr. Tarver, thereafter, requested a continuance of 30 days stating that the matter of the overpass will be investigated and the project engineer will meet with the city engineer on drainage and other details. Commissioners discussed architectural design, indicating that from an aesthetic standpoint the building could be improved; it was pointed out that the location is adjacent to the entrance to the city's proposed park and in an area where there are a number of new attractive buildings. The hearing was continued to the meeting of April 22, 1968, the applicants to submit an application for the sign display in the meantime. J. HOTEL ON BAYSHORE HIGHWAY APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE. An application for special permit tiled by Seven Inn of America, 2SO Hotel Circle North, San Diego, proposed a 340 unit, 10 story hotel on a 3.91 acre parcel in the industrial district fronting the easterly line of Bayshore Highway, southerly of Burlway Road. A letter dated March 8, 1968, from Seven Inn of America, signed by Kenneth R. Riley, President, advised that the Burlingame site was selected as an ideal location because of the commercial and industrial growth in the area, together with the increasing expansion in air traffic. The communication stated that it is planned to include a coffee shop, gourmet room, cocktail lounge, conference rooms, banquet facilities, barber shop and gift shop, and that there will be a swimming pool; construction will be concrete and block -- the public areas in front of the high rise, frame and stucco. A letter dated March 6, 1968, from the firm of Davis and Moises, AIA, San Diego, signed by Ronald Davis, advised that the property is being purchased by Seven Inn of America from Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Phillips, Millbrae;; that street improvements will be completed to city standards, and that expert detailed soil investigations have been mace. A copy cf a letter dated January 4, 1968, from Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, San Francisco Area Office, addressed to the firm of Davis and Moises, indicating no objection to the building .,neight, was filed. Mr. Ronald Davis, project architect, represented the applicant. -3- The City Planner reported that from the standpoint of number and size of spaces, the parking layout meets the code; however, there is a tremendous spaces, of unrelieved asphalt.. He stated that the applicants had pro- ected their square footage and uses of the building on the number of spaces that would be available with this plan, that a different plan allowing areas.for landscaping might cause them to reduce the size of the building or the uses. The City Planner suggested, since landscaping is tremendously important, that the applicants review their plans and resubmit a better design for parking and a landscaping plan, The City Engineer, in response to the Chair, reported no problems of any significance in the utilities; he stated that there should be a survey of the property and that street improvements to conform to those in place on the remainder of the street will be required when the property is improved. The Cxty Engineer advised that fire safety installations will be a part of the building permit. Commissioner Kindig suggested that attention be given to plantings or some fors, of amenities in the area between the building and the water's edge. Commissioners agreed in general with the project and concurred with the .City Planner concerning detailed parking and landscaping plans. Commissioner Mink requested that drawings of the large dining area in the front of the building also be furnished. Mr. Davis submitted a colored photograph of a complex in San Diego developed by the Seven Inn of America, advising that equal attention to aesthetics will be given the project proposed for Burlingame. There were no comments from the floor in response to the Chair's inquiry. A motion introduced by Commissioner Brauner approving the application for special permit in prillciple, and withholding final approval pending sub- mission and approval of a landscaping plan and revised parking plan, was seconded by Commissioner Kindig and unanimously carried. A motion introduced by Commissioner and unanimously carried, continued April ix, 196 8,. RECESS Brauner, seconded by Commissioner Fink, the hearing to the regular meeting of The Chair declared a recess at 9:20 p.m, CALL TO ORDER The meeting was reconvenod by Chairman Cistulli at 9:30 p.m. -4- 4. VARIANCE APPROVED TO CONVERT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO DUPLEX. i E �n.application for variance -filed by Ernest D. Van Slyke, 1512 Barroilhet Avenue, proposed installing a new inside wall deriding the house, creating additional cooking facilities in a room presently used as a bedroom, and adding a second entrance in a six room, two bath, one story residence at the above address (Lot 14 and par. Lot 13, Block 1, Glenwood Park Sub- division ). Zone: R-1. A letter from the applicant dated March 11, 1968, advised that he is owner and occupant of said residence, that he is suffering from a physical con- dition requiring that he not be left unattended at night in case of emer- gency, that there are no members or the family who can reside with him, therefore, arrangements must be made for some other person to reside in the home. The communication stated that it is not intended to create a second, separate living unit but that the proposed structural changes will resolve a critical situation, preserve his,privacy and afford equal privacy to the person or persons sharing the home. A petition favoring the Variance, signed by 11 residents in the immediate area, drawings of the proposed alterations and colored photographs of the property were filed. A letter from C.D. Thornwall, M.D., Burlingame, dated January 26, 1968 certified that the applicant "is suffering from severe cerebral vascular ieficiency and for this reason should have someone with him ,wring the Mr. Ralph Button, Building Designer, Burlingame, advised thvt he was repre- senting the applicant at the latter's request. Mr. Button expressed his opinion that no great harm would result to the immediate area, nor to the city as a whole, if the variance were approved; he mentioned that the location is directly to the rear of the apartment zoning on El Camino Real and that all of the balconies of the apartments overlook the Van Slyke property; he stated that the property would appear to be a proper subject for a type of transitional zoning. Mr. Button advised that Mr. Van Slyke is a widower and that., if at all possible, he would prefer to stay on in his home. Mr. Button described Mr. Van S13ke°s physical disability. There were no comments from the audience in response to the Chair. In response to Commissioner Kindigzs comment that there is a: carport at the front of the property and, apparently„ a circular drivew^ay to a garage at the rear, the City Engineer showed a map approved by the Com- mission soiae years ago dividing the: property into two lots; he advised that it i.s rtss understanding that Mr. Van Slyke is the owne7, of bath lofts and that no other improvements exist on the second lot where the garage is located. Commissioner Brauner suggested that if the applicant were interested in altering to building solely because of his physical condition, and had no interest in converting to duplex as a permanent situation-., that the -5 variance t-,iiglat be approved for so long as Mr, Van Slyke occupied the residence. -The City Attorney advised that legally the Commission may so limit the use,, but that at such time that Mr. Van Slyke vacated the property, Y P P Ys for one reason or another, there would be the problem of enforcing single-family use of a building ' converted to duplex. Commissioner Norbwg referred to the petition on file from the neighborhood indicating no objection and to the apartment zoning immediately adjacent, stating that duplex use in the precise location would not appear to be a drastic zoning change. Commissioner Taylor mentioned the problem of precedent, questioning the basis for refusal of a like request in any other section of the city. He stated there would appear to be other avenues of relief avdlable to Mr. Van. Slyke. Commissioner Brauner stated that he was somewhat hesitant to introduce duplex into a first -residential area but, under tha circumstances,, was willing to approve the variance limited to Mr. Van Slyke's needs. `?h Ci.ty Planner seated that, the property is on a curve immediately next to R'-3 zoning, and that it is a very quick transition from a 3-1/2 story building to one story; he stated that from a planning standpoint actual duplex construction on this property would not be objectionable and that it was his opinion the proposal :could not be harmful to neighboring i properties. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Kindig approving the variance to convert: the dwelling as requested in accordance with drawings on file, and limiting the effectiveness of the variance for so long as Mr. Van Slyke occupies the residence. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Norberg and cai ried on the; following roll call.: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Brauner, C9stulli, Kindig, Mink, Norberg, Pierce NOES COMMISSIONERS: Taylor ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: None The Nearing was concluded. Sa RESTAURANT. SAYSHORE HIGHWAY, APPROVED, An application for special perwit filed by Anza Pacific Corporation, Burlingame, proposed a restaurant and cocktail lounge in the industrial area on a parcel of acreage fronting the easterly line of Bayshore Highway, approximately 750 -feet southerly of Avis Rent A Car plant. The applicant's statement accompanying the application stated that the essee of the area will be Interstate Hosts, Inc., operators of res=taurants in both the Sara Francisco and Los Angeles International Airports, in addition to a number of other restaurants throughout the t..,Lnated States; that the subject property will be developed with a "Charley Brown Restaurant", similar to, three restaurants currently operating in Southern California under that name. -6- The statement made reference to the fact that a special use permit was approved recently for a Charley Brown Restaurant in another location on. Bayshore Highway in this city but that the lessee has abandoned t plans for that location and substituted the lands of Anza Pacific Corporation. A plot plans, complete set of working drawings of a similar building in Southern California, and a photograph of an existing Charley Brown Restaurant were filed. Chairman Cistulli recognized giro Cyrus J. McMillan, attorney for Anza Pacific Corporation. Mr. McMillan advised that the site is approximately 1000 feet northerly of the hotel site approved by the Commission earlier in the meeting and quite close to the site on which a use permit was granted for a Charley Brown Restaurant the latter part of last year. Mr. McMillan advised that the working drawings of the building in Southern California were furnished for the reason that the prospective lessee requires that the proposed building shall be similar in con- struction and quality. He stated that the site is approximately 4 acres, the building - 10,000 square feet, and parking proposed at 1.47 spaces, which exceeds code requirements. Air. McMillan noted that the plot plan indicates some landscaping but that a complete landscaping plan shall. be filed; furthermore, the property owners intend to landscape the area beyond the building toward the bay. In response to the Chair's inquiry, Mr. McMillan advised that the operation is limited to a single large dining room and a cocktail lounge; there is neither entertainment no, banquet facilities. In response to Commissioner Kindigfs comment thae development of private property is slowly but surely elir.Anating public access- to tie bays fishing spots and open areas for simply viewing the grater, the City Planner agreed that the situation is becoming critical and that some method must be found for public ownership of the dater. He stated that actually the restaurant, and the hotel considered earlier do conform to the planning principles of the Bay Conservation and Develop- ment Commission that uses along the bay make use of the bay aesthetically and othNise --- a warehouse building with blank walls, for example, would be considered a contrary use. The City Planner suggested that before any building permits issue the applicant provide a landscape plan. The City Engineer indicated no problems of concern to his department. There were no comments iron the floor in. response to the Chair. 4_0K.1'euiss oner Norberg stated that landscaping indicated on the plot plan wa.:; inadequate and offered suggestions for extending planting areas. -7- _iz David Y 6a✓jrritoj1 aneed to confer with the sssn ; a an a-? 'i_t:'1' pt to )crease the e number of parkingJycce7 for additional landscaping., commissioner �}- VSti �rg introduced W. notion to approve Fl_application .. __ ' upon the building conforming to plans on file, parking to he adjusted to increase the areas K landscaping, and the applicant to fj:�_. a def{aY lr u 2andscapa plan. Motion seconded by ro'[t>9is ` t..ae,. . ayl .... an-J., carried unanimously on roll coil, 6. PARKING LOT HIGHLAND AVENUE. APPROVED- Aa application for variance e filed by Burlingame ate Motor Company, y, 00 t,•__.'_ f`/1'i7:.ia Drive, Burlingame, ` .Lf3i a i,'•:�r old } f "_,2� -'r_i ez r+ t C:: �y . :� ✓ r ... 9.:.:. Y , �. i, i 1.: 4. s. 1 .{ f� aJ J J a: i} storage L4t for damaged t{._::ides at 5 Highland Avanve1por. of Lot iS and per. of Lot 7, Block 10, Town of Burlingame). Zone: R-4. f� letter d '.,ems •� � i968 from theapplicant, � Cfn� d b`^r deer 7 1 �.�_ _ �. _ _�LC�' ._=FC.1 .ig _. .:u ?_... .. �. t., 7L�.afi a. ..C.�.L�. i; `ombe g,s f'4d'C:-s-_t.':�nt S'•L�� d that the .[_ot is ..7 „iLa�JF.'.�i ed is 5g feet wide b. i 4., deep, a d that 'e i o 9 al F pa - �' a " - vehicles s i.h , prior i, o repair a C. the a� �� `_ ` c n y - s Mara! c, a f and ,A A 1 ±,.,. ' � � - Y located 4 L �t�t:: _'f J is .•� ! �� � L: $- f!C-.y-1!;:.•i?' directly across the streev. The communication Qvised that vehicles will the AA Evargoncy Rced service operating out and that it is isperativo thnt all phases of -aeration be as centrally located as is d productivity and avoid costly Ways,, ossible ��"" r i.fFi ly /�yatowed Burlingame{.. A,- tlti Motor�. {L i 1 the autemobile dealer's to increase Aviciency it favor of o }'E.-..+_a.,'..t_: were ..C,-.-.. _.. UM: isf ....°_._an A. ,r.. t.._.-lam... 11. . ..,..___! _ C.. .)eL . _ iU Alto, CCUu.... of 123 i+li...ifo'..- . Drive;1....__t.o i`v'.`.d v: l.... r To! ca'1 t iCly ; O ._ VL. YC>My _ AMC Repair;. r _ 100 r',' Burlingame,The letters mentioned problems of lack of space ccnfranting the autwnQj;.-, industry in the for additional property %`' + C �. � • . operate an t<i..:T-'���:'n �; .i �.;l_ dealership, , further, the lot . will 11 �'. _ .. � .. .. to park in opposition Y+aye _ cad W.. Mrs. Edith V. Sofas, owner/occupant o an ais 'l.f) e % building, G--L;.�: _ !. �.:lL`.�e (colored ph . t eg a...74.. .j l� .he 3 o F„ in question s .-4.... :.i m ._ ?•d K e C'. . munication); Raney E. and houlah P. At/ `7- ua ; George N. i .1 �31kh . - co-owner of he building .., the .. '_i h property, and flow Morris Daley, co-unner with Mr. Wyhbeyg; W2 and p2lan Stan an KTP�0: ienuz,ownod by Burlingamw Motor F y AFL will be o_'r. s_`.v _ .. _- city approves .._:_r, .°.'oFd._ . ed ._ ._a !_a . .. _8- A what, in a. sense, will be a junk yard; and tjiat the proposed use wilt be rmful to all of the neighboring residential buildings. \1 -nairman Ci.stulli recognized tiro Jerrold L. Bron�,erg who requested that the application be amended to provide for & parking .lot for new, 12sed and/or employee vehicles. The City Planner stated that the property is zoned fourth residential, as are all of the properties on that side of the street, with the exception of the lots formerly occupied by Spreckels -Russell Company; the opposite side of Highland Avenue is zone; - omEercial, used almost entirely by businesses related in some way to the automobile industry; the situa-tion is rather difficult with commercial and residential zc-zings on opposite Sides of the street. ..there is no transition of buffer:" Zone. e City Planner pointed out than the city part ng iot.,-immediately adjacent to the north, is on R-4 property and, to the worth of that, an unimproved lot is being used for aautomobilo storage Comments were invited from the flaorg Mrs. awry Ferny:, owner of property at III Highland A�:enue, protested com- meEcial use of rZ-4 propertyv stated that. the lot is not maintained and detracts from the appearance of neighboring properties and that approval Gf the C-pp] Uc&*.iOn W- ll re -cult in f2;T,61'leb har11? to he cv?ners of Tes - £!C*Y'ti al prep -l.-ti s on the street. , response to Colzmmi:ssi.on inquiry, Mr. Bromberg stated that if the use is :tprovedg thet �aii_1. to no star�g�: of dau�aced vehicles, the overall appear once will rese-b e the city parking lot and adrangen.wnts will be made to plac.e the da-waged vehicles elsewhere away from public vi.e;4-. Vly-o Broa:berg advised that the latwill not by used fog, sales pu-_rposes ; torp %'? ll be si g_. displays no e lecLS cF r wx J O Dz=,y._3g a period 0— Commission discussion t'her welre COMM-enta that p r 1�3 - �e would appear "n �.� f3p.'t:i'! s" ?5�ifid:S t"����� �.�Ijd �%�:::�'s�:e.r��d. ���.2°`'�ils� 4Q� i�g„1?�c c_�l�c.«Z' �G h� a:? acceepi:ab-10 Ii3 she area because C:f the sparking kits alrezdy" in O x i s t,e.s ce i7 �3M�3£:s to the �'t%e? the .X Y.f engineer sigmaeod to h-iak('e a in- sprjaction to Cvc:yi;rmiae taw J -£;?263.ition of the s idie . s.s i o �n introduced ? ;-, s 4 e �T � r.a Y r 1 tr ' �, motion �ti' �s3I::F• J.� 2<i?G-�` aUii:..`��'�, .".,���.it<2�.c by C.t�%F�t_tS�l.+�'!_-'sr Kindig and unan-imously carried, ap pToved the applicant's request to use the pro} e-'t r for parking new, usednn"/oT e; ploy8ec; f1Cp �a: ane paving toc de s tarnel :� d , a slat w �d `.h. ys� i7: 1"U[ec� :ia-s t al e", .-A vi'.c. SO t h S a e Ona` i.a is rear a-ie, sign disu i>.c'°,`'s Tlt'r:i: Chair advised f.>lat 'a.Re action of the l ttesday;, April G, 1968, i_.F not G;f'%•i`e;. ,_Irddo -9 FA BUSINESS TCAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. Commissione-r Pierce asked the City Planner about the i roceduye fol i.owed by the Council in applying the recommendations of the Plannip-g Com 6Lssion in the yearly "Capital Imiproveme.nt" study. he was Particularly concerned with annotaisce-monts in the press about the city hall and said it was his opinion that the Commission was best qualified to advise on physical developments. The Planner pointed out that the city does riot ba41e a system tehex-eby the Commission studies and recommends finmicing 4i:L'lhods as well 1 as ii-m-,i3 ove- ments and pr3i'iorit es, that: the Council used the-1—eCos.'•1(c'I'Sdat.ions enf i_ guide but undertook the other mattees themselves. lves. its the case of the city hall, a separate ci.ti tons a E©mmi.ttea had nade the study, 2. MYRTLE ROAD PROPERTY In response to Commissioner Ki.ndio's refor ens e to an unatz—Factive dilapi- dated fence on the Myrtle Read frontage of p. perty occupied by B.B. Stern. Company, detracting from the appearance of an, at12e'+"i.`ise maintained street, the City Plamner auxeed to direct ca .[e:t�-_­r to the comparnra REPORT - k exapiessed apprec?c`[ ca:3 f i the p f; L?z'i;ti7 a^.fL?ei+1 Ei 4! ±ksl3op o-n 11--he Pla7ming Process at the Unive rsity' eyr -..'alifor-n'.'.c:. at: Santa Cruz can `q rc�t 23, di.tr Comm issi c,zeV Norbero� ACKNOWLEDf'MENT Chairm a Cistulli e"i€:kyijE°k7.#{edged Couvrc,1lma- Jw3hnsCSa iu. at-t e 3de ace as CX-Offic iro 't:;e2-aber of 4il'�e. 4.�i}m`:3iss?ion. ADJOURNMENT The Tweeting xeoulaxly adjourned at 11:30 pm. _10- Respectfully submitted, y Everett K.liisiC:a-gSecretary til- �. C f 0— C(— CL— i URLINGAME PLANNING COMIIISSION March 25, 1968 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL III MINUTES FebruaTy 26 and March 11. 1968 1V HEARINGS 1. Special Permit to extend Yeter na rian clinic, �F�.�gnolia 4 renue o it�.�:.�Ence .�c'�� ,g�Ei'.s�oij.4ae' ���A"�%A�� �$etfi�IE832� Fk�;tS�4®��. S:i�j�tfitl'�}'0 30 o Special ParrpAt Seven Iran of America Hotel, Bayshorp Highway. 4. Variance to convert -1 dwelling to duplex, Barrod d e� � ► nue o 5� Special Permit - Charley Brown's Restaurant, B€dyshore Hi hwa� G 60 Variance for storage of damaged vehicles, Highland Avenue V NEW BUSINESS VI ADJOURNMENT