HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1968.05.13r CITE` OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Brauner None ;ist�xlli Kindi.,g :-Sink Norb org Pierce Taylor CALL TO ORDER May 130 1968 OTHERS PRESENT - City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr A regularly adjourned meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission -rom its regular meeting of April 229 1968, was called to order on `she above date at 8:00 p.m. Chairman Mink presiding. ROLL CALL A roll call recorded all members present. HEARING PARKING AREA LANDS OF SAN FRANCISCO WATER DEPARTMENT APPROVED. Chairman Mink, annotuxced a continued hearing from the meeting of April 22, 1.968, on the application of Congdon, Del Secco F, Ross Investment Company, Burlingame, for c special use permit tc establish an off-slereea parking lot inn a 1.oc ,-tion of the lands of the San Fra-acisco Water Depa3rtma it,. .yixa„ betwt-en California Drive and the Southern Pacific tight of way,, Docu; ents were fi.led by the applicants as follows: Cop} of "San Fran- cis'-o Water Department Revocable Permit" to B. Carl Snyder, I-`permittee.." dt.'ted December 110 1962; and copy of "Consent to Use of Lknd Subject to Revocable Permits," dated March S. 1968, executed between B. Carl- Snyder, *R " Congdon, Del Secco & Ross Investment Com an;-, "Lessen.1° The lG t cr-r document oei�cr ibed the area of the agreement in detail., Tle ap-plic.aint's amended drawing showed the parking lot extending north ofot:te r-t =:sx g eirs�inag,e creek. to the Burlingame-Mi.l.lbrae line, Wath in.gre,ss California Drive northerly of t.h cr€en, and egress -an tho Dill`:) ae Kiss €r she city limits line. Tht C.i•s':v Planner.; in, reply to the Chair, stated that hc, with the City Errgiaeer 4nacy the applicants inspected the area on foot: ane-1, as a. Tesult D the sparking layout was amended by elimi.nati.rg all parking southerly of the drainage creek, and by separating ingress and egress driveways. fie stated it was determined that there is a large opening and ample sight dl s u'c€ at, the point of egress. Iii : c-piv a-Com,t?issioner Taylor, the City P1annar repo d,Sd that t1'e S11-> r is quite narrow and it would be difficult to maneuver a car in order to alrive out to California Drive at the southerly end. In reply to Commissioner Pierce, the City Engineer stated that all: of the parking will be behind the trees; the city°s property line extends 6-1/2 feet beyond the curb and the tree line on city property will not be disturbed., He stated that on the Millbrae side the strip is approx- imately 10 to 12 feet in length, four feet below curb level, and that a ramp will be required at the exit point. Speaking: from personal experience, Commissioner Pierce stated that pedestrian and vehicular traffic is heavy when commuter trains unload, a.nd cars stopped on a ramp attempting to enter the flow of traffic will maximize an existing hazardous situation, as traffic moves fast and visibility is limited, The City Planner and City Engineer agreed, is reply to Commission inquiryt that an exit in the suggested location will give drivers an opportunity to see approaching vehicles, and some visibility to drivers coming nort.11 of exiting vehicles; this was the reason for their recommendation for changing the. location for egress from the parking lot. i4lr, Clayton Del Secco represented the applicants, advbising, in reponsc: to Commission inquiry, that the drainage culvert will garricaded as a kfety mea.saa$e; fie pointed out that the proposed egre4s is at Mvfchison Drive on the Millbrae side, that the - tree line stops some distance €:ck an Burlingame, and that sight distance coming out to Califor.nia Drive is app-roximately 100 £ee.t. Afro Del Sec€: ,. mentioned that the parking is proposed to be limited to '2is and his ass.ociatW employees -o probably a maximum of 20 all -day parkers Commissioner Norberg indicated his position in favor of the use, r°ommemt- i_ng on the s-carci:ty of off-s-treet parking in the; area, and Vie fa_:t that i th the City. Engineer and City Planner, after an inspection, had nb objections. Mr. A,,H.. Fifz.ge.xald,, 3080 Arguello Drive, President, Mill*. Estate Home Owners Association, suggested that 100 feet of sight distance ma.y not be scequate in an area where the speed limit is 35 miles peg' hour. r;. r p � s goner 3ra.uner"s inquiry whether the location i.:" as 1 ,Coit�£;�,� s a.soalab t: : exit. to California Drive as is normal and customary irs the c-.tI , ih�: _ivt Engineea. and City- Planner replied in the affirmative., Tl'-e Tlear,',nz wrs. declared concluded. On a -intcodiJced by ComFj ssioner Cistulli, seconded by C.L?Ii1cA:t ssion,-;r I orb y -g a d ur,a n:a q o s l;f car rie-cl, the use pez,mit was approved to t:`r-le apU li. = can.a. in acco.rdancq with the a-m-ended drizwings on file; parking axea to be seal -coated and entry curbcut Permit to be obtained from the City �.,a�ganc�=erg COMMUNICATION PACIFIC CAS AND.ELECTRIC COMPANY GRANTED EXTENSION, A letter dated May 3, 1968, was read from Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San. Jose, signed by H.C. Weavi.11, Division Land Supervisor; requesting that the special permit for construction of an electric subsi".ation on East Lase between Howard and Burlingame Avenues be extended to .June 3, 1969. Following a report from the City Planner that the substation may not be constructed as the Company would prefer to enlarge the existing piano; in thy: industrial district on Rollins Road, and that the matter may be resolved within the year, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Kindigg seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and unanimously carriod,1 sxteuding the special permit: for the time specified in the applicant's communication -o from June 4, 1968 to June 3, 1969 NEW BUSINESS R.ECTONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES RECO�-`MENDED, Choi xl-an M'in.k announced that the Commission 14as unanimously agreed to Tssco�,iwend to the City Council Commissioner Everett K; Yindig as delegate t�z the Regional Planning Committee and Commissioner Thomas C. Tayli)ra, alternate, There being no further business to be transacted the meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:35 p.m., to be followed by the study meeting. Respectfully su:bmitged Everett KC Kincig, Secretary 3- STUDY MEETING l 1. RESUBDIVISION ANZA AIRPORT PARK. {1 resubdivssion map prepared by Howard G. Hickey, Civil Engineer, for Anza Pacific Corporation, proposed combining Lots 3,4,5 Block 1, Anza Airport Park, Unit No. 1, into a single parcel with frontage on Beach Road. The Commission was advised by staff that the owners were requested to file the map when it was determined in checking building plans that a -proposed building with the parking will cover the three lots. The matter was scheduled for public hearing on May 27, 1968. 2. TENTATIVE MAP MILLS ESTATE NO. 27 SUBDIVISION ...9 LOTS. Mr. Stan Schupp, Project Manager, representing the subdividers, stated that the tentative map, improvement plans, and final map have been prepared; the improvement plans filed with the City Engineer, and the Naps reviewed with representatives of the Mills Estate Home Owners Association. Mr. Schupp pointed out that there is now proposed a total of nine (9) lots -o the average size being 18,000 square feet; the smallest lot with 9,000 square feet exceeds the legal minimum by 2000 square feet. �Ir. Schupp stated" that the current map was developed as an alternate proposal for the property after a soils investigation report, prepared by Woodward Clyde, Sherard & Associates, indicated that the previously approved 12 lot subdivision was not economically feasible. He stated that inasmuch as the property has been before the Commission and the Laity Council on a number of prior occasions, and in order to save time and expedite the start of construction, the developers are proposing to submit tentative and final :naps concurrently. Mr. Schupp stated that the developers recognize that any revisions in the tentative lnap must be reflected on all other documents. In response to Commissioner Kindig°s reference to a series of conditions imposed by the Council when the 12 lot map was approved, Air. Schupp confirmed that all of the requirements will be incorporated in the cur- rent map where applicable, An excerpt from the City Council minutes of August 7E 1967r wherein said conditions were noted, was read. " r. Schupp stated that the requirement for lowering ;the grade at the intersectica will result in some earth hauling through the neighborhood: as the waste material cannot be disposed of on the site. .she City Planner pointed out that the travel -way of the street is narrower than the legal min sum and that sidewalks are proposed on only one side. He stated that considering the number of houses, the street is competent, but on -street parking should be restricted to one side. The Clity Planner mentioned that certain deed restrictions were attache to the prior mats; while the city does not have administration in this 4. area, nor has the matter been discussed with the proponents, the con- dition of deed restrictions should be carried over to the present map, particularly- to establish the responsibility of each owner for main` L-enance of -the storm -water drainage ditch on his property., Mr. H.H.. Fitzgerald and Mr. .William Caplan, President and Past Presi- dent. respectively, of the Mills Estate Nome Owners Association, discussed the soil engineer°.s report wherein references were made to P°stability problems," "potential shallow slide areas" and a recom- mendation made for additional borings. The speakers requested that the city require such additional borings and that a representative of the soil engineering firm be on the site when piers are placed., Mr. Caplan stated that the number of lots proposed is satisfactory but expressed concern that some of the larger lots may be permitted to�y be �€esubdivided at some future time; he questioned where responsibility will lie for landscape maintenance on that portion of the slope on the Marti.no.z D Ive side, which is proposed to be dedicated to the city as part of the street right-of-way. Thera_ follcwe,d a period of discussion during which Mr. Schupp stated that the developers intend to undertake the original landscaping, Providing flan`-s suitable for erosion contro' Park Superintendent i=rancard protested that the labor required in such maintenance places a burden on his department and becomes quite expen- sive as fay as the city is concerned. `nie City PLsnner stated that he is cognizant of the Park Superintendent's problems but that the city does require landscaping in residential areas by the subs ividers --- the street trees, as an example -- which then becomes .theycit-y's responsibility, and the sane procedure should be followed in the present situation. Refex°rl.ng ,c M--% Cap. -Can's comments concerning potential resuhdivisionsQ iv�`n�t: s:•i cn4 K 4ndig agreed that the point was well taken but that a utuae o rne��cS :1 — intention fog a property must be considered on its Merits at the pa op'vime. The raps we:re referred to the meeting of May 27, 1968 for formal. consider, ; I,on„ Hr� Schupp was requested to meet with the City Engineer and Plannc for the puaposn of determining the coveaants that will apply, and, al.ssr;, to a:;tempfi f c design an alternate plan for tl4e slope eli.minating .1.1tndscap,s mainte-lance by the city. - 3� z�h`R_ ANC—E POD: TEMePOWY FIREWORKS SX�ES IN' R-1 DISTRICT,, A request -for variance filed by Ceorge Rusako, 1009 S. Delaware Street San r4at-eo, proposed retail sales - of fireworks on vacant land at the riortheast corner of Dwight road and Peninsula Avenue, first residential. district:. A letter f�M€ m the applicant dated April y0, 1968, stated that sales will I m«d £tar a. period of 6-1/2 days, fro-ii Jane 28 to July 4. between the hours of IG:Ja a.m.. to 9:00 p,,ma The communication stated that a lease has been negotiated with the property owner; it was noted that the lolt has been used for retail sales -cif fireworks and Christmas trce�; in prior yed-,rs. -5- The City Planner reported that the question of night sales was discussed, Mr. Rusake indicating that he will not remain on the property after dark, The application was scheduled for public hearing on May 27, 1968, 4, VARIANCE FOR GASOLINE SERVICE STATION BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. Mr, Robert Tarver, attorney, and Mr. Harry hart, District Engineer with Mobil Oil Corporation, were present to discuss revised drawings for the service station proposed to be constructed at Bayshore Highway and Broadway, extended -- formerly Luppi Nursery site, 1'he City Planner reported that since the applicants appeared before the "ommission at the meeting of March 25 the plans have been completely redrawn. A colored rendering posted on the blackboard indicated placement of :structures on the property, architectural design and landscaping, Mr. Hart mviewed the plans in detail, answering Commissioners' inquiries concerning all phases -of the construction, Commissioner Norberg mentioned that a proposed design for the Broadway overpass reconstruction on file with the State Division of Highways con- templates taking a portion of the property. The City Engineer reported that, as yet, there are no details on file for the street improvements; he suggested that them:: be a requirement for street improvement construction if the variance for the, use is approved. The appli.cstion was referred to the regular meeting of May 27, 1968. o SIGN VARIANCE BIL) GASOLINE SERVICE 5° .TIOtN BAYSHO_ E HIGHWAY. A letter dated May 10,, 1968, from the law of-lices of Ta.rvec and Doherty, Burlingame, in behalf of Central Valley Real Estates Corporation, Sacra, nento, requested consideration to a variance for a sign Z7 feet in height on the site of the proposed gasoline service sstati Gn at the corner of Old Bayshore Highway and extension of Broadway. - The communication stated that the location is adjacent tc� the freeway and the proposed off -ramp, obscured by trees z;nd di.start from the sraveled portion of the freeway, rather than adjacent to customary city. streets such as the ordinance intended to regulate. The application was scheduled for public hearing on May 27=, 1.963 pia SPECIAL PERMIT - RENT A CAR OFFICE A140 FACILITIES, An application for special permit filed by Va car bent A Car Corporation, San Francisco, proposed to establish an offi,ye arad to rCMt automobilles from a location in the industrial district at. Bayshore highway and Malcolm Rondo The applicant's letter elated May 10, 1963, signied by Dc - M. Feehan, City Managery stated that there are thi sty-oT-ac; co perawe o fices is -6- •! California and Arizona and that current year models, from Volkswagons to Cadillacs,are available to their clients. The communication stated that approximately 50 cars will be operated from the Burlingame location. A drawing of a proposed building prepared by Howard York, Civil Engineer, was filed. The City Planner advised that since rental cars will be available to the general public at the location, the business is classified "retail" in an industrial area and, for this reason, requires a special use permit. Mr. Feehan represented the applicant, advising that the company does main - twin an agency at the Standard Oil service station in the vicinity,of the Hyatt Douse and that no decision has been made as yet whether the facility will be continued. Mr. Feehan .advised in response: to Commission inquiry that a wash rack will be maintained on the property but all repair work is done elsewhere. Mr. Fork discussed the building plan, advised that there will be some landscaping. -around the perimeter, that two signs are proposed a _free-standing sign and a roof sign, both conforming to cede. The City Engineer indicated no problems of concern to his department. The application was scheduled for public hearing on May 27, 1968. 7. VARIANCE.TO.RELOCATE GARAGE TO SEPARATE LOT. An application for variance filed by Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Campanile, .1341 Columbus Avenue, proposed to move an existing two -car garage serving the residence at the aforementioned address to a separate lot owned by the applicant. A letter from Melvin C. Howland, architect, in behalf of the applicants, and a drawing accompanied the application_ The City Planner explained that the lot where the garage is proposed to be located is a land -locked parcel;(apparently divided off some years ago from asleep lot that has frontage on Easton Drive) separated from the remainder of the property by a 10 foot wide public utility easement. The City Planner stated. that there are a number of problems involved the code provides that a garage shall be on the same lot with the principa building, the proposal is to move the garage to a lot physically separated from the dwelling. the 10 foot strip is city owned and any privat,; use thereof shall be at the discretion of the City Council. He suggested that the hearing be scheduled for the next regular~ meeting;and if there, legal questions requiring an opinion from the City Attorney the matter may be continued pending his return from vacation, The public hearing was thereafter scheduled for May Zip; fs68. 8. SPECIAL PERMIT TO OPERATE TRACKING BUSINESS. An application filed by Trans World Forwarding and Air Expediting, 7- 840 Mitten Road, proposed "additional office space and operation of a trucking company in conjunction with the forwarding and expediting business." The applicant's communication dated May 13, 1968, signed by Roger D. Kolda, Vice -President, stated that the operation involves forwarding and handling of freight by air and surface to international markets, clearing incoming foreign shipments through customs and effecting delivery to the ultimate consignee. Mr. Kerr represented the applicant. The City Planner reported he inspected the operation which is located in an industrial building composed of bays with the offices in front, warehouse at the rear, and more than adequate parking. Mr. Kerr advised that the equipment consists of three (3) 18' bobtail trucks and one (1) 201 flatbed truck; the trucks are on the road throughout the day from 8:30 a.m. to 5 or 6 p.m.,making pickups through- out the bay area; freight is consolidated at the office and shipped from there to various parts of the world; at night, the equipment is parked on the premises. The application was scheduled for public hearing on May 27, 1968. 9. POLE SIGNS. Material concerning free-standing signs and suggested changes to the' sign code, prepared by the City Planner, was distributed for review by the Commission and general discussion at the June study meeting. 10. GENERAL. PLAN. Commissioners were furnished "Goals for Burlingame" the latest report in a series prepared by William E. Spangle and Associates as a part of the general plan studies. 11. FREEWAY DIRECTIONAL SIGNS. The City Engineer reported that he spoke with representatives of the Division of Highways concerning installation of "road service" direc- tional signs and was informed that all such signs are being removed from the Bayshore Freeway and will not be replaced. 12. ADJOURNMENT The study meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kind - Secretary am