HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1968.08.12CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT 3raUr. er Cistu Ili Kindig V i n k Norber g Pierce Taylor CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None August 12, 1968 OTHERS PRESENT City A.ttorncy Karmel City Planner Mann City EnglU e:t y Marr o ,he monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was f.alled to order on the Above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Mink pre- siding. ROLL CALL A roll call recorded all members present. APPLICATIONS '.. RESUBDI�VISION Lots 3,4�S,3 ocR 1Ingold< h4?_i �.sd:a.e= ?��i��5r_�Tl_.j'i_. A map of the above -described property prepared by '�t'i.11_ cir r;- {1. s b: `ct fl Licensed Land Surveyor, for the owners,, The verger€ l Tire ar�cT it��k>Eti r :4�, p�>ny and t'he General Tire Realty Company, Akron, Ohn���-:�`,tf:_�;... UoletinR two internal lot lines thereby combining the liots: 13 t4ingle parcel v;ith frontage on Ingold Road,, Hy. George Arthur of Arthur Bros., Inc., builders, the E. plic z,Ti :s', -rep resentative, explained that the purpose of the res,Vbdivi. i-o�z to 8ccommoda.te an addition to the existing building and tlic, T'he City Engineer mentioned there is a request be`oy-e `it - Co'ii;'..z-` -bandonment of a portion of an anchor easement located on the property and suggested to Mr. Arthur that the resu div . si_a1:• 1:18 ! is.ed to indicate said easement, a ter s>E s scheduled for public hearing on Auk ust— -? U%Y10N. 0I.I, COMPANY REQ2 EST FOR LOT SIZE VARIANCE. -� application for variance filed by Union Oil Company of �,•'_�':s't��. 4�c .raj, F s,nci sc o, accompanied by a statement of just iilica:.J.C"�:., :. "0inC!, �;atin g a lot with 40 feet of frontage on Baysho,;e ayi� -. ,taa area of approximately 3600 square feet where the todR tz . -Z,fiz _ 0 feet an, 5000 square feet ° The applicant's communication stated that the proposed parcex is adjacent to and southerly of the service station property at Cadillac (� Way and Bayshore Boulevard and that approval of the variance will allow Union Oil Company to acquire the 40 feet for the purpose of recon- structing and expanding the existing service station facilities. Mr. Robert Jarrett represented the applicant. In response to Com- mission inquiries, Mr. Jarrett explained that 76 Oil Properties Cor- poration is wholly independent of Union Oil Company of California, that the service station properties are owned by the Corporation and leased to Union Oil Company and that there is an existing 20 year lease on the Cadillac Way/Bayshore Boulevard property with long- term options. lie stated that it is conceivable the 40 foot parcel and the primary lot will become a single property at some future date but, for the present, the land will remain in separate owner- ships - that buildings will be owned by Union Oil Company. I Air. Jarrett stated that the 40 foot parcel was considered adequate for the planned expansion and, in fact, was the maximum the owner desired to sell. During a period of Commission comment, it was pointed out that approval of the variance will have the effect of creating a sub- standard lot. The City Planner suggested the Commission consider a condition limiting the use of the lot for the identical purpose approved for the entire property. The matter was scheduled for public hearing on August 26, 1968. } 3. RESUBDIUISION - Lots I and 2. Block 30 Anxa Airport Park Unit #S. A resubdivision snap of the above lots, prepared by Howard G. Hickey, Civil Engineer, proposed deleting the internal lot line for the pur- pose of combining said lots into a single parcel having frontage on Airport Boulevard. Mr. Leonard Waldo represented the property owners, Anna Pacific Corporation. The Commission was informed that the purpose of the resubdivision is to provide sufficient land area for a proposed building and off-street parking. The map was scheduled for form consideration at the regular meetings August 26, 1968. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT - CONTRACTOR STORAGE YARD. An application filed by Prank D. Smith Company, Lathing and Plastering Contractors, requested approval of a special use permit to operate IT 1367 Marsten Road - Zone M-I,, The City Planner stated that the property was formerly occupied by Martin Ruane $ Sons and that the building and fire inspectors have reported unsatisfactory conditions in the property. He stated t13at other than inadequate maintenance there are no particular problems as a number of similar types of businesses are located in the general area of Marsten Road and the lower end of Rollins Road. -2- Mr. Frank Smith reported that the company is well established having been operating since 1892. that Burlingame was selected as a central location for servicing the Peninsula north and south, and that cor- rections have been made toTM city inspectors' recommendations. The City Planner suggested the applicant submit a letter describing the operation and type of equipment used. The application was scheduled for public hearing on August 26, 1968. S. VARIANCE FOR APARTMENT CONSTRUCTION ON PROPEiRTY PARTIALLY ZONED R-l. An application for variance flied by William and Gerhard Van Herick and David A. Nicolaides, Burlingame, proposed a single apartment building containing 24 units on three lots, two of which are classified R-1, at the southwesterly corner of El Camino Real and Chapin Avenue -- 325 El Camino Real. The applicant's communication dated August 8, 1968, signed by Arthur G. Dudley, Agent, advised that the three lots combine as a single parcel on which is located an older single family residence and a rear secondary bungalow -- the three lots are in a single ownership. The one lot zoned R-3 is 50 feet in depth along Chapin Avenue and 128 feet on El Camino and because of building setbacks along El Camino, and side and rear yard requirements, there is insufficient land are for a substantial apartment building. However. the three lots com- bined have a frontage of 128 feet on El Camino and 150 feast on Chapin Avenue with an approximate land area of 19,000 square feet. Mr. David Nicolaides discussed drawings prepared by Frank J. Messina, Architect, advising that access will be restricted to Chapin Avenue and that lot coverage approximates SSi. In setting the matter for public hearing at the regular meeting of August 26, the Commission requested precise information on lot coverage: and a repast on utilities, particularly with reference to tho hater system and fire flow. 6� LE BARON HOTEL. Revised plans, including landscaping, master site., plan and elevations, filed by Ronald K. Davis, Architect, for the proposed 10 story, 338 unit Le Baron Hotel, Bayshore Highway, were reviewed. The Commission was informed that in order to accommoc.ate the parking a structure, consisting of ground level parking plus two decks, above fora total of 402 spaces, is proposed: The City Planner reported that the applicant's representati-,ses will be present at the regular meeting, and that a complete set of plums will be available at that time; he advised that the building depatr` - ment is in the process of checking the revised plans. 7. SPEiCIAL PERMIT.- OFFICE BUILDING, HOTEL, PARKING STRUCTURE;` An application for special use permit filed by Gregory and Sons, Los Angeles, concerned acreage owned by Burlingame Shore Land Company located at the southeast cornea' of Bayshore Freeway and Broadway extended, and proposed a project comprising an office building, 15 story hotel and -3- parking structure for 1100 automobiles. The Commission heard Mr.. A.W. Hall, President, Gregory and Sons, discuss plans prepared by the project architect, Mr. Irving Shapiro. Mr. Hall stated that at the property's Broadway frontage access for the office building and the hotel will be separated - there will be ingress and egress driveways for each structure; he discussed the possibility of additional access from the south provided the city would agree to a private road across the park. Mr. Hall stated that the project cost will approximate nine million dollars, that the office building will serve as world headquarters for Air West, and that the tenant for the hotel, as well as the Air West principals, are anxious for the project to be completed by 1969. Copies of a statement prepared by the City Planner were distributed wherein comments were made on sewer and water services, traffic generation and circulation, the applicant's suggestion of an access road across city lands, and the possibility that a portion of the property maV be acquired for overpass and freeway reconstruction. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the regular meeting August 26, 1968. ADJOURNMENT Following a discussion and review of the Bayside Park master plan, prepared by Royston, Hanamoto, Beck and Abey, Landscape Architects, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully, submitted, Everett K. K:indig, Secretary -4- BURLINGAME PLANNINC COMMISSION August 12, 1968 I CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL III APPLICATIONS to Resubdivision a Lots 3,4,5, Block 1, Ingold Millsdale Industrial Park. 20 Variance o To establish parcel with less than 50 foot J frontage and area less than 5,000 square feet, Bayshore Boulevard, 3, Special Permit o Contractor's storage yard, Marsten Road. 4. Variance e To combine R-1 with R-3 for apartment build- ing, 325 E1 Camino Real, S. Plans for Le Baron Hotel, 1380 Bayshore Highway. 6. Special Permit - Office building, high-rise hotel, and parking structure in M-1 Zone, Bayshore Highway and Broadway extended, 7. From the floor. IV ADJOURNMENT