HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC- 1968.10.28CITY CAP BURLINGAM3E PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Drauner Cistulli Mink Taylor CALL TO ORDER Ortober 2$ a 1968 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Kindig City Attorney KArmel Norberg City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr Councilman Diederichsen i A regular meeting of the Burlingame Plannii.g Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:0 p.m., Chair.,= Mink presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members answered .the roll call Commissioner Karadig, on vacation, and Commiss.f oner NoEbarg-, absent due to a business coutwitme Lt, were (,xcusedo Commissioner. Taylor was appointed Secretary Pro Temporeo MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of September 23 and Ictober 14, 1968, pre- viously submitted to members, were approved and i dopted o ACKNOWLEDGMENT Chairman Mink acknowladged .-he presence of Councilman Diederichsen, ex- officio member of the Commission. MAPS 1e RESUBDIVISION CAMPAN7.LE PROPERTY, A Parcel Map "being a r,subdivision of Lots 16 ani 19 and that portion of ten foot strip of '.and between said lots., B. !m,c?i 60, Easton Addition No. 7" prepared by the firm of Wilsey and Ham lEar the owners, Peter and Ednamae Campanile, 134'. Columbus Avenue, was c-vic►��ed. at the study meeting and scheduled for formal consideration i, this time. At the requeat of the Chair, the City P t an er Y(viewed circumstances per- tinent to the applicaltlon, explaining that the: rnv) is the final step are a procedure snitiated some rionths ago when the oiiier requested permission to relocate a garage a,. the rear of Lot 16 across .Yhe 10 foot strip to a separate land -locked parcel, He stated than th,, re was a question as to ownership cf the s —41p, which was subsequently i-esalved when a. tittle report filed by the a.p.1_cant--revea-led that he � s t,! .Regal owner. and approval of the mat, wll covibine the separate pa.x-,.ais into a single legal parcel under one ijunershipo The City e 'a.eunsier stated further that the strip is part of a sy&em of public utility easements for water and sewer purposes and that the matter of an easement grant for utilities will require action by the City Cownci 5 following approval of the Parcel Hap by the Commission, The City !attorney reported that his office prepared a grant of ease- ment some tiv.e ago, which he would prefer be executed, replacing the form which the applicant has delivered to the City Engineer, The City Attorney recommended hhat action on the map be conditioned upon the Cou cil's acceptance of the easement, Chairman Mink recognized Mr. Peter Campanile who indicated willingness to execrate the document prepared by the City A€:t.ornc;y. o There were no comments from the audience in response to the ChtaiHs inquiry. A motion intTo4uced by Commissioner Cistulii approving the resubdivision of Lots 16 and 19 and portion of l0 foot strip between said logs, Block 60, Easton Addition No. ?, in accordance with Parcel Map on file with the Cite Engineer, on condition that the City Council accepts a grant of easement from the owner for utilities, was seconded by Cortpissioner Taylor and carried unanimously on roil call, HEARINGS j Pursuant to public notice, hearings proceeded as follows: to VARIA14CE TO COMBINE R-1 AND Rea PROPERTIES FOR APARTMENT CONSTRUCTION (coast. -- Chairman Mink announced a continued ,hearing from the meeting of August 26, 1968 on the application of William and Gerhard Van HeTick and David A. Nicolaides to combine first xesbdential and third residential propertie3 at the southwesterly corner of El Camino Real and Chapin Avenu; for construction of. a 24 unit apartment building conforming to all R-3 code provisions. Mr. David Nicolaides and Mr. Arthur G. Dudley were presen'C. A communication from Arthur G. DUdleyc ^gent for the applicants, revised preliminary plan,, and a rendering of the proposed buAlding were filed. The communication stated that following the meeting of August 29 the plazas were redrawn to meat objections raised by the Commission. by pro- viding a set back of IS feet: on Chapin Avenges J -t.aproving b i Y d_►_ng design by adding offsets an the El Camino Reil frontage, reducing tenant density by increasing the number of once bedroom apartments and decreasing the number of two bedroom apartments e x-educing ion: coverage and eliminating the swimming pool. -2- The City Planner referred to his memorax'adun--i distributed at the August 28 meeting wherein comments were made relating to conditions peculiar to apartment -zoned lots on the El Camino, The City Planner pointed out that the 3in6 dividing R-3 frog; R-1 follows the rear lot lines and mwny of the lots have the long frontage on El. Camino and the short, on the side street; additionally,, there is a 20 foot wide set back on El Camino; ccsisequontly, good apart-ment buildings are viTtual-ly impossible vxnless lots are combined to provide suitable building sites. Comments were invited from the audience favoring the application. There were none. Comments in oppositio-n were heard 2 rom Mr. Nixon Elliot, owner of residential properties a4 ISI.S and 1517 Chapin Avenue and 1516 and 1530 Burlingame AvenueQ. Mr. Elliot states that the buildings are single-family dwellings acquired within the past four years and representing a sizeable financial investment. He stated that considerable maintenance and repair was undertal.en to preserve the buildings for single-family use as the result of conversations with the City Planner indicating that a plan for the triangle area bounded by El Canino Real, Ba.rroi lhot and Occidental Avenues envisioned development as a 'total ea_tityv and that nothhg would be done in the way of residential lot by lot apartment zoning, despite the existence- of non.-cor-forming and obsolescent buildings, until such time what streets are widened for access to fire equipment, water supply for both fire and domestic uses improved, and adequate off-street parking assured. Mr. Elliot started that the current water supply is insufficient for single --family use and taut the situation will worsen it the pro- posed 24 unit building is permitted. The City Planner recalled that there were conve:dsation,s with Mr. Elliot concerning the area but that it was appa-_rent some of the statements that were reade were misunderstood Or misinterpreted. He stated that the 'subject of street widening was x:ever discussed --there would be no season to do so as the s'trtietss although narrow in some instances, appear to be capable of carrying the teal"ic. Concerning the development of the area, he stated than: he has never been of the opinion, nor advrocated that the "triangle" be do-v3loped as an integral. unit. He referred to recommendations -made to the Commission in 1964 in a report titled "'Burlingame Park Land Use 'Study" •Ava.-t the R-3 zoning an El. Camino Real from Marra Igxet to Occidental Avenues he extended back to a depth, to provide proper sites for low density apartment construction; however, the rezoning i s never accomplished as the Commission:, at that timeo Preferred to the va ianice pro- cedure as a met rid of exercising sore o­ay Tf.',, s first" of- t1he properties. With :-:'espi`uct c.i3 p,ho idaE.eV' supply,, the. ti,i:,.r tcs"s,:se—_- .ay;4;& z2'at ?ej the subject area, w-is. .well as other cr.'-.u= .s of the city wh"r o Ce3V3t, n.ay increase by reason of multi -family construction replacing single- family, the an -fount: ciF eater for fire fighting, purposes must be increased but this ir. nA67fel.ates to domestic supply.' He stated that it is his that elomestic supply is quite competent in the area under discuFsion. The City Planner staCeel his position that Fern Elliot is objection.s were not pertinent tc the subject property considering that the El Cimino frontage is zoned for. apartment and the advantages to be gained from combining the lots and providing for a far more desirable building than would be possible on the single R-3 lot. The City Engineer i•c4 Grted that as the result of Mr. Elliot's com- ments at the study meting concerniing diff icult.ies in the water service at 1530 Burlingame Avenue a :eater pressure reading was taken and the results indicate that: the service is normal for domestic �urd poses. Stating; that he resideff in the general area of the property, under discussion, the City Engineer reported that ai=ter replacing the pipes in his home, he experienced no difficulty with h water pressure. Commissioner BTauner inquired if erection of the proposed building would create any type of hazard in the area, considering the existing water flow. The City Engineer re -.plied in the negative, e xplaini.r.g that the building and the resultant density would be considered rather smali in com- parison with ethers in the city; however, any expansion in density would necessi.•tfi ncreased fire flow: domestic service should not be affected in any tanner. Commissioner Taylor stated that the revised drawing represents a sub- stantial improvement over the original butt in his opinion, the triangle area .bounded by El Camino, Barrcilhet and Occidental Avenues would be bet -ter served in being, developed as a. total unit In response .to a gvestion by Commissioner Taylor concaeTr_i.L_g a smali property on the El Camino, betwe-en the proposed' apartments and those existing at the corner of Burlingame Avenue, wiiethe< approval cf the subject application will resuit in an iso.lated parcel, the City, Planner stated that there is a possibility that the bUild4 ngs at Burlingame avenue and the highway may be replaced w = thin a fey:} years and, hopefullyj at such tine, the lone lot: wi 1 be absezbed. An inquiry from Mr. 811iot conceFning the parking init:i.ated a discussion during which it was deterE ned th;at a tot -al of 33 spaces is reqr,4red to :?ieet Side Y'equ.'i4"iilekL`�.` 42s£? th�ct the app. l!c.init`S pro- posal failed by two spaces to conforms. Mr. Dudley, in resp>cnse to Chai:T-.ayt MieEi, staWed thar it. L-�ecernme necessary to iedlCe the number. E.0 >aFki-ag s paux.s i ror Et.- to ;?eet the Commission's requasts; for .lesser :dot coverage and e Opvnd d set back FRJllo,wing a period cf discussion dux1-'y-'11V :%iSh £w:^ T`r6le stated that —4— parking be provided wt g:s :€.3' oiK tJti lc'L_t-lZg )Y 3eC?i C37£g se area of the 3ia-srkdscap3inggand ti cif ' Cra ng are-,p an d -\ s�Fgg:estic,ns from the Commission that the numbQr of units be reduced, in proportion to on -site- parking, members of the Con -mission agreed u,c.-'--nail- 3' sly that the p rkiae8 must. be. ado to E'er �orrt to code. in Tes.:p€nse to ChairF an Mink, Mr, Dudley ad%F.scd that a revised elan can be avai le-b le wr.kt.^` in a por 5 od of two weeks. On a motion introduc-d by Comwni.ss-loner Brainier, seconded by Com- Missionoz Ci.stulli and unanimously carried, the bearing was continued. to an adjourned meeting on November fi 12 ;, 1963 a 3 : 00 p.m. Chair -man. Mink requested a report frog the Fie Chief at the time of the continued hearinng on y er situation. 2, REQUEST FOR SIGN VARIANCE UNION OIL COMMM-4y OF CALIFORNIA (cont.) Chair -,,.an Mink announced a. public hearing on the application. of Union Oil CcT pasty of California, ofperta-aiing to service station property at EI Camino Reag service road and Mkirwlhison Drive, for a variance to erect, a sign 25- feet b Jnc�es in heyfight reusuxed from ground level, where the sign Code li of i_ts hii-fight _a D feet A communication. ion.. dated September 16, ?.':6&., from, fife cipp if' ; x'c y ss.,,-a ad by P.C.Orme, Sales Mitnallag er Ret-a :- _ , a si --n detail and s to riV.7 were, fi:?od. The communi.catioh nowcd reasons for t:hw illerea ed hood-1 ,-:mot as follows: O.vening Murnlnat on 3S important for security and ideno.iftE't21.ion Purposes as the. site is some distance frov. gl Camino Real and, with the higher pole, area lighters installed thercon, w _1 1 illuminate the Service station. and in the -ayes. of thin Usnion OU' 1 identificatior:; elevation ay the Iccation is such ch-on r si.em at 20 feet will not kite miaximu-p identification to ;aria.= fizz o--ring public. Chairman Mii-ak recogu ed Mr. Orme Who gad??see :he-t "o law-5ng the dis- cussion at the study meeting concern;ing d fference n elevai wnr: between the site ane the service st- z icrn on the 0apposi e corner, an inspection rovealed that there 1s .i i -t-le ` iferen ce- the s.. 1 %.:..ision apparantly results because of th.- distance fro -al El Canli.no Real. 14ro Gana -explained that the heir ght £::'<'`_ 25 foot v inches has bee.. a stc b— 'isFhed by t-i€: Co apaan-,u for a-H OE I-S all sw'-pas _-n this r.1-keting area, and that ats such tir'ae that the station may be rebuilt, the new sign r'+i l'# s`:e' ipt 'rezadily to i0fte Xnas c ':.;:Try Li,3i ld-In e-dh-' ch is now being used. < < o, a s+1 - ., h e yy n .: s�((++ on -fo-r ,. a a x s " a c Way and ,6"5responseto a ..i �.... � t.:.`.,.. (41 �� '}cee�jir Ryf.c. + ;.w 9 f.vj.'E2 Yg Cf' ;`1..dti igh:t b:€_te7f(D-€e ncr, _Ai6.... s syvS iS E+„ .% s 7.� CY g height gra-ated on the E Cat, = iiv. He stated the �i only d. sign �a1 � � �. �Z L �tif � ? � .�. C.:.3 � �.-S�s c. .a {u t � ..., o. that: the additional hclght was approved for the sign at Cadillac Wa3 service station but there are conditions special to that location which do not exist in the subject location. The City Planner stated that he was unable to see any justification in the additional height a•r open space at the location is quite extensive, and that the applicant's sole claim to Justification, as contained in the communication, appears to be their desire to install a3 standard sign. Mr. O me explained that the location is at the northerly edge of the city, bordering the C ty of Millbrae where there are varying sign ordinances, and that -:he sign on the Texaco service stativir cry the opposite corner of Murchison Drive, in the City of MJ.11brae, inter- feres with visibility to the Union Oxl Company site; he stated that where there is an intimacy between the traffic and the service station a lower signs can be used successfully; in the subject location, there is a problem of separation between the main thoroughfare and the station, in response to Commission inquiry, Mr. Orme stated that persons working in the vici.nit-y and packers in the area, directl.y behind the station accounat for approximately 30% of the business; for the re--ainder of the business, the Station: operator L�ep—,ads upon ';:ran-c3en` s. During a discussion concerning sight barriers, pa tiyL lar1 - a Nine of trees at. the edge of the highway, photographs were Is urnished the Com- mission by Mr. Ha Bagdasari.an, assoCi ,tc d with P lascoa Sail Francisco, to illustrate .limited visibility to the station site. Chairman Mink referred to other service stations located op the El. Camino, commenting that in each instance, with the exception of the station. at Trousdale Drive., all are in .yeas facing rezrde7ntial uses; the subject st—atio".1 'Is i$ a CsrHiT'..'ercia area surrounded DY usese Commissioner Brauner stated that ir" the sign is not visible from the El Camino a situation of hardship vrould appear to exist justifying a variance; further. b cruse of circuinstances special -to 'ih, 'Location, separated from the mein artery of traffic, and on thti service road, approval of the height variance would not establish a prec-ed nt for other stations on thi2 El Camino. Commissioner Taylor f-rtated his position that the appl. card has not submitted sufficient- ev: Bence to i ust if.Y a variance. C f wi-3 ssi open Cistlu li referred 41--fi he dirt a.nc;."; b ejee "t 'e`, s;LL-- and the it Camino, the 1-ine end the location, in ? �:£jii?sr,c�,%=��.F�� area and, there a_"� =r� i-it_-�d.� ced �_o to approvo the a� sal�i.::.a��_ � s of pion Union Oil Cc.-�,P ny of. California for a variance to erect a Sig.rA. measuring 25 feet 6 `'Eos1 ground level , in ^"'.-c:c rCicnce wita the sign dent -i' I and _s it o plan or file,, at the seE ., f ce o C'aPino IIat'er' _ oad and Murchison Motion seconded Bed by 6 u A 'to Cos,. 'ss-ione _s- Erauner and., declared dofeated on the follovil g roll call: AYES: CONMISSIONERS: Brauners Cistu-M. NlY85k NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Taylor ABSENT CCGtMMISSI OTNERS: Ki-ftd g,, Norberg Chairman Mink aflanounced that the ape lica; ic,3i been denled: to apblrove,it is ne- essa?y that all membQ -s present agree sine: iULL.0 is a 'mai or i f :y of a so ven-s-i mber comm s 'i c-no In response to Coy miss�.`ozer Taylor's rec"tr y a �o��' to rQc€�msYder, a motion was ant od.uced by Commission--�r Ord 5:Clonded by CofflTissioner iiomrnissio-nY r fa,y.BZ`zr Stated that E motion to rvci,-,onsict'er at till W'':J0 zzin <y of November 4Z7 :1968, would seezi feasible. He zstated that he twas Brea Pared to c€ n 5,d r the matter whep, the apt r-i c.:-:1-n1; lh,7is the need, @��eyy t����C}ii �iay-.Cgen!c ti�Z�at can yb�gpx3reseF?�`ed, 4.�hat the di 3 factor ��l'rence hr,trieen 20 cbes ight is a ecesslary departed' from, the vaust Stand �.�,� ���r ed o 1 y �-. /� pyy�� qq Extending apologies WC those �ix�:';��'nt :For 1--he �?�y. �.���%u �t l G+v-r o ,S,rj3te.- meeting, Chairman Mink Snx?f:p.4-.?nced that ma -i"e .'S 3'f:fEMiri -ags tF, a C011- sidered would be raterred to the regular resting of ;tio? cmbe1' 25. The meeting was "adjo b ned at 9:55 jp�r,o y to ru sday, at 8:00 p.m. because of 1:1tQ 3holiday ocy r—ti:_g n n z secG�Ics<ienday of the month. Thomas Co Ti yl 31; BURLING41E PLANNING CONWISSION October 14, 1968 (Adjourned meeting from September 23) I CALL TO ORDER - II ROLL CALL III HEARINGS 1. Parcel Map of John So DeRegt property, Rollins and David Roads, (continued from September 23) IV NEW BUSINESS V ADJOURNMENT STUDY MEETING la Parcel f4ap - Campanile property, 1341 Columbus Avenue,, 20 Special Permit G Room and Boarding Home, 1431 El Camlrc Real, R-3 Zone. Grace Ho Duda, applicant. 3. Union Oil Company request for sign variance, El Canino Real and Murchison Drive. 4. Sign variance for Linda! Howes, Inc., 310 Lang Road. 5. Revised plan for apartment construction at 325 El Camino Leal, corner Chapin Avenue v combining R41 anal R-3 :;properties,, 6. From the floor. 7. Adjournment