HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1968.11.12CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION CCWPAISSIOhE`?S PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Mink Norber g Ta for CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Kindig OTHERS PRESE14 City Planner Mann City Engineers `11Frr A regularly adjourned meeting of the Burlingame P'l.aitning Commi.ssior from the regular meeting of October 28t DES, was called to order cn -the above date at 8.,00 p.m,, Chairr::an Mink presiding:, ROLL CALL The Above-nar-ed members were preser.t Commissioner Castul.li appe;F. ing immediately following roll call., Commissioner Kindig, an vacattion i.;°a.!; excused. The City Planner reported that the City Attorney t.,a ld not b�-., pce,:tnt due to illness. Commissioner Taylor was appointed Secretary Pro Teuq)ere,, HEARINGS 1. VARIANLF TO COMBINE R-1 AND R-3 LOTS FOR APA 5IO�.WT BU.11.1)ING Chairman .rink announced that .the a6dourred nee'ing wa-s schriduleti principa.l.s in an applicat-lon for ver'.4nfce : William and and David A. Nicol.a.ides, to sJi�3_is_t a revised Parking pVerk "he legal number of parking spaces (:'equc steel b> i the C0�r n-ss:Lon at October 28 meeting) for a 24 =unit �:p rtmenfr bull.d ng propoO-ed t:xt- at the southwesterly corner of Caanilno Rc ai and Chapi.r, k.'"eIlU in zonir?_ one lot being class iT,-Icd third res:;_derwial ai!,J i.ivo first rE: idei tial c. Ctmr,"is s �J_ ers were furlli5he�s vp =�•c r;l d {�,Cfv� _.'.�: ."x't� �'�1. ? s.7x1' ...t7 resportsg: to Chairman Mink, M - . N_=_^g 3. ices c:..ai;y"'.:' the bas- T elit area to provide �ha .te�:, = �?<,.Trl�t'n" o �;zz+ •�=� � 6}'.`<. .� :�!f� ;f w �:. c.usion it was estab fished tr -at s ot rlck5 ; 10.v covC.'.a e %ecz-ea ion area were not d -curba i by- :`-,`easo€F tthi(e T"� -, . e;d aZ.y�iC� ;lr In sE?p,f+; se to the Chair's inqiis`, ":;-sus.+. were no ._ =S`Ti t�lE' au, ience favoring or prote;.Iting - 'ti�3 r.F_:esi�:', The hearing was declared concluded, -- A motion introduced by Commissioner Brauner to approve the variance application of William and Gerhard Van Herickand David A. Nicolaides for construction of a 24 unit apartment buU ding'at the southwesterly corner of E1 Camino Real and Chapin Avenue, in accordance with -the amended drawings prepared by Frank J. Messina, Architect, and sub- mitted on this date, was seconded by Commissioner Norberg and unani- mously carried on roil call. The applicants were advised the variance would become effective Tuesday, November 19, 19689 if not appealed. ADJOURNMENT There being no farther business for transaction at this time, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:17 pom,a followed immediately by the study meeting scheduled for this date. Chairman Mink, obligated to a business commitment, was excused. Respectfully submitted, Thomas C� Taylor Secretary Pro T,empore STUDY MEETING Chairman Pro Tempore Taylor presided; Commissioner Pry uner acted as Secretary, 1. THE €iANY OF CALIFORNIA RE: cIGN V:ARIAITCE A letter dated November 6, 1968, frog: The I=a.nk of California, San Francisco, signed by James V. Davitte,, Assistant V- c•z� Presid iv,'-,; Properties and Building Division, requesters favorable consideration to a variance for erection of a sign 12 feet by 28 :feet to a gross height of 45 feet, replacing an existing sign on the bank property at 1887 El Camino Real. The communication stated that the existing sign t3a: considered adequate when installed in 1955; however, condi+ o-ns- have changed In the interim and the Distance at which the signx is -trlsibie to F1 Camino Real is limited due to new buildi.nQ!; and siwns that —have appeared directly to the north of the bank and 'Fronting El Camino heal, Mr. Davitte, representing the appli.ca-nt, and Mr. P-ta*tk of Modern Neon Sign Company, discussed detail!of conLztru w orn :and lighting. A question was raised as to visibility of it -he 14.gh'�-;��d Sign to rye` i- eents of the ,apartment building behind the bank, ;-z:, Sallers pointed out that whe sign wi =1 be some distance frc;m t;. I,:_; ldnabs and, because of the Yr;anner in which the ground v. it?<<yS f nln' d,1ae bank property, at a lower elevation, -2- Mr. Davitt.e advised that the bank has undertaken a program to replace all of its signs, The matter oas scheduled for public hearing at the regular meeting of November 25, 1968. 2, ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION RE: SIGN VARIANCE. An application filed by Anza Pacific Corporation proposed "Coast -traction of Sign (directional) to direct highway travelers to Old Baysho7e off - ramp with adequate notice to patronize Denny's and StandaZcll. Oil Con facilities" on a portion of the property occupied by the San Mates Burlingame Transit Company at 390 Tang Road. An accompanying communication dated November 1, 1963, signed by , David Hr Bey°ston, stated that the site is adjacent to Bay pore rre - way at the end of bang Road, that the sign will serve a dual purpose, advertising on she southerly face Denny's Restaurant and the Standard Oil service station to northbound freeway traffic; and, on the opposite: race, a real estate sign for Anza Pacific Corp0Tati0n'5 industrial park, visible to southbourd traffic. The communication recited reasons for the proposed sign: As a result of construction of the: flamerslag Building on L ar 7 Road Anza Pacific Corporation removed the billboard advertise.:;; -.s irdits- trial development; secondl-�, the eXisting Denny's sigr. an the off:4".ce building at 1299 Bayshore iiighway is of less vaiue sire: the opening of the new northbound off --ramp at Broadway; if the propos :=e sign J.,; approved, file :.billboard will not be reinsualled, -,'-he Denny Sig; will be removed from the building, thereby replacing two signs with one. A site plan and sign detail were f i led; the face Of the si. g::j caws shown as iG feet I inch by 26 feet 6 inches; the r.coss h��. ,',t-� 20 feet I inch The City Planner stated that: there appear to be a s umjbu er of arri s,'i_,0r1. from the code : 1. An advertising sign on property other than that by thi advertisers _ he referred) to code sec-1:ion 22.20 expressly prohibited, 20 The sign is, essentially, a. Vrpe of ti:>lboard zie, not permitted in the city. 3. meal. _-Estate signs pertaining to tract aales are -1n c? s a:i 80 square Beet and .their location restricted to the tract aei ng o :�ered fer sale. Mr. David Key store stat mod that the s g-n w;;_s .L0u6e$indecl as il. A S ign o identifying he rest au -cant r` a6 5fdr-'`ce is aa .ati,—} 1 :-c��"'•- '. ..-. � �:: c. the next oi:`ra�po The City Planner referred the Co iIiisFion to code i:!c of "Direct-lo—iial Signs,," wherein the is e::u'Ll''}oT_Ze 3e��r permits ''when it finds ghat such :signs w-E.11 serve :'he Zonbu e�...".ey-CE-; or The application was referred to the regu ar neeti ng or, 25 for -3- publac hearing, the City Planner reporting; h-at the: vs= Q a ous aspects of the proposal will be discussed with the City Atl'oTney in the�interint. 3. JONES®MINTO VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR PARKING LOT HICHLAND AVENUE. An application submitted by Kenneth W. Jones and James E. Minto pro- posed extending an existing automobile storage lot at -the south- easterly corner of Bayswater and Highland Avenues by acquiring and improving an adjacent 50 foot parcel on Highland Avenue zoned R-4,. A draw1ng prepared by the City Planner showed Ioc.a-" ons fRf the existing parking lot, the proposed addition, a four unit apa-trieut building and a 1.' unit apartment building adjoining the suit j ect property on the Bayswater and Highland Avenue frontagesy. respectivel. . The existing parking .lot is zoned C-2, as is the remainder of the block, with the exception of the four or five: lots fronting Highland Avenue. Mr. Jaynes Minto explained that it is hODed to even tally acquire ha one remaining lot on Bayswater Avenue m Cho site of the Blanchard Apartments - thereby providing for through culat-lou from Calx'c:��'n€a Drive to Highland Avenue and an expanded autonct ve s Tvices center, fie stated that, for the present, the lot which is subject of the application will be improved to conform to the exi.s-Ung parking a-rea,, The matter was scheduled for public hearinn, at the regular :weetinr of November 2� 4. JONES-MINTO VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR P'AiRKING L07s:,, 'SWATER _AVENUE. Arc a:pplic.a.tioa for variance and an accompean.y"ni by James E. Minto and K.W. Jove`; proposed outdoor Sitorage itf aut.o;,... it s on R-4 property located at 11.13 Bayswater Avenue The com'elunication stated that the exsstin �; - a. four beer((-.m single-,fa.rily dwelling - is in poor condition requiring cost! y repliirs, which has discouraged prospective buyers; the lot, 50 x .100 feet., +s not Consi W:ered � sound ibi�fest-ment: fol 2.�Fc1?'ts"3E?3�: i s�'s3tT'BaG�.x.C+l:o The co;aru icat3an stated furthe7 that it is that additional storage areas be made avai,".a}le due to th�a 'of business and that there are no available properties tr. the plant. A drawing prepared by the City Planner showed- t1he s : X oi' C+s t:C street& feu-r being improvec with s -n1e .��fra�;�w= y d ve;�" i ;y t.lr ;s any ;rulti family. He explained, as indicated c7n thra dlracwing �;:a: 11!0 prrr`�+..sty at 1113 Bayswater Avenue Shar€ $ a COtP ?o?3 dri ,re a;. t1l the adjacent property at 1115; the latter Lot is 357-1/2 fc=et wic,1: z;r i there apipears to be approximately 10 feet between the two hGus s i the on both logs are at the rear. The City Planner stated the;.t the proposed use <.s d.z.-i'inital.r C -2l, a. wholly new use in the blocs;, Referring to the matter of the co;r,mor. dry, -. ew..'iy,, @,irc stated that _4__ Mr, Kent Atwater, the areal estate broker representing the owners of the property at 1113 Bayswater Avenue, has discussed the driveway situation with the other parties involved, who appear to be recep- tive to the parking lot provided their rights of access it the drive- way are not disturbed. Mr. Minto advised that the list will be used for storage of rental automobiles. Mrs. Lois Notaro, as ociaied with No Ken',,," Atwater Company, stated that the subject property has been on the market fwr some time; however, the building has been allowed to deteriorate to I. -he extent thc`i18t neither speculative buyers, nor persons interested in. a hcnc for their own purposes, are interested. Mrs. Notaro confivired t.-hat there have been discussions with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Lingaas, owners of 111S Bayswater Avenue, concerning the corimon driveway. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the regular meeting of November 25, 1968. S © R.P.C. EXECUTIVE COM,RITTTEE NOMINATION, The Cit- Planner a:Yno:.-nced that wore' has btton rL-c it=_.d of Cistulli's nomination for the Executive +Cc-'-wittae of The R gxona '.;' Planning Committee. ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 9<20 p.m; Ql— �j -ex ,� CITY OF BURLINGAME PJANNING COMAISSIOIN October 28, 1968 I CALL TO ORDER Ti R 0 L T- CALL III MINUTES September 23 and. October 14, 7,9t.18, IV MAP' I, PA P, L Niik P - RA-sv-4 IV 141 re ng mTpjnLj le ,'7-4, Cclumbus v HEARINCIS-3 o 0 --nb v> R 3 osp C, r f-, r Chu 6 22 Union Oil Comipai)v sign -Ta- S Olt Ce. Cir f3(,,7, 310i ilain;5 Road -e i a r I an c e 4-- H, 0-A-z E vi "J'W jBi-ISINESS5 Vil AiDIVU INMAIENT