HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1968.12.23CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION December 23, 1968 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Brauner Sine: City Attorney Carmel Cistulli Taylor City Planner Mann Kindig 4.City Engineer Marr Mink Councilman Diederichsen Norberg { CALL TO ORDER The regular vionthly meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above dte at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Mink presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members answered the roll calla Commissioner Sine,, having advised that he would be away from the city, and Commissioner Taylor, absent due to illness, were excused. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of November 25 and study meeting of December 9, 1968, previously submitted to members, were approved and adopted. HEARINGS Pursuant to public notice, hearings proceeded as follows: 1. SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED FOR 'TRUCKING BUSINESS„ 1348 ROLLINS ROAD. Chairman Mink announced a public hearing on th(. application of James W. Livesay, dba Golden Bay Freight Lines, for a special use permit to operate a trucking business in the industrial district at 1348 Rollins Road. The applicant's communication dated December 3, 1968, stated that the business had been located at 1409 Rollins Road under a permit approved by the Commission several moths ago, and that the present application relates to a property sub -leased from Wilsey -Bennett Company where there are facilities for a more efficient operation, including off- street parking for all of the equipment. The communication stated further that the premises will be maintained to meet the city's standards for cleanliness and appearance, In reply to Chairman Mink, the City Planner stated that trucking operations, generally, are not well maintained; however, if Mr. Livesay performs as indicated in his letter, there should be no problems from the city's standpoint as the building and fire inspectors report that the structures on the property are compe- tent. The City Engineer reported no problems of concern to his depart- ment. In response to the Chair's inquiry, there were no comments from the audience favoring or protesting the application. Mr. Livesay was present and, in response to Commissioner Kindig, advised that all of the equipment Will be removed from 1409 Rollins Road and the business operated exclusively from the new location, In response to Commissioner Brauner's query concerning fencing and landscaping, Mr. Livesay stated that the fence is in place but there is no area suitable for planting. The City Planner elaborated, explaining that the property is in the older section of the indus- trial district where front setbacks were not established and, in the subject proPerty, as with other properties in the area,, the fence is very close to the sidewalk. He stated that the former tenant, Wilsey -Bennett Company, created problems and caused the fixe depakrt- ment to complain by using the street for parking; Mr. Livesay has stated that the equipment will be kept on the property, which will be an improvement. The hearing was declared concluded. A motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig to approve the special use permit application of James W. Livesay, dbm Golden Bay Freight Lines., to operate a trucking business from 1348 Rollins Road was seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and carried unanimously on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Brauner, Cistulli, Kindig, Mink, Norberg NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Sine, Taylor The applicant was advised the permit would be effective Tuesday, January 7, 1969, if not appealed, 2. VARIANCE APPROVED VETERINARY CLINIC IN THIRD RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, Chairman Mink announced a public hearing on the application of Gerald K. Sandbulte, D.V.M. , 26 Hayward Avenue, Says Mateo, for a variance to establish a small animal veterinary medical facility at 1317 Bayswater Avenue - Portions Lots SA and SB, Block 3, Town of Burlingame Subdivision, R-3 Zone. The applicant's letter of justification, dated December 3, 1968, stated that the subject property, to be purchased fromMr.Lee Aaronian, is ideally situated for a veterinary facility to service residents of Burlingame, San Mateo and Hillsborough; that the proposed commercial use will conform to existing commercial uses on the street - the properties on either side of the subject property are zoned R-3 and -2- commercial ivi use; the existing R-3 zoning is unrealistic as the lot is 50 by 100 feet and not suitable for an apartment house or Fulti- family dwelling; the proposed facility will not be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare, functioning strictly as an out- patient clinic -and, as such, must be sharply differentiated from both small animal hospitals and small animal boarding kennels; there will be no provision for boarding, grooming, or prolonged hospitalization, nor will outdoor runs be needed or available. A map of the area and a booklet titled "Veterinary Medical Facilities Today" were filed. The City Planner, in reply to the Chair, described existing zoning and uses, advising that one-half of the block is zoned C-1 (Com- mercial Retail Trades); beginning at Park Road, of the three prop- erties zoned C-1, two are commercial in use, one is a residence. The balanceofthe block, westerly to El Camino Real, consists of, three properties zoned R-3, all commercially used --- the Aaronian property, which is'the subject of the application, has been a beauty shop for many years, a home decorating shop and, on the corner, an office building. Continuing, the City Planner stated that the Fire Inspector investi- gated the property and his report indicates that the building may be used for the purposes as it has been commercially used and kept in very good order. The City Engineer, in reply to Chairman Mink, indicated no problems of concern to his department. Communications on file were read: A memo dated December 23, 1968, from Mr. Arthur Samuels, Insurance, 125 Primrose Road, favoring the variance. A letter dated December 14, 1968, from Gilbert C. Wedertz, 753 Plymouth Way, owner of property in the vicinity of the subject property, protesting the variance. A letter dated December 17, 19680 signed by R. Douglas Pringle and Nancy M. Hills, owners, 90 El Camino Building, two lots westerly of the subject property, protested the variance on the grounds that the proposed facility will be noisy and objectionable And lower the quality of the neighborhood. The com- munication stated further that executive office buildings would be a :,desirable =use in the area and that the proposed project would hinder such development. Chairman Mink recognized Dr. Sandbulte, who filed a set of drawings, including a plot plan and frontal elevation, to show structural alterations proposed to be made. Dr. Sandbulte introduced R.L. Collinson, B.V.M., Carlton E. Porter, D.V.M., W.M. Hand, D.Y.M., T.R. Mack, D.V.M., Mr. Harry Hodson, real estate salesman, and Air. Lee J. Aarronian. Comments were invited from the floor in favor of the variance. There were none. �*otestants were invited to spok. gophia van Egmont, 105 El Camino Real, Mrs. R.J. Gotelli, ,press Avenue, objected that the animals will create: a noise -3- nuisance and that the facility will attract additional automobiles, thereby intensifying traffic congestion in the area. Mrs. Lola Baker and Airs. Brayton Wilbur, Town and Country Decorators, 1311 Bayswater Avenue, complained that the use is not compatible with existing commercial uses, that property values will depreciate, that noise and traffic problems will result. Mrs. Larry Putman, 1547 Cypress Avenue, speaking in behalf of Monsignor Thomas Cummins, Pastor, St. Catherine Church, objected because of the traffic the use will generate. Chairman Mink, commenting that there appear to be two major concerns, noise and traffic, invited Dr. Sandbulte to comment. Dr. Sandbulte explained that the out -patient clinic differs greatly from the popular concept of a veterinarian establishment where animals are boarded and where outdoor pens or outdoor runs are provided. In the clinic type of facility, ordinarily, the animals are seen by appointment, treated and dismissed immediately; in the event of sur- gery, or in an emergency, an animal may be held overnight, in which case an attendant will be on duty -- a situation will not arise where an animal will be kept on the grounds outside of the building. He stated that with proper remodeling of the building, as indicated on the drawings, noise will not be a problem, that there is ample space on the property for parking and traffic will not be such to cause congestion. Chairman Mink recognized R.L. Collison, D.V.M., Los Altos, who advised that he served as Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Com- mittee of the California Veterinary Medical Association for four years, concerned with proper location of veterinary medical facilities. He referred to building alteration plans filed by Dr. Sandbulte, pointing out that sound can be effectively controlled with proper building materials, and that where clients are seen by appointment, the number of automobiles is minimal at any one time. Commenting that there has been a beauty shop in the building for many years and that Dr. Sandbulte stated that the maximum number of animals on the premises at one time will not exceed seven, and that the clientele will be seen by appointment, Commissioner Brauner questioned whether there actually will be an appreciab&e difference in the traffic situation. Mr. Lee J. Aaronian, owner and operator of the beauty shop, stated that he has been in business in the location for 15 years and __has had as many as eight patrons in the shop at one time. He stated that in discussions with Dr. Sandbulte the=.latter advised that problems of traffic and parking are avoided when patients are seen by appoint- ment. In response to Commissioner Cistulli, Dr. Sandbulte stated that the clinic hours will be from 9:00 a.m., to 12 noon, and 2:30 to 6:00 p.m., with flexible hours for emergency calls. Chairman Mink invited W.M. Hand, D.V.M., owner/operator Plaza Veter- inary Clinic, 1806 Magnolia Avenue, Burlingame, to comment. -4- Dr. Hand stated that he, too, operates a veterinary clinic, similar to that proposed by Dr. Sandbulte, that the modern clinic in no way resembles the "old-fashioned veterinary hospital, often noisy and smelly," that a member of the veterinarian medical profession must maintain a spotlessly clean facility if he is to continue in business, and that, in the clinic type of facility, the pet is treated and released to the owner for continuing treatment and hospitalization at home. A question was raised as to methods employed for disposing of dead animals, or of material following surgery. Dr. Sandbulte described the process whereby such material is prepared for freezing and ultimate disposal through the services of the Peninsula Humane. Society. In response ioa ChairmaA M nk°s reference to the applicant's communi- cation requesting approval of a C-1 variance, the City Planner explained that several years ago, when a similar application was �, before the Commission, there was discussion as to whether the code 9 should be amedded to provide for a precise set of rules for the use, and it was the Commission's decision not to make the change but to consider each proposal on its merits. In response to Commissioner Brauner's question concerning methods whereby noise can be controlled, the City Planner explained that should the application be approved subject to the condition of sound control, the building department will have the technical knowledge:.. necessary to assure the use of proper materials. In response to Commissioner Brauner's further inquiry concerning provisions for holding animals overnight, Dr. Sandbulte stated that an attendant will be on duty. The hearing was declared concluded. Commissioner Brauner, commenting that the noise factor apparently can be resolved and that, in his opinion, the proposed use will not generate a greater volume of traffic -than the prior use, introduced a motion to approve the variance application of Dr. Gerald K. Sandbulte to establish and maintain a small animal veterinary medical facility at 1317 Bayswater Avenue, conditioned upon the facility being used exclusively as an outpatient clinic; that an attendant shall be present in the event of an animal being confined overnight; and that the building shall be remodeled in accordance with plans on file, designated Exhibits A and B, including installation of sound control materials to the satisfaction of the building inspector. Motion seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried unanimously on roll call._ Chairman Rink announced that the variance would become effective Tuesday. January 7, 1969, if not appealed. RECESS Following a recess at 8:55, Chairman Mink called the meeting to order at 9:00 p.m. -5- COMMUNICATIONS la BURLINGAME CITIZENS ACTION FORUM A communication dated December 11 1968a frmrr, the Burlingame Citizens Action Forum, addressed to the City Council and referred by that body to the Planning Commission, concerning a resolution approved by t_; membership urging the City Council to expedite adoption of the pro- posed Master Plana and to undertake immediate action to -establish guidelines for the development of the city's waterfront, was referred to the study meeting of January 13, 1969 and a report from the Ci t;► Attorney concerning procedures for enactment of interim zoning. NEW BUSINESS 1. REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE GENERAL PLAN REVISION PROGRAM. The City Planner relayed a request from the City Manager to the Planning Commission for an action supporting the application of :'211 Mateo County, through the Regional Planning Committee, for a fedcra3, 701 planning assistance grant in connection with studies in progress on a revision of the county -wide General Flan,, Following a period of comment, during which it appeared to be the Commission's position that it was not sufficiently inforwied to mG:-R�l an immediate recommendation, with the exception of Commissioners Cistulli and Kindig, than •delegates to the R,P.C., who faF tired the application and were authorized to appear before Council to expr:eis their views, the matter was referred to an adjourned rlieeting on January 13, 1969 for review and action. Zo SUGGESTED AMENDMENTS TO MUNICIPAL CODE, Material prepared by the City Planner ceRcc-�rning ravisa-oyt_s 1:a tht5 Ordinance and to the Less Than Five Lot Subdivision Ordinai7i„c r distributed and held for study at the meat3ng of January 13., 30 WEST BAY RAPID TRANSIT Commissioners were furnished copies of "Ea giyaeeTs Working Paper R+eportB4 prepared by George S. Nolte, Consulting Civ-1-1 and De Leuw, Cather and Company; -nd "Hinancinp, Transit In County" prepared by Arthur Do Little, inc,., for the, Bay Rapid Transit Authority. ADJOURNMENT There being no further businaas fo.i traa szctlern, the, adjourned at 9 : 4S p o w, s to reconvene at E :00 me lx .? A; sn!, r 6 �; S' k � t YL ��. �' January 139 19698 -at 8:€0 P.m. Respect fuF5y submitted,. Everett K.. Kindig, Secretary -6® C4,_ CA, BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION December 23, 1968 I CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL III: MINUTES November 25 and December 9, 196 IV HEARINGS `a 1� James W. Livesay request for special p,-FYm :• tc opert.E:: trucking business, 1348 Rollins Road. 20 Dr. Gerald Sandbulte equest j"or vsrisuce to waintai-a veterinary clinic in Third Residerty a a 317 Bayswater Avenue,, V COMMUNICATIONS 1. Referral from City Council; Su ii.ngamie Citii.ens Act]'.c-n Forum re: Development of Burlinga.m0s V1 NEW BUSINESS Vk � ADJOURNMENT