HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1967.01.23a �•Y/ CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COWi IISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner cistulli. Kind? g s link Fyorbe rg Pierce CALL TO ORDER ;OMMISSIO:HERS ABSENT January 23, 1967 OTHERS PRESENT Edvaarc s City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr Councilman Diedericrs; t. A regulzr mest �`q >' or' the Burlingame Planning CommissioL was called to order op the ;-�m evc date at 6:60 Chairman Pierce presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named. weiibers answered the Secretary9s roll calf C;ommissiogc-r Edlw .rids r� abseat because of another commitment, , was excused. MINUTES Che minutes c ' the. meetings oi- December 27, 1966 and January 9, 1961 were approved and. adopted. HEARINGS Hearings, pursuant to public nGti-ce were: conducted as foilows: 1, SS'sE..CIcR-Z?3 P .A +&iA F . APPRC3 ED FOR OFE lCE BUILDING MITTEN ROAD, An fppli.caoe,ow_ filed by Charles King and Robert Ryan, 619 Mitten Road,, and a lefts- C-8t :d January 7, 1967, requested a spacial. permit to allow al'IFi.ce esagz far a build�.z= ; currently under design on property located at 849 Miit-zen RGvve� Lot s.2, Kock 3, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 1� A site -laeo of' "Mlitten Ev-,ecut-iVe Center", 319-649 Mitten Road, showed three existing building s, -Cal OW,oposed new building, storage avea.s and M7 `• _. __ �_.!.. ,� t _ lu J.i' c.r �- f, fZ (i::' t .�J wC �. C GALE .ea O F w _.,_ t`�. s 3a.. t tiv� d Ce �t sac area Fubure L'3 at: s--�-srs :i psosee3tly used for parking, E._% -t aa_ .`.. r, ..,_ SERL2(77; r fr-. t considerably more ozva sit,, ?3ark3.'.gng than cc '4 -.... •.F.J 2di .i ce v ..1 wJ v. _ `:t a-Feas ar , �+a conhe coN}eninence o the office squipment and L Lz:'L IA— £ F. _- ,m� � k r � � -.�' .. y l in) .�sry/++y},�,itectural design Fl to the _�� ;t2 �.y ... .6 +�s" C.J 2 _$.� - 63A architectural 4 IT -he Q.--y FY:gi?-A;II--i Jhndlicated no problems of concern to his departri-ie-i-t I L -- - A. \12111d the city corfifirmed that the parking plan. is satisfactory. Ij'-I reply to ivquiry, there were no comments from the ;�Aicnce g fa--soyInaxxapp'lica"Jon. l-', motion, Cistulli, seconded by Kiadig and evs ly carried on roll ca"EJ appro-ed the use it 'Z'7"4ing on f i la accordance wifz"' dx C '�,TAI%13-1A�U' F- --WAJN'Y! VARIANCE FOR AUTOMATIC CAA WASH chgiTman Pies .-!- Pnn-u'TP.Ced -t-hat a PuMic- hearing s,.--heduled fog: Cf'xi S ime or. the a -pp jli -if Standard Oi I Company; Western Operation "I for a vaxaartce to -Lrts�tuJ an aulcomatic car �)ash on tho service at 3.r np--klhea.4,it corner of El Camino Real. (service Toad,-.- TT01:Ed"O'le Briw- r7op.,z.inued from the meeting of October 24, 3�51,1-6, for the appli" make certain changes in the building pl.-k?.) '-1,14 to obtain add ititr,-ell. 43--d"Forn-at-Ion on the mechanics of the proposed f�.,zvlllty. Chairman -xe-'-'u,3sted the City Planner to Ziv(=, a resume of tl�e applics'p-t-'s -0-1s�-Y'c . F;!. . W xh,a city st,---,,-trvd that the existing service station a portioA of the property at Trousda-le Drive .�nd the t-I Real service Toad, U th-e company desires to more profitably utiliz-f.' the full pr" operty v-roposes to construct an automatic car wash In an area not currently. use. He mentioned three phases of the ins�'allztion which were discvssed at the. Mitial hearing: to The plans indicated an aluminum sidin .g bui.Id.ing which would not be permitted and the applitants were. requeste-s rs 1 to some other type or f cvstruction; 'rlse possible noxs(,' ruin.�,-nice resulting from the blowers; 3. The City En,'gineer ce ues ted e-et,-- - E < Ilya vole of water and t fie -mcthods f or eq--jo sa I Chairman Pierc�--- ro--gnlzed Mr., Spencer M. Sealaqnd(-`-r rep-resenO.ni-, the aupr"'I:� can - "I", e a I ang d, ILz r -d! t stributed drawings, advising that the site le U1, 3 S 1:asically the the one filMed in October weith the pl,an.ting areaz-- h.ni,,� lb-een ad-ded; the building plan has been co-sicrete bloc;: Ilomm-iss.4oner KJIY:.I-;!I,: -veferred 1"co a propo�-;'ed new aipp-aach into from t1la-- rvi d f-rorktage' ing out 'hEt 11, -stre-t %'. .;' oma P- i. this area appean-F a v e Neen r t ua 1, 1 y i I v-;PJF: t�-- d The C`9- tv ]E' K. g i !ict-Ions S'lpp'I-ing to rl Vh aa qw: C. mayizgum t'AH"n �s if 1 or nola, Une app3.icants C"0MP!Y haF, 6-ete'IMPOU'Snd a's -'&-isised w'ers' fi-Ted in time to brz drawi'tagls were to the C-1-ty En -ire er to ascertain I-Ota-! d,.--&,;e- a. -, z , "'ns--i-7plar. Fleece lly!vited Mr. Seala-ader to continue his presentai-J-i-ay,. -2- Referring to a discussion at the October meeting concerning a possible )furnished nuisance, Mr. Sealander reviewed graphs and other related material. furnished Commissioners earlier, mentioning that in three other location, two in California and one in Arizona, the sound factor has never been considered a problem. He pointed out that actua.l4y the operation is rather small and that hats have shown the car wash noise to be beiew the level of et noise in somre areas c Chairman? Fierce invited comments from the audience favoring or protesting the application. here were none. Chairman pierce recognized the City Engineer who reported that his calculations bhow the total drivewiay percentage within the permitted maximum. He recommended that on the service road the distance between the existing and the proposed driveways be increased to allow for at least one on -street parking space. In reply to Commission inquiry, Mr. Sealander stated there should be sufficient space on the property for two stacking lanes so that the customers can drive in off the street; he stated also that it is doubt- ful that the traffic at any one time would be heavy enough to create any congestion. Mr. Sealandexi advised that there will be an attendant in the building at all Vimes, that the actual wash involves approximately one to one and a half minutes per car and, at the maximum, 100 to 120 gallons of water per wash. In reply to Commissioner Cistulli.'s inquiry concerning water disposal and the City Engineer's comment th�a-t any volume o3 oil and grease run-off into the sower lines will create serious peeble-Ti s0 Mr, 'Sealander advised that a cold water solution will be used, tnat the operation is fast and fairly inexpensive and, clue to cost, large amounts of detdrgerat will not be used.- He mentioned thi;I it is planned to trap and reuse the solution. The City Engineer sated that if the use is approved the Building Inspector wi.l.9- be Alerted to the requirement for <:,. proper grease trap. Following further l^:�cussion, a motion introduced by Commissioner grauner approvi.ng the variance was conditioned as follows 6- the building to conform to the psi€ on Nile; the distance. betwo-e -> the two northerly approaches (servi. _-o r ad frontage"' to be i.ncreasec. to 24 feet; planted areas to be installed and maintained at the corne.- nearest the lntai' - section of the El Camino Real service roar? at `1rousdale Drive, between the approaches on T._,.4ou dale Drive, betF�een the n-ovtherll% appror cke ' a. 3 i fti :-a p e3 t� .p. .' .s the -gyp @ hl �� iL , Y '� i n (service ���d�9 �$ F`.? .� �?�� :fit" yfa �. F3T�,'�y'�f_. `Cea' E. E.�o� CE�E t.err::_�:i .:.. �%' f4RJ'&. E.e yAeo The applicants v�Y'ir'sed she v r-Jance would be February uatry 7 ; 196 e ' F nC3`'`Z gapped E ed. 3. OLYMPIAN OIL COMPANY GRANTED SPECIAL PERMIT O REBUILD SERVICE ST�:`TI�3Ne 1� _, Cha.irma'n Pierce announced that the public hearing on the application for special permit f- led by Clyampfl a Oil ComDanyv 35 South Linden Avenue, South San Francisco, torecGnstruct the r. "Ulf Oil Company service station, 701 California Drive=:, ears conti7aued from the meeting of November 28,19 6 for the applicant to submit a reprised set of plans. Mr. Joseph McDonald represented the applicant. The City Planner, in reply to Chairman Pierces, advised that the new plans appear to be satisfactory. He pointed out that in spite of the additional parcel leased by the applicant there is not a great deal os space.and it is difficult to make economical use of the land. The City Planner suggested that when the station is rebuilt the existing driveway on Oak Grove Avenue will be superfluous and should be eliminated, other approaches - from San Mateo Avenue and California Drive will provide for adegfeate tra66ic circulation.. The City Engineer explained that it use be abandoned and standard curbs property owner's expense. is mandatory that driveways slat in and gutters constructed at the There were no comments from the audience favoring or protesting the appli- cation in reply to the Chair's inquiry. wring a discussion on the plains Commissioner Norberg suggested certain architectural improvements .which were accepted by Mr. McDonald. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Norberg approving the special permit subject to: the Oak Grove Avenue approach being eliminated and sidewalks, curbs and gutters installed as required by the City Engineer; the roof line of the lubricating building to be made to conform to the canopy roof; the brick base do extend the full width of the lubricating building on the California DrLve frontage, Motion seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and carried unanimously on roll call. 4- J & .J BACKHOE SERVICE VARIANCE. (continued) Chairman Pierce announced the public; hear°ing on an application for vapi anc filed by John Fuser for .J F `31 rack. oe Service, 221 Milton Avenue, Sapp Brno, to operate a contractor's storage yard on land classified fourth residential. The applicant's corrmaani.cation datad December Id, 1966, state6 that arrange-- mp-rIts have been made to lease s 30 by SO eet section i.nssde the fenced portion. of Mr. Oscar- Person = c property at 1037 Bar shore Boulevard as a storage yard for certain small equi.pment.o The communication stated further that until approximately two months ago the: particular Segtioa`a vies used for ste cngeK of plumbing tit?Leerier s A communication was read frog ? i. s.4 .-I-am Rowe, owner of commercial prope-h"ty at 10-9 Sayshore goulevand, in Lo the variance. 4 reply to a series of questions directed by the Chair, the City ),n lanner identified the location as a small portion of the unsubdivided acreage awned by -Burlingame Shore Land Company, reclassified at the owner's request fr€x, industr.izl to g-4 for epartme-it construction; there is a small non—conformin' residence on the property, which is occupied. Fm FSY4t shapes c.zguct-ure and storage yard inside h- fence. He. stated that there are evidences of a number of small businesses operating but whether or not they Moved in after the reclass-F fi.cation. without benefit of vara�-ince or pernit from the Commission 11as not yet been definitely established. The City Planer advised that as a. result of an investi;a►lion by the Fire Inspector, Air. Ferrer made application for variance but attempts to reach the other tenants have been unsuccessful. Mr. Furre:r st,y'3ed that his eaaui-Dment is on the pre-ertj- at the rr; ;,S;ent time but in an unfenced area. During a period of discussion, it was suggested that a survey of the property may be helpfui in determining whether there are other permits required. The City Attor-nav advised that should such an inspection establish that there are businesses operating; illegally the Commission can recommend that. the City Council authorize the institution of appropriate civil action which would afford a means of notifying the parties con- cerned to appear before the Commission. The City Manner stated that other staff members will be asked to cooperate'in a team inspection and the findings reported to the Commission. The hearing was "hereafter continued to the regular meeting,, February 27, on a motion introduced by Commissioner Ci.stull.i, seconded by Commissioner Kindig and unanitously carried, - "o JONES-MINTO COMPANY SIGN VARUNCE APPROVED, A. letter dated January 6, 1967, from Middern Neon Company, Oakland, filed by Mr. J. C=.veto concerned the installation of "NI in Brand (Ford) Sign" and accessory signs at �oraes-Minto Ford Sales, California Drive and Bayswate-r Avenue. The letter noted a tota=, of five signs to be installed on three separate parcels occupied by Jones-Mi.nto Company. Plot plans were filed. Chairman Pierce anraoun?:-ed that at the s`eue-y meetix7l .9t was determined there was one variance aequdlred; the "114aiin,. Sign", uaunt6ed on a 35 foot pole will exceed the L'errai.tt.ed Riazimum height, 3 ?'eply to C,Eb:i t 3 inquiry, Mr. Cueto aen?i ��v' Rat the Ford MotoT Company is in the process of standardizing all. �?. Y': i --in their dealer- ships throughout the caurgt.ry and t:hr.t hll s company .has been designated insta 3.lers for the signs in eight counties in cent:rnl California. 05, "I I - `allowing a discussion of the plot plans and comments concerning other A gns in the area, Commissioners concurred with the City Planner that the proposed signs will be exceeded in height by the majority of existing signs at other automobile agencies. There_. were no comments from the audience favoring or protesting the variance. On a Motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig the variance was approved with the understanding than the sign shall not project beyond the property line nor exceed a gross height of 42 feet. Motion seconded by Commissioner Mink and carried unanimously on roll call. NEW BUSINESS 1. RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL TO EXTEND CAROLAN AVENUE. A plan proposed by Commissioner Norberg to extend Carolan Avenue across Broadway,, discussed at the study meeting and scheduled for formal con- sideration and recommendation to the City Council at this meeting, was continued to the next regular meeting at the Commissioner's request. 2. PRELIMINARY REGIONAL PLAN, A limited number of copies of the ABAC Preliminary Regional Plan for the San Francisco Bay Area Region were distributed, the City Planner advising that additional copies will be furnished Commissioners as soon as available. Commissioner Cistulli reported that other commitments will interfere with his attending the Regional Planning Committee meetings as the Planning Commission's representative. Chairman Pierce announced that a replacement will be named at the next regular meeting. Commissioner Norberg indicated his willingness to represent the Com- mission at the Committee's Task Force meeting on Thursday, .January 26. The City Planner reported on his attendance at a series of recent meetings, all concerned in some degree with the problems of regional planning for the bay area. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:05 p.m. The City Planner distributed copies of the Commission's 1966 Activities R€;par t Respectfully submitted, .John J. Brauner,, Secretary -6- 41 �N Q� Ck- ^ ^. W a- 0.� �� 0.- CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION January 23, 1967 I CALL TO ORDER iI ROLL CALL III MINUTES December 27, 1966, and January 9, 1967. IV HEARINGS 1. Special Permit to construct office building, Mitten Road. 2. Standard Oil Company variance for automatic car wash. 3. Olympian Oil Company special permit to reconstruct service station. 4. Variance for contractor's storage yard on R-4 property, S. Jones-Minto Company sign variance. Y NEW BUSINESS 1. Recommendation to City Council to extend Carolan Averue. VI ADJOURNMENT