HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1967.02.14CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNIUG COMMISSION `OMMI" SIONERS PRESENT ;z' _n d COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Cis t€al F i Norbnarg (ill) February 14, 19( OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Kars City Planner Mann. !C'i".y Engineey Mar-- v .;'pie monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was alleFd. to orde_-� on Cll p�bove date a& 8.00 p.m: a Chairman Pierce p:residi APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY c �y*,' as Airport Park _ nit No 4 Tentative Map. o The City Planner repaned that representatives of the nza Pacific 813peare-d before the City Council at a recent sturdy me AinR -'-o discuss their proposal to construct a major arterial for r ccess to the proposed subdivision from Broadway wit"t• a portion o" tiae right -or' -way lying within the city park area,and that at the last regular meeting the vity Council agreed to permit the use: or city property t-nd directed the City Attorney to prepare an ,tRxeement for Council z s approval; as a result of this action, the Com..z9 ssi on ma,r now act. Ewi the Tentative Maij of Anna Airport Park Un't No. 4 The City lttorney advised, in response to Commissioner mill tpiaf: if _he Commission so dtovirez it array make a recommendation to floe City ouncil as to -Nie location of the roadway. He stated alse ;:hat agree,ag to the 5Uhd:��g;i -er's proposal the City Ccu-iicil m�r,ta:.r�ed per .od a'±oa to. exceed :;evcn years ar�d that the agreement Fr ? ll 'oe P •em ,?aa-ed fcr C4a n—il's consideration w-7th the fi�?a.1 subdiviz-:i r~:� r,'aP. Ti:�� was discussion corace ring the street section., which was >t a prior study meew,ing, the City Engineer pointing out to mr, ickeyE the project eag..n er, that it will be necessary to ?:�crea ;e I c � � � k.;.x a 't Cit j c.nd S � 'he !;-_'Ia4ul_- t for feorma co -as de ati t .J a 'Sr 27 � h e l�.�.". „tea ao `y s �sc? is sioz: Ssf ­ c—c _Insurance C0R3 Fqz ax o .' ' �.,� _ �< Engineer submitted F; map `ire':-,3adred by '.you _-d ;.�'E;�E�.:�'y CAi►!,. f 32, 01®-:k i1 I-1-10.5 '.. .._: property �f Safecs- cAisY:?.rance Comgpzalny of Amer``c s}K City Engineer explained that there is one large parcel at the present tine with two existing buildings and the proposal is to divide into three. pvrcels to create another building site. j In response to the City Engineer's inquiry concerning the 20 foot wide access easement shown on the map, Mr. Hickey explained that while _Parcel 3 does'.. -front E1 Camino Real the prospective buyer is interested in access from California drive; the easement is privately owned and ingress a.ad egress rights will be conveyed by private instrument. �:r . Hicke•T agreed to include the 'sanitary sewer easement for Parcel R on the maps. During & discussion relative to on -site perking, her. Hickey stated that there appear to be approximately three t:o four stalls less than the legal ., JL u ► b^�t that a. survey will be made to determine if there is apace for additional stalls or whether more paving is needed. `rhe matter was scheduled for public hearitg on February 27. Re.subdivision of Mawdsley Proyertvg Rollins ?Road. A Parcel Map prepared by Howard Co Hickey, Civil Engineer. for Drs. D.L. and. P.H. Mawdsley, the property owners, proposed to delete innteri,r lot lines for the purpose of combining Lots 16, 17, 18, Block io.. 9, Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit #5 into a single parcel with frontage of 180 feet on the northeasterly line of Rollins Road. The Coamission was advised that the purpose of the resubdivision is to creite a building site for the San Francisco Newspaper Company -Rant, including a large open area to be used as loading space foT she. nev spaper trucks. The C".ty Engineer indicated no problems of concern to his department. The map was scheduled for public hearing on February 27, 1967. 4, `kill Permit for Motor Hotel. Bshore Highway An a plication filed by Burlingame Properties, Inc., 3133 Industrial € oad. Las Vegas, Nevada, accompanied by a letter dated February 13, 1967 signed by Kenneth R. Riley, President, requested a special permit to construct and operate a 268 unit motor hotel with coffee shops di.nl!.g Toorw, cocktail lounge, banquet room, meeting room, barber shop, and sift shop on a parcel of acreage fronting the easterly line of. Bays core Highway adjacent to .and south. rly of Small.comb Industrial Park A.ro tiley was, in attendance and showed a series of drawings repxe"�nt�.^ 5ev ral aspects the proposed development. He eapi.aine:d that thcL -1oompEnv contemplates a chain of sever mot: r hotels located in ma c-y xtsf i1 the West G tfirs $; gcthe t` of San Diego, ° :r.`+w' Duri.' '>, e per -'A od of discuss iDrn, thiere were comments relating to stori±! at!,Ay drainage, the on -sit �azyking plea;��3 a4'id advice frQi!! t!-Z�£'. �:i:��v'. :nig-vieey ,slat sanitay-y sewer fact litres rt the location be iryesti gated. h;. aPa l.icatic. was schdul.ed for pubs c herring at the S yegulCS p me a L 'ti �i o. mon .k. . Off,+ ru ry 27, o 2 -. S. Sign Variance Adrian Road. A letter dated January 23, 1967, from Federal,Sign and Signal Corpora- tion, San Francisco, signed by James Curtis, requested a variance to erect a free-standing :sign, 54 feet from ground level to the top of the sign. with an area of 137 square feet, on the Fiat Motors property at 1565 Adr:zin Road. The communication explained that the proposed height will afford visi- bility over the tree line bordering the freeway in front of the Fiat location. A sign detail was '_ileda Mr..Curtis was present and advised that the FIAT letters will be illum- inated after darn; but there will be neither flashing nor moving parts; he described the color combination as white on a red background and shooed a colorej drawing to illustrate. Mr® Curtis stated that the sign will be lower and smaller in area than the general Flectric sign, which, he stated, is 60 feet high and 480 square feet in area. The application was set for hearing on. February 27. 6. Variance to Operate. Guest Home in R-1 District. An application for variance filed by Anna Mary Knudsen to allow more than tree paying guests in a single family residence at 1538 Burlingame Avenu. (R-1 District) was held for the study meeting in March when it was .etermined that the applicant was not present nor represented. 7. Variance to Allow Resubdivided Parcel with Less -than Legal Dimensions. Q.i application for variance filed by James Popin proposed to resubdivide ,)roperty at 760 Walnut Avenue into two parcels, one parcel with less than legal dimensions. The applicant's Statement of Justification and a asap of the property were filed. led, The City Planner advised that the property consists of two very deep lots and area -wise the proposed new lot will offer no problems; how- ever, the property cannot be divided into two 50 root lots without removal of the portico at the main entrance to the house which extends across the lot line and a detached garage at the rear occupies a portiovi of both lots. The City Planner suggested that a better division of the property may be possible if the owne ,would agree to remove the existing garage, which is insufficient for their purposes, and rebuilt in the area immediately to the rear of the dwelling. The application was scheduled for public February 27, Mr. Pepin, Jr., representing fey with the City Planner in the meantime resubdivision plan. hearing at the regular meetinE;,, his father, agreeing to corm in an &t•tempt to improve the 1 8, Special Permit For Outdoor Automobile Storage, An application was filed by Raymon B. K1iaper, .1016 Peninsula Avenue, Burlingame, for a special permit to use approximately 55 by 40 feet of the rear yard at 114 Myrtle Road for automobile storage. Zone: C-2o A communication accompanying the application, signed by Mr. Kliewer, advised that the permit will apply only to short term parking for cars in transit to be repaired at the All -Car Body Shop, Peninsula Avenue, owned and operated by the applicant; neither abandoned nor wrecked cars will be placed on the property. The communication advised that the area will be fenced and parking space' -provided for the tenants of three dwelling units presently located on the property. Piro Kliewer was present and advised that he contemplates purchasing the property and within three to -Four years replaaethe existing old build- ings wItn new construction. The City Planner submitted a sketch of the property commenting that the existing structures are in very poor condition. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the February regular meeting; Commissioners suggested that the Chief of the Fire Department should be informed of, and invited to comment on, the proposal. 9. Special Permit for Sales Lot in M-1 District. An application submitted by 'William Nerli and Associates, 3110 Canyon Road, Burlingame, requested permission to display and sell "Vacation or Secondary Homes" on industrial zoned property at the corner of Airport Boulevard and bang Road, Lot 6-Anna Airport Par€c, Unit No. 2. A communication from the applicant dated February 8. 1967, advised that it is proposed to erect two model houses, both constructed to meet local building codes, to be used and maintained for sales pur- poses for a period of at lease three years. Commissioners reviewed plans and photographs and discussed the operator: with Mr. Yerli, He advised that the buildings will be placed on proper foundations to meet the building department's specification and a sanitary sewer installed. A public hearing was scheduled for the regular meeting, February 27. kDJOURNME%T The meeting was adjourned av 9:30 P.`i4. Respectfully submitted, John Jo Eratiner, Secretary -4- BURLINGAME PL NNING COMMISSION February 14, 1967 I CALL TO ORDER H ROLL CALL III APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY 1. Anza Airport Park, Unit Nun 4, Tentative Map. 2. Resubdivision proper ? of Safeco Insurance Company, E1 Camino Real. 3. Resubdivision of 'Mawdsley property, Rollins Road. ,�5--�- Sign variance, Fiat Roosevelt Motors, Inc., Adrian Road. `So Variance - Boarding house in R-1 District, 1S38 Burlingame Ave. 7 Y,. Variance to allow resubdivided parcel with less than SD fe,:!t" frontage, Walnut Avenue. 1, Special Permit o parking lot, 114 Myrtle Road. `b'. Special Permit - motor hotel, acreage Bayshore Highway, 9. Special PermiF: - sales lot it R9=1 District for vacation or secondary hones IV FRO;%1 THE FLOOR 11 ADJOURNMENT