HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1967.04.10CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Edwards Kindig Mink Norberg CALL TO ORDER The monthly study called to order o presiding, ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Pierce April 10, 1967 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was n the above date at 8:00 p.m., Vice -Chairman Cistulli The above -named members answered the Secretary's roll call. Chairman Pierce, away from the. city on vacation, was excused. 1. GRAHAM TV § ELECTRONIC SERVICE IN RE "BURLINGAME LANE." A request to the City Council from Graham TV $ Electronic Service, 1212 Burlingame Lane for changes in the use of the alley at the rear of the stores on Burlingame Avenue between Lorton Avenue and Park Road was referred to the Planning Commission for investigation and report. The communication to the City Council from Mr. Harry S. Graham, Jr., dated March 23, 1967, requested consideration to the following: Burlingame Lane to be a legally sanctioned address and posted as such; from Lorton Avenue to a point where private parking is available at the rear of the Burlingame Avenue stores, Burlingame Lane be designated a pedestrian walkway, ingress and egress to be limited to Park Road with entry fron the city parking lot at the rear of the Jenkel-Davidson building. The City Engineer reported that his office does not recognize a Burlingame Lane address; official street address records identify the property as 1209 Burlingame Avenue, including the rear building occupied by Afro Graham. Copies o:f a. map of the area were. distributed also a report prepared by the City Planner in which it was pointed out that Graham TV Service is the only business using the allege as frontage o all other properties front Burlingame Avenue, Lorton Avenue or Parts Road; research of the records indicated that the alley is apparently privately owned, being a portion of the lots fronting Burlingame Avenue and never dedicated to public use; it would appear,, therefore, that the egad use is at the dis- cretion of the property owners, There were further comments in the report concerning certain imprac- ticalities in the proposal for access over the city -owned easement. The City Attorney explained that actual fee title can be determined only through litigation report; however, from information gathered by the -City Planner and noted in his report, it would appear that the property owners did create private easements. Mr. Graham discussed his concern for customer safety, particularly where the entrance to the shop is directly off the drive and advised that the post office will not deliver mail except to an address desig- nated by the city. Mr. Graham stated that his request was submitted on the assumption that the city owned an area 140 feet in length measured westerly from Lorton Avenue. Following a period of discussion. Commissioners agreed to recommend against the proposal, taking cognizance of the complications involved; the City Planner was requested to inform the City Manager accordingaly. 2. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION APPROVED. 114 MYRTLE ROAD, A letter dated April 7, 1967 from MT. Robert Smith, in behalf of Raymon Kliewer, seeking additional time to comply with conditions attaq.�bed to.a use permit for the property at 114 Myrtle Road was read, with Commissioners agreeing to an extension of 60 days and requesting that the City Planner inform the petitioner accordingly. 3. RESUBDIVISION MAHLER & GILBRETH ROADS. A resubdivision map of Lots 1S, 16 F 17, Block 6, East Millsdale Industrial Park No. 2, owned by W.F. and Florence Batton, proposed to abandon interior lot lines and establish a new line dividing the three lots into two parcels - one with frontage on Mahler and Gilbreth Roads, the second, fronting Mahler Road. Reference was wade to a notation on the map indicating an exchange of easements, which the City Planner advised involves the Pacific Gas $ Electric Company, not the city. The map was scheduled for hearing at the regular meeting, April 24, 1967. 4. RESUBDIVISION GUITTARD ROAD. A resubdivision map of property owned by Guittard Chocolate Company on Guittard Road - Parcels A & E. Lot 2, Block 1, Millsdale Industrial Park #I - proposed to increase the land area of Parcel E for the purpose of enlarging an existing building by relocating the rear property lime in a northwesterly direction. The City Planner reported off-street parking problems in they property and suggested to the Wilsey & Ham representative in attendance that the person°_ familiar with the parking scheme for the property appear at the regular meeting. The map was scheduled for hearing on April 24, 1967. -2- n� 4' S. VARIANCE FOR RETAIL SALES IN R-1 DISTRICT. �. A letter from David Keenum, 1849 Royal Avenue, San Mateo, concerning the sale of "Safe and Sane" fireworks on vacant property at the northeasterly corner of Dwight Road and Peninsula Avenue from June 28 through July 4, 1967 was read. The City Planner recalled that the City Council has permitted Christmas Tree sales lots at the location on two occasions; he mentioned that outdoor firework stands in the past have been operated by charitable organizations and confined to commercial lots. Mr. Keenum was .present and during a discussion with the Commission indicated his intention to make formal application for variance for hearing st the next regular meeting. 6. SIGN VARIANCE RECTOR CADILLAC. A communication dated March 20, 1967 from Ad Art, Emeryville, California, requested approval of a. variance to permit a revolving illuminated pole sign to an overall height of 80 feet from ground level on the property at 1010 Cadillac Way. Copies of the sign drawing and a site plan were distributed. Air. Buddy Baer and Mr. Ramsey represented the applicant. Commissioners were advised that the sign will be placed at the corner of the property where Cadillac Way enters Bayshore Boulevard. Mr. Ramsey stated that the sign was designed to meet specifications requested by Mr. Rector, that a target was raised at various levels and observations made from the easterly side of the freeway,.from several locations on the freeway and from Broadway; it was determined that the proposed height will give visibility above the power poles and eucalyptus trees. The City Planner pointed out that a revolving illuminated sign at the height may create a nuisance to residential areas. The application was scheduled for public hearing on April 24. 7. VARIANCE YOR HOME FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE IN R-3 DISTRICT. An application for a variance was filed by Airs. Nancy Lazar, 922 Capuchino Avenue, to maintain a boarding house for six elderly persons in a single- family dwel.ng at 900 El Camino Real e third -residential district. A floor plan of the building was filed. The City Planner stated that the applicant boards elderly persons at her residences 922 Capuchino Avenue and desires to operate a second such home at the El Camino Real address with a. nephew in charge. Pays. Lazar was present and following a brief discussion, Commissioners scheduled a public hearing for the next regular meeting, April 24;= the City Planner advised that an inspection will be made of the building and a report submitted at the time of the hearing. VARIANCE: EXISTING ELEVEN UNIT NONCONFORMING APARTMENT BUILDING IN R-1 DISTRICT. An application for variance was filed by United California Bank as Executor for the Estate of Christine Baker pertaining to the property at 1516 Ralston Avenue, first residential district. The application form showed improvements existing "Apartment structure consisting of eleven (11) units" and requested a variance for "apartment zoning, R- 3.'* A communication accompanying the application from the lava offices of Tormey F Crotc: bett advised that the requested variance to apartment or R-3 zoning is justified in that the structure has existed on the property for a number of years and has continued to be used as an eleven unit apartment house; without the variance, the apartment operation cannot be transferred to other persons, thereby resulting in substantial loss to the Estate. A report prepared by the City Planner recited a history of the property from 19S3 when the City of Burlingame sued in Superior Court for an abatement of the illegal apartment use, to a date in 1960 when an inspection by the fire department ievealed new construction converting a garage to a kitchen. The report also noted a number of conditions in the building in violation of the State Housing Code. Following a review of a drawing filed by the applicants, Commissioners agreed to conduct a public hearing at the regular meeting, April 24. 9. TENTATIVE MAP MILLS ESTATE NO. 27. A letter dated March 13, 1967 from the law offices of Carr, McClellan, Ingersoll, Thompson $ Horh, addressed to the City Council, and referred by Council to the Planning Commission, Was read advising that the owners have been unable to comply fully with the conditions required by the City Council when the subdivision map was approved in May, 1966. Mr. David Carr,.attorndy representing the subdividers, reported that all of the conditions have been met with one exception ® the number of lots. He stated that the City Council stipulated a maximum of 10 lots; however, it is the position of the owners that any less than 14 lots is economically unfeasible. Daring a period of discussion, Commissioner Norberg recalled that a majority vote of the Commission disapproved a subdivision of 14 lots when the original presentation was made, The subject was referred to the regular meeting of April 24 for formal consideration. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:1S p.m. Respectfully submitted, mQo John J. BrauneTv Secretary BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION April 10, 1967 I CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL III APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY: 1. Referred from City Council: Request for pedestrian walk- way and limited truck entrance to Burlingame Lane. 2. Request for extension, Myrtle Road. G d14 3. Resubdivision - Mahler and Gilbreth Roads. z-"3 4. Resubdivision - Guittard Chocolate Company property. -Z_- � S. Fireworks sales, Dwight Road and Peninsula Avenue. -? 6. Sign variance, Rector Cadillac. 7. Variance o Boarding home for elderly people, E1 Camino Real.2 ".4 8. Apartment building in R-1 District. - 21"``"4'4 9. Referred from City Council: Amended Tentative Map of Mills Estate No. 27. IV FROM THE FLOOR V ADJOURNMENT (Election of Officers next regular meeting)