HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1967.07.10CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION July 1.0, 1967 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistuiii Edwards Kindig Mink CALL' TO ORDFR The monthly study called to order on presiding. ROLL CALL Brauner Norberg Pierce City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Cistulli The above -named members answered the Secretaryas roll call. Commissioners Brauner, Norberg and Pierce, absent due to other commitments, were excused. 1. REAR YARD VARIANCE TIBURON WAY AND SEBASTIAN DRIVE_ An application for variance to permit a triangular intrusion of from 0 feet to 7 feet into the rear setback area where 1S feet is required was filed by Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Woerz, 1712 Toledo Avenue, Burlingame. The lot which is the subject of the application is located at the southeasterly corner of Tiburon Way and Sebastian Drive and, at the present time, is unimproved. Airs. E.P. Xlaerz was present. A letter dzt d June 28, 1967 from Mrs. Woerz advised of a physical disorder from which she suffers and for which her physician has recom- mended a program of daily swimming in a heated pool. The letter stated that because local weather conditions are not conducive to out- door swimming throughout the year, the variance is requested in order to enclose a heated swimming pool under one wing of a new home to be built on the Tiburon Way property. A letter dated June 20, 1967 from Irving Stern, M.D., South San Francisco, read, also a drawing of the proposed residence was filed, prepared by =Robert E. Onorato $ Associates. During a ;period of discussion, the Commission was advised that lot area is approximately 10,000 square feet, lot coverage will meet prescribed percentages, there are no problems in the front nor on either side setback and that the average of the rear setback will exceed 1S feet. A public hearing was scheduled for the regular meeting July 24, 1967. 2. SIGN VARIANCE_ INTERNATIONAL -TRADING CORPORATION. A letter dAttd June 29, 1967 from Amtoe"Sign Company, Neon Advertising Division. Pdlo Alto, submitted a proposal for a display for the Internation4l Trading Corporation, Olympia Typawriter Identification, on property located at 1625 Adrian Road. The communi.ration stated that the design meets with all. city require- ments with t.rt:s. exception of height and that the additional 3'eight is considered necessary to clear the trees in the particular location. An elevatich sled by the applicants indicated a free standing sign with. an ove., a-11 height from ground level to the top of the sign of 49 feet i i:hes:o the face: of the sign 8 feet 3 inches in depth., .�7 feet in lengt and the lettering 32 inches high. Commissioner' :4cheduled a public hearing for the meeting; of July.24 to consider .:hie. 46'i.ght variance. 3. TENTA 1_). AP.. MILLS ESTATE NO. 27. Dr, Antonio ,.; Franzi, representing Fran -Snook -Gard Corporatfe'n9-'. the; subdivid_*'_%_9 was present to discuss a new tentative map of the proposed subdivision Mills Estate No. 27. The City Engineer reported that the number of lots has been reduced to 12, the center Lots, Nos. 3 through 9, enlarged by increasing the width, and improvements made in the storm drain design. There wax discussion concerning the pedestrian walkway to the wild- life pprb with the City Engineer stating that in the area indicated on the map ste,-ps.would be required because of the slope, or the access cnuld be relocatf_t:..to where the slope is less steep., The City Ent g,ln:.er commented on public works, including a sy-_terf for. water circulation, also two retaining walls showp,on the map at each end of the sub-d vition, explaining that such matters mould properly be included in th improvement plans. -- - The snap was -.,`efarxed to the regular meeting, July 24, 1967, for formal consideratae►aT ,. 4- DRANK+ TS 5`J:3MITTED 8Y MRS. NANCY LAZAR. DI.SCUSSEDo The City P1«nnar reported that a revised drawing has beou received from Mrs. Nancy Char in connection with her request for vari&rice to operate a home for (111diarly persons at 900 El Casino Real. He st ted that; Mr. Les Kie: :g:•,. County Housing Sanitarian, has reviewed crid approved the plant for 'five paying guests, plus the one attendant, rAnd E prior to the next reg,4.ar Faeeti.ng, the plan will be shown.to the building and fire i.nspectcrs -2- So CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REPORT TO CITE' COUNCIL. A report prepared by the City Planner at the Commission's request concerning Capital Improvement Budget, 1967-68 was read and on vammissionor Mink's motion, seconded by Commissioner Edwards and unanimously carried the report was approved for transmittal to they City Council o 6. PROPOSED "VARIABLE HEIGHT DISTRICT REGULATIONSI! R EU In preparation for a public hearing scheduled for the July 24 regular me Ling, Commissioners reviewed material on a proposed amendment to tine: zoning code providing for construction of apartment buildings which exceed existing four and six -story limitations. 7 c: ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respect -fully submitted, Everett K. Kindigc Secretary c y�