HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1967.08.14CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Mink (vacation) Edl <42, r d S K.J. A d 41. g Norberg Pierce CALL TO ORDER August 14, 1967 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Varmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Karr The mcxllt-1'kly study meeti-ag. ef the Burlingame Planning Confmission was!! called --G orde c. on the abcve date at 8.,00 p.m,, Chairman Cistulli''', P r e 5 i 4, i a g ROLL CALL Thia neiiibers an-swered the, Secretary's roll callc, com-aliss-ion-st f-J1.Lr-d%r was exlc-sed. S1 G "1 4 S A mono f-1-0um, 1"he City dated August 14, 1967, on the general SUD�ect OT sl.gns, ano incLuaing comments an height variances tor n1di-aF !Jgns, 1v:,-,s eJ-scussed briefly and referred to the 'A Septtj,wbc�--j- study -Meath 2RESUBDIVIESION - DEVERI'Uy DRIVE AND BERNAL AVENUE. A Parcel kl.z -ore,ared by Hloward A. York, Civil Enginee-r, proposed tv etivili!e Lot I.Block 19,Ray Park Subdivision into two parcels i-n the ef Devereux and Bernal, and imrroved with te- have an area of 9S7U square feet; the propcs-ed n-ell Ict, desigruated Parce;`. 1"13% to front Bernal Avenue, with a.,.k are-�,- The wzns t1hat minimum Lot size in the a-eea is 7000 square :Feet, -is leith t'x exception that sanilar-,,- The C'ity fc-r the new lot, ' C -, slpi`'w tthir, lot pattern in the -ig git the regular or. A / -: l 3. FINAL MAP ANZA.AIRPORT PARK UNIT NO., 4. A proposed final map of the above subdivision, prepared by Howard C. Hickey, Civil Engineer, for the owners, Anza Pacific Corporation, was reviewed. The Commission was advised that the map agrees essentially with the tentative map approved by the Commission,subject to agreement between the City Council and the applicants on the latter's proposal to use a portion of the roadway on city -owned property for access to the staladivision. The City Planner advised that, subsequently, the City Council did authorize preparation of a revocable permit to be issued to Anza Pacific Corporation. He stated that the matter of access has not been resolved and the present map shows alternate proposals and questioned whether or not the Commission should take action where a final map, which will be recorded, is deficient as to permanent access, the City Attorney advised that the City Council indicated it would permit use of a strap 84 feet in width across city property for purposes of access to develop the sbbdvision for a period of seven years; l&wever, there was noting said to suggest that the Council intended the use to be in the nature of a public street. )The City AG rney replied in the affirmative to Commissioner Brauner's inquiry whether the Commission may consider the present map on a conditional approval, based on the City Council's decision with respect to access. The City Eng n-eer reported the subdividers have furnished some pre- lirinary impTovement plans; during a discussion of the center planting strips in the, street right-of-way, Mr. David Keyston reported that it is proposed to install a complete sprinkling system and plant lawn. He advised that the developers will assume the responsibility of main- tenance. The map was sclieduled for formal consideration at the August 28 meeting. 4. REQUEST TO ESTABLISH TEMPORARY OFFICE IN A 'TRAILER. A letter dsted August 14, 19670 from jet Air Freights 1499 Bayshore Highway, Burling=e, signed by Paul R. Reis, District Manager, requested pekvi.sslen to set up t mporary office facilities in a trailer on pr per°-.y at 1348 Rollins Road. Th y; cornatmication explained that Jet Air Freight anticipated complete occupancy of the Rollins toad site by Novenber, 1967; however, the present tenants, Wilsey Bennett Trucking Company, will be unabie to vacate until Februia.ry, 1968 due to ccnstruc6ion problems at their new locaticzn in Fos':er City. The€:ommunicati;on stated that arrangements were made to vacate the present ofvica spA-ce at 1499 3aashore Highway and move into the Wilsey Bennett mZ® �l office where space 1hould be made available for two exployees of jet. Air Freight until a° ovember but this arra2agemeat is no longer suitable as their staff is being increased. cG°7 B_3$Gx c;i7,t.,-) a€8 l set:, that tiF.i�'« as..rakilar will be needc-`& until The City Planner reported that the code mikes no provision for the use of temporary buildings with the exception of read. estate R.' ract offices and accessory buildings ©n consti action sires. tic mentioned a. recent situati...n whz ire a local law firm was permitted to place tTai l ar on its parking lot for office purposes dua ing building DuriTag a period of discussion with the applicants � the Commission t as advised , hat the trailer will be placed on he premises behind an axisting f qe ce and- that iWm-a area will be R f rLNuired: there is sufficient spaco xfo off-street par ing andsby December, possibly five to seven trucks will be in operation. The mavter was sch adutied for formal considerativ61 at the meeting O.E. Augumst 28; the City Planner ag_€red to meke a physical inspection of the proparty -in- the meantiu-!�D. E':. LA -,ID USE PLi,0S. ¥'o Co imir3 io evieweed L ies of the Prolininar Regional Land Use Plans for San Francisco an4 van Matea Counties prep&red by ABAG staff. JOJOURNMENT The aeoting adjourned at 9: iS p.m. RespQc-EFUIly x verett K. Kindig Secretary 5-