HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1967.08.28CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Bra€ ner Kindig Norberg Fierce ;ALL TO ORDER. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Cistulli�4-1- . ) Edwards Mink August 28, 1967 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr Councilman Johnson The regular monthly meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to ar:.der on the above date at 8:00 p.m,, In the absence of the Chairman and Vice -Chairman, Commissioner Kindig, Secretary to the Commission, acted as Chairman. Commissioner Pierce acted as Secretary. ROLL CALL The Secretary Qs roll call recorded the above -named members present. Commissioner Mink, ;,day from the city at a Teachers' Conference, was excused, MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of July 24, 1967 and the study meeting of August 14, 1967, previously submitted to members, were approved and adopted. MAPS 1,. RESUBDIVISION o Lot 1, Block 19, Ray Park Subdivision (Devereux Drive and Bernal Avenue) A Parcel Map prepared by Howard York, Civil Engineer, proposing to divide the above-de:scdibad property into two parcels, was reviewed at the study meeting and scheduled for formal consideration at this time. At the request of the Chairman, Mr. York discussed the map, pointing out that the proposed new lot, indicated "Parcel B", will have street frontage of 82 feet on Bernal Avenue and an area in excess of 7000 square feet, thereby meetiKg code requirements; Parcel A. the site of the existing dwall.ip.g, fp rims Ue i-ereuu: Drive and exceeds. 9000 square feet in area., Mr. York r:;ferred to F. discussion at the study meeting concerning sanit-ary sewer _1acr.Iiti.es for the now lot and mentioned alternate methods fear nlakina :he necessary installat=on, subject to the city's approval. The City Engineer described existing sanitary sewer easements in the vicini.t, of the proposed new lot, mentioned two possibilities for making the necessary connections and advised that field engineering will be made to determine the better method. He advised that there are no other problems cf concern to his department. lr ere ,.-ere comments from the audience favoring or protesting the asap, The City Planner discussed a drawing prepared by Mr. York to show the existing lot pattern in the neighborhood, stating that the proposed lot will conform to the established pattern. �.� A motion introduced by Commissioner Brauner to approve the resubdivision in accordance with the Parcel Map on file, on the condition that sanitary sewer facilities to Parcel B shall meet the requirements :;of the City Engineer, was seconded by Commissioner Pierce and carried unanimously on roll call. 2. FINAL NIAP ANZA AIRPORT PARK UNIT NO. 4. A final asap of the proposed subdivision "Anna Airport Parr Unit No. 4," prepared by Howard G. Hickey, Civil Engineer, for the owners, Anza Pacific Corporation, was reviewed at the study meeting and scheduled for formal consideration at this time. The City Engineer, in response to Chairman Kindig, advised that the map does agree with the tentative map, which the Planning Commission and City Council considered several months ago. The City Engineer referred to the ratter of ingress and egress to the property, pointing out that the owners apparently have access at the southerly boundary through the lands of San Mateo County; however, at the northerly end, the map shows the subdivision street terminating a the property line with alternate proposals for extension ---either through the c1ty9s property over an existing road which passes in front of the treatment plant and the dump, or an easement one-half on city p operty and one-half on Lands of Ideal Cement Company. Mr. George Keyston, representing the applicants, advised that a co, .tract is presently being prepared, as authorized by the City Council several months ago, providing for Anza Pacific Corporation to use and maintain the city road past the disposal plant for a period of seven years, Var. Keyston stated that an offer was made to the City Council by Anza Pacific Corporation to further develop and improve the right-of- way of the existing road but that it was his understanding the Council proferr•ed not to commit itself until there is a plan for the city park area. In reply to Commissioner Brauner*s inquiry whether an easement across city property would interfere with the proposed sewage disposal plant expansions, the City Planner and City Engineer agreed that were an 87 foot wide strip approved ca portion would extend into the disposal plan: area The City Planner mentioned three possible methods of access --across city prc ,_yin a P exclusively; an easement one-half on city ane one- half on Ideal Cement C.oprpar4yf property ; or a new road of-" the city•s property entirely. In reply to Commission inquiry, the City Attorney explained that a.t the Present, time the city road 'reads to the proposed city park, that there was never any discussion before the City Council, nor any sug- gestion by Co ncil,that the public park should be vacated in any respect or ! public street: permitted; the use was limitod to a haul road for A aza 4'aci. fic Corporation's purposes for subdivision improve - imKnts and -Till, -2- The Commission was advised by the City Engineer and the City Planner that the matter. of access involves a policy decision by the City Council, that the final map becomes the map of record and provision for public 1 access is essential. A notion introduced by Commissioner Brauner to recommend the Final Map of Anxa Airport Park Unit No. 4 to the City Council on the condition that there shall be agreement between the Council and the property owner as to the northerly access, and,that in submitting the snap, the Planning Commission makes no recommendation as to which of the alternatives should be consi'dce:red. Lotion seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously on roll call. COMMUNICATIONS 1. .JET AIR FREIGHT REQUEST TO ESTABLISH TEMPORARY OFFICE IN TRAILER, 1348 ROLLINS ROAD. APPROVED. A letter dated August 14, 1967, signed by Paul R. Reis, District Manager, .let Air Freight, requested permission to place a trailer on the property at 1348 Rollins Road for the purposes of temporary office facilities, until February, 1968. The communication explained that Jet Air Freight presently occupies office space at 1499 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame; that arrangements were made to relocate to the Rollins Road site by November 15, 19679 but the present; occupants, Wilsey Bennett Trucking Company, are unable to move to their new location in Foster City before February, 1968. A sketch to indicate the area where the trailer is proposed to be located was filed. , The City Planner, in reply to the Chair, reported that h'e inspected the property and that there would appear to be sufficient space for the trailer without interference to dockage facilities. He stated that the premises are in poor condition; however, since the Wilsey Bennett firm will be vacating soon, problems of poor housekeeping and inadequate improvements can be deferred until such time that Jet: Air Freight Miles its application for a use permit for the property. The City Planner advised that the present proposal is before the Com- Rission for decision since the code makes no provision for trailer use_, a;nd, i.f the temporary use were approved, a time limitation should be imposed so there will be no question of precedent. In repay to the Chair's inquiry, Mr. Reis advised that at the present time Jet Air Freight owns no trucks, that the freight is handled by another company under contract and that it is doubtful trucks will be rcquired until the Rollins Road site is available. A motion iietrodace;d by Commissioner Pierce to approve office use of a trailer in the location requested by the applicant, and as indicated by the sketch on file, for a period to terminate March 1, 1968, the trailer net to exceed 8 feet in width, was seconded by Commissioner Brauner -and carried unanimously on roll call. The applicants were informed of procedures relating to application for use permit and requested to consult with the City Planner approximately one month prior to Wilsey Bennett°s removal. -3- RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 1-67 "RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE G AR ABLE HEIGHT DISTRICT REGULATIONS" was introduced for - passage on motion of Commissioner Braunery secondedY b Commissioner Pierce and adopted unanimously on roll call. NEW BUSINESS 1. SIGNS The City Planner referred to.material distributed at the last study meeting suggesting consideration to changing certain sections of the sign code and requested that the subject be explored at the September study meeting, 2. WILLIAM SPA14GLE & ASSOCIATES REPORT Copies of "Population Analysis and Projections",, first in the series of reports being prepared as part of the General Plan program for Burlingame, were distributed. The Commission was informed that Mr. Spangle hopes to attend the Sep€ embor study meeting to review the program. ADJOURWfENT The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. r� Respectfully submitted, Edwin L. Pierce Secretary Pro Tempore -4- ✓, 01 0- Gt1 0- CITY OF BURLINGAME PLAa4NING COMMISSION August 28, 1967 I CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL III MINUTES July 24 and August 14, 1967 IV MAPS Io RESUBDIVISION o Lot 1, Blo..k 19, Rays PaTk Subdivision. (corner Devereux Drive .and Bernal. Avenue) 2, FINIAL MAP o Anza Airport Park Subdivision Unit No. 40 V COMMUNWATIONS Jet Air Freight request to establish temporary office in trailer - 1348 Rollins Road, VI RESOLUTIONS No. 1-6 E Recommending adoption of Variable Height District Regulations. V11 NEB: BUSINESS V111 AD,71"WIR MEtNT