HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1967.09.11CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONE:R'S PRESENT Brauner Cis�tut li Kindig Mink CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Norberg ' (business commitment) Pierce (vacation) September 11,1967 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Cistulli pre- siding. ROLL CALL The above-naEied members answered the Secretary's roll call. Commissioners Norberg and Piece were excused. The resignation of R.J. Edwards, 1429 Palm Drive, as a member of the Planning Comim.ission was accepted by the City Council at its meeting of September S, 1,967 0 1. RESUBDIVISION - PORTION BLOCK 2 EAST MILLSDALE 1NDUSTRIAL PARK NO. 10 A map of industrial property located on Mitten Road proposing to remove a single lot line to provide additional area for the purpose of enlarging an existing building was reviewed and scheduled for formal consideration at the meeting of September 25, 1967 following indications from the staff that therlff#problems involved. Mr.. Charles Fang, Jr., represented Ryan, King € Company. et al, the property owners. 20 LEE Jo AkRONIAN RE: 1317 BAYSWATER AVENUE. A letter dated August 29, 1967, from Mr, Lee Jo Aaronian requesting a second one-year extension of a variance granted in August, 196S for core, ; f mercial use cproperty at 1317 Raysua.ter Avenue, or, as an alternative, that the property be permanently zoned commercial, and the City Planner's letter dated September 1, 1967, replying to Mr. Aaronian, were read. In reply to the Chair, the City Planner pointed out that the Planning Comli sion is authorized b,l code to grant additional time for exerci.-we o ' i..4sce= .vinited to a period not to exceed one year. in the present axss4s vice, the applicant's request, cannot legally be approved and the yar.i ance expires. The Commission wa.s advised that of the six lots on Bayswater between Park Road and El Camino (south side) three are zoned commercial and three apartment; with the exception of a single-family dwelling on ore o.:' Env � c)nimerclal lots, the use is commercial on all of the remaining. k �1 Mr„ Aaron] a.7, sug vested that inasmuch as the character of the street is i' tommercial rather than residential there would appear to be a reasonable asis for a change in classification. Cc nimiss toner Kg adig eoLnuented that there may be objections to a reclassifi- cation since c-o rierciaF properties carry no restrictions as to setbacks The discussion.as concluded following a suggestion to Mr. Aarnnian that if he intends to pursue the reclassification all of the apartment zoned lots on the sttreet should be included, 3. TENTATIVE MAPS ANZA AIRPORT PARK, UNITS NOS, 5 and 60 Commissioners reviewed the tentative maps submitted by Mr. David Keyston of two proposed subdivisions in Anza Airport Park -o Unit #5 with six lots, and #6 with ten lots, the lots having street frontage on Airport i1oulovard extended southerly from Unit #4. Mr. Keyston oxptnined that the area has been diked off but filling is not completed; It is hoped to construct subdivision improvements in the three units € tr one time The maps were referred to the regular meeting, September 25, 1967, for formal consideration. ,4,> SIL31VAB-H,! 3C COLA COLA.BOTTL.ING COMPANY. A letter dataf1i September 11, 1967,, from Ad Art, Incorporated, San Jose, with a. sign dotai.1 enclosed, requested approval of a variance to permit a free;3standing sign 50 feet in height at the Coco Cola p:lanty 1025 Bayshore Boulevard. The communication referred to sight obstructions in the area created by freeway landscaping and the Broad -say overpass necessitating a height greater than the code maximum of 20 feet to give maximum visibility. The matter was referred to the meeting of September 25 for hearing. 5 . GENERAL 11 i REPORT, Commissiinerds heard Mr, Gilliam Spangle of William Spangle & Associates, Menlo Park, r.I-tamed by the City Council to prepare a General Plan for the titer, diss,russ "Poptilatson Analysis and Projections", the first report lrepa.ro,j as part of the General Plan program, Mr. Spangle spoke in some deta2 of the varie:us problems confronting the city at the present .R irae :end future- changes to be expected in the comi.riunity as the result oY .�ok�=�.�ti��.e segio=yax planning studies presently in progress, W".10 spang-le that a,) economic study is under way and that than r-.port shoul-' i;- read}; .or distribution by they end -of the month, The Commissia reviewed material distributed at a prior neoting concuring "Si.gns0e ane dis(:usv ed amending the sign code as a possible solution :o t:hv, pro-k:iern of ,i igh -var`ances as related to freestanding signso -2- e= The Cite Planner reported that there are constant administrative and 1policiu problems in the areasof Industrial Real Estate Signs and Politicai Signs. Cnmmiss�'oner Brauner suggested that the 20 foot height limitation for free-star,di_:,ag signs rersain with administrative discretion in the baildi-ngS, department and staff to increase the height to one which would be per issible J.f the request were for a roof sign, Commissioner Brau er stated that if the staff and the applicant are u-Nable to reach agreement that the Matter +11--n be; referred to the NZanning Commission as a fa.ctmfind.{nR body and its recommendation sent to the City Council; the final authority rests with that body to determine whether or not there shall be variations from the code. Commissioner Mink questioned whether there should be a special. height limit where business signs are fairly close to residential areas. The vity Planner agreed that a letter would be prepared informing the City Council cf problems in the industrial areas created by indiscriminate posting of real estate signs in violation of the sign code. ADJOURNMENT 1` 3e mee'rt ng adjourned at 10:10 p�jgo Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Ki.ndig, Secretary -3-