HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1967.09.25CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION September 25,1967 t�fYIISSIG S pRFSFNT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESF14! -f•aU n0—r Novae City Attorney Karme:. n sstua-lP City Planner Fia nn K.indi g, City Engines �,- Harr �'ink N0Tbe_g Pierce CALL TO ORDHIR ` he re,',u a_v o= thly ameating of the Burlingame Planning Com'..Tission vas ca.11Fd to O'deT on the above date at 8. as p.m., Chairman Cistul li presiding. -;b.e Secret a.-y`s roll call recorded all members present, MINUTES ES The aai_ntite: of the meeting of August 28, 19678 previous-ly �ubmizi�c ::c: members, weTe approved and adopted following an aireidment to recorc1 Chairman:.-=tul1* "excused while o=1 vacation,°f The m-riv-Les of the! s-U:dy meetijaGr, SE a enber 11, 1967, were approved and adoptzeds.s submittes: , I4F aR TId. c. l a. RESU=G "'VI ION o- Block 2 8 Fast ;�Ri 1lsdal�: t ndt.stri a1� Park, E. i€� zlo, I, (Mitten Road) A Fitip :a Z. r. proposed ree sulbdivisior o the shove- descx'ibed DTOP4iTt{, preps:rad b,;r r1harles E, Rl;--n?letc9 € ivil Engineer, was reviewed at 0-141 ftzd' 1'nd scha-duled for formal consideration, at this time, i'4rCik:sr e.— K'?;' wcas ;?)rezentyrep�'�:senting the `'app�.i an , ig o Ryan, K-1-- and �. f�`:i w 0-1f :asq . t ��5i llsdale Dev+ !lcpment Liim-jnnx o `-h ci-z - ... -.� . r��. r III , y : ".; to the Chair. explained th-at the- propeP. .'. ow-rlerS is =? _ c =t-'sente r _::.i:s to tihe Budding Department..: -f-or an ex- t yt6sic =0 -r! 0 !?Z'sldiaag y the pity�'posS� of the $eSll�la l �°is Utt 5.s tc-' CAE' `.-� €- Csn e lot >x]_. 'a,o �= slot :_� to the property to rol—de thu o?f-E;tt'e-t :'c " 'here wrert' no p+"€?bla;is C i There th-e a Bic-=rice--av,':i'ing or prate-s i-xi loF E:-.. On g tFsCre:'F ;: inrodu+ e--', Kindig r seconded by o3�li;:s3 �o: 4:Flf'•' c-1-` ::1-.d on roll call the resiabdi'v-isioi, 1;-�as app revc ", 1:1 ac a 'da -.w _ t--i ith Zhe F a p filed with the City Engineer. MAPS 1. ANZA AIRPORT PARK NO. S TENTATIVE MAP. The tentative map of a proposed subdivision of the Lands of Anza Pacific Corporation, entitled Anza Airport Park, Unit No. S. was reviewed at the study meeting and scheduled for formal consideration at this time. Mr. David Keyston and Mr. Cyrus J..McMillan, Attorney, represented the subdividers. Upon recognition by the Chair, Mr. McMillan advised that since the Commission's study meeting, and following a study session with the City Council concerning access to the property from the north, the map has been amended to include drawings "T-5" and "T-6" to show the principal street extended to the existing improved portion of Airport Boulevard in Unit No. I at the southerly extremity of Anza Pacific'Corporation's lands, The City planner pointed out that the present map is the second sub- division to be presented to the Commission for the northerly portion of the property; Unit No. 4 was recommended to the City Council with a condition attar:=.hed pertaining to the question of access across city -owned property; the present proposal for extending Airport Boulevard to the south is the result of a series of discussions between the City Council and the owners wherein the Council indicated that there should be some provision for permanent access from the south. The City Planner and City Engineer agreed that the tentative map can be processed Independent of the matter of access which, hopefully,will be resolved when the final map is filed. The City Engineer mentioned certain engineering details to be corrected which will be processed on the final maps The City Planner stated that there is a possibility that the method of installing the electroliers will be revised from that indicated on the map, the matter will be pursued by the engineering department. A motion introduced by Commissioner Brauner to recommend approval of the tentative map of Anza Airport Park Unit No. S to the City Council on the condition that there shall be agreement between the Council and the property owner as to the northerly access was seconded by Commissioner Pierce and carried unanimously on roll call. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:SS p.m,, followed by a discussion on the general plan proposal for the nine counties which comprise the Association of Bay Area Government: (ABAG) The Commission was advised that ABAG will ask for comments on the plan by Jar jary 31, 1968, and public hearings will follow; in this county, the hearings probably will be held in the City of San Mateo. sja In discussing the proposal for the City of Burlingame, the City Planner advised that on an over-all basis the plan is very good for the city -- the industrial areas are well defined. There is a proposed highway easterly of the bayshore but not out in the water. The plan includes rapid transit and suggests that the cities should attempt to special- ize rathe7-than to be competitive in every field. The City Planner noted that: the City of San Mateo has definitely become a commercial city while Burlingame has gone in the direction of an industrial area. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig, Secretary -4- G11- Op- Cl. BURILIIHGAME A A C01V MISSI('11 September 25, 1967 Y. CALI TO ORDER 11, ROM CALL I I I P11 i M.-I 1; 1 p S Aug"it 28 and September 11, 1967 IV F i 1. Resubd1vision of propert-y on Mitten Road, East Hillsdale Industrial Park. 2,, Sign Variance, Coca Colla Bottling rompany, Bayshore Boulevard, v f11ii A -p t' .'�,--nta-ive Maps; - Anza. Airport Park, Units Nos. 5 and 6. V11 A U, JH:, " J'll 114 M, E 14 T i 2. COCA COLA COMPANY SIGN VARIANCE DENIED. A letter dated September 11, 1967, was read from Ad Art, Incorporated, San Jose, requesting approval of a variance for a free-standing illumi- nated sign 50 feet in height at the Coca Cola Bottling Company of San Mat 1025 Bayshore Boulevard, Burlingame A sign detail and plot plan were filed. Chairman Cistulli recognized Mr. Paul Bacon, owner and president of the local Coca. Cola operation, who stated that conditions in the immediate vicinity of the property justify a sign higher than the 20 foot maximum permitted by code. Mr. Bacon explained that the buildings adjacent to his on either side are approximately 22 feet in height and built to the sidewalk --a 20 foot sign can his property would be of no value; furthermore, a sign should be of sufficient height to be visible despite the overpass structure and freeway landscaping. Mr. M.E. Peterson, associated with Ad Art, advised that the height was determined through a series of tests with a moving target, starting at a height of 20 feet to a point where there was clear visibility from each direction. He stated that an effort was made to arrive at a height that would serve the purpose with the least amount of variance. In reply tc, a series of inquiries from members of the Commission, Ms. Bacon €dvised that the business, including building, machinery, trucks is locally awned, operated under a franchise from Coca Cola Company; the product is bottled and distributed from the plant through- out San Mateo County, with yearly sales of $1.75 million. Air. Bacon referred to the sign detail, explaining that the wording "Enjoy Cocr Cola" is a legal trade -.mark, used for advertising and identification purposes; he advised that retail customers do come to the plant a:nd "over-the-counter" sales are a minor but important segment of the bidnesso There were no comments from the audience favoring or protesting the applications. Commissioner Kindig expressed concern that the proposed sign will create a nuisance to near -by residences. Commissioner Brauner stated his position that the applicant failed to prove,hardship and that the purpose of the sign is public advertising rather thaw identification since the nature of the bigness would indicate .little needs for identifying the premises to potential customers. Commission€ r Mink referred to provisions of the orelinancey prohibiting advertisi.n, signs adjacent to freeways. A motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig to deny bhp: application was secdndad b Commissioner Brauner and carried unani.=aously on roll call The applicant was advised -of the right of appeal to the City Council, -2-