HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1967.10.09F' CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION October 9, 1967 COtMMISSIUNEIT� PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Bra liner Cistulli Kindig Mink Norberg . CALL TO ORDER Pierce (ill) City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Cistulli presiding. The abode -eared members answered the Secreta.ry°s roll call. Commissioner Pierce was excused, la RESUSDIVISION - Lots 1, 2 and portion 3, Block B, Mi.11sdale Industrial 11 Park Ur i`b No. 5 e David and Rollins Road. A map prepared by Howard Go Hickey, Civil Engineer, for the owner, Edward J. Roberts Co., Inc., proposing to ccmbi.ne the above -described property into a single parcel with an area of 34,360 square feet was reviewed. The Commissi.cn was advised that the purpose of the resubdivision is to provide a s E.e for a new bT4i.lding for which plans are being drawn, The City '=Pgi.n ar indicated no problems. The map ,o;as; s c'iedulod for formal consideration at the regular meeting, October 23. 20 RESUB7"TITTSYON - Portion of Block Me. 2$ Anza Airport Park Urtit No. J Beac A map of the above -described property, prepared by Howard Go Hickey, Civil Eng)­t efF: r, for the owners, Anza Pacific Corporation, proposed to delete two 6r1.wting lot lines for the purpose of combining Lot I and a portion cz: fy:� 2 into a. single parcel with an area of 50,900 square fsyet and the n .i.: r of Let 2 to be combined with .riot. 3 with 15,,200 szdare feet in jL;.-Va' I-ollowing a K>isE:ussi n with Mr. Ui ` id Keysten. representing 'he appli- ants, and '"-_-ae? cati.o:s from the, Ciety Engineer hat the Maas appeared wd? ce in c 'J ;r, a public searing sclheduf edl fog- the r-egull ar meeting Octobey :t'.C�6 . 3. FINAL MAP - Anza Airport Park Unit Noo rThe final map of Anza Airport Park, Unit No, S. a proposed subdivision of the northerly pertion of the Lands of Anza Pacific Corporation, was discussed. The City Planner advised that so far as the Commission is cericerned there is no action necessary with respect to the matter of access to the property; the City Council is aware of the problem and is working with the subdividers and their counsel in an attempt- to develop an agreement whereby the use of city -owned lands may be permitted under certain conditions. Commissioners agreed to formally consider the asap at t rV regular meeting of October 23., 1967. 4. NATIONAL EXECUTIVE SERVICES INC. Afro Don C. Alexander, President, National Executive Services, Inc,,, 500 Sansome Street, San Francisco - a custom airport limousine service operating une.,er authority of the Public Utilities Commission. - appeared to discuss relocating the headquarters for the San Francisco and Peninsula areas to the industrial district of Burlingame on Marsten Road., and requested clarification of regulations applicable to the type of business in the proposed location. The City Planner stated that in a discussion on a prier occasion with ro .AlexsEder it was determined that the use is acceptable in the location, pv.rking facilities are adequate and that storage of equipment will be restricted to the inside of the building. The City Planner advised that he informed Mr. Alexander that there appeared to be no reason for the matter to be brought to the attention of the Planning Commission. Fallowing a grief period of discussion, Commissioners concurred with the City Pla-ane=-r6 s comments, informing her. Alexander accordingly. So FENCES VARIANCE - Russian Church$ El Camino Real. A letter dated October 3, 1967, signed by V.V. Krassovskya Chairman of the Board, requested approval if "an accessory structure in front of the recently constructed Russian church at 744 El Camino Real" consisting of open stezl lattice -work to a height of 617-1/2", four concrete and brick pillars 0:6"r with a cress on the gate 814" from ground level A b luepx iht F.cvompanied the letter. The rep r:w :t, �i:1 s: of :she- chvirch�3n attendance,advisad that the proposed a,dd ., _or, __- f: pnrtz of _ r = verall place to improve the property Q designed to thc; ch �c'h €s _-? m.dinsg proper o hndr `�3Q�>E�ful yy disE`;uitL�age'.of -vayaddilsml The City P1 rM r Staid that the code provides that fences in a front setback ;h <.1 -.Ot: e.,;ceed fi Kra, feet In heights however, them appears to be i,a the request as there have beer. diffYcult'es with aY? ll be no inze 7fevenCe ta__i 3 poring no m�� traffic circulation, which is limited to the Fairfield Road frontage. �he Commission was advised that there are picket fences on the north and south boundaries approximately four feet in height. The appli.catiGn was scheduled for public hearing October 23, 1967. 6. FENCE 4`AUANCE - Howard Olds � East Lave. A letter dated October 2, 1967 from HOWARD OLDS► 1.021 Burlingame Avenue, signed by Howard L. Robinson, General Manager, requested a variance from thercr`ce code to install 4/baked white enamel aluminum corrugated sheeting to a height of eight (8) feet on the property designated 282 East Lane (adjacent to EOWARD OLDS, formerly Rector Cadillac -Olds) The communication advised that the purpose of the fence is to improve the appearance: of the lots currently used for automobile storage. Colored snapshots and a. plat play were filed. Mr. Robinson stated that the fence will be placed along the southerly and a portion of the northerly paope-uty lines, and advised that there is a fence similar to that proposed at the Rector Cadillac -Oldsmobile site at 42:nd Avenue and South. E1 Camino Real, San Mateo. A. public hearing was scheduled for the regular meeting, October 23. 7. SIDE YARD VARIANCE - 1.3 Valdivia Court. An applicatioa for variance filed by Frank E. and Olga Lembi requested approval of a three (3) foot side setback where five (5) is required on the abovedtescribed property for the purpose of constructing an addition to an existing single-family dwelling. A letter from the applicants, dated September 19, 1967, explained that plans have tei3sn prepared to enlarge -the kitchen -family roots combination and install a new bathroom as a convenience to an existing swimming pool, A Mot glom was filed. Air. Lomb =. �,-ev ewed the drawings with Commissioners, advising that thz, exterior of the addition will conform with the existing dwelling. The City Piariner, in reply to COMMisszoners, reported no problems in lot coverEge Th 'G ; pap.ol.-.-._ .cai o•n w--+aa_--s-lac scheduled for�- public ublichearing �.on -O-• ctoba.7230 Hv .z.- :.LQ,PE tlY f'111.,41LAuh15s rytVL"�271T-a������E.., t__.• -F; n� lax e- S ca - 1r ' t filed ? j Y 's, � Company, .fi.� Bl Ge t €� L;�::�s:. � _p �.�- ��_:r �x. id b�� D��1 sps Petroleum, o--�anyA n �.a:_•_a .�..o : <i,f �asi lftr®iicotproposed Cnlegng a"nexisting 'xL L1A.tine station ' the Corner 0%' CsliiV.3a Driab and B- oadway. Ts:. _ �` c L.5 ,< a `tr`s x:af' •� i� the?a e c?.e�� � srx�t c�ii2�?7�� that it is gJ.�.<anpe d to �,, i8?yr r, ,.. �...E°: .: .• of. Cam.,:. servi G..`�--'Vby —_-emo,vd kg the CCliu,ne vial built i--,z•. ao M � facing Broadway where a smoke shop and other small businesses are i )located. He stated that brick facing will be used on the existing service station building to improve the appearance and a planting area provided. The City Planner reported that the drawings have been examined, including they drivaws.' situation and that the location meets all of the require- ments for the use; the proposal to expand, however, requires an action by the Commission. A public hearing was scheduled for the regular meeting October 23. 90 9PECIAI PERM11 - Air freight fors=ardin¢ terminal, 123? Whitethorn Mayo An application for special permit filed by Jesse H. Carters President, Golden Gate Air Freight, Inc., proposed operation of an air freight forwarding business at 1231 Whitethorn Way. A letter from the applicant dated October 3, 1967, explained that the terminal will serve prilmari y as a warehouse and that all pick-up and delivery will be performed by sub -haulers (other truckers), Mr. Carter skated that the freight will be loaded and unloaded indoors as the building is more than adequate in size with a. large receiving door. The City Planner reported that he has inspected the premises and discussed ,the operation with tiro Carter; since freight handling is involved, a use permit; is required. A public hearing was scheduled for the meeting of October 23. 10. SPECIAL PERMIT a Contractor's storage yard, E4 Ba,shore Highwa�o An appliCation for special permit filed by Robert H. Upke, dba A&B Grading any: Favinge 301 California Drive, proposed a contractor's storage yard can industr4 a.l property located at 1554 Bayshore Highway. A communication from the applicant dated October g, 1967, advised that the yard will- be used to park three dtmp trucks when not in use and, occasionally, a small tractor and 9x9 tool shed. A site plan was filed :indicating the location at the fag corner of the property. The City Planner reported that in a visit to the property it was found that the aTe a has been filled it a somewhat haphazard manner and until there is oeme land height established and properly filler there would be no point in requiring paving, He suggested that the area to be occupied b9,� M . i.ipke s �o� -id be fenced and the equipment stored :inside in an or. kn_r' 11' Mr. Lipka adv:i'sed that he intends to install a cyclone fen-ce,, There was �s�r='y Eon lade th,&t trucks traveling from the property could create a li-7t Upke advised that. 7x-1cks 1zave been laic; to the dr] . t3,zw1-_V to 4h` =t�Rshaore Highway. ahe aps l4f,_ atinn wr.s schodu led for public hearing on October 23. -4- Ilo VARIANCE AND RESHSDIV.ISION - Aurlinxame S Are E�.nd CEO a, l 'An application for variance to construct two commercial buildings on a portion of property now zoned R-4 and a parcel map proposing to divide said property - acreage lying between Bayshore Boulevard and Carolan Avenge, soy€ h,% asterly of Cadillac Way.: into three parcels, were filed by Burling- "e Share Land Company c/o Harry Rto Somers, 1849 .3ayshore Highway,, Burlingame. A letter written by the City Planner under date of October S, 19670 to Robert Tho.;,pson, attorney for the applicants, was read outlining the procedure to use followed in applying for commercial use: of a portion of the property. During the E iscussion, the Co fission was advised that immediate plans for develop-Ing the laud envision an apartment building on Parcel A, as indi.c= lta ' on the parcel crap, designed to meet all of the zoning requireml.Lfe..:s, with no variances involved; on Parcel B, two one-story commercial bui sdin,gs, similar in design to Town and Country complexes in the cities of Palo :alto and San Jose. For the present, there are no definite plans for the remainder of the property, indicated Parcel Co Mr. Somers explained that: the developers would prefer not to commit to improving the third parcel until there has been an opportunity to observe and determine which is the be"Cter use - apartment or commercial. The applic. t.ions were sdhe ui.ed for public hearing on October 230 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Chairman Cistulli, recognized visiting students from the College of Sari Mateo in attendance. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9: 30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig,, Secretary