HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1967.12.11CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION YW4'C{, iTF y Y1� r r December 11, 1967 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli Brauner (ill) City Attorney Karmel Kindig City Planner Mann Mink City Engineer Marr Norb erg Pierce CALL -TO ORDER a i I The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:05 p.m., Chairman Cistulli presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members answered the Secretary's roll call. Commissioner Brauner was excused. FOR STUDY 1. RESUBDIVISION v EAST MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT NO. 1. A map filed. by Ryan, King and Company, 819 Mitten Road, Burlingame, proposed to delete interior lot lines for the purpose of combining Lots 1, 2 and 3, and the adjoining portion of Bayshore Highway abandoned, Block 3, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 1, into a single par - cal at the southerly corner of Bayshore Highway and Mitten Road. Mr. William Marocco represented the applicants, advising that the site will be improved with a new building. A suggestion was made that the property owner should be required to construct sidewalks and other street improvements to the City Engineer's specifications on the Bayshore Highway frontage. The map was scheduled for formal consideration at the next regular meeting, December 27, 1967. 2. RESUBDIVISION o EAST MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT NO. 2. A map filed by Ryan, King and Company, 819 Mitten Road, Burlingame, proposed to resubdivide and combine lots in Block Sr East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 2. as follows: &.Utz 150 .16 and portion of Lot 17 into a single parcel with 183.50 feet of frontage on Hinckley Road; and portion of Lot 17, with Lots 18 and 19, a single parcel with frontage of 171.SG feet on Hinckley Road. Mr. William Marocco represented the applicants. He advised that the existing buildings cross lot lines and the purpose of the resubdivision is to esta,)lish a separate parcel for each building. ` The map was scheduled for formal consideration at the regular meeting, \ December 27, 1967. 3. RESUBDIVISiONN - INDUSTRIAL LAND, ROLLINS ROAD AND DAVID ROAD. A preliminary Parcel Map prepared by Howard G. Hickey, Civil Engineer, proposed to establish a single Large parcel for the purposes of Coen Company, 1510 Rollins Road, by combining the following: Lots 4, 5, 60 7 and portion of Lot 3, Block 8, Millsdale Industrial Park No. 5; Lot 3, Edwards Industrial Park, and a portion of a 140 foot wide drainage right-of-way. The City Planner stated that Coen and Company have occupied the existing building (shown on the map) for some time and are faced now with insuf- ficient space and inadequate off-street parking; the proposal is to delete all of the interior lot lines, use the area under the Pacific Gas and Electric Company wires for parking, and improve the drainage right-of-way for other parking. Afro Danie4Hudson represented the applicants and, in response to the City Engineer, agreed to furnish details on the improvements proposed for the drainage easement. 1. The map was scheduled for formal consideration at the regular meeting, December 27. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR OFFICE BUILDING. MALCOLM ROAD. Ryan, King and,.Company, 819 Mitten Road, submitted an application for special permit to construct a single story office building on Lots 13 through 18 and 26 through 31, Block 3, East Millsdale Industrial Park - 866 Malcolm Road. A communication from the applicants dated December il, 1967, advised that in accordance With an established policy the building will not be rented for retail purposes; the space will be occupied by the Government Services Administration and other office uses. A diagram to indicate location of the property and the proposed building was filed. The City Planner stated that an existing building on the property is occupied by one of the Federal agencies; their activities have expanded to the point where other space must be made available; the proposal is to build a second building on the property to accommodate more offices. The City Planner commented that the parking plan is incorrect and will be reviewed with the applicants prior to the regular meeting. S. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF SPECIAL PERMIT. A letter dated December 11, 1967, from C.W. Greer, 245 Chapin Lane, requested an extension of three months to exercise a specia� permit approved in November, 1966, to remodel an existing garage a cabana for the swimming pool. �2� The communication recited in detail construction accomplished to date, advised that the cabana is partly finished but that work has not been started on a'7er�r carport or garage; due to an unexpected busines:s:,transm fer, the pbe p1aced on the market in its present condition. The communic4floh'"stated that if there is a sale, the new owner may, pre- fer to construct a carport or garage of his choice; if it becomes neces- sary to rent, arrangements will be made to have the work completed; in any event, a three month extension should allow sufficient time to resolve the problem. Following a brief discussion with Mr. Greer, the Chair referred the matter to the regular meeting of December 27. 6. FENCE VARIANCE. A letter dated November 18, 1967, was read from Joseph M. and Virginia E. Shea, 1612 Ralston Avenue, requesting a variance to construct a redwood fence to a height of 10 feet on a portion of the southeasterly property line. The communication explained that the neighbor at 1616 Ralston Avenue intends to construct a swimming pool and relocate a garage; the higher fence is considered essential as a screen between the two properties as the swimming pool in the proposed location will interfere with the use of certain facilities in their home and resultant loss of privacy. Mr. Shea was prese-at and informed the Commission that the 10 font - height would not extend for the entire length of the property, but con- fined to a distance of approximately 30 feet In an area not visible ,from the street. Following general comments concerning the question of precedent, the application was referred to the meeting of December 27. Mr. Shea was requested to furnish a plot plan. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT m TRUCKING BUSINESS, ROLLINS ROAD. An application for special permit filed'by James W. Livec'.y m DBA Golden Bay Freight. Lines m to operat a small trucking business from 1220A Rollins Reads was held for thalUdlystudy meeting upon advice from the applicant that he anticipated leasing another location before the end of the month_ 8. SIGN VARIANCE. A letter dated November 27,,1967 from Federal Sign and Signal Corporation,: San Francisco, signed by Jim Curtis, requested a variance to erect a free-stand.iLg sign, 50 feet in height frem ground level, on the Reliance Electric property, 1S25 Adrian Road. A sign deta1.1 was filed. Fir. Curtis was present, and advised that the sign will by located on the Adrian Road frontage, halfway between the building and the side street, will be white background with black lettering., s:LPAiar to Olympia Trfae- Writer display. tie reported that the Reliance build-i-ng is 18 feet in height. -3- ,- The application was scheduled for hearing on December 27. <� Mr. Curtis stated that he had been informed that amendments to the sign ordinance were being discussed by the Commission; he suggested that requirements for variances not be relaxed, Th.e.City Planner reported that the material which the Commission studied has been sent to the City Council with a suggestion that the variance procedure should be made so restrictive that hardship would have to be proved by facto ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Commissioners met informally with a group from the League of Women Voters of San Mateo, Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary -4- Cb L OF .BUR` IN:iAN1 : ?LANNINC CM,11MISSIdh Ck- 4-1 N'ovt -ib aer .. .3 p s 7 •? i CALL 3;.1 OR.PPER s I -ROLL CALL III MINUTES October 23 an-d Noi em.Ler 113, 1Dkv7 x`d ?SAPS I o Resubdivt sion of Szifecc, -f-tls . v^ o uao�pex ty, El. Camino Real. t� HEARINGS I. a Side setba.cR vars.ance 13 I al--jivia `.ov t � (cont. , tf•o1� Oct. 23) =. 2, Special permit, ccn%raccor`"v storage yard Baysho e Highway. kcont o fa ow Oct. 23), 3, Variance to relocate non -conforming garage, Ralston Avenue. 4. Special permit, retail sales Jn M-1 District, Rollins Road. S. Special permit.. resl4ts1-ai-A in 1,6I District, Bayshore €fighway. 4+I UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. F. Do Sperry Co. contractor's ;yard, North Car.e an Avenue 11'aT NEW BUSINESS V 1 I I ADJOURNMENT