HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1960.01.25EM CITY OF BURLINGUE PIAN14ING COMMISSION January 259 1960 COMMIS S IONERS PRESEP]T CODIMISSIOITEMS ABSENT OTHERS -'RESENT Henderson Diederichsen City Attoz-zey Karmol Kindig PiTartin City Engim.ler Flarr Moore Plan, Cons. Mann Norberg '25 dg o .f nsty3ot- r Stivers Ca wall CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was held On. k,Y;e above date. Meeting called to order at 8:05 p,m, - Chairman Kindig pre s Ld i_ng Commissioner Diederichsen, having advised of another eommitmezntm was excused. Chairman Kindig reminded members of the meeting to be held on. Saturday, January 309 1960, in Redwood City on the Legal Aspects of Planning. also a meeting to be held on Friday, Februar7 5. 1960 .in T...zos Gatos "--Planning for the Water. Needs of the State'l- and sr,, ?est.e(' that the matteir of recer- vat' ons be arminged ur3th the Planning Consultarr. F1Ih1jTES PRXTOUS '1 TI1,R1_ Minutes of the regular meeting, of meeting of January 11, 1960, and unanimously approved and adopted. PETITIONS December 28, 19.59., adjourned regular study meeting of January 11, 1960E Were 1. Final Map - E1 Qdanito Acres No. 2 0 The filial map of El Quaid -to .t=cres No. 2, a resid-ential Subdivision of six lots located at the Intorsectl.or. of 7.1 -Prado Road and Canyon i:oad, was subruitted to the Commission for for=1. cons idorrarlon by Mr. Arata, ex-Ineer representing the developers. The City Engineer, in reply to a question from Chairman Kindig, stated i ui; ti �:i'v ave,, �,r F,e � rF;r*'? cC3 e ac—s-m `n s a te' r7 �- re- quest e ro the final map at the re quest of the Pacific Gas & Electric Company which did not appear on the tentative map; however, the present map has been checked and found to be in order. The Planning Consultant called attention to the location of Lot 6 and noted that there is no access from either E1 Prado Road or Canyon Road. In lieu of this, the sub -divider proposes a 20 foot easement extending from 731 Prado Road, across Lot 5 to Lot 6, The City Attorney, in reply to the Chair°s request for comment, stated that this is the first time that that section of the Code has applied which permits acceptance of a map where frontage on a public street is accomplished by casement, providing that such easement by grant or dedi- cation becomes the property of the City of Burl irg;am.o. The City Attorney stated that an easement grant will be prepared to accompany the final map to the City Council, the grant to provide that, the City shall not be responsible for maintenance of suoh easement. It was pointed out that an offer of such easement may not be accepted nor refused by the City Council until the matter Y_as been referred to the Planning Commission for study and recommendation. In the present in- stance,, t-he City Attorney stated, the easement is Oesignated on the map and the Commission has knowledge of same. It '%s: the uosii:ion of the Commission, therefore,, that the easement c;:totil be-00o'n60d� r 3=f:_:�commenda- tion may ba so L-re.de, to ine:'uc?e acceptance of the grant along with the final Followirg a review of the map with Mr. Asata¢ engineer represezati��?g the developers, and there being no protests awards a motion was introd*ciced by Commissioner Norborg that the Commission2 approve the flnal map of El Quanito Acres No. 2 Subdivision and recommend, Isame to the City Council for acceptance. -lotion seconded by Commissioner henderson and' -.unanimously carried on roll call vote of members present. A motion was also introduced by Commissioner Norberg that the Commission recowend to the City Council acceptance, concurrently with the final map, of a grant of easement from the subdivider for ingress and egress purposes can Lot 6, as designated on the final mp, Motion seconded by Co,?=issioner Herders(xn_ and unanimous, k* carried oil X-011 ca11 vota of mem- bers p r°e ser,.t IEARiNGS 1. SPECTAL tE'RMIT Commercial Parking Foot. Donnelly and Primrose Road. A public hearing was held on an application, subm��tted by Nor. Jean Mourraille, fora use pe.m. it to operate a commercial parking lot on property located at the southeast corner of Donnell► Avenue and Primrose Road, at presont used by the City as a public parking lot on a lease arrangement with the owners. A letter dated January 8, 1960, submitted by the applicant, was read advising that the property will be fenced on three: sides; on the fourth, or alley side, because of commercial traffic through this area, steel posts and a chain will be used. The applicant stated that the surface of the lot will be repaired and properly maintained; all traffic will enter and leave the lot by way of Donnelly Avenue; the lot to be operated as a self -parking lot with a coin collecting machine to be checked at intervals throughout the day. Since there will not be need for a full time employee on the lot, sanitary facilities will not be installed but arrangements have been made with a neighboring business establishment for this accommodation. In reply to the Chairs request for comment, Commissioner Henderson stated that he was concerned over the condition of the lot surfacing and questioned whether the applicant planned a complete resurfacing. Wallace Clarke, representing the applicant, Mr. Mourraille, who was ab- sent from the city, advised that the surface is to be repaired, all of the chuck holes filled and the lot thereafter maintained in good con- dition. ' -2- The City Engineer expressed the opinion that an over-all resurfacing should not be necessary provided that Mr. Mourraille agreed to thoroughly repair the existing surface, including filling of all holes and depressions. The Planning Consultant, in reply to Chairman Kindig, recalled that the ordinance specifies certain conditions under which a pu1bl e parking lot may be operated, The Commission must determine that the property will be maintained In good condition. In the present situatlon, the Planning Consultant notedt Mr. Mourraille In his. letter of Jail -Clary 80 !960, has agreed to fe'i-tai_ g° Is aware that sancta ry facilities are required to u,a p'1ar;ed oli thEl :tot in the event that-: employee _11 in attendance. In the Matter Of surfacanl,A the operation is a business enterprises f'eeri ii.ill be nol- lected and, on that basis, it would appaar in the best intereaUs of the operator that a proper surface be maintained, A gjiestion c1Yas raiset concerning installation of flood li.rh"Ung to which the City ng' neer and the Planning Consultant re -plied that the property is well lighted by city lights located along the streets on which the property fronts. A detailed plan of the proposed use was submitted for review arid, follow- ing Bone general comments concerning placement of the fence along the Primrose -Road front, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Stivers that a use permit be grunted the applicant to operate a commercial parking lot at the southeast corner of Primrose Road and Donnelly Alreuue, said area to be developed in conformance with the regulations for parking areas as provided in the City0s Code; fenc`.ng to 'be constructed as out- liaed by the appl.i cart in the communication dated .3ax�uar;� 84 1960; general layout to be in accord with the plot plan filed with the ap- plication. Motion seconded by Commissioner Henderson and uranimously ear_,-ied on roll call vote of members present. A request from Mr. Clarke for a time extension in which to complete the improvements was granted upon a motion by Commissioner Henderson ap- proving a 90 day period for the work to be completed, during which period the lot to be permitted to be operated. Motion seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COFTIISSIOIFERS : Henderson, Kindig, Moore, Norberg NOE'S : COMMISSIONERS :. Stivers ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen, *Martin. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. 2. PROPOSED Al-EADME14'TS TO ORDINANCE CODE PART X. ARTICLZ0 'ZONING). Chairman Kindig announced that this was the time and place scheduled to conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Ordinance Code as follows: Part X Article 50 (Zoning), (a) Division 3, Procedure; (b) Section 1926, subsection D2 of Division 6 (Use Regulations); (e) Add to Section 1926 (Use Regulations) sub-sootion D7. The Planning Consultant requested that the Commission continue for one month the matter of amending Division 3 "Procedures". The proposed -3 amendment involves rewriting the entire Division and the material has not yet been assembled in final form. Copies of the amendments ( Items b and c) having been distributed to the Commission a period of discussion followed. In reply to the Chaires invitation to comment, the Planning Consultant stated that under item (b) two changes are proposed in the provisions for lot size limitations. First, since the ordinance eras orIgi.nzlly adopted there have been a number of sub -division an nexatL ns, Trrh.ich in each ins lance have been on the basis of 7000 squa:r-v Foot lots. The map ( Included by reference in this section of th& ow dLiance) has been correct acc. a_vi brought ,gip to c!ate to inciu=.c t1F1,,ana,,-,xations. Second,, there are certain areas within the City limits where, because of toppgraphy and contour a 7000 limitation would be trip -roper. The present amendment proposes a 10,000 foot limitation in these areas, Referring to item (c) ® adding subsection DG7 to Section 1926 -, the Plan i -ig onsultant stated that this amendment proposes that all lands hereafter annexed in residential areas shall have a lot size of not less than 10,000 square feet. It was noted that any future residential annexations will come from the hillside areas where the land in many instances is quite steep. Because of topographical and contour problems, a limitation of 10,000 square feet appears necessary to provide suitable building sites and prevent subeAvisions of small lots. Reference was mace to the County of San I*1ateo lot size limitationt in the "hills area" where because of the type of property with problems of access,, etc., it was determined that the land does not lend iVself to anything under 10,000 square feet. There being no protests received, oral or written,. a motion was intro- duced by Commissioner Henderson that the Commission recommend to the City Council amendments to the Ordinance Code to revise lot size limi- tations within the present City boundaries and to provide a minimum lot size on all residential properties annexed within the future. Notion seconded by Commissioner Moore and unanimously carried on roll call vote of members present. At the suggestion of the City Attorney, a second motion was introducad by Commissioner Henderson instructing the City Attorney and the Planning Consultant to prepare the necessary summary of findings and a resolution of adoption for presentation at the next regular meeting of the Commission, Notion seconded by Commissioner Moore and unanimously carried on roll call vote of members present. On a motion regularly introduced and seconded and unanimously carried the hearing was declared adjourned to the regular meeting in February, 196©. The City Attorney advised that a "Notice of Adjournment" must be pub- licly posted within 24 hours. On a motion introduced by Commissioner Henderson, seconded by Commissioner Moore, the Planning Consultant was delegated on behalf of the Commission to post said notice. Motion unanimously carried. -4- COMMUNICATIONS to City Manager in re: Enforcement of Zonin Ordinance. A letter from the City ManLager dated January 21, '1960, advised that the City Council desires a study to be made of measures for strengthening enforcement of the present zoning ordinance. A request was made of the Planning Commission to consider the matter and sulamit recommendations to the Office of the City Manager. By unanimous agnf emeRnt of m.crr_b�-irs present-, the communication was held for Vas Yebruriry 8, `lta� ° st,^dy meet- ing. NEW BUSIi1ESS 1. Fequest For stablishing Policy On Change Of Occupancy In residential a Dwellings_ To Cogme:rcial Uses. The Planning Consultant advised members of the Commission or the existence of a problem confronting the fire department and the building department where residential buildings located in commercial districts are being converted to commercial uses. On the basis of inquiries from the two departments, a series of meetings was held attended by the City Manager, two officers from the San Mateo Covsity Health Department, the Fare Chief, the Fire Inspector, the Building Lispector and the Planning Consultant. A report, prepared as a result of these discussions was read i.ullo Notice was made of the inadequacy of presen"C' regulaticr q and the City was requested to adopt a po"iioy to serve as a guide to the City staff in wuch situations. The City Building Inspector teas in attendance, also the Chiof of the Fire Department and upon questioning by the Chair each requested that the Planning Commission consider the matter and submit recommendations to the City Council. Following some further discussion, and at the request of the Commission, the Fire Chief, the Building Inspector and the Planning Consultant agreed to prepare material as a basis for Commission study. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, D.A . Stivers r, Secretary