HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1960.03.14CITY OF BURLINGAM 3 PLANNING COMMIS" ION COMMISSIONM PRESENT Die deri chsen Kindig Martin Moore Norbe rg Stivers CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONS ABS311T Henderson March 14, 1960 OTH RS PRE NT City Winer Marr Plan. Cons. Mann Bldg. Inspector Calwell An adjourned regular meeting of the Burlingame City Planning Com- mission was held on the above date. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. - Chairman Kindig presiding. HEARINGS 1. R•3SUBDIVIS ION - Lands of A, Palen North Ca rolan Avenue). Chairman Kindig announced that the meeting was adjourned from the regular meeting of February 23, 1960, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on an application to resubdivide the lands of A. Palen located on the westerly side of North Carolan Avenue,, ad- jacent to and on the north side of Easton drainage creek. In reply to an inquiry from the Chair concerning -the application, the Planning Consultant stated that this is industrial property being divided into 3 parcels. All public improvements are in place. Copies of the map were distributed to the Commission. The City Engineer and the Planning Consultant having indicated approval, and there being no protests heard, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Martin that the resubdivision be approved. Motion seconded by Com- missioner Diederichsen and unanimously carried on roll call vote of members present. The Planning Consultant mentioned that one of the parcels will be occupied by Shooter Bros., Inc., Landscape Contractors, who have .re- quested permission to construct a chain -link fence to enclose an out- side storage area. In a brief discussion, it was the unanimous opinion of Commissioners that the proposed use qualified as a contractor's storage yard, re- quiring approval of a use permit from the PlannirY47 Commission prior to occupancy. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. ADJOURNME 4T There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:15 P.m. STUDY MEETING The study meeting regularly scheduled for this date was called to order immediately following adjournment of the regular meeting - Chairman Kindig presiding The following were submitted for study. 1. PELUNSULA T31111IS CLUB - Fence Variance . Mr. Herbert Lauder was - in attendance representing the Peninsula Tennis Club, 433 Chatham Road, Burlingame. Mr. :Lauder explained that the Club is re -arranging present tennis oourts and adding new courts. Along one side of the property, it is proposed to install 10 foot cyclone fences, replacing existing 6 foot fences. A communication dated Mardth 2, 1960, from the Peninsula Tennis Club was filed requesting a variance to permit the increased fence height. A site plan accompanied the letter. In reply to -an inquiry from the Chair, the Planning Consultant stated that the ordinance provides for a maximum fence height of 6 feet but under certain conditions the Planning Commission may grant variances. Referring to Section 1980 of the Code, the Planning Consultant noted that schools.and playgrounds are excepted from fence height. restrictions and questioned whether the Tennis Club would fall under either category. The request was scheduled for formal consideration at the next l regular meeting of the Commission, March 28, 1960. J 2. GUNNAR KLINT RL%!EST FOR VARIA14CE - Apartment Use. R-2 District,, Mr. Gunnar Klint, building contractor, appeared to discuss a variance application to permit construction of a 6 unit apartment building on property in a second residential district at 1117 Capuchin Avenue between Broadway and Carmelita Avenues. Mr. Klint stated.that there is a small old house on the lot which will be demolished. Drawings of the proposed building; were submitted, also a letter of justification dated March 14, 1960. Mr. Klint stated that the building will be two stories, with one one bedroom unit and five two bedroom units. Conorete carports will be provided at the rear. In discussing the proposal, Commissioners recalled that the present application represents a total of three variances on the particular block, all for apartment construction. Majority of members agreed that eventually the zoning should be changed but for the present the variance basis provides a method of controlling construction and density. The application was scheduled for public hearing on March 28, 1960. 3. RESUBDIVISION m Areamino Apartments Property,- Are Way & El Camino. A resubdivision request was filed with the City Engineer by Arcamino Apartments, proposing to eliminate interior lot lines on property at Are ;rpky and El Camino Real, described as Lot 4 and portions of -2- Lots 1, 2 & 3, block 5, Burlingame Park subd:Lvj.s:Lon iuo Philip B. Lygren, civil engineer, was in attendance to represent the applicant. The Commission was advised that one apartment building will be con- '/ structed on the one large lot. The City Engineer, in reply to the Chair, stated that the map ap- peared to be in order. Public hearing was scheduled for -March 28, 1960. 4. DISCUSSION IN RE REAR YARD VARIANCE, 921 Linden Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Williams, 921 Linden Avenue, appeared to dis- cuss informally the possibility of adding a bedroom to their home, said addition to extend within the rear yard setback. Mr. Williams advised that at present there is an open area of ap- proximately 19 feet between the back of the house and the property line. They plan to add a ten foot room which will result in less than the legal rear yard area. The Building Inspector was in attendanoe and stated that he found on visiting the property that along one side approximately 50% of the yard area is open and used as a patio. However, it would not be possible to add to the house on this side without blocking the kitchen windows, Mrs. Williams stated that the location Neleoted for the new con- struction is the only space that can be used without interfering with existing rooms. Mr, and Mrs. Williams were advised of the procedure to follow in connection with a variance application. Also, the Commission re- quested that at the time of a public hearing, a set of blue prints. be made available showing the floor plan of the house, 5. SP9CIAL P 1IT o Rooming House and Board14 I�QO Bellevue Avenue, Mrs. Lola Bowler, owner of a building located at 1430 Bellevue Avenue was in attendance, accompanied by Mrs. G.E. Morel and Mrs, Lillian Miller, to discuss a use permit for a boarding house at the above location. Mrs. Miller stated that they plan to accommodate seven people and will serve either a breakfast or dinner meal. In addition to the guests, there will be one full time attendant living on the premises. The Planning Consultant advised that the building has been operated as a rooming house for approximately 15 years, however, there are no records available of a permit having been approved for the use. The Building Inspector reported that an inspection was made of the property, in company with the City Fire Inspector and the County Health Department representative. The building was fotind to be in excellent condition and of Type I construction. In a discussion of parking area, the Commission ii-as advised that -3- there is a carport with five spaces, two double garages as well as additional open space in the rear. A public hearing was scheduled for March 28, 1960. 6. RICHF y D OIL CORPORATION - S i Variance. Mr. R.H. Klamer, representing Richfield Oil Corporation, was in at- tendance to discuss a variance from the sigh ordinance to permit con- struction of a new identification sign on the service station property at California Drive and Peninsula Avenue. A letter dated February 12, 1960, also a complete set of plans were submitted. Mr. Klamer advised that at present the service station is not easily visible to motorists driving south on California ]Drive because of Interference from adjacent buildings and advertising signs. Per- mission is requested to install a sign 2298" high, extending 7 feet over the property line to within 2 feet of the curb on California Drive. Mr. Klamer advised that one existing sign will be removed and another relocated. In the general discussion, it was noted that the ;proposed height ex- ceeds the city's established limitation of 20 feet, and, at the suggestion of the Commission, Mr. Klamer agreed that this could be revised to conform, } In the matter of extension over the public street, the Planning Con- sultant noted that the ordinance provides that there shall not be a projection of more than four Feet_ beyond the property line. Commissioners agreed to inspect the site prior to the public hearing on March 28, 1960. 7. R:P. STIall,43 PROPLRTI�-S, I14C. Use Permit Illuminated Directional sign. An application submitted by R.P. Etienne Properties, Inc., requested a use permit for construction of an illuminated directional sign upon a portion of their properties located on the westerly side of Bayshore Freeway on the southerly edge of Mills creek. A communication from Hyatt House Hotels, dated March 14, 1960, under the signature of J.D. Crouch, president, advised that Hyatt House proposes to lease the site, place the required fill and construct a sign to indicate the Broadway overpass access road. A site plan was filed also a drawing of the sign. Mr. Crouch was in attendance, accompanied by C.J. McMillan, attorney representing the Hyatt House. The Commission was advised that south bound traffic on the Freeway must take the Broadway overpass to reach the hotel. grounds. The problem is to locate a directional sign so that motorists will be pre- pared to turn off the Freeway at the proper access road. -4- Mr. Crouch advised that the sign measures just under 41 Feet in height, which will be able to be seen over the landscaping along the Freeway. The sign will not have moving parts, will have copy r on one face only and will not be as brightly illuminated as the sign presently on the hotel grounds. In discussing the copy to be placed on the sign, there was some question concerning provisions of the State of California Highway Advertising Act. Mr. McMillan agreed to secure an interpretation for the information of the Commission. In reply to the Chair, the Planning Consultant noted that the height is in excess of the City's 20 foot limitation. In addition, the proposal is to locate a sign on property not occupied by the hotel, which is in violation of the provisions of the City°s Sign Ordinance. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the regular meeting of March 28, 1960, at which time Mr. McMillan agreed to have available further details as to exact location, size, copy, sto. 8. STUDY OF APARTM&14T R-UTATIONS A paper prepared by the Planning Consultant, suggesting a new schedule of regulations -for multi --family districts was distributed to members of.the Commission. Commissioners agreed that consider- able time and discussion would be required to revise existing laws. A proposal was made that the matter be pursued by a Committee selected from members of the Commission. The subject was held for further discussion at a later date. ADJOURNMENT There being no further matters for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, D.A. Stivers, Secretary �5�