HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1960.04.11CITY OF FURL111GAME :eLAjINDIG COMMISSION April ll, 1960 COMMISSIOASRS PRcSZ'1W Diede richsen Martin Stivers CALL TO ORDER COITNIISSIONIERS ABSENT Henderson f indig Moore Norberg OTH BRS PRESE NT City Engineer Darr Plan. Cons. Mann Bldg Inspector Carrell The study meeting regularly scheduled for this date was called to order at 8:00 p.m. - Commissioner Diederichsen, chairman pro-tempore, presiding. Chairman Kindig, absent because of illness, was excused. Commissioners Moore and Norberg, having advised of previous commit- ments, were excused. Announcement was made that L.R. Henderson, member of the Punning Commission for many years, has roved to Southern California and has notified the City Council of his resignation from the Commission. FOR STUD 1. RESUBDIVISION .� Portion Lot 13 and Lot 14, Block 1, Glenwood Park Subdivision 1 12 Barroilhet Avenue), An application filed with the City Engineer proposed a resubdivision of portion of Lot 13 and Lot 14, Block 1, Glenwood Park Subdivision, said property more commonly known as 1512 Barroilhet Avenue. E.D. Van Slyke, property owner, and L. Ara tia g Civil Engineer, were in attendance to discuss the application. - A map was submitted and the Commission was advised that the property, �edns sting of two lots, a dwelling and a detaohed garage structure, has been; occupied as a single property for a number of years. The prese_t avinerr a 'n= lot llua, to eatabliFah lewd lotto 13A and 14A - a new residence to be built on Lot 13A. The City Engineer stated that the land area of . the two -lots is satis- factory. however, Lot 13A has an average width of 46 feet as opposed to the City°s requirement that all lots have an average width of not less than 50 feet on a public street. In addition, the City Engineer noted that the side set back on Lot 14A is less than the City°s mini- mum, The Planning Consultant, in reply to the Chair, stated that the appli- cation actually prolDoses more than a resubdivision of property. There _ are two variances-Ifivolved which the Commission, if it sees fat to do so, may grant. However, the application will have to -be processed not as a lot resubdivision, but as a request for a variance. The Planning Consultant also stated that when the garage structure is removed from Lot 13A, which the owner has,advised he will do, this rageo ill cause the existing house on .Lot ILA to be without a �:a w Mr. Arata, the engineer representing the applicant, suggested that the City Engineer withhold final approval of the rop, until the ;a rag® is built. There being no further comments, the applicant was instructed concern- ing a variance application. The matter was scheduled for public hear- Ing on April 25,, 1960. 2. SPECIAL PEPJI' T - Ice Skating Club ISM North Carolan Avenues An application For a use permit for operation of a membership ice skating; rink on propert; located at 1403 North Carolan Avenue, was filed by Archie Snider, property owner; and Barry A. Gorman., repre- senting the Burlingame Ice Sknting Club. Three communications dated March 19, 1960, signed by Barry A. Gorman, Corporation President, described in detail the proposed operation. The Planning Consultant advised that the zoning is M=1 (Industrial). The ordinanoe does not provide for the proposed use in an industrial district so that the proper approach would appear to be on the basis of a use permit application. Mr. Gorman was In attendance, and In reply to Chairman Diederichson advised that the rink Is to be operated on a membership basis and not as a public arena. Mr. Gorman stated that they will cater to family groups and -particular emphasis will be placed on instruction of children in figure skating. There will be class Instruction in the afternoon and family skating in the evenings. On occasion, the arena will be available to groups, other than members, on a rental basis. The Planning Consultant stated that he had been informed that the building will be constructed by Mr. Snider in such a way that if the ice skating operation ceases, the building can be changed to an Industrial use. Parking facilities were discussed and it was determined that these were adequate. Mr. Gorman was advised that if a use permit were approved for the operation, any change in the nature of the use would automatically void the permit. The application was scheduled for hearing at the next regular meeting, April 25, 1960. + 3. DISCUSSION RE SWIMMI'iIG POOL, &LM AVENUE. The Planning Consultant reported, as a matter of general information, that a resident on Elm Avenue has applied for a permit to construct a swimming pool on her property between the front of the house and the front property line, which -permit will be refused. The Swimming Pool Ordinance provides that pools may not be located within the Front set-baok. A letter received by the Planning Consultant from the Burlingame Park Improvement Club was read protesting the proposed location of the Pool. o� w hr. Steve Sanguinetti, 120 Elm Avenue, In attendance, voiced strong opposition. Mr. Sar4,*uir3ett3. stated that.his property is adjae3nt to that where the pool is proposed to be built. Ais vfiaje'Y3vIouii ue=aD directed not to the pool :)ut to thi3 location in, the front of the property There being no further matters for discussion.. the meeting was regu- larly, adjourned at 8:45 Pm. Respectfully submitted, D.A . Stivers,A Secretary �3a