HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1960.04.25CITY OF BURLINGAME Pi,PiNNINi 0 COD'941SSION COMMISSION2,RS PRESENT Diederi chsen Kindig Martin Norberg Stivem CALL . TO OKD:&R. COMMISSIONEERS ABSENT Moore April 25, 1960 OTH , S PR-3SENT City Eyigr neer Marr A regulaz° meeting, of the Bu3:°singame Planning Commission Was held on the above date. Meeting ca.'lled to order at 8 : 05 p.m. Cimirman Kindig presiding. Commissioner Moore, having advised of a previous commitment, was ex- cused. mpf ivos The minutes of the regular meeting of March 28, 1960a study meeting of April 112 1960, as previously submitted to members of the Commission, were approved and adopted. B FARINGS Public hearings, pursuant to published notice were held as follows: 1. VARIANCE - E.D. Van Slyke, 1512-Barroilhe t Avenue. Less than legal averse width of lot. A public hearing was held on a variance application riled by Mr. and -Mrs. S.D. Van Slyke to permit one lot of a proposed resubdivision of property at 1512 Barroilhet Avenue to have less than the legal 50 foot average width. A letter dated April 12, 1960, was read from the applicants advising that the property consists of one complete lot and a portion of another (Lot 14, portion of Lot 13: Block 1, Glenwood Park Subdivision). For many years, it has been used as a single property. The intent now is to again make two lots but it is not possible to revert to the original lot lines since these were changed when a portion of Lot 13 was combined with another property. The communication advised that there is ample land to divide into two parcels and comply with the eityls square foot requirements. However, the new lot, desi&mated as 13-A, will have an average width of 44 feet as opposed to the legal minimum of 50 feet. Prints of the pro- posed resubdivision accompanied the communication. In reply to the Chairs invitation to comment, the Planning Consultant noted that the proposed resubdivision will divide the property so that the existing house will be on one lot and the garage building on the other. Consideration must be given, therefore, to construction of a garage or carport on the same lot as the house. The Planning Consultant mentioned also that there is a second variance involved where the bay window of the house extends into the side yard set -back. Chairman Kindig recognized Mr. Van Slyke, In attendance, who advised that the bay window projects approximately 16 inches from the building. At this point, there 18,approximately 3� feet between the house and the new lot line. For the reminder of the distance along the side,, the ( legal setback is maintained. The Chair invited comments from the floor. Mrs. N. Catania, property owner, 1504 Barroilhet Avenue, stated that she had no objections to the variance providing that proper setbacks were maintained at the common lot line between her property and the subject property., The C1t7 Engineer, in reply to Chairman Kindig, advised that the trap had been checked and found'to be mathematically correct. There followed a lengthy period of discussion concerning a garage or carport to service the existing house, fir. Van Slyke advised that building plans are not yet available but described general, locations driveway site and set backs, A motion was introduced by Commissioner Diederichsen that the variance be approved to permit the resubdivision. as proposed, said variance to be conditional upon removal of the existing garage on Lot 13-A; con- struction of a garage or carport on Lot 14-A; the new garage to be set back 5 feet from the northeast property lines , which abuts the apart- ment zone on El Camino Real; the front set -back to be equal to the front set -back of the existing house; final approval of the map to be withheld pending presentation of a tentative drawing of the garage with detail as to location. Motion seconded by Chairman Kindig. The motion was declared lost on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen, Kindig ND r3S : COMISSIONERS : Martin, Norberg, Stivers ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Moore The applicant was advised of his right of appeal to the City Couneilo said appeal to be on file by May 3, 1960. In final comment, Commissioners Martin and Stivers indicated that they felt the resubdivision wm "unnecessary carving up of lots". The hearing was thereafter:_deolared concluded, 2. SPECIAL: PJERMIT - Ice SlOtIng Club Builds I!t23 North Carolan Avenug. A public hearing was held on an application for a use permit for a pri- vate ice skating rink to be operated in a building to be located at 1403 North Carolan Avenue (M-1 District, Might Industrial). The appli- cation was filed by Barry Gorman, at al, representing the Burlingame Ice Skating Club. Three communications dated March 19, 1960, signed by Barry A. Gorman, Corporation President, were read. The first advised in detail con - earning the planned method of operation: (a) The rink to be operated on a membership basis and not as a public arena; (b) Potential membership of 500 to be divided into three groups, Junior, Adult and Family; te) Sixteen sessions per week for membership groups; (d) Facilities to -2 be available on a rental basis.to scout troops, school and church groups- (0) ido spectator seating to be required nor provided. The second communication referred to a plot plan, filed with the application, and advised that 49 parking stalls will be available, plus an.additional area where attendant parking will be provided. The third communication described the size of the ice area. A "Proposed Weekend Schedulet° and "Proposed Weekday Schedule* were also filed. Chairman Kindig recognized Mr. Gorman, in attendance, who stated that he had nothing further to add to the information conta'+ned in the communications but signified his willingness to answer questions from members of the Commission. Chairman Kindig invited comments from the floor. There being nonev Commissioners were invited to comment. Questions were directed to Mr. Gorman concerning mximum number of 'people in attendance during the various skating :sessions. Hr.- Gorman advised that the United Stated Figure Skating Association regulations would apply, which limit skat6;rs to 16 to 30 on the ice area at one time, depending on the type:'of skating o whether plain skating, patch sessions or ice dancing. Mr. Gorman agreed that if the building were to be used as commercial rink, possibly 100 people could be accommodated.. The City Engineer and the Planning Consultant indicated no objec- tions. The Planning Consultant stated thathe had been informed that the owner of the building planned to eonstrilet in such a way that should the ice skating club cease to operate, the building `could be converted to a conventional industrial use. Mr. Archie Snider of Snider Construction Company, owner and builder, stated that he had no objection to the permit being granted to the applicant for exclusive use of the building as an ice skating club with the understanding that, should the need arise, he would be permitted to convert to another use. There being no further comments, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Martin that a upA permit be granted to Barry A. Gorman for construction and operatlaV of an ice skating club building, in 'accordance with the plot plan and elevations filed with the appli- cation and the three communications dated March 19, 1960, bearing the signature of Barry A. Gorman, submitted as part of the appli- cation; the permit to terminate in the event the operation should -.not develop as described by the applicant'. Motion seconded by Commissioner Norberg`and unanimously carried on `roll call vote of members present. A member of the group 'in attendance, representing the Burlingame " Ice Skating Club, advised that there are twelve investors in the project, who are now in the process of incorporating. Mr. Gorman will be the professional instructor and nannger but they would pre- fer that the permit be granted to the corporation rather than to an individual. There being no protests hear' from members of the Commissions Chair- man Kindig announced that at a later date, when the corporation be- _34 comes a legal entity;, the Commission will consider the matter of fume substitution. The applicants were advised that the permit would become effective j Islay 39 1960, provided there was no appeal prior to that dates. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Aluminum Com e cif America requestingr time extensio variarnce grant. A communication fron Aluminum Company of America, dated Apr51 22 j, 1960, requested a time extension of six monthsto effect a variance for con- struction and operation of a business office in the Mills Estates said variance Having been granted by the Planning Cot-rim4ssion under date of April 27, 1959 and effective May 5, 1959. Chairman Kindig recognized Mr. E.K. Tatman, District Sales Manager of Alcoa, In attendance, who advised that it is expected that the six months extension will be sufficient. There being no objections! a motion was introduced by Commissioner Stivers, seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen, that the variance be extended as requested. Motion carried unanimously. 14EW BusiaSS +C 1, There was a brief discussion concerning uses within the City,' indicated a desire to participate in preliminary planning sessions. 2. Commissioners were reminded of TL�®� County Planning -C2=QU meeting to be held on May 6, 1960, at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel, San Mateo. - 3. A communication was read advising of a 4. Mention was made of 22,gat oneer signs- ap_x)ear1W thra hout the Cityy, It was suggested that the Commission approach the City Council concerning establishment of a policy with respect to such signs. 5. Election of officers for the year 1960-1961 was scheduled For the next regu ar FeieVM to e held on May 23, 1960. A DJOURNM „&NT There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, D.A . Stivers, Ssc3retax7 .4-