HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1960.05.09CITY OF BURLINGAM PLAANING COMMISSION May 9, 1960 COMMISSIOINRS PRES,s;3T COMMISS1014rFS ABST1V OTH :RS ?RES-INT Diederichsen None Kindig Martin Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER City Attorney Karmsl City Engineer Marr Plan. Cons. liann The study meeting regularly scheduled for this date was called to order at 8:00 p.m. - Chairman Kindig presiding. The following matters were submitted for study: 1. CAL -WIDE SALES OFFICE. 2500 Trousdale Drive, ,A letter dated May 20 1960, from Trousdale.Construction Company requested permission to continue use of the dwelling at 2500 Trousdale Drive, for a twelve-month period from May 13, 1960, to May 13, 1961, as a tract office for Cal -Wide Sales, Trousdale. agents for sales of property, both improved and unimproved, in the Mills estates. The communication stated that development in the Mills Estates is ex- pected to continue for some time requiring continued operation of the office. There being no objections raised, the request was scheduled for formal -consideration at the regular meating of May 23, 196o. 2. VARIA.aCE m Signal Oil Company Service Station, Howard Avenue between Fast Lane and M i tle Road An application was filed by Mel K. Dol?inger, 400 First Avenue, San Mateo, requesting a variance from the distance requirements between service stations to permit eonstrvetion and operation of a Signal Oil Company service station on vacant property located on Howard Avenue between 3ast Lane and Myrtle Road, east of the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks. A ststement of justification, filed by Mr. Dollinger, as owner of the property, was read in full by the Chair. The Planning Consultant explained that the property was formerly occupied 3y a planing mill but since these buildings were demolished, the land has remained vacant. The nearest service station is on the west side of the railroad tracks at California Drive and Howard Avenue. However, a good portion of the distance between that station and the one proposed is represented by the two streets, "California Drive" and "3ast Lane". Consequently, there is less than the required 490 feet between the closest boundaries of the two properties. w A representative from Signal Oil Company was in attendance, snd in reply to questions directed by members of the Commission, the following points were made: I The Oil Company would be willing to consider con- struction of a decorative type of building; II -An effort would be made to preserve some of the trees on the property; III -In addition to the service station operation, a public parking area would be installed to provide rental parking; IV The entire property would be improved with satisfactory asphaltic covering. A plot plan was submitted and scale models of the pumps and main build- ing. The application_ was scheduled for public hearing on May 23, 1960, prior to which time, the Signal Oil representative agreed to meet with the Planning Consultant to discuss building design and landscaping. 3. SP CIAL PERMIT - Carter Truck„jag freight transfer yard, Rollins Road. An application for a use permit to operate a freight transfer yard at 1348 Rollins Road was filed by Person & Wik, as property owners, and Carter Trucking, applicant. A letter from Person & Wik, dated May 6, 1960, advised that the property will be leased to the tn2oking firm for a period of three years, with an option to renew for three years. A site plan accompanied the communication, Mr. Oscar Person, representing Person & Rik, and Mr. Ray Moore, represent- ing Carter Trucking, were in attendance. i Mr. Moore advised that he intends to operate a rsway-station" where freight loads will be assembled and dispatched. There will not be warehousing but there will be temporary storage overnight or, at the longest, over weekends. A corrugated aluminum fence will be'built to enclose the property, a temporary loading dock constructed and a gas tank and pump Installed. In a discussion concerning the fence, Mr. Moore first indicated that this would be aluminum across the front and wood along the sides. He Indicated, however, that he would investigate the possibility of an all aluminum fence. The Planning Consultant mentioned the possibility that a resubdivision map would be required on the parcel to be occupied by Carter Trucking, and in reply to the Chains request, the City Attorney agreed to review the provisions of the State Subdivision Map Act, which would apply. There being no further comments, the application was scheduled for pub- lic hearing at the regular meeting of May 23, 1960. 4. PROPOSAL ON UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY ASSOCIATION TO LOCATE' IN BURLINGAME. Mr. Herman Heinrichs and Mrs, Clara C. Franzi, members of the Board of Directors of the United Cerebral Palsy Association of San Mateo County, Inc., appeared to discuss informally with the Commission a proposal to locate a pry nursery school for cerebral palsied children - also adminis- tration offices - in a building at 744 El Camino Real, Burlingame. Commissioners were advised that presently the Association occupies two -2 - separate sites in San Mateo. The building in Burlingame has been offered at an attractive rental and will provide sufficient floor area to combine the facilities. The property was recently purchased by the present owner who has advised that plans for its ultimate use are in- definite at the present time. Mrs. Franzi stated that they had been assured of one year occupancy and possibly longer. In discussing the physical features of the building,.Mr. Heinriehs mentioned that there are 1800 to 2000 square feet of floor area; there are two entrances to the property, one on E1 Camino and on6 on Fairfield Road. However, it is doubtful that E1 Camino would be used as there is no driveway or parking area. The children would be in attendance three days a week, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. It is not anticipated that there would be more than 12 children attending at one time. The school staff consists of four at- tendants., plus parent volunteers, who are on the premises.only during the time that the children are there. The office staff consists of three, who are on duty five days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 P.M. Mention was made by the Planning Consultant of a small apartment at the rear of the property which has been used as a dwelling in the past. Mrs. Franzi stated that -she understands the tenent has been requested to vacate. The structure will not be used, except possibly for storage. In reply to an inquiry directed to the City Attorney, it was determined that a variance would be required to permit the proposed operation. Mr. Heinrichs and Mrs. Franzi were informed concerning the procedure for filing a formal application. The discussion was thereafter declared concluded. 5. CALIN'ORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCLITION PROPOSED RESID3NTIAL CONFER' NCE CENTSM Arthur F. Corey, State Executive Secretary, California Teachers' ..Vssociation, was in attendance to acquaint members of the Commission with plans for construction and operation of a residential conference center to supplement existing buildings on their property in the Fills Estates, Burlingame. Dr. Corey described the need for the type of structure which they propose and mentioned that they hope -to be able to provide residential and con- ference facilities to accommodate 500 people. A total investment of ap- proximately four million dollars is contemplated. The building will front on Magnolia Avenue and occupy a site of approximately 1-3/4 acres, immediately adjoining the existing headquarters building. Dr. Corey mentioned that the necessary funds are not yet available and the project is in the very preliminary stage. In a general discussion Commissioners were advised that complete hotel facilities will be prov4ded for those using the center and that there would be ample area to provide the necessary off-street parking. The Planning Consultant commented that the use is compatible with ex- isting uses in the area, with the exception of the hotel accommodations, which will require approval from the City. -3- Dr. Corey advised that Immediately they were in position to proceed, the Planning Commission would be informed. The discussion was thereafter concluded. 6. DISCUSSION PN RE POSSIBLE SIDE S 3TBA.CK VARIANCR L ICOLN AVENUE AND UL C.-VII:JO Rz:AI.. Mr. Irving F. Brown, architect,, was In attendance representing Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Swanson who are contemplating building an apartment house on property which they okm at the southeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and, E1 Camino Real. Mr. Brown expl.nined that it is proposed to construct a ten unit -building. The lot has a frontage of 60 feet on E1 Camino by 138 feet on Lincoln Avenue. Parking will be under the building but there is not sufficient area to provide the required number of stalls without some.encroachment into the setback. Mr. Brown suggested extending the re- taining wall of the parking area into the Lincoln Avenue setback. A preliminary drawing of the building and elevations of the parking area were submitted: In a general discussion, Mr. Brown was requested to consider a "saw -tooth" arrangement in designing the retaining wall. Mr. Brown agreed to file a variance application and was advised that a public hearing would be held on May 23, 1960, provided the application was filed not liter than [Wednesday, May 11, 1960. The discussion was thereafter concluded. 7. REMOVAL OF ILLEGAL POLVICAL SIGNS DISCUSS, Reference was made to illegal electioneering signs which are appearing in a number of locations throughout the City. Members of the Commission unanimously agreed that a letter be directed to the City Council reeomm mending strict enforcement of the laws pertalning to such signs. A DJOURNMSNP There being no further matters for discussion, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, D.A. Stivers, Secretary -4-