HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1960.07.11CITY OF BURLINGAME PI.ANNIIvG COMMISSION COMMISSIO!' ERS PRSS GNT Cistulli Kindig Martin. Moore Stivers CALL TO ORDER An adjourned regular was held on the above Vice -Chairman Kindig COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Diederichsen Norberg July 11, 1960 0W ERS PRESLBiT City Attorney Karmel City Rngineer Marr Plan. Cons. hann Councilman Lorenz meeting of the Burlingame Plan-Lng Commission date. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. - presiding. Commissioner Diederichsen, having previously advised that he would be absent, was excused. Commissioner Norberg was excused because of illness. HEARINGS to PERMIT GRANTED HYATT HOITSE FOR CONSTRUCTION 'DIRECTIORAL SIGN. Chairman Kindig announced that the meeting had been adjourned from the meeting of June 27, 1960, for the purpose of hearing an ap- plication from R.P. rtienne Properties, Inc., for a permit for con- struction of an illuminated directional sign for Hyatt house Hotel. A map of the area where the sign was proposed to he constructed was submitted, also a drawing of the sign. A letter dated March 14, 1960, signed by J.D. Crouch, President, The Hyatt House Hotels, was read advising that in the event the per- mit is approved, Hyatt House will lease the location from the owner, place the necessary fill and eonstniot a sign according to the sketch submitted. The letter mentioned also thn't since there is no direct access from the Bayshore Freeway to the hotel, the sign is a matter of economic necessity to attract the motoring public. Chairman Kindig stated that at the time the application originally cause to the Planning Commission, in March, 1.960, City Ordinances prohibited advertising; signs on property other than that occupied by the person or product being adv•artised. However, in the mean- time, the Code has been airended by the addition of Ordinance No. 714 "Authorizing; And R.egtilatin g Directional Signs In Industrial Districts" Chairman Kindig recognized Byrus J. McMillan, attorney, representing Hyatt house hotels, who advised that the sign will be constructed on a portion of the lands of R.P. rtieruie Properties, Ina.9 on the westerly side of Bayshore Freeway, opposite the northerly property line of Hyatt House Hotel. Mr. McMillan pointed out that the success- ful operation of the Hotel depends on the patronage of the motoring public. Access from the Freeway to the Hotel is difficult. There- fore, the applicant feels that the sign is essential and a hardship would be imposed if the permit were to be denied. The Chair invited comments from the floor. F.A. Gebhard, owner of Industrial property adjacent to the site of the proposed sign, stated that he had no objection to the permit being; approved. In reply to the Chair9e invitation to the Commission to comment, Commissioner Martin referred to the provisions of the C tyDs Sign Ordinance and questioned the Planning Consul_ taut concerning size limitations imposed on free-standing signs. The Planning Consultant advised that a free-standing sign under the Ordinance is limited to a height of 20 feet. Commissioner Martin noted that Hyatt House proposes a sign "twice as high as the Ordinance permits". In reply to a question directed to Mr. Dewey Bell, representing Bell electrical Signs, sign manufacturers, the Commission was ad- vised that the lettering "rake Broadway Overpass 500 Yds." will be 24 inches in height. Mr. McMillan was questioned concerning the need. for additional directional signs on the west side of the Freeway for south -bound traffic. He advised "I do not think it is neeessar;- to have any further directional sl&as for south bound traffic". Commissioner Stivers stated his position in apposition to the proposed sign and expressed the opinion that an unfavorable prece- dent would be established should the present application be ap- proved. Commissioner Stivers thereupon introduced a motion that the application be denied. The above motion was lost due to lack of a second. Commissioner I.2artin thereupon introduced a motion that the permit be granted to Hyatt House to erect a directional sign on the west side of Bayshore Freeway, without limitation as to size of sign, size of lettering, or location. Commissioner Martin commented, that he felt the Sign Ordinance was no longer enforceable. He stated that because of t1;,e number of variances that hnve been granted in the past there i.o'ould not appear to be a just basis for disapproving any sign proposals. Motion above stated was seconded by Commissioner Cistulli :tnd de- clared carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS. Cistulli, Martin, Moore NOES: COMMISSIOINERS: Kindig Stivers ABS NT COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen, Norberg; The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. A DJOUMIMENT There being no further business, the meeting was regularly iidjourned at 9:00 D.M. -2 STUDY ITEETIiVG The study meeting, regularly scheduled for this date, was called to order immediately following adjournment of the regular meeting - Vice -Chairman Kindig presiding. The.following applications were submitted: 1. RESUBDIVIS'ION - Portion of Lots 7 and 91 Block 99 Map No. 2 Burlingame Land Company° An application proposing a resubdivision of the property of W.E. Chambliss, said property being described as portion of Lots 7 and 9. Block 9, Map No. 2 of the property of the Burlingame Land Company, was submitted by the City Engineer. W.E. Chambliss was in attendance, and in reply to an inquiry from the Chair advised that the two lots abut at the rear property lines, one lot fronting on Floribunda Avenue and the other on Almor Road. The intent is to construct a 16 unit apartment building on the Floribunda Avenue parcel and, at a later date, build a smaller apartment building on the second lot. The resubdAvision proposes to move the rear property line of the parcel designated as "A" In a southerly direction to provide a greaten area for off-street parking. Copies of the resubdivision map were distributed to members of the Commission, also building plans and a drawing of the proposed build- Ing. Following a discussion with Mr. Chambliss, the Commission scheduled the application for public hearing at the next regular meeting, July 25, 1960. 2. VARIANCE - Standard Oil Company of California. To locate one pump island beyond 20 foot setback line on El Camino_. An application for a variance was submitted by Standard Oil Company of California, 'Western Operations, Inc., requesting permission to encroach within the 20 foot setback on 91 Camino ;Real, in connec- tion with alterations and•reconstruction planned for the service station at the southeast corner of El Camino Real and Burlingame Avenue. Mr. A madeo, representing Standard Oil Company, was in attendance. A letter dated June 14, 1960, was read from Standard Oil Company ex- plaining that it is planned to alter the existing building and com- pletely reconstruct the pump island and canopies. Because of the size and shape of the property, it is not possible to do the de- sired amount of alteration -without encroaching into the E1 Camino setback. One pump island would extend beyond the 20 foot setback. Upon being recognized by Chairman Kindig, Mr. Amadeo advised that Standard Oil Company is willing to assume all costae of relocating the pump island in the event the State of California Highway Depart- ment should proceed with the highway widening program and take pos- session of the setback which has been reserved for their use. Copies of the proposed layout were submitted to the Commission. There -� was some discussion concerning a new approach to be constructed at the corner of the property at Burlingame Avenue and El Camino. Commission- ers indicated that they were not satisfied that this would work out well because of the traffic signals at the intersection and the flow of traffic along the El Camino. Mr. Amadeo was requested to discuss this with his principals. After completely reviewing the plans, the Commission scheduled the public hearing for the next regular meeting, July 25, 1960. 3. VARIANCE - D.M. Monell. Nursing Home„ 747 Acacia Drive. (R-4 Use in R-1 District, Mr. D.M. Nonell was in attendance to discuss with the Commission a variance to permit operation of a nursing home for 4 to 6 patients in a residence located at 747 Acacia Drive. Mr. Monell filed a statement of justification in support of his request. The Commission was advised that Mr. and Mrs. Monell have an option to purchase the property subject to the variance grant. The building was described as being in excellent condition and, with a few minor altera- tions, suitable for the proposed use. Mr. Monell stated that a repre- sentative of the State health Department, Hospital Division, has in- spected the property and expressed approval. After discussing the proposal with Mr. Monel, Commissioners scheduled a public hearing at the next regular meeting, July 25, 1960, provided that a proper application and the filing fee were deposited in the Office of the City Clerk prior to July 159 1960, and provided further that Mr. Monel's interest in the property was properly established. Commissioners agreed to visit the location to view the property and neighboring uses. 4. VARIANCE m David Q. Cummings. Less than legal side setback, I E 1 Quani toy . An application for a variance was filed by David G. and Dorothy M. Cum- mings, owners of residential property at 17 El Quanito [day, Burlingame, (Lot 9, E1 Quanito Acres Subdivision), to legalize an encroachment into the side setback on the easterly side of the property. Mr. Cummings was in attendance and advised that he had purchased the property in June, 1958. Subsequent to that time, a residence was built on the adjacent lot. It was discovered then that the Cummings house was in violation of the City°s setback requirements by an encroach- ment of 2J- feet into the side yard area. Mr. Cummings advised that due to business reasons he finds it neces- sary to sell his home but has been unable to give clear title due to the setback violation. He stated he has appealed to the builder and to the neighboring property owner for assistance iV resolving the problem without success. A plot plan was filed with the application. In addition,, a plot plan of the adjacent property was submitted. Upon reviewing these, Com® -4- missioners suggested that the contractors responsible for the construc- tion be requested to appear at the time of the public hearing, which was scheduled for the next regular meeting, July 25, 196o. ADJOURNM M There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:45 p.m, Respectfully submitted, D.A. Stiversz Secretary