HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1960.11.14A} ,rX CITY OF BURL DIGA ME PLr l"I I RG C014MISS ION t + ��^^�1F,;7;� Yy(� �Tsr;++ (No�vvemberal4,, 1195o COMIMISSIO�FERS PRsSRi! iT 1.'�7i'1MISS1OJ—,,Rr1 ABS�EAT 0TH.'iSW PiliJulVl Ciatulli 14 ne City Attorney Karmel Diederichsen City F.rigimer Miarr Kindig Plan. Cons, Mann Martin (8:25) Bldg. Inspeator Moore Calwell. Norberg Councilman Lorenz Stivers Fire Chief Moorby CALL TO ORDER An adjourned regular meeting. of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from October 31, 1960, was hold on the above date. illeeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. - Chairman Diederichsen prFsiding. ROLL CALL A roll call recorded the above members present. H 7EA RING 1. USE P-RiY1�Raimund B. hirl.itzer, Validation Parkiniz Lots,, Chairman Diederichsen a::nou..ced that the melting was caller: for the purpose of conducting a public hen.ring on an application filed by R,,;imund B. Wurlitzer for a use permit to operate a validation park® ink; lot at 1460 Chapin Avenue. The applic=ant was not in _attendance, nor represented. The Chair announced that in accordance with established policy, the applieam tion would be continued to the next regular meeting w the appli- cant to be so notified by mail. ADJOUR19E NT There T eing no further business scheduled, the meeting was adjourned at 8:015 p.mo STUDY FETING The study m,)eting, regularly scheduled for this date, was thereupon called to order. The following subjects were submitted for Con=ission review: 1. RESUBDIVISWX: Proyertl.As of R.A. and Olva Leo White, Rollins Road A resubdivision map of the above properties was sifhmitted by the City Engineer. The Commission was advised that thore is a warehovse 'building lo- cated on one parcel - the other parcel is vacant Mr. White stated that the tenant has asked for more space so It is intended. to build an addition to the present building using one wall as a common wall. The Planning Consultant stated that a resvIndivislan is necessary to erase the existing property line, thereby making one large parcel. If Mr. White were to 'wild a separate 'hu.ilding, the re - subdivision would not be required. The Commission -was advised that off-street parkln.g is a-,milable on 11,itethorn `-'ray - a private street. There is an agreement among all of the property owners on the street conveying such parking rights. A public hearing; was scheduled on the resubdivision application for the regular meeting., Novernher 28, 1960. 2. R3SUBDIVISY4Id: Lot 1Block .11. Ray Park and. Let Z,,Creekside, A resubdivision reap of the above properties, filed by F.K. and Kathe Kennedy, owners of Lot 7, Creekside, was submitted to the Commission. Mr. Kennedy was in attendanoe and stated that the resubdivision involves an exchange of small triangular parcels between the two lots along the common property line. at the westerly boundary. The City Engineer advised that the map would 'lie verified prior to the time of the public hearing. The Planning Consultant expressed the. opinion .'that the proposed exchange would work to the advantage of loth.properties. A public hearing was scheduled for the meeting of November 28, 1960. 3. SP-XIAL P13RMIT - John. `a. Batson, 1810 iriliside'Drive. . Bedroom and bath in -raa.r of Ea raA® , An application for a use pormi t, filed by John 14, Bacon., 1810 Hillside Drive, was submitted. The request was to remove an oxisting detached garage structure and build a two -car garage with bedroom and bath in rear. The Pl.inning Consultant stat,3d that hie had visited .the property and found t _at Vnere is a non -conforming apartment over a two -car garage, -2 - which hPs been in existence for a number of yp:,rs. The wilding is badly constnicted and in poor condition. • The owner wzsl.es to demolish this strveture nnd replace with a new garage, irlclvding a sleeping room and bath in the rear. The Plnnning Consultant referr•nd to the provisions of tl:e zoning ordinance permitting sleeping quarters in an accessory building, with a vse permit approves? T)y the Pla.,nnin�; Commission. Mr. Bacon stated th..nt the present room has I-een oeeupiend over the years by members, of the family; tliere has never keen an attempt to use it for rental purposes. A set of plans of the rLew construction were submitted. The public hearing uas scheduled for the regular meeting, November 28, 1960. 4. STRE'T XAME CHANCE: Bayshore Hiphwa,_ The Planning Consultant reported that he had received a telephone call from the San >�!ra:iciseo office of the State Division of Highways to the effect that there would not be diraotional signs Installed to identify Bayshore highway so long as the designation "Bayshore" was retained. In addition, the Planning Consult€nt advised that lie discussed the possibility of the street extending; into the airport and was advised that, at this time, the possibilities are very remote. A communication, dated 11over1her 10, 1960, was read from Keyston & Co. o 1299 Bayshore highway, advising that information: was received from J.P. Sinclair, Assistant State Highway v'ngineer, that if the City of Burlingame changes the name of Bayshore Highway "the State Division of Highways will install two small signs directing traffic to this street" ...the signs to be placed in the area of the Broadway overpass on the easterly side of the Freeway. In addition, "the State Division of Highways does not care whether the city changes the name of Bayshore Highway or not". If the name is not changed, the signs will not be installed. The • communication advised that an effort was made to determine the policy of the San Francisco Airport regarding opening of the newly constructed airport service road. It would appear from master plans, presently available, that this road will connect, at some future date, with Bayshore Highway, The communication stated also tl:^t it is the position of the owners and tenants on the street th=,t the signs proposed to be installed are not of sufficient importance to offset the resulting; inconvenience and expense. In conclusion, the Commission was advised that at such time thz::t the airport service road should be opened to couiect with Bayshore Highway, Keyston & Co., would join with other property owners who are agree- able to changing the name to Airport Boulevard. In a general discussion, mention was made of the type of sign to be installed. In view of the complaints which have been received from practically all the owners, and the business firms located on the street$ it would appear that such sins are :not csonsidered im- portant nor essential. S Fire Cliief moorby was in attendance and, in reply to questions from the Chair concerning possible confusion due to the rimilarity In names of the three streets carrying the designation "Bayshore",, 1 advised that address-s run consecutively from the service road across Broadway to the Bayshore Highway, whidh aids in Identifying the correct street. he mentioned also that there are no street addresses on the Freeway. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Norberg that the planning Commission recov,:iend to the City Council thrit the. name of Bayshore Highway be reta :ned at least until such time that Dos.1tive informa- tion is avallable on the extension of the street to the all -port service road. Lotion seconded by Comm isaione_r Hoore and carried on following -•oll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Cistulli, Diederichsen, Kindig, Mar tin, Moore, Norberg NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Shivers ABSE.11V COMM IS51TONE RS : Bone A motion was introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Com- missiorer Cistulli- and unanimously carried, directing the Planning Consultant to inform the City Council of the action taken by the Planning Commission. 5. R:J'Z0,N1ING P'.ASTERLY STn HIGHLAND AVENUE - PENINSULA TO RAYS'�AT R The Plaraiing Con:,-ultant submitted a land use study of the easterly side if Iighland Avenue, between Peninsula Avenue and Bayswater Avenue, prepored in conntiction with a possible rezoning; of the properties frog commercial use to third or fourth residential. File Chief Moort'l s in attendance,, was recognized 'by the Chair. In re-.)ly to q_uestioils concerning fIre zoning applicable to the properties, the Chief stated t .at there have been numerous requests to remove in- dividual lots froti the present Fire Zone No. 1. This, the Fire Department will nct approve. Ilowever, should all of the properties he rezoned to apartment use, a lower fire zone classification would be possible, The City Attorney suggested that should it be the decision of the Commission to recommend to the City Council that the properties he realacsified, a further recommendation to change the fire zone would be in order, . There was some discussion concerning the Property of the Scottish Rite iiodies at the n')rtheast corner of Peninsula Avenue and Highland, which from information given to the Commission some time ago, would be de-oloped partly l'or commercial use. Commissioners were in agreerient that this Xareel would he excluded in considering a re- zoning action. 6. PAPID TF.ANSIT: Mr. '16rman Hanson, Civll Engineer,, of the firm of Wilsey, Liam & Blair; Mr. Jack Gould,. Assist,nt Chief Engineer of the Bay Area Rapid Tran,,Yit District; and s Mr. Salter of Parsons-Brinckerhof-Tudor and B chj;el An,�; ineers for ;he Rapid Transit District, were in attendance a tae gvi�ation of tho Planning Commission to discuss the plans of .-Ae -tanid Transit District, inso*a-r as the City of Burlingame was to >e affected. _4= Mr. }fnson st^_ted tl_ A; the firm of '.'ilsey; I:ari tic B1r-ir. were engaged to select n rotzte and prepare a pre] iminnry plan from a location in San Francisco tv a l.oc. tion in Santa Clara County. The route through the City of Burl i.ngame is 1" ie old K; )rket Street Railway right-of-way, from the nort,:¢rly limits of tyre City to Burlingame Avenue. At this point,, the rot�to shifts to the west of the existing Southern Pacific Railroad tracks. In conferences with thl e City Engineer and the Planning Consultant, Mr. Hanson advised, agreement was reacher on the socation of crossings; the streell.-s to be closed and those to remain open. he stated t;.at at :10 Do nt Ifill t},er-e be crossings at grade. The passenger station will be located just south of Oak Grove Avenue. Over --crossings will he at Broadway, Oak Grove, Howard and Peninsula Avenues. Burlingame ;l venuo was not inelti ded on the basis of In - formation which was received, which seemed to indicate that a crossing at this location was not necessary. Mr. Gould stated that the present plan_ is the preliminary plan, which has been :submitted to all of th4 cities and to the Boards of Super- visors in the five counties. These were expressly distributed for recommendation and com ..�ent . When the District leas been informed of the reactions to the prelims. ary plan, work will commence on a final plan, including all ramifications as to financing, etc. There will be an area at the passenger station adequate for all -day parking of ap_oroximately 550 cars. At the cone usion of the discussion, the Commission agreed to hold a public meeting on Saturday, December 3e 19609 at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, at which time the residents of the city would have an oppo-•tunity of leaving; of the .physical aspects of the System. ADJOURWENT There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, D.A. Stivers, Secretary -5-