HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1960.11.28CITX OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COM111SIS Q?T 1'S PRESE11T Cistulli. Diedoa ichsen Kind? g Martin Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER Nova -saber 28, 1960 CO.1raSSSI0VER S A&SE'ITP CTHFM. PRESFD+T None City Attol ney Kanwl City Engineer Darr Plan.Consultant Mann Councilman Lorenz A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Plannin4; Commission was held on the above given date. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p,m,, - Chairman Diederichsen presiding. ROIL CALL A roll call recorded all members present. MINUTES PREVIOUS MEETINGS The minutes of the regular meeting, October 31, 1960 and of the Study Feting, November l4s 19601, submitted ,to members previously were unanimously approved and adopted. 1. USE PERMIT - VALIDATION PARKING LOT - RAIMUND B. WURLITZER The Chairman announced that a hearing on the application of Raimund B. Wurlitzer for permission .to operate a managed validation parking lot on his property located at 1460 Chapin Avenue, continued from the Commission meetings November l4v 19600.would proceed on this date and the presence of Mr. Wurlitzer was acknowledged. The application recited that the special permit was applied for in order that the present parking operated in conjunction with the adjacent retail stores, may be conducted in a more orderly manner by means of a "validated" parking system:. The lot is fenced on all sides, with exception of street frontage, is properly paced and lighted and the owner proposed to install a small building to house an attendant with the adjoining properties to provide for sanitary facilities.. In reply to Cormulasioner Kindig*s inquiry, the Planning Cony. _tanb advised tAat a use permit t°runs with the land or with the appl3:ants" Also in reply to Commissioner Kind ig t s inquiry, 1Jir. Wurlitzer. 11:hs owned -applicant, advised that the lot is for tho use of both tensaits and thsir custore . Mr. Wurlitzer Further advised the Comw..ission, in reply to the Chair®s Inquiry, that appromi atcly f- fty perking spaces have been c elln.eated b white markings With ads �:�a.te rooms ` �e C .o r.am; -; = . d G? �' �� �� �G� v�� �s ;:� ,. 1ii w ca iv, C,i 4-. A motion e$js thj�,7eaa"." lets � in te'oluce a y Co �'.r is s ::rmar`- K i ? d g,5 o _ by Ca si.o:ne� C10tua.31-` exit $4 %a?L�` Coy iss �o� g�-(�n�, [Fe�%OF �aQ 63�x�S� to, Mr. 11I'u sfl f3.>' and F3j �J = s?� &-il ;h `e,'hfl e�''r.oe-s tatn-3 .s i 2 a .,.. a: ��r:.:.t sanitsxy facilities ties be ru ade available in one cif' �b��. r-r,' j .= i :aing bu! .dings TJae motion was manimo-asly carried mid the hear-Ing declea conejuided. 2. RESUBDIVISION - PROPERTIES Ra_A._ WHITE (Rollins Road) At the request of the Chair, the Planning Consultant advised that R. A. and Olva L. White, have petitioned the Planning Co�issi.on to consider a request for a "subdivision of their pr-operties on Rollins Road; that currently the property c:onsiets of two, fifty foot lots, with a building erected on one parcel and it is proposed to erase the existing property line to provide more space to construct an addition to the present building, using one wall as a "coiwwn wall." In reply to Commissioner Kindigas inquiry concerning the lot coverage in relation to that permitted within the district, the Planning Consultant advised that coverage would be entire and that there is no specified setback provided for Industrial lands; however, improvements to all industrial properties trust include parkin; facilities. Mre Clare Kemp® owner of property ad joining, submitted a copy of an easement agreement., granting the property owners the privilege of using Whitethorn Way, a privately -owned a tz oit, as a parking; facility. In reply to the Chains inquiry., the City Engineer advised that the applicant has assured his offiee that plans submitted, at the time a building permit is applied fore will indicate adequate parking spaces. Some discussion arose thereafter initiated by Commissioner Martin, concerning the use of an '"accessA road as a facility for parking, particularly In view of the ordinance requiring that parking space be provided on the 'same lot or on contiguous property." - The Planning Consultant advised that the only action required of the Commission on this. occasion was on the request of the applicant for a resubdieision of their properties. Commissioner Kindig moved that the application for a resubdivision, erasing the existing property line to create a single parcel, be approved, seconded by Commissioner Stivers and unanimously carried on roll call. The hearing was declared concluded thereaftere 3. RESUBDI VISION -- LOT 7, CREEKSIDE - LOT lb BLOCK 119 RAY PARK The Chair announced that a public hearing on the request of F. K. and Katie Kennedy, owners of Lot 7., Creekside, had been scheduled on this 2 date, wherein the applicants proposed. a resubdivisio, of properties to permit the exchange of two small triangular parcels between the two sots (Lot 7$ Creekside and Lot 1$ Black 11$ Ray Park) along the westerly boundary property lines. In reply to Comas-as4on inquiries, tbB Planning Consultant advised that the proposed, resubdi.vi.s i on was, In his opinion$ desirable planning and the City Engiraer adv`.Ised'. }-fiat the resub-di`Tision map hao 1, oen verified as sce3ptai le g, There being no protests, Coti-amissioner Norberg mewed that the rsnut'u- divisions of Lot 7o Creeksi.de and Lot 1$ Block I1$ Ray Park.- be approved, seconded by Co iasioner Cistulli. and tmanimous'ly carried on roil call.. The hearing was declared concluded thereafter. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT - JOHN W. PACOK x. 183.0 h1SIDE1 DFIVE The Chair announced that a public hearing had been scheduled on this date to consider the requost of John W. Bacons IE110 Hillside Drive, for a Special Pemsit to remove an existing unsightly garage m'id thereafter to erect a two -car garage with bedroom and bath facilities in the rear, At the request of the Commission, the Planning Consultant advised of his personal visitation to the premises and his recommendation to the owners that the existing two story garage structure with bedroom and bath facilities over the garage be removed and replaced idlth a single story building. A plan to that off ect' teas subsequently submitted for Commission approval. The Planning Consultant read excerpts from Section 1926 of the Ordinance Code, to illustrate that the Planning Commission may approve a "use permit" for "sleeping rooms . . . in garages . a . provided that such rooft shall not contain a I;3tchen and shall not become a separate rental property$ and provided further that no such rooms shall be constructed above or as a second story to such garage . . ." Covmdasioner Martin stated that in his opinion,, the improvements proposed Indicated that the property was being improved for rental purposes and that he would vote "no on the application. Mr. Jobn Baton, the owner, advised that the present owners have not used the premises in the past for rental purposes$ net'is it so anticipated in the future, There being no protests& Commissioner Norberg stated that inasmuch as the plans conform to the requirements of the Ordinance, he would move that the Special. Permit be approved,, seconded by Commissioner Moore. A roll call vote was recorded as follows: Ayes: Commissioners: Cistulli-Diedemichse:n-Kindig-Moore- Norberg Noes: Commissioners: Martin-Stivers Absent Commissioners: None The hearing was declared concluded thereafter,, UNFINISHED BUST -MESS 1. PUBLIC H-?ARING, DECEMBER 29, 1960 - REZONING SASTERLY SIZE HIGHLAND AVENUE. o, The Planning Consultant advised that to conform to ordinance require- ments, the scheduling of a public hearing is required to consider the proposed rezoning of the easterly side of Highland Avenue, from Peninsula Avenue to Bayswater Avenue. The Consultant also advised that the scheduling of said public hearing, however, does not commit the Commission, to_specific action in the future. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Kindig, 'that the Planning Commission on its own initiative as provided in Section 1906 of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame does hereby set Thursday, December 29, 1960, at 8:00 p.m., in the Council C'iarbers of the Burlingame City Hall at 267 Park Road, Burlingame, California, as the time and place of public hearing to determine whether it should recommend to the Burlingame City Council that the lots or parcels of land hereinafter more particularl described should be reclassified (rezoned) from Cat (Service Bus in®ss� District to R®4 (Fourth Residential -Multiple Family) District and to determine further*iether it should recommend to said City Council that Part X, Article 50, of said Code be amended to effect such reclassification (rezoning). Said lots or parcels are more particularly described as: 1. (1) 50 feet x 100 feet. corner Highland Ave & Bayswater Ave., ptn of Lot 6, Block 13 (44 Highland A venue) ; (2) 50 feet x 100 feet on Highland Ave oom 50 feet from Bayswater Ave., Sly ptn Lot 6, Block 13 (40 Highland Avenue); (3) Lot 7, Block 13 (28 Highland A venue) ; (4) N 1/2 of Lot 80 Block 13 (24/22 Highland Avenue) ; (5) S 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 13 (20 Highland Avenue) ; (6) NWly 50 feet of Lot 9, Block 13 (vacant land); (7) SEly 50 feet of Lot 9, Block 13 (14 Highland Avenue) ; "Supplementary Map To Map No 1 Of The Town Of Burlingame, San Mateo County, California" The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and unanimously adopted on roll call NEW BUSINESS 1. RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM PROPOSED PLAN HEARING The Planning Consultant reminded the Commissioners that a public hearing has been scheduled, Saturday, December 3, 1960, at 2 o'clock, p.m., on the Rapid Transit System's proposed plans for the City of Burlingame. -4- n 2 ® PROPOSED CHANGES IN Z ONING ORDINANCE The Plaming Consultant recommersded that special study meetings be scheduled early in 1961 to consider appropriate ,changes in the Zoning; Ordinance of the Citya. 3. MOTION TO CHANGE REGUTAR trURTIDC NIGHT Commissioner Martin rn-oved that the Pegular -.-meeting of the Burlingame City Planning Commission in December, 19600 be changed from Monday,, December 26� 1960 to Thursdayv Decomber 29! 1960 at 8:00 p,m, The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moore and unsnimously carried. 4, Air ELIMINATIOW BUILDING t1IOLATIO\S The Planning Consultant reported on the closer sin-ffaillanee being made of property within the City of Burlingame to eliminate building violations, under the supervision of the Building; Department,, the Fire Departments the Health Inspector and the Plw)n i.ng Advisor. ADJOURNMENT Thera being no further businesses the meeting Was 1te,gUl L-C' y adjourned at 9:50 p®m. Respectfully submitted., D, A, STIVERS, Secretary