HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1960.12.29L 5 ' CITY OF BURLINGAMP, PIANNING COMMISSION December 299 1960 s COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COIrMISS10NERS ABSENT OTIIERS PR&SENT Cistulli None City Attorney Karmel Dieejerichsen City Engineer Marr Kindig Plan. Cons. Mann Martin Moore Norbe rg Stivers CALI. TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Planning Commission was held on the above date. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Diederiehsen who requested that he be exoxsed from presiding because of a severe cold. Vice -Chairman Kindig assumed the Chair. ROLL CA LL A roll call recorded all members present. MINUTES PR..i'VIOVS M':ETINGS The minutes of the Regular Meeting, Novomber 28, 1960, and of the Study Meeting, December 12, 1960, submitted to.members previously, were unanimously approved and adopted. HEARI. GS 1. R_,SUBDIVISXON - Lots No. 6 and No. 11 of Block 3, Burlingablesr Subdivision. (Bayshore Boulevard and Trenton Way) The Chair announced that a public hearing had been scheduled on this date to consider an application of Orin C. and Carol Fields to resubz divide property described as Lots No. 6 and No. 11, Block 3, Burlinm gables Subdivision, by taking from Lot 11 a large triangular parcel and annexing same to Lot 6. The City Engineer, in reply to Chairman Kindig, stated that the tri- angular parcel, located in the center of the ,lock bounded by Bayshore Boulevard, Trenton Way and Bloomfield Road does not have street front- age, While it is a part of Lot 11, it has been more or less of a "no manes land". The City Engineer also stated that the resubd?vision appears to be in order. There are a few minor corrections to be tozde in the tracings, but are not sufficiently important to cause the hearing to 'he delayed. Chairman Kindig recognized Orin C. Fields who advised that he purchased the parcel, which abuts the rear of property which Bayshore Boulevard, for the purpose of enlarging an existing building by the addition of three apartment units. recently he owns on duplex In reply to Chairman Kindig°s inquiry concerning location of the new building in relation to the first residential properties on Bloomfield Road and Trenton Way, Mr. Fields submitted sketches describing design of the building, set back areas, yard space and la,ndseaping. In reply to Commission inquiry, Mr. Fields stated that the sketches represented the structure which he planned to build, The Chair recognized Mr. 9,M. Dozier, 624 Trenton way, who protested that the site was not suitable for the type of apartment use proposed by Mr. Fields, that rear apartments do -not attract desirable rentals, and the two stogy addition to the existing duplex would not appear to be a satisfactory development. Commissioner Martin, through the Chair, questioned. the. Planning Con- sultant concerningthe zoning. The Commission was advised that so long as the p-ireel is part of Lot ll, which fronts! on Trenton 'day, the zoning is first residential. However, by transferring the par- cel to the lot which fronts on Bayshore Boulevard, the zoning will become third residential, permitting the owner to Proceed with his plans for apartment use. Commissioner Martin remarked that in approving the: resubdivision, the Commission would be authorizing apartment use of the properties :-without imposing any restrictions as to - type of size of construction. The City Attorney, in reply to inquiries from the Commission, stated that a resubdivision action would he.unconditional. The Planning Consultant stated that over the years there have bcen many probbms connected with the property and efforts have been made to find a satisfactory plan to improve it. The present plan appears to he workable. In reply to an inquiry from Commissioner Moore concerning the pos- sibility of a variance grant, specifying a certain. type of building, the Planning Consultant advised that this would he possible and, upon completion of the building, the resubdivision. map would be filed to establish new property lines. Reference was made to the driveway designated on the resubdivision ieap as "existing driveway common to Lots 6 and 7" . Mr. Fields ad- vised that he is the owner of lioth lots. However, the property deeds provide that,regard]ess of ownership, the driveway shall remain as a common driveway. In a.brief discussion, Commissioners advised Mr. Fields that inasmuch as his proposal involved more than a change in lot lines, they would prefer that the property be developed on the basis of a varianca grant - the resubdivision action to follow at a later date. The Chair advised Mr. Fields that a public hearing could -he held on the variance application at the Commission meeting of Jnnuary 23, 1961-d provided that said application was filed in the Office of the City Clerk not later than January 9, 1961. -2- Upon advise from the City Attorney that the resulidivision application presently hefore the Commission should TF a continued to a futures specified date, and re -continued if necessary to provide sufficient time for the new construction, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Norherg, snd unanimously carried, that the ap- plication of Orin C. and Carol Fields to resu'hdivide Lots No. 6 and No. 11, Block 3, Burlingables Subdivision, be continued to the regular meeting of the Commission to ir,e held on Fel-,rninry 27, 1961. 2. SP ;CTAL PERT IT - Rest Home For Aged. Z5 F) Camino Real, The Chair announced that this was the time scheduled to conduct a pub- lic hearing o1,t an application for a use permit-., filed by Mrs. Rita Servi and Nrs. Anna Ippolito, to care for ambulatory, aged persons, in a residential building at 750 F1 Camino Real, Burlingame. In reply to Commissioner Moore°E inquiry concerning the zoning of the property, the Commission was advised that the zoning is R-3 (Third Residential), (Multi -Family) Reference was made to the provisions of the City°s Ordinance Code, Section 1929 - Regulations For R-4 Districts wherein ......."nursing or convalescent homes, and similar uses, ......" appear as permitted uses. The City Attorney, in reply to the Chairs question, advised that properly a variance would be required to permit the property to be used as requested. A motion was thereupon Introduced by Commissioner Moore that the appli- cation 'he considered on the basis of a variance, that the present meeting adjourn to the study meeting of January 9, 19610 at which time a public hearing shall he held, that notice of time and place of said hearing be given as required by ordinance. Motion seconded by Com- missioner Norherg and unanimously carried. 3. RECLASSIFICATION OF REAL PROPERTY - C-2 to Rao. Highland Avenue Between Peninsula and Bayswater Avenues. The Chair announced that this was the time and place scheduled by the Planning Commission, upon its own initiative, to conduct a public hear- ing in the matter of rezoning certain properties on the easterly line of Highland Avenue, betweein Peninsula and Bayswater Avenues. The properties were announced as follows: PARCEL ONE RQICtion gf Lot 6, A o0k 134 as designated on the map entitled Supplementary Map to Mats No. A. Town url5.n&Mmg_, San Mateo County, California", which map was filed in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo, State of California, on August 10, 1905 in Book "B" of Naps at page 28, and a copy entered in Book 3 of Maps at page 71, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Southerly line of Bayswater Avenue end the :.asterly line of highland Avenue, as said avenues appear on the map above mentioned; running thence Easterly along said Southerly line of Bayswater Avenue 100 feet; thence at right angles Southerly and parallel with the Easterly line of High- land Avenue 100 ffet to the line dividing Lots 6 and 7, Block 136, as said lot and block are shown on said map; thence at right angles -3- 1 Westerly and parallel with the Southerly 11ne of Bayswater Avenue 100 feet to the Easterly line -of Highland Avenue;; thence at right angles Northerly and along; the easterly line of Highland Avenue 100 feet to tho point of beginning, PARCEL TWO 8 a d in B o k , as designated on the map entitled "Su4,.alifornia" ementa Ma to Ma I -To I Town of Burlingame, San Mateo County, which map was filed in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo, S tate'of California, on Avgust 10, 1905, in Book "B" of Maps at Page 28, and a copy entered in Book 3 of Maps at page 71. The Chair stated that the Commission sha.11 consider whether or not said properties shall be rezoned from C-2 District (Service Business) to R-4 District (Fourth Residential, 14ulti-Family). At the request of the CYAir, the Planning Consultant advised that the properties front on the easterly line of Highland Avenue, include the corner parcel -at the southeasterly corner of the intersection of Bayswater and Highland Avenues and all other parcels along Highland Avenue except that parcel at the northeast corner of Highland Avenue and Peninsula Avenue. The Planning Consultant stated that the rezoning proposes that the classification shall he changed from service 'business to residential used v9he properties directly across the street on the westerly line of Highland Avenue are zoned fourth residential. The Planning Consultant stated that the properties are located in a No. 1 Fire Zone. So long as the C-2 classification remains, the Fire Departmont will not agree to changes in the fire ,zoning. Apartment house construotion is possible in a C-2 District but existing fire zone restrictions make such construction costs prohibitive. A sketch of existing land uses was submitted and the Commission was advised that apartment 'buildings on the street were in existence prior to adoption of the present zoning ordinance. A communication dated December 28, 1960 was read from Dorothy O rack, owner of one of the parcels involved (N of Lot 8') protesting that their property was 'bought for investment purposes on the basis of an eventual C-2 use; rezoning to R-4 would defeat their interest in the property. The Chair invited comments from the floor. Mr. Isador Orack advised that he has owned the property for many years and has been assessed and taxed on the basis of the commercial zoning. Owners of long standing would be penalized by the proposed rezoning. Mr. Claxton, representing 20th Century Homes, Inc., owners of a lot at the corner of Bayswater and Highland Avenues spoke in opposition. He stated their purchase was made recently for Investment purposes. The change to residential classification would result in serious financial loss. Mr. Helton of Helton Construction Co., Inc., owners of a portion of Lot 9, stated that he has made a serious :study of the area. The properties have lain dormant for some time and the: possibility of commercial development :could appear to be remote. Mr. Helton stated -4- at the zoning change would undoubtedly prove an.ineentive to new onstruction and improvements. Mr. George L. Jones, owner and resident, 31 Highland Avenue,, opposite the subject properties, advised that he favored apartment rather than commercial use. He stated that he and other owners on the west side of Highland Avenue are concerned lest the automobile businesses should extend their operations through from California Drive, causing repair shops and storage yards to be facing their residential properties. Mr. Jones stated that this :situation is in existence In the 100 block of Highland Avenue, between Bayswater and Howard Avenues. In reply to the Chair's Invitation to Commissioners to comment, Commissioner Norberg stated that the properties have not developed in the manner anticipated when the commercial zoning was established a number of years ago. Recalling that the Commission has been approached by some property owners who have indicated a»desire to replace old buildings with new apartment construction but were unable to do so because of the restrictive fire zoning, Commissioner Norberg expressed the opinion that a change to residential use,, with accompanying lowered fire zone, thereby permitting attractive apartment buildings, would benefit the entire district and enhance property values to a greater extent thatt a commercial zoning which has been wholly Inactive, The Chair recognized Mr. Claxton who repeated his objections to the rezoning and stated that their corner lot would not be a suitable residential lot since it is directly adjacent to the commercial zone on Bayswater Avenue. - Commissioner Martin stated that he was in complete accord with Commissioner Norberg's remarks, that it was his opinion, from personal observation, that the properties would not be developed commercially since there are a number of newer areas in the city which are at- tracting such developments,, A motion was thereupon introduced by Commissioner Martin that a recom- mendation he made to the City Council that the subjeot properties be rezoned from C,2 (Service Business) to R-4 (Fourth Residential) - that the City Council be advised that it is the further recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Fire .'one desigru3tion be changed to correspond to that In other areas of Rm4 zoning. Motion seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously on roll call vote. The City Attorney advised that the State Planning Act provides the procedure to be followed in all matters of land reclassification: Following a public hearing b.,the Planning Commission, and a favorable majority vote, there shall he sent to the City Council a copy of a proposed ordinance, a resolution setting forth the recommendations of the Commission, a report of findings, and a summary of the hearing. The City Attorney suggested that the Commission declare the hearing to be concluded, that formal action be continued to the study meet- ing of January 9, 1961, at which time the required legal papers will have been prepared and will be available for Commission acceptance. Upon concurrence by all members, the Chair declared the hearing con- cluded a the Commission to reconvene on January 9,, 1961, at 8:00 o4clock p.m. -5- .. NEW BUSINESS 1. Joint Meet= Scheduled :with Millbrae P1anni:ay, Commission, The Planning Consultant reminded members that at the request of the Millbrae Planning Commission a joint meeting has beery scheduled on January 4. 196119 to discuss problems of mutual interest in the de- velopment of the Mills 3state uplands. 2. City Counoil-Commission Annual Dinner Acknowledgment was made by the Chair of an invitation received by members of the Planning Commission to attend the Annual Counoil- Commission Dinner Meeting to be hold on January 10n 1961, at BW s On Broadway. ADJO URNM NTP The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, D.A. Stivers, Secretary -6-