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Min - PC - 1966.01.24
Ly . CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION January 24, 1966 CALL TO ORDER A regular monthly meeting of the Burlingame Planning; Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Brauner, Cistulli, Horwitz, Kindig, Norberg, Pierce Commissioners Absent: Edwards Others Present: City Attorney Karmel, City Planner Mann, City Engineer Marr, Councilman Diederiehsen, Councilman Johnson MINUTES The minutes of the s+eetings of December 27, 1965, and January 10, 1966, previously sub-mitted to members, were approved and adopted. HEARINGS .Pursuant to public notice, hearings were conducted as follows: 1. FINAL. MAP ANZA AIR�PORT� PARK, UNIT NO. 2. Chairman Kindig announced that the final,map of the proposed subdivision, Anza Airport Park., Unit No. 2, was considered at the meeting of December 27, 1965. and on the recommendation of the City Engineer, was con- tinued to the presentdate. The City Engineer advised that since the previous meeting Mr. Howard Hickey. Civil Engineer for the subdividers. has furnished written proof of legal access to the proposed -subdivision to satisfy the cilty°s requirements. He read from a copy of a letter dated December 20, 1965, from Transamerica Title Insurance Company to Air. David Keyston indicating that the small area shorn as an extension of Burlingame Avenue on the easterly side of the free- way may properly be assumed to be a public street belonging to the City of Burlingameq also, he has received a copy of a Deed of Easement from the County of San Mateo conveying ingress and egress rights to the subdividers over contiguous county property. The City.Attorney, in reply to Chairman Kindig, concurred in the City Engineer's comments. There were no further comments and on a motion introduced by Commissioner Cistulii, seconded by Commissioner Pierce and unanimously carried on roll call the Commission voted to recommend adoption of the final map to the City Council. The City Engineer stated that tracings will be submitted for signature at a future date, Z. RESUTiDNISION OF ACREAGE EASTERLY SIDE OF BAYSHORE HIGHWAY. A resubdivision map of acreage on the easterly side of Bayshore highway, opposite Hyatt house Hotel, prepared by Howard Co Hickey, Civil Engineer, for Anza Pacific Corporation, was scheduled for public hearing at this time. Chairman Kindig recognized Mr. David Keyston, representing the applicants, who stated that title to a porting: of the property - Parcel "E" on the map a was transferred to another owner last December and 'the resubdivision map has been filed to comply with the city°s requirements. Referring to the map, Mr, Keyston explained that all of the property has frontage on Bayshore Highway. Parcels "Arve $#B09. and "D" are in orae owner- ship and there is extra parking on Parcel D which can be used for the theatre on the adjacent property. fie stated that the temporary buildings at the north egad of the property, occupied by Kunz Paving Company on a. permit from'the city which expires in December, undoubtedly will be moved to another part of the Anza Pacific holdings. The City Engineer reported that the resubdivision is satisfactory but tracings are not available for signature; if the Commission agrees, action may be taken at this time and the maps signed later. The City Planner reported that there are problems relating to parking which do not affect the resubdivision but will be explored in connection with the next matter on the agenda. There were no comments from the audience. On a motion introduced by Commissioner Cistulli, seconded by Commissioner Norberg, and unanimously carried on roll call, the resubdivision was approve final tracings to be submitted by the City Engineer for signature. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED TO CONVERT PORTION OF THEATRE BUILDING TO OFFICE: Chairman Kindig announced that an application for a special permit filed by Anza Pacific Corporation, 1310 Bayshore Highway, to use a portion of an existing theatre building at 1300 Bayshore Highway for office purposes was scheduled for public hearing at this time. A letter from the applicant dated January ?, 1966, explained that preliminar plans showing the office space at the rear of the building are subject to change pending a decision on the ultimate usage of the front part of the building. Referring to the applicant's communication Indicating that plans submitted to the Commission were not firm, Chairman Kindig requested Mr. David Keyston to elaborate. Mr. Keyston stated that Syuiy Enterprises, operators of the drive-in theatre agreed verbally to undertake a reserved seat, first -run movie theatre in the front of the building but. as yet,have not signed a contract; consequently, should the theatre use not materialize, approval of a maximum of 60,000 square feet of offices mould permit the entire building to be converted. Mr. Keyston pointed out that d'rawing,,s 24,000 square feet of off:;ces; i_- is the ultimate use, .plus a 1000 seat required parking exists,. before the Commission snow a total of reasonably certain that this will be —atre and, to his knowledge, the 2 There were no comments from the audience in response .to the Chair's inquiry. The City Planner referred to sheet one of the drawings, stating that he out- lined in red the actual size and shape of the property, conforming.to the resubdivision map Just approved,, fie reported that he inspected the theatre site to verify parking and counted a total of 132 marked spaces within the property boundaries, which is not sufficient for the amount of office space proposed. The City Planner confirmed that parking on the adjoining parcel, mentioned by !sir. Keyston during the discussion on the resubdivision map, would solve the probletr, provided the properties are held Ny one owner, He. pointed out that the Commission has always .recognized that ownerships can change and it has been the practice to include parking for each use on its own property since there is noway to,insure in -the future that parking will be avail- able to any other. property. Mr. Keyston requested approval of the proposed office use subject to sub- mittal of new dramiogs complying with parking requirements and offered to file a now resubdivision reap erasing the boundary lane between -the theatre and the restaurant properties. Following a lengthy period. of ,discussion, Commissioner. Brauner .introduced a motion approving the office use on the condition that the space for offices shall be limited by the amount of parking provided on the site. Motion seconded by Commissioner Norberg and declared carried unanimously on roll call. RE ESS The Chair declared a recess at 9:2S p.m. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:30 p.m. HEARINGS (cont,) 4. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR HOTEL CONSTRUCTION LANDS OF BURLINGAME SHORE LAND CO. (continued) Chairman Kindig announced that a public hearing on 'the special permit appli- cation filed by Harry Somers -An behalf of Burlingame Shore :Land -Company for hotel construction on acreage easterly of the Bayshore Freeway, continued from the meeting of December 27, 1965, would proceed at this time. The applicant's communication dated November 26, 1965, .- read at the meet- ing of December 27, was acknowledged. At the invitation of the Chair to review proceedings to date, the City Planner recalled that at the conclusion of the last'meeting the applicants were requested to make some shoring of their intentions for furnishing grater supply and sanitary sewage facilities; futthermore, the question was raised whether the building could be re-sited,and access provided, should a portion of the property be acquired for freeway reconstruction. The City ?Manner stated that at the present time there is no gray, of knowing when -tkly free -,ay project tgi11 start; perhaps the applicants have considered that if they do proc_e-ed the bud; tiding irf�ay be demolished in a short time. Chairman Kindig recognized Air. E.H. deWolf, architect, speaking for the applicants, who stated that the City Engineer has been furnished a plan by the project engineer indicating to a degree the direction and size of the sewer line which would connect directly to the disposal plant across city property. Mr© deWolf posted a drawing showing locations of existing sewer and water lines, stating that.necessary improvements will be made at the owner's expense. Mr, deWolf referred briefly to surface drainage, noting that the developers are fully aware of the importance of keeping the site drained and providing for disposal of surface -water. lie stated further "as far as the overpass structure or separation structure, or anything such as that, we can't outguess that", The City Engineer, in reply to Chairman Kindig, reported that earlier in the day he received the engineer's plans of the approximate location of an & inch sewer force main to be connected to the disposal plant. tie stated that there were no details, simply a showing of where a line could be built, provided the city would grant an easement. The City Engineer confirmed there is an existing Tiew lb inch water main in the same areas not yet under pres_sureo In reply to Commissioner Pierce, the City Engineer stated there would.be no objection from an engineering standpoint to an easement across city - owned property, but this is a policy matter to be decided by the City Council. The City Attorney indicated there may be legal questions involved, requir- ing -more than a grant of easement. ?►fro deWolf pointed to the drawing on display, stating that.some of the schemes proposed for the overpass contemplate an off -ramp across a por- tion of the hotel site; however, it must be recognized that the developer's plans are not fixed, simply represent an idea for improving the property. Furthermore. there is ample land to site the buildings away from the overpass structures and provide the requiredpark:inga In reply to Chairman Kindig's comments concerning the possibility of the city's being _held liable if the permit were approved and, subsequently. access lost to the overpass, the City.Planner commented that if the plans proposed by York and Dady, and as amended by the ,State "ever come -into being there would be no access to the property". Chairman Kindig recognized Mr. Harry Somers who explained that the project was in the planning stage for approximately a year; sizeable financial commitments have been made and negotiations proceeding with Western Hotels of Seattle for operation of the hotel; the decision to proceed was made because there was considerable: uncertainty about the final design which will be recommended by the State Highway Division and actual time of con- struction. Mr, Somers stated that they would expect compensation from the State if the project suffered as a result of the overpass design,, Mr. Don&ld flo Stoneson, SLoneson Development Corporation, party to the application, advised that he has had considerable experience in similar situations; it tmas his contention that if the land is pernitted'to remain �4_ idle the State will not commit itself ---approval of the hotel by the city will force negotiations between the State and the property owner, The City Planner stated that the city has had knowledge -of problems in the overpass structure and the traffic situation for some time but did not Wait for the State to act, the city took the necessary steps to initiate a solution by employing the consultants to make the necessary studies and carry the project to the State and other agencies having jurisdiction. The City Planner stated further that progress to.date has been exceptionally good; in fact, the City Engineer was able to promise the City Council a drawing at the study.meeting of February 2 which meets most of the require- ments of the Staten the city and York and Dady, the consulting engineers. The City Planner requested and received permission from the Chair to intro- duce materi.al,which he wrote under date of December 27, pertinent to the application and conditions in the property. The report concluded with the recommendation that "until satisfactory alternatives can be proposed to solve the traffic problem and firm proposals are approved to provide the necessary, water, sewer and street improvements., the°-. application should not be approved. In commenting, the City Planner referred to the city°s continuing efforts to promote the industrial area., expressing the opinion that traffic is a vital part of the city°s planning ---to introduce a tremendous amount of traffic may have the effect of destroying the aresto I Mr, Stoneson referred to comments in the report concerning car movements, arguing that employees*cars do not more during regular traffic hours; guests, for the most part, will arfive andleave by plane, using hotel service buses for local transportation; other traffic coming to the hotel for entertainment purposes will move in off hours, Commissioner Norberg stated his position in favor of the project, declaring that the city should do everything necessary to promote and assist the development of "high-class" projects involving huge financial expenditures. tie stated that a hotel in close proximity to the golf course on city -owned land would be an outstanding success "from start to finish"; furthermore, the traffic situation has to be remedied whether the hotel is built or not and the present proposed development should not be penalized by a situation which has been developing for a number of years, Commissioner Cistulli, expressing concurrence with Commissioner Norberg°s comments. referred to the hotel in existence, the one under construction, and an office building recently approved by the Commission all in the same general area as the site under discussion,anil urged similar favorable consideration of the present application. The City Planner presented a drawing of an overpass structure and grade separation design, which he advised comes very close to the combination of scheme fig.on which the State engineers and York and Dady have reached agreement. Commissioner Brauner expressed concern over the amount of privately -owned property involved, expressing an Capin on that it is absolutely essential tz the Commission to have some definitive information on the land which will be acquired before the application, can be considered on its merits, -r Chairman Kindig spoke in favor of the hotel as a desirable addition to the community but preferred to continue the hearing until after the City Council viewed the State°s drawings. In reply to Commissioner Norberg's inquiry whether a delay would cause hardship to the applicants, Vr„ Somers and afro Sto-neson both stated there were financial commitments which must be met within the next two weeks„ Mr. Somers advised that the developers were aware of eight proposals which were prepared for the State's approval. Mr. Stoneson requested conclusive action by the Commission. Commissioner Fierce introduced a motion to continue the hearing to the meeting of February 28. 1966, commenting that there were a number of phases of the project which must be explored further and he, personally"9 was not prepared to make a decision at the present time. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Horwitz and declared carried on the following roll call: Ayes: Commissioners Noes; Commissioners: Absent: Commissioners: NEW BUSINESS Brauner, Hurwitz, Kindig, Pierce Cistulli, Norberg Edwards 1. REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE OF SAN MATEO COUNTY Chairman Kindig reported on his attendance, with Councilman 9iederichsen and Commissioner Cistulli, at the general meeting of the San Mateo County Regional Planning Committee on Thursday, January 20, 1966, at which time the Report of the Bayfront Committee was presented. Chairman Kindig announced that Commissioner Cistulli was a member of the latter committee, .and of all the sub=committees which were appointed, theirs uas probably one of the most difficult assignments. Chairman Kindig stated that the report has been roferred to each City Council and to the Board of Supervisors for consideration and comment to the Regional Planning Commission by March 1, 1966; Councilman Diederichsen has suggested that the Planning Commission review the material and send a recommendation to the City Council. Members of the Commission indicating no objection, Chairman Kindig declared that the present meeting would be adjourned to February 14, 1966, for the Commission to prepare a recommendation for transmittal to the City Council, The City Planner agreed to attempt to obtain additional copies of the Report for distributic:n to the Commission. L a AIRPORT STUDY The City Plapner reported that he attended a recent meeting at the airport where Quinton Enginoer`5, Ltd,-,3nbmitted its recommendations for future a:lroort expvnsi.ono -Cle advised thatcopi.es of the ,naps prepared by Quinton will be furnished the city shortly and submitted a sketch illustxa;: Lag roughly proposals 1�,hi ch were discussed. A-MORa r Thy meet -in was yegul rl c adjourne at to Monday, Feb ua v l �� 1966, Rt 8:00 P,,M,, Respectfully submit:t.od , a = John 5 Braune r v