HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1966.03.14THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Cistulli (8:35) Edwards Kindig Nor -berg Pierce CALL TO ORDER CO141ISSI.ONERS ABSENT Brauner (ill) Horvitz (business commitment) March 14, 1966 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr An adjourned regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from February 28, 1966, was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members answered the Secretary" s roll call. Commissioners Brauner and Horwitz were excused. HEARING 1. Resubddivision of Acre Northeasterly Side of La Mesa Drive. Chairman Kindig announced that a public hearing continued from the meeting of February 28, 1966, to the present date, on the application of W.F. Rhoads to resubdivide acreage on La Mesa Drive, would be postponed to the meeting of March 28, 1966, in response to the appli- cant's request for additional tim6 to complete the engineering details pertaining to water and sanitary sewers. There were no protests heard; the meeting was thereafter adjourned - and followed immediately by the study meeting regularly scheduled foir this date.. FOR STUDY 1. Resubdivision of Carr,_McClellan, Ingersoll. property m Park Road, A resubdivision map prepared by H.A. Schneider, Civil Engineer, and filed with the City Engineer concerned property, at 216 Park Road owned by Carr, McClellan, Ingersoll, et al, { portions of Block 6, Town of Burlingame Subdivision). The City Planner explained that,originally, Lot: 1S. Block 6, was a single large property in one ownership, presently, it is divided into 1 a number of parcels held by different owners but there was never P; resubdivision map filed. He stated that in the present application two parcels are in a single ownership; an existing building occupies ' all of one parcel and a portion of the other and the owners propose to combine the two into a single property in order to reconstruct the !1 puTtion of the building which crosses the lot :line, ti Air. Robert J. MacDonald, representing the applicant, advised that the building will be completely renovated but there will be no exterior expansion; hementioned that there is on -site parking existing. The applic9tion was scheduled for public hearing, on March 28, 1966. 2. Tentative Map: Mills Estate No. 27. Copies of a tentative reap of the proposed subdivision Mills Estate No. 27 were..submitted by Mr. James Schupp of Wilsey, Ham and Blair in behalf of the owners, Golden Cate Investment. Mr. Micolm.McCarthy, attorney, speaking for the owners, advised that the present plan, as revised, involves variances as follows: cell -de -sec exceeds permitted maximum length, sidewalk on one side of streets pavement in street less than permitted minimum width. Mr. McCarthy also advised it is proposed that the two strips, which are parts of the two end properties, shall be landscaped and main- tained through a .home -owners association, comprised of the individual property owners in the subdivision. Air. Schupp explained that the properties will be sold subject to the purchasers accepting responsibility of membership in the association. The City Planner pointed out that the city will not be involved in any way --landscaping and maintenance of the strips will rest wholly with the property owners. Commissioner Norberg repeated objections raised at a prior study meet- ing to the proposed 14 lots, stating his understanding that the Com- mission agreed that no more than 12 would be acceptable. He pointed but that lots in the adjacent areas are 80 feet wide; in the present proposal, just 6 of the 14 lots we comparable. Commissioner Cistulli concurred with Commissioner Norberg, objecting to the density of population and the resultant traffic on a cul-de-sac. The City Engineer reported that the Fire Chief approved the map with the exception of a feet suggestions for relocating fire hydrants. The City Planner accepted the landscaping plan from Mr. Schupp, agreeing to submit it to the Park Superintendent for comments. The map was.scheduled for public.hearing on March 28. 3. Sign Variance. Commercial buildin& 100 El Camino Real. A letter dated February 23, 1966, from Bell Electrical Signs, San Mateo, requested approval of a wall sign on a two-story commercial building at 100 E1 Cmmino deal to identify the offices of 04Shaw°s of San Fran- cisco". The letter stated that the sign will be placed on the south side of the building between the first and second floors, single - faced mounted flat against the wall, interior lighted without moving parts. -2- A sketch of the proposed sign was filed. The City Planner advised that the building is located on the triangular property at El Casino Real, Primrose Road and Bayswater Avenue; the variance approving the use made no provision for signs, accordingly, a sign permit will not be issued until approved by the Commission. Following a review of the sign detail and discussion with Mr. Bell, Commissioners agreed to a public hearing at the meeting of March 28. 4. Variance for second apartment building-_R---S lot, 212 Anita Road. A variance application filed by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arnaudo, proposing construction of a second apartment building on R-3 property at 212 Anita toad, was discussed at the February study meeting and con- tinued to the present time for the applicants to modify their proposal by decreasing the number of units and the percentage of lot coverage. The City Planner submitted two sets of drawings prepared by Mrs. Arnaudo- one, an 8 unit building; the other, 6 units. Net advised that the draw- ings were not received in time for verification;; however, there is a lot coverage indicated of SO%. 'ane drawings indicated an elevated walk-way,at second story level, between the existing building and the one proposed; in reply to Commissiov inquiry, Mr. Arnaudo advised that this would serve to connect the two structures, thereby creating a single building on the property. Mr. Arnaudo, in reply to the Chair, stated that there will be no struc- tural alterations to the existing building, with the exception of installs tion of sheet rock for fire protection. The City Planner mentioned that the existing building was moved from - another location several years ago and permitted by the building inspector to be placed at the rear of the -lot; there is no rear yard and. on either side, perhaps six inches between the building and the property line. The City Attorney, in reply to Commissioner Norberg•s inquiries concern- ing the legal status of the existing building. stated he was not cer- tain that the building conformed to the city°s ordinances when it was placed on the property, but apparently the building inspector approved, The City Attorney expressed the opinion that if a building does not conform, the building inspector does not have the right to approve; however, if he does approve and the situation exists over a period of years, it mould be rather difficult to prone in court that the struc- ture should be removed. Commissioner Norberg reported that in a discussion with Fire Chief Moorby, the latter indicated that he would not object to two buildings on a lot, if approved by the Planning Commission. The City Planner stated that apparently there are variances involved as follows: To legalize a present non -conforming apartment building -3- on the rear of the property, with neither side nor rear setbacks; ( secondly, to --.Allow a second apartment building to be built on the same lot (present: rules call. for one building on a lot); a non- conforming building may not be enlarged inside or outside, nor ex- tended in use*, The Commission decided that the applicant's sketches were inadequate; the subject was continued for one month to the April study meeting and the applicants requested to submit detailed drawings. including elevations. S. Special Permit for Contractor's Storage -Yard, Marsten Road. The application of Masonry Supply Company, 1024 Industrial Way, requested approval of a use permit for a Contractor's Storage Yard on Marsten Road, adjacent to the Tondo Trucking Company operation at 1344 Marsten Road. Mr. Oscar Person advised that he intends to remove the brick yard from Industrial Way to: the new location on Marsten Road. tie stated that the property will be prepared prior to the moves; gravel will be laid throughout,. including the storage area, and a driveway paved far`.-th e trucks. The application was set for public hearing on March 28; Mr. Person agreed to have a plot plan aidlable at that time. There were comments concerning the Tondo Trucking Company property, the City Planner stating that a portion of the lot was not paved or treated and.the trucks are carrying mud out into the street. Mr. Person agreed to discuss the situation with Tondo. 6. Spggial Pgrmit for Automobile Agency Industri-al.Way. A Special Perm t'application for a Cadillac Agency and service depart - vent on a portion of acreage bounded by Broadway, Bayshore Boulevard and Industrial Way was filed by John L. Rector, 18 Atherton Avenue, Atherton. Mr. Oscar F. Person, owner of the property, and representing the appli- cant, submitted a. surrey snap of the site and a rendering of the pro- posed building. Commissioners discussed traffic problems in the area, particularly during peak hours; in reply to Chairman Kindig"s comments concerning automobiles stacking on the street waiting entry to the service depart - went,, Mr. Person stated that that portion of the building will have access from Industrial Way. He stated, however, that the applicant would lake to have one access off Broadway to the showroom.. The City Planner stated that the city is aware and, undoubtedly, Mr. Person :and Mr. Rector recognize also,th at the property will be affected by the overpass reconstruction; a portion of the land will be taken but there is no spay of knowing the precise area at this time. He stated that as long as the applicants are cognizant of conditions in the property and the building is sited accordingly it would appear that they would be able to remain on tho propert-y. The application was scheduled for public hearing on March 28. -4- 7. Variance a Nursery School in 'R-3 District. 1117-11.19 Rbinette , An application filed by Mrs. Harriet Giacominis 1929 St. Francis Way, Sane Carlos, requested a variance to remodel an existing duplex at 1117-1.11.9 rhinette Avenue for nursery school purposes. Zone: R-3. A statement of justification from the applicant dated March 7, 1966, was read; a sketch indicating proposed structural alterations was filed. The City Planner advised that the property is on the south side of FRhinette Avenue, adjacent at the rear to the Stanaway Market parking lot. Mr. Ruel proffit, owner of the property, discussed the proposed structural renova.tionsg advising that the interior of the building must be completely remodeled prior to occupancy by the school. Ile stated also that in order to furnish the required outdoor play area it will be necessary to use a portion of the rear yard of the property immediately adjacent, which he owns also. He explained that the rear 15 feet of the adjacent yard, combined with the yard of the subject property, will be more than adequate for the school's purposes; the area will be fenced. The question of timing was discussed, the City Planner pointing out that the City Council has agreed to some concessions but there is a limit to the time Mrs. Giacomini will be permitted to-ramain at her present location; the Carolan Avenue project is scheduled to start some time in April. The application was scheduled for public hearing on March 28; Mr. Pro.Fit was requested to submit a plot plan of the outdoor play area, S. Capital Improvements Budeet. Co}amiss oners were furnished conies of an announcement cent to s11 department heads relating to Capital Improvement proposals a the City Planner reported Council has requested that the budget studies commence ADJOURNMENT Prior tv adjournment, reported they would be Cistulli agreed to act Time of adjeurnment: Chairman Kindig absent from the as Chairman. 9:50 P.m. and Bice -Chairman Pierce March 28, meeting. Commissioner Respectfully submitted, John J. hrauner, Secretary -5-