HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1966.03.28CITY OF EU'oa..LINCAVE PLANNIINC, COT,"!'ISSIOIN C`'P,ixSS1CNLR— PPESEN'T B r aiuiie r Ci. stulli IIoF-w-t71 or er CALL 1� 0 ORDER 'larch 28, 1966 CO. 'R1jSSIi3NFRS BS171`4T OTHERS PRESENT F:dw rds City Attorney Karmel Ki dig City Planner fta.nn Pierce City Engineer Marr Councilman Fiedler; chsen A reg-ular rmzeeti g' of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above da're at 9.:20 P.x" � 4n the absence of Chairman Kindi,g ,,nfi Vice-C tairmarz Pic -re, Cr !mi.ssionex CisEulli presided. RILL CA ,L The members answered the Secretary's roll ca.11. Coyrnii-.'�sionerl Edwards, absent due ao another commitment, and Commissione-rs in -.t, u d, I'`e-rce, absent from the city on busiriess, were excused. The, t�i.nutes of the meetings of Feb••» -jary 28 aa11d; 'faT°Ch 14, 1966, previously suhyf?Y S Sed to m em!lb err , were approved and adopted, FIFA RIleaC S Pi rsumnit to public notice, hearings were conducted as follows: 1., RESUr€ IVISION OF ACREAGE NORTMEAST RL F SIDE of LA MESA DRIVE. Chairman Cistulli announced tha,'t at public hearing on the application of UMPhoaCis, ISM 11a Alesa Driver to establish nets l.ot lines for the pu'rpose of dividing T. ao existing lets into four, continued fron the meeting of Mach 14, 1966, would proceed o., t its tiuseo A resu division. mar., prepared by 11(awaru G,, Jickey, Civil Engineer, was sv!)F"'.itR.:ef by the City Engineer, whe advised that all of the problems rc lr yin: to Prater and; sanitary sewer installations have been resolved the last meeting; -tile Comnissio:i may; take -action at this time then tl;o n_;, Will go to the City Co€nnci l since there are driveway and public # City 193.1 lnner rerpor'Led that rc-cent aziieiiE°-men s to the State Subdivision Allot -elate to less than five lf�W subdl is -ions, requiring that the .-m-iroveme(ts, tentative [fIyh-^. r �� recorded, ;;:d! 2:.'a i ". lna ` maps filed, , Ld enL ica.l wi t i .:-h : processes used Sit the pnst for .ri si OAR s111ns, lids state; t1lo, , the ci ty's regulations are being i 'i,re-; City Planner mentioned also that the proposed driveway, entirely sari }�r ivat�; property and intended to serve more than one lot, involves ownership i.rl part by the city, subject to Council's acceptance of the owne * s oSr feT of easewent o ComrI i ssioiler Nor ergl s co-mments concerning the short: radius in the curved se c t3 o"s of the roadway initiated a period or discussion during whichh Kira. Rhoads eh sl:rined that there will be pavinf for the entire length to a width of 16 feet, which is considered adequate for a private road. He stta.ted that the curves were widened sor,sewPat but it is riot intender to pave beyond 16 feet, The City Engineer commentsdon the driveway design, reccmwending iddit one_: pa vi ing in the curved sections; Mr. Rhodes agreee, to comply. r� i eat from the audience, nor cap:nmunications filed, i1' tS, were 7iG cC3it o A tl otion iiitroa u ed by Commissioner N ,r'berl; approving, the TerAative 'Tap ne. recommending ?.t s adoption by the City Council conditional upon the drive -way being pwti --.-d to a width of 16 feet, excepting that the curves shall be t.,iidened and paved to a width of 22 feet, was seconded by Comnissioner Bra-mer ando.. carried unanimously on roll call, ?, RiiriliBi li' �,Y _. -F i O 15, RLOCK 6 AND PORTION! OF BLOCK Thj`;A: OF FURLINI-?Ai`IF-. SUBDIVISION. r esubdi ision map of .the above-descr e)ed properties, prepared by LI.A. Schneider, Civil Engineer, was p7'eser':ted to the Commission by t be; City Engineer, The map related to properties owned and occupied by the firm of Carr, McClellan,, Inger oil. Building, a Partnership, 216 Park Road and pro- pGsed to combine ts.. o separate parcels by deleti►rg an existing cornmon lot line, thereby creating a single lot having Frontage of !00 feet mi 'ark Road. Air a Robert °.iacDonald, representing the applicants, advised that the e3r:zstang building occupies portions of both parcels; the owners intend to completely remodel the interior and to relocate the entrance from Park Road to the narth side of the building, adjacent: to the parking Tle.re w.re no communicat iors filer' nor comments from the audience. The City Planner and City Engineer indicated -no objections., I , `: notion F nt:r odu-ced by Co m ission� r HorwJL itz, seconded by ompi i s s J. oin e r IkfC?i'be-ni 9 and ca—l- ied unanimously on roil call, the resulidivision Was approved 3-n ac oT- dance with the map €3r'c 3 i le. 3, 'XFNTAT k VI: MAP OF `•!I'LS Y-s,r'tTE NO. 27 (continued), z t--blic hearing on the Tentative Map of "dills I'state Subdivision No. 27 ;,-as sched. led to proceed at t,'Iis time -ona;3.:riic tiro dated 12tarch 23, 1966, -From the birn of 11i Isti,T, Ham and -2- Dl i -r' signed by .3: mie's So schupp, requested, in behalf of the proponents t postponement of the pi.iblic healing to the Fneeting of April 11 to allow additional ti.me to correct the map to the requirements of the city engineering department, 77he- ,e were no comments from the audience, aid mePlhers of the Commission concurrence, Chair -man Cistul.li announced continuance of Zile hearing in compliance with the applicant's regvest. SUMVARfA�ICE APPROVED FOR C�?F9?ff itClAl. BI3ILi7i�tf" 100 FL C`i"iTyC} REAL. A public hearing was scheduled for this date on an application filed by 3el.l Electrical Signs,, Inc., San Mateo, in behalf of Shaw's of San Francisco for a variance to place a 6sa11 sign on the commercial building at 100 .1 Canino Real - a triangular property bounded by r l Camino, Privirose Pond and Bayswater Avenue. A l.ettenr dated February 23, 1966, from Mr. Dewey Nell advised that the s i1;r, will he pla— ced between the first and second floors on the south side of the buileiisag for the purposes of identifying the general office of Shaw's of Sand Francisco, The cor=.munication stated that the sign ui1l be single faced, mounted flat against the wa.11, interior lighted � JAChrut 1110 €ing, parts 3 s-* Pn detail indicated measurements of 3 'eet in hei o"it by 15 feet in Ifiro P=ell stated that Shaw's of San Francisco is he franchise ige-acy "car Shaw's Confections; clients frequently visit the offices after dark and isfelt that the proposed sign will assist those who are not familiar with the areat?ird the location, in reply to Commission inquiry, ", Y. Bell stated that the sign will. be !faced approximately 20 feet above ground level to the left of and elow the insurance company sign. The City Planner explained that the zoning is R-3; the variance for the eui ding did not include signs, therefore, the Planning Commission shall approve any sign proposal.. ME.Te tvere ne cor�nents from the audience, nor communications f led. .A mGtf ion was introduced by Conmissi_oner 33rauner approving the variance requested by Bell €:lectrical Signs, Inc., in behalf of Shaw's of San ranciscom for a teal. sign confOTMirlg precisely to the drawing on file: on the building at 100 El Ca -wino Real. Motion seconded by Commissioner NoTherg and curried unanimously on toll call, 5� VARIANCE APPROVED NURSERY SCHOOL IN R-•3 Il7STR'i� To Cistulli alirsounced that a public hearing would proceed at this oi-_- the a3�3�:°.��,`�.Es35 0� Mrs. HiarKletl F.iacoreirl.i, 1929 Ciao Francis ida'Sac Carlos, for a variance to re- odel an existing duplex bui.l.;ing t 1 17-1119 -Rhiaet`:e A,,renue for nur. sen� schoryl use; the -properti i s at` d in a tt:iYd res,_deidE.ia I d ist3,ict �R,-3) � �. �z; e plan, interior floor orea o -lie ou door j� "ay yard, zard a l��'c^�_�tSi3.Y'_g •i l l?YY ! C j i i�rJ i t E: \r' . I_ .G i.� L are-, , 7l • 'ii v r "� n t' f C'he i.�iidin s it fists and 6. )•_Jy F� e 3 .« prE.; p sed to be made to acce►mmG 3ate the school, -vrere filed. Coi.j=il nicati.ons were read as follows: A 'etter from the applicant- dated 'Iaxch 7, 1966„ advised that the school has been operrt xng under various ownerships in the present location, 2024 nak trove Avenue, since 1946. The city's playas for improving Carcl.an Avenue force vaCa ion of the site since the outside play area will disappear to the new street. The communication advised that the school is licensed for S0 children by -the State Welfare Departrnent, that hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 6 r OG, p.rne ; the parents pick the chsldran up between 4: 30 to 6:00 p.m., and rarely are there riore than twe. automobiles in from of the build- ing at one time; there should be no difficulty concerning parking as of -he nine staff members, three drive to work, the others live within wal.x:ing distance. The communication stated there is room for park- ing; on the property. The communication submitted that the school provides an essential coy_iaruriity service to parents who, because of family circumstances, find it necessary to seep: cake -ard supervision for their Pre-school children ou- F side of the home front Mrs. rred Cp Sage, Ls2. 1 Oe.anai Avenue; Mary Ann ferry, 2770 0 Surmit Drive; Doreen Vries, 14130-B F'ak grove Avenue; `�rs , Robert Paoli, 1.53GS 11owar d !?venue, mrt,her_ of children attending the school, urged favorable action, conmenting on the excellent standards s:zawntained by the operator, the individual care and attention enjoyed FUv the children and the loss resultxng to the mothers, rind children should t: e school be forced to leave the community. A letter from Frank and Olga Chevalier, 1.221 LaIguna Avenue® Protested that the property is inatiequate to meet State of California land area requi.renen<:s for nursery schools; traffic congestion on Rhinet:te Avenue initiated an ordiiinnce receya•C.ly adopted by the city prchibiting parking on the south side of the street - the property is located within the restricted area; the nursery school ;s G_ Privately owned and operated business which should not be permitted i,l a residential area. C-h airman Cistulli recognized the applicant and 11r, duel Profitt, 1.0 Kinder Lane, Hillsborough, the property owta e7r, d e, Prof`-[: advised that he tenc`ncs ir. the b:ii' d3Ylg have received notice to vacate by April 1.; "Irs. G acomini's present location can teak Crow; Avenue is adjacent to other prop€:rties lvtb ich he owns and at no -time have there been, e"€rmplain s fr�-m his tenants be <<-use or the school. He spoke highly of.. the a plicart, personally, and of the services suffered to young ii;ork .ng people with ssnal3 c1lildren4 The City Planner reported that: rescl.sed drawings have been submii.teU sho-,ring- the area of the play yard; it is proposeet to use ail of Vic - yard of the property Fit ii17-1119 Rhinette Avenue and «, portion of v ,3 vard of the eIglib oring dug ex (? 1913-25 P.-hinette nvent.ie), also owned The '_. aty Planner reported that the fire inspector has iisi ed the and discussed fire sa y i,,- _O applicant. -4- • Drawings submitted by the applicant were reviewed; Mr. profitt, in reply to Conmissior: inquiry concerning; various phases of the contemplated ulterations, advised that +-.lie building; will be _inspected by representa- tiv-es of the State agencies having jurisdiction and will not be cleared for: cclupa 4ncy until all of their Tequirer.-tents have been 7iet. . p€ n dete-i-m52.na.tion by the Chair that there was no one 4 n the audience interested in co-im-nenting favorably, opponents were invited to sneak. ?To e oner Stack, 1241 Laguna Avenue, protested that the variance will permit a commercial use in a residential area, thereby establishing a rr'ecedont for other similar a.pplications; the character of the neig;h- I;crhood will change and property, values decrease. sirs. dice Anderson,. 1124 Rhi.nette Avenue, concurred with the previous speaker, protesting, additionally, that the site is "much too small" for 50 child en, that there is no on -site parking; the nearest public parking lot, along the rai -road tracks, is used to capacity, conse- quently, Rhi.nette avenue frill be burdened additi oYla i traffic and parking problevis. Mirs. ?,I.A. Siemian, 1120 Phine-te Avenue; iII.grs, Z. Scblecht, 1244 Laguna Avrenue; ir. Mi B. LEapem, 12.37 La -uric Avennue, TeleYt ed the objections of the pr(;-Ji€ us speakers. ` rs. P.W. Christiansen, 1-33 rR.}3inette Avenue,, owner of two apartment buildings on the street, cIVIDned that the 7 oi;ge from the play yard will disturb tenants in the buildings, especially those employed at night who Test during the hours the school will be operating. ftor. Christiansen reported a rat problem in the neighborhood created by the unsanitary 'conditions in the rear areas of some of the stores on Broadway, ment-?onin;g particularly that the proposed play yard abuts the rear of one of the large markets on Broadway where rubbish and litter accumulate. �Irs. GiacoTrini_, in reply to Chairman CistUll.i, :advised that of the 50 children, 40 reside in Burlingame; S each in San Mateo and Millbrae. She stated that the children arrive between 7:30 and 4:30 a.m.; are indoors until 1.0, and theta Permitted in the yard until 11:30 a.m. In the afternoon. they are outdoors for approximately an hour. The premises are vacated of all of the children between S:30 and 6:00 p.m. Members of the Commission Jere invited to corwient. Commissioner Noibesg suggested that the protestants may be unduly' alarmed; ; he questioned wilie ;her any had taken they vine to investigate teh-- school in its P-I*eserzzt lC?G'c:tI.on tsar talked with neighbors to {le learn. te='w a tL e or pot a nuisance does e.xis R He �.o's;i:ii%�'i'� L`id on he need for suc,n facil"y"ties and the of firding ^a suitable building in the proper location. iii7.'a2aner State F "rhait he speial- P great deal of time at he size and,, unC{i~ev'ssti-'n..ablY, the py1'JE,er4y has becen iLag ected and Js i.! 4�L)o R' �o�+tic d ' 6i? a }t €� Q r n his opinion, conditions 4; e not so se ri cur t7ha w.; they cannot be correct -ad to Yi+a.?Le the l.a.rid and the building; confQ f.,n to the r'+ quir i1?eDts for school use. +'wf'c�A x�a, to Code protrisions relatit,F_ io schools of the type, Commissioner zlraUREE T noted t.I•:at in an R-4 district the use is p rm tted Without a variance but sites are difficult to find since thelffna of R-4 is l.inited` Com:Ttenting on the objecti.ops raised to business in the neigh- horhood, Comni.ssioner Brauner noted that the area or'. discussion is zoned R- 3; at any time, with approval of a building permit only, any of the homes could die demolished and replaced with a substantial apartment Building. Connissioner Brauner agreed that there is a social need for the facility, as mentioned by Crmi;issioner Norberg and, no matter where located, there pTohably would be sorie objections. Fie reported that after spending Ls�nsiderabl.e time, unknown to the applicant, observing the operation in As present location.. he was convinced that the school is remarkably well supervised, siUnce the children are indoors a good deal of the clay, the noise factor is minimized. In reply to Commissioner iiraunerl's comments concerning facilities for parking for staff members and the parents who drive to the school, and reference to, o-a-street parking restrictions on Rhinette Avenue, M-rs. Giacor;in►i reported that three of the staff drive to work - the others live within walking distance; they arrive at 7.00 a.m., and conceivably, at that hour will find parking available at the public lot adjoining the railroad tracks. The City Attorney, ip replrp� to Cormis.sioner Brauner, advised that -- stopped cars :•:say not be left unattended in a "no parking" zone. In repl % -to Chairman C astulli, Mr. flrofitt and Mrs. Giacomini agreed that a circular driveway could be constructed on the property at the front o' the building. tihairman Cistulli spoke of the importance of proper care and supervision for the young children of woyki.ng parents and the connunity°s responsibility to provide the facilities where possible. -Orfjrtissioncr 3,raure3 introduced a motion approving the application filed Oil- firs. `Tarries Ciacomini for a variance to use a duplex building at 1117-1119 Rhinette Avenue for nursery school purposes, conditional upon the following: 1. Structural reconstructionshall be completed in compliance with State and City of Burlingame codes. oThe existing driveway, from the street to the garage at the rear of the propertya shall be closed off at the front corner of the house, and, once the school is in operation, shall no longer be used as a driveway for automobiles; an access gate for the children may be installed. 3. All of the existing hazardous conditions in the property shall be eliminated, 4�, The yawl shall be extended behind the adjacent house so there will be apple room in accordance with St--te requirements for Mite children's piny area; the area to be enclosed u-ith an anchor fence to a minim -um height of six feet. 5o The yard shall be paved and/or graveled in accordance with State x;aq uJ. rein, a -s b. A circil.ar driveway to be installed in. the front of the building n ord--T to mig.inize t-ae problem of traffic violations wheir. the -bo ho from school. -n 7. The vaai.aDce to be granted to ?4rso ifarriet (Iiacomini, personally, on the application which she has filed for the conduct of the school in the specific location. The :rioti.on was seconded by Commissioner Norbert and carried unanimously oa: roll call. Chair -man Cistulli advised that the variance will be effective Tuesdays April 5, if not appealed. The hearing was declared coaccludeda R1=CESS A recess was declared at 10:1.0 P.m. f,LL1. TO ORDER Me greeting was reconvened by Chairr;an ristulli at. 10:20 p.m. FAR1NC,S (C'ONTINDMD) I'EC AL PER!,-4I'T FOR BURT-INC:AMF SHORE LAND COTIPANY HOTEL CONTYN 11-D, ChaiTms.-3 Ci st'.ulli announced that a public hear ing on the application Of Harry Somers, in behalf of Burlingane Shape Land Company, for hotel construction on acreage ea4•teriy of the Bayshore Freeway, continued from the meets—ag of February 28, 1966, would proceed at, this time. In reply to Chairman Cistull i as inc!uixy concerning: the status of the Broadway Overpass scale model, the City Engineer reported it is expected to be ready for ps•esentation to Council at the April 4 meeting. 14r, Oscar Person, speaking for the applicants, requested a continuance to a date following the first public showing of the model. preferably April 11. `-here sere no comments in opposition from the flocs, and members of the Commission indicating concurrence, Cha?rr:an C:istulli declared the hearing continued to the meeting of April 11, 1966. % SPECIAL PERMUT APPROVED FOR CONTRAC` ORIS STORACE. YARD MRSTEN ROAD. An application for a Special Permit for a Contractors storage yard on t-.fE,-rsten Road, acreage southerly of Easton Creed; Rr'ainage Channel, _`ix.r5 i by ''.tasonry Supply r1opipn-;i , lncc, 1024 3ndusttial W'ay, Burll.npa—'te, � - sc odul.ed for public hearing at this time,. -;4 to la as f red CY_st'ul.li re Cog -razed =Ir. Oscar Person, -, epresenting the appli- r.�. FIc � :wised that. it i.s int�°ne.e�J ro movepthe r- ck storages -''d. at V°•"9L'alevaY6 and fyadustrial Way for many years, to a- ur, Mn--3t.er- Road, adjacent to Tondo Trucking Company plant. A`st r" °f3 .y t 4; Cgty !'i 1€=� i°'t' C''ei'ti.s "i�t s CC7i:cG'Z3i I1 "s:l?f importance :^.: proper _ti % w t.•ent.ment of the ground prior to occupancy to control the potential dirt a -Lid muj nuisance from the trucks, R9r. Person stated that a paved drivea:.ay will be constructed, the remaipder of the site rolled and graveled,, lie advised that the area under the Pacific Cas and Elec-tric Company wires will be used for storage .and, eventually, there will be a storage or warehouse building. Ile described fencing, in existence, advising that a ins!sorry wall will be constructed across the rear; the only section unfenced at present. There were no ccmmunications filed, nor comments from the audience. A notion introduced by Commissioner Horwitz approving the special permit as requested was conditioned as follows: Construction of an AG,Capavemene driveway 24 feet wide Icy 100 feet in length; balance of the site to be finished in armor coat pairing;. an area five feet ,vide to be planted and maintained in front of the existing brick wall at the entrance to the property; the entire site shall be fenced. Motion was seconded by Co-mmissioner Nor°herl; and carried unanimously on roll call, Chairman Cis�:ulli announced the pebinit �aill be effective April S, 1966, if not appealed. The hearing was declared concluded, 8. AUTOMOBILE ACENC`{ AND SERVICE I EPA Y.'FINT AT INDUSTRIAL WAY An BAYSIiORE BOULEVARD APPPOVED IN PRINCIPLE. A special permit application filed by John L. hector, 18 Atherton Avenue, Atherton, proposing a new cafe agency (Cadillac) and service department on a_ portion of acreage at Sayshore Boulevard and Industrial 'Way was scheduled for public hearing at this time. A map of the property accompanied the application. °1r Oscar Person, owner of the property, represented the applicant, submitting an aritist's rendering of the proposed building, Mr. Person advised that Mr. Rector has received approval of -the site from General .Iotors Corporation; they are aware of and somewhat con- certed about the over}tass structure and its possible effect on the site but reel tl4ue will be sufficient :land for their purposes. M-.. Person indicated on the drawing alternate locations for siting the building- and mentioned that Certeral Motors Corporation are particufarly ip-crested in an entrance off Broadway. The Ci.tti, Planner reported that the principal the p ro.,3erty is the fact there is no adopted atom►ercrossing," at the raiiroad tracks —there scheri s drawn. for accomplishing that port -:on the persons constructing the motel have been three alternates. He suggested, since there he actual Sand that will emaip, nor hoar it 3 t-he Ce�,jrjsS?_on approve the use in principle a problem in connection with design, as yet, for the have been three alternate of the grade separation; requested to design the is no way of determining can he developed, that t this time. During a period of disc scion, rembers informed fir. Person of their desire tc cooperate to assure the Caddilac agency as a continuing b 8- oper,n'ji-on in Burlingame but the property cannot he permitted to be develal►)ed in any .day that will jeopardize or interfere with the highway Construction., There were no communications filed nor comments from the audience. A ruotion was introduced by Commissioner Brauner approving the use permit to he Iicant , Mr. John L. Rector, subject to Planning Cam - mission approval of the site plans; and the use permit to become effective only upon approval of said plans;approval in principle does not imply approval of aa; access to the property from Broadway, nor to coastruction of advertising or identification signs, which shall be processed in compliance with the requirements of the sign code. oti. r� sel-onded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously can roll calla The hearing was declared concluded. CO" - NICA`IIOIdS i, STATEM'EN OF PnLICY A IERICAN ASSOCTA 'ION OF UNIVERSITY i?'. N{MO A communication dated ''arch 221, 1966, from the American Association of University Women, San Mateo Branca, submitting na Statement of Policy adopted by the group relating to conservation of open ,pave and natural resoz mees was read and accepted for filing. AT)JIGUR INUNUT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 11:05 p.m., to Monday, April 11, 1966D at 8:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Join J. Byauner, Secretary -9-