HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1966.06.27i
.Tune 27, 1966
None City Attorney Karme%
City Planner Mann
City Engineer Marr
Councilman Diedericbs()
Councilman Johnson
A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order
on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Pierce presiding.
All members of the Commission answered the Secretary's roll call.
Minutes of the regular meeting of May 23, 1966, previously submitted to
members, were approved qpd adopted; following an amendment removing the
name of John J, Brauner as Secretary from the study meeting minutes of
June 13, 1966. these minutes were approved and adopted.
A tentative swap prepared by Howard C. Hickey, Civil Engineer, proposing a
subdivision of the lands of Mr. Edward R. Johnston, 1536 La Mesa Drive,
and biro W.F. Rhoads, 1530 La Mesa Drive, was reviewed at the study meeting
of June 13, 1966, and scheduled for formal consideration at this time.
At the Chair's request, the City Engineer reviewed details pertinent to
the proposed subdivision, recalling that the proponents, individually, had
attempted to divide their separate properties but the soaps were rejected
by the City Council; the present proposal is to combine the two properties
into one subdivision, constituting, in all, eight (8) lots, including
two existing lots where the dwellings are located on La Mesa Drive,, and
six new lots on a private cul-de-sac with a common driveway off La Mesa
The City Engineer noted there is little similarity between the present
ma-p and the prior. resuidivision proposals, particularly in the treatment
of the cul-de-sac, that some revisions were made since the wisp was sub-
mitted at the study meeting at the. request of Fire Chief.Moorby the
radius on a portion of the cul-de-sac was lengthened and the fire hydrant
e e advised that the utilities layout was examined and found
satisfactory for the purposes of the tentative nap,,. details can be
finalized at the time improvement plans are drawn.
Commi.ss.-lone s reviewed the map at some length aid, s.n a series of inquiries
��' directed to members of the city staff and the proponents, established that
telephone and power services will be underground, that maintenance of the
private road will rest with the property owners but, as provided by Code,
the city will participate in the ownership of a nonexclusive easement to
assure perpetuity of ingress and egress.
Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Jchn.ston agreed to reprise the map to relocate the
property line of Lot 8 to the curb of the driveway, pave a strip between
the driveway and the parking area., and provide SD feet of street frontage
paved in the common driveway.
A motion introduced by Commissioner Edwards recommending approval of the
map to Ahe City Council was conditioned as follows: At the entrance at
La Mesa Drive the paved sectionshall be widened to a full 50 feet; the
existing property lire of Lot 8 shall be moved northerly to the new curb
of the proposed driveway; the strip between the parking area and the curb
of the proposed driveway shall be paved, all as agreed, to by the owners
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and carried unanimously
on roll call.
Chairman Fierce announced a public hearing on an application filed by
Valcar Rentals Corporation (wholly owned subsidiary of the Hertz Corpora-
tion), 845 Malcolm Road, Burlingame, for a special permit to operate a
car rental agency from the Chevron Service etation at 1298 Bayshore High-
A communication from the applicant, dated June 7, 1966, and signed by
F.A. Olson, City Manager, advised that no more than two (2) automobiles
will be parsed at the station at any one time, that the service station
operator will service and ticket the rental cars and that the activity
will in no way deter from the aesthetics of the area.
A site plan was filed, Mr, F.A. Olson represented the applicant.
In reply to the Chair's inquiry there were no comments from the floor
favoring or protesting the permit,
During a period of discussion, and in reply to Commissioners' inquiries,
Mr, Olson advised that two stalls are all that are necessary to serve
their purpose and more will not be required; if necessary, the cars can
be placed under locked storage at night,. He agreed that there may be
times, with cars moving in and out, that more than two will be on the
property but the excess can be removed quickly, either to their airport
location. or, temporarily,, to the Malcolm Road office parking area. .
With regard to advertising displays, Mr. Olson stated that a small
i_ll.u"lwipiated sign. identifying the location as a car rental agency, will
be mounted inside the service station office window. Ile advised ,there
is a standard ? by 6 feet outdoor sign but there are no plans for such
a sign in the ocation at the present time.
The C""-y Planner, in reply to Commission inquiry, advised that �°rhe use
Pax- it a& absolutely necessary" and any reasonable limitpt on call be
i",'_c.�icy..nwche—ci ine'lue.-ng, signs: he reAerred briefly o other instances vehere
w �.
f)e i.i i a.t, were appvuve W..
A notion introduced by Commissioner Cistulii� to approve the special per-
)Mit prohibited exterior advertising/identification signs and limited to
"two the number of rental cars to be parked at the station at any one time.
Motion seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried unanimously on roll
The applicant was advised the permit would become effective Wednesday,
July 6, 1966, if not appealed.
The hearing was declared concluded.
Chairman Pierce announced that: a public hearing on the application of
The Lesley Foundations 3080 Ralston Avenue, Hillsborough, for a height
variance to permit a 12 story building on third residential property on
Almer Road, Initiated at the Commission's regular meeting of May 23, 1966,
was continued to the present time, pending a decision from the City Council
in the matter of property taxes, or payments in lieu.
A communication dated June 27, 1966, was read from ,tames E. Carroll,
848 Walnut Avenue, and filed in the Office of the City Clerk on that date,
opposing the variance, stating that it was difficult to determine hots the
applicant can meet the four Code conditions requisite to variance, "which
deal with hardship and prevention of his enjoyment of his property".
that the City "will receive no taxes or in lbeu payment fr6m the completed
project" and "costs of required expanded utilities will have to be paid
)by other older residents and taxpayers while the applicant will not be
-- required to pay his shares`.
There were no other communications addressed to the Commission since the
meeting of May 23.
The City Planner, in reply to the Chair's request to reviews proceedings
to date for the benefit of the audience, recalled that at the last meeting,
during the course of the hearing, the Commission considered all aspects
of the project, heard the arguments of the proponents and opponents,
approved the structure "in principle", but bok no final action until the
question of taxes, or in lieu payments, was resolved between the appli-
cant and the City Council.
The City Planner, thereafter, deferred to the City Attorney, who reported
that the City Council was advised, without qualification, that to require
a pontract for payment of any sums in lieu of taxes would not be a proper
condition to attach to approval of the application; he stated that the
City Council discussed a contract entered into independently of the appll=
cation°s approval but was advised by the applicant that he "cannot and
will note' enter into any such contract; the City Attorney stated that
unless the Commission wishes to reconsider its prior action of "approval
it principlePe that it would be concerned at this time only with con-
ditions to be attac-hed to the approval of the variance.
Chairman Pierce recognized Mr. A.J. Watson, representing The Lesley Founde
ti_on , who spoke of the need for furnishing housing for the loci middle -
income groups, or stni.or citizens so they may be able to "live a dignified
life in a Congenial community", of the economic benefits accruing to the