HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1966.07.25THE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT July 2S, 1966 OTHERS PRESENT Brauner Horwitz City Attorney Karmel Cistulli Pierce City Planner Mann Edwards City Engineer Marr Kindig Councilman Norberg Diederichsen CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Vice -Chairman Cistulli presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members answered the Secretary°s Roll Call; Chairman Pierce, who was present, asked to be excused because of an illness; Commissioner Horwitz, absent due to a business commitment, was excused, MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of June 27 and July 11, 1966, previously submitted to members, were approved and adopted, HEARINGS Pursuant to public notice, hearings, were conducted as follows: 1, RESUBDIVISION LOTS 3 and 4, BLOCK 13, BURLINGAME GROVE SUBDIVISION, A map prepared by Wilsey, Ham Blair, Engineers, for Mr, Merritt Mangels; the owner, proposing to delete 'nterior lot line.- for the purpose of combining the above -described ots into one parcel, was reviewed at the last study meeting and scheduled for formal action at this time, Mr. Mangels, the applicant, and owner of Peninsula French Laundry and. Cleaning, 12S1 California Drive, replied to Commission innuiries, advising that he plans to enlarge the present facilities by adding a second building; however, the building and fire departments refuse to allow openings in the walls on the interior lot line to permit access between the buildings and insist that the line be erased to create a single property. Following indications from the City Engineer and the City Planner that the application was in order, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously on roll call to approve the resubdivision in accordance with the map on file. AP f VISION LOTS .THROUGH 10 'BLOCK 1 BURLINGAME LAND CO. SUBDIVISI( ' tion to combine thejabove�described properties into one parcel, lance with a map filed with the City Engineer, was scheduled for earing at this time. ,f germination by the Chair that the applicant was not in attendance, resented, on a motion introduced by Commissioner Brauner, seconded issioner Edwards and unanimously carried, the hearing was postponed meeting of August 22, 1966. (This action was rescinded later in Ming when the applicant appeared - See Item #6 under Hearings). XCIAL PERMIT APPROVED FOR OFFICE BUILDING HINCKLEY ROAD, air announced a public hearing on the application of Charles King and Ryan, 819 Mitten Road, Burlingame, for a Special Permit to allow e use of two single story buildings on Lots 1S through 19, Block S, Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 2 (Hinckley Road). Zone: M-1, Industrial. mmunication from the applicants dated July 6, 1966, stating their polio; not renting to retail -type tenants", a map of the area indicating the ific site and architectural drawings accompanied the application. Charles King, speaking for the applicants, stated that, except for a lective type of warehousing, office buildings are considered "the only //conomical use of the land". 'The City Planner, in reply to the Chair, advised that the applicants own 'number of office buildings in the industrial area and have made it a practice to provide a great deal more parking than the code requires. Referring to Mr. Kings comments concerning office buildings as the pre- ferred use from an economic standpoint, the City Planner stated his Position that the area will continue to develop in industrial, including many more warehouses. He pointed out that office buildings are a con- ditional use in the N-1 District, giving to the city a measure of con- trol in their.development and use, and that the applicants have stated in their communication that there shall be no retail uses. The City Engineer indicated no problems of concern to his department. In response to Vice -Chairman Cistuili, there were no comments from the audience favoring or protesting the Special Permit. A communication was read from Quinton Engineers, Ltd., 812 W. Eighth Street, Los Angeles, acknowledging receipt of Notice of [tearing on the subject application and describing in some detail their interest in the development of a clients property in the East Millsdale area. Following review of the plans, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Brauner approving the Special Permit in accordance with the map and architectural drawings; motion seconded by Commissioner Kindig and declared carried unanimously on roll call. -2- 4. SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED FOR OFFICE BUILDING, BAYSHORE HIGHWAY AND MITTEN ROAD. The Chair announced a public hearing on the application of Charles King and Robert Ryan, 819 Mitten Road, Burlingame, for a Special Permit for office use of a two story building on Lots 1 through 3. Block 3, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 1 (Bayshore Highway and Mitten Road). Zone: M-1, Light Industrial. A communication from the applicants dated July 6, 1966, stating their intention "not to rent to retail type tenants", a map showing the specific location, and architectural drawings were filed. The City Planner, in reply to the Chair, reported that the applicants are proposing the same type of operation as in the preceding hearing, with identical code requirements for a use permit applying. The City Engineer indicated no problems of concern to his department. There were no comments from the audience, favoring or protesting the application, in reply to the Chair's inquiry. In reply to Commissioner Kindig, the City Planner confirmed that approval of a permit for office use of the building carries no implication of a coexisting retail use, and that the applicants are aware of code restric- tions. Following Commission review of the plans, on a motion introduced by Commissioner. Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Brauner and unanimously carried, the Special Permit was approved in accordance with the map and architectural drawings on file. S. SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED FOR OFFICE BUILDING„ MITTEN ROAD The Chair announced a public hearing on the application of Charles King and Robert Ryan, 819 Mitten Road, Burlingame, for a Special Permit for office use of a single story building on Lots 12 through 14, Block 2, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 1 (Mitten Road). Zone: M-1, Light Industrial. A communication from the applicants dated July 6, 1966, stating their intention "not to rent to retail type tenants", a map showing the exact building site, and architectural drawings were filed. The City Planner, in reply to the Chair, advised that the same type of operation is proposed as in the two preceding hearings, with identical code requirements for approval of a use permit. The City Engineer indicated no probUms of concern to his department. There were no.comments favoring or protesting the Special Permit from the audience, in reply to the Chair's inquiry, In reviewing the drawings, Commissioners questioned whether a 12 foot wide driveway will be adequate; the City Planner advised that the width is sufficient and satisfies code requirements. -3- On a motion introduced by Commissioner Brauner, seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously on roll call the Special Permit was approved in accordance with the map and plans on file. )5. RESUBDIVISION LOTS 7 THROUGH 10, BLOCK 1, BURLINGAME LAND CO. SUBDIVISION The Commission agreed to hear the application for resubdivision of the above lots at this time, upon the arrival of Mr. Cordon Jacopi. (Earlier, the matter wa's continued to the August meeting m see Item No. 2 under Hearings). A resubdivision map prepared by Robert S. Craig, Engineer, for Cordon Jacopi, owner, proposed to delete interior lot lines for the purpose of combining four lots into a single parcel having frontages on California Drive and Lorton Avenue; the map showed two buildings existing, on Lots 8, 9, 10, and Lot 7 "vacant". Mr. Jacopi stated that doors will be installed in the walls of the build- ings to provide access one to the other, enabling the buildings to be used together. The vacant lot shall be used for storage of automobiles. To comply with building and fire departments' restrictions, it is necessary that the lot lines be erased for the properties to be occupied and used as a unit. During a period of discussion, Commissioner Norberg advised that he was approached by Mr. Jacopi for technical assistance, that he is familiar with the properties and the plans for refurbishing and, because of a possible conflict of interest, will refrain from voting. In reply to Commission inquiry, Mr. Jacopi stated that automobiles impounded by the police department as aba:n.doned will be held in storage. The City Planner informed Commissioners of problems resulting from the great many automobiles left on the city streets and the arrangement whereby persons in the automobile repair business remove the cars to private stor- age. He confirmed that Mr. Jacopi's proposal to use the vacant lot for such storage is proper. There were no comments from the audience favoring or protesting the appli- cation, in reply to the Chair's inquiry. On a motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried on the following roll call, the resubdivision map filed with the City Engineer was approved. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Brauner, Cistulli, Edwards, Kindig NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN COMMISSIONERS: Norberg ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Horwitz, Pierce 7. TO CLASSIFY'LANDS OF BURLINGAME SHORE LAND COMPANY EASTERLY OF FREEWAY, Vice -Chairman Cistulli announced that this was the time and place scheduled to conduct a public hearing and to consider classifying lands of Burlingame Shore Land Company easterly of Bayshore Freeway, heretofore unclassified, to Light Industrial (M-1) District. The City Planner, requested by the Chair to introduce the subject, stated -4- that the area includes the lands of Burlingame Shore Land Company and property which was the subject of a condemnation suit on behalf of the city; since M-1 District regulations permit recreational uses, the proposed zoning will not affect future use of the city lands. He explained that the zoning had been assumed Mal but it was discovered recently that the area was actually unclassified; the Commission has been requested by the City Council to initiate proceedings to attach zoning classifications to all unclassified lands. The City Planner pointed out that the property is surrounded by M-1 zoning - the holdings of Keyston, Millsdale and East Millsdale Industrial Park —that it would seem logical, therefore, that the same zoning would apply, and, thereafter, recommended that the Commission request the City Council to classify accordingly. A map of the subject area was presented to the Commission. Vice -Chairman Cistulli invited comments from the audience. Mr. Oscar Person, Burlingame Shore Land Company President, stated that until receiving the Notice of Hearing he was unaware that the property was to be considered for industrial zoning; he suggested that a com- mercial zoning may be more appropriate because of the property's location in relation to city -owned land designated for recreational development but that he had no objection to the light industrial classifi- cation. There were no further comments from the audience. The Chair declared the hearing closed. A motion was thereafter introduced by Commissioner Brauner requesting the City Attorney and City Planner to prepare material whereby the Commission shall recommend to the City Council that the lands of Burlingame Shore Land Company easterly of Bayshore Freeway shall be classified Light Industrial (M-1) District. Motion seconded by Com- missioner Edwards and declared carried unanimously on roll call. 8. TO CLASSIFY WATER AREAS TIDAL PLAI (TP) DISTRICT. Vice -Chairman Cistulli announced that this was the time and place scheduled to conduct a public hearing and to consider classifying Tidal Plain (TP) District the tidal areas of the city presently unclassified. Invited by the Chair to introduce the subject, the City Planner referred to the map before the Commission, explaining the boundaries of the areas proposed to be classified. Copies of a paper entitled "Proposal to Classify Water Areas as 'Tidal Plain Zone"', prepared by the City Planner and dated July 5, 1966, relating to "Need for zoning", "Application of 'Tidal Plain' zone" and "Planning progress" were distributed to Commissioners; the statement was read in its entirety by the Planner. A letter dated July 20, 1966, from Ideal Cement Company, 821 Seventeenth Street, Denver, Colorado, signed by Cris Dobbins, President, addressed to the Planning Commission was read. The communication noted that the only owners of record of the property which is the subject of the hear- ing are the City and County of San Francisco and Ideal Cement Company; that if the property were not now to be classified "TP" the owners would still be restricted from developing without various approvals. -5- The communication referred to the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission functioning by act of the State legislature and .argued that "Classification TP now of the property in question would serve no useful purpose and may only make it necessary to go through the procedure of changing it in the future. Without such classification, the City of Burlingame is in a position fully to pro•- tect its public interest. There is not now and we hope and expect there will not be in the future, any conflict of interest between the private owners and the public." Vice -Chairman Cistulli invited comments from the audience. Mr. Cilbert Rodli, 341 Califonia Drive, Burlingame, representing Ideal Cement Company, recalled that the Company protested adoption of the Tidal Plain District regulations as "unnecessary and premature" approximately one year ago and, for the same reasons, protest the proposed classification at this time. Referring to the Bay Conserva- tion and Development Commission, Mr. Rodli stated "this I believe makes it even more emphatic that the public interest of the City of Burlingame and of the bay area is well protected". The City Planner pointed out that the city has been concerned for some years with the water areas and, in 1963, adopted a resolution declar- ing its general intent as to the future use of such areas; since there is continuing planning in progress by Wilsey Nam $ Blair for Pacific Air Commerce Center and by the City and County of San Francisco toward airport expansion, it would appear necessary that a "holding plan" be adopted to _assure the city sufficient control in the ultimate use of the tidelands, Wir. John Meacham, assistant general manager, San Francisco Inter- national Airport, stated that -.the master plan presently being considered for airport expansion does not include the bay area in the City of Burlingame; therefore, no objections will be made io the proposed legislation at this time. Fir. Robert Cranmer, Project Manager., Pacific Air Commerce Center, Inc., filed with the Commission: "Statement By Warren T. Lindquist, President of Pacific Air Commerce Center, Inc., o June 17, 196S" relating the intentions of P.A.C.C. to develop definitive land use plans and pro- grams for the disposition of its holdings within San Mateo County. Mr. Cranmer stated that P.A.C.C. has the property of Ideal Cement Company "under con.si.deration to purchase", that the firm of Wilsey Ham and Blair has been employed for planning purposes and, for several years, all of the planning has necessarily been dependent upon the airport because it is the dominant industry in the area; revision of airport planning necessitates similar action by P.A.C.C., consequently,, at the present time, it is impossible to bring to the City of Bur- lingame anything in the way of a "realistic" program. In reply to Commissioner Brauner's inquiry as to the possible effect of Burlingame's proposed zoning change on P.A.C.C. activities, Mr. Cranmer stated that it would not interfere directly but raise "another roadblock or hurdle to overcome"; the area has never been subject to a zoning classification and,under no citacumstances, would P.A.C.C. seek to circumvent the city's authority, fie conceded that no great damage would result from the Tidal Plain designation. -6- There were no further comments from the audience. Members of the Commission commenting individually were in agreement that there should be legislation enacted regulating the uses of all ?i properties within the city. The hearing was thereafter declared closed. On a motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Edwrardsand carried unanimously on roll call,the City Attorney and City Planner were directed to prepare material whereby the Commission shall recommend to the City Council classification of the tidal areas, here- tofore unclassified, to Tidal Plain (TP) District. COW141UN ICAT I OBIS 1. Tidewater Oil Company variance extension ap rp ovedo A letter dated July 14, 1966, from Tidewater Oil Company, signed by R.D. Green, referring to a variance for reconstruction of the service station at El Camino Real and Park Road, expiring in September, 1966, and requesting an extension, was read; on a motion introduced by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried unanimously, a one year extension was approved. 2. City of San Mateo re: Drainage Phase, San Mateo General Plano A communication was read from Robert G. Bezzant, City Engineer, City of San Mateo, requesting the Burlingame Planning Commission endorsement of the drainage phase of the San Mateo General Plano The City Planner advised that before a city can adopt a general plan, it is necessary that the plan be presented to contiguous cities for comment. The City Engineer advised that he has received a copy of the complete General Plan, that a rather sizeable and expensive project for storm drain improvements on Peninsula Avenue, in his opinion, will prove beneficial, and in no way harmful, to the City of Burlingame°s drainage system. Following a period of discussion, on a motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously, the Commission concurred with the City Engineer and requested that the City of San Mateo be informed accordingly. 3. Carl A.l�Holvick & _Coax aMg slnc. re:�Resubdivision,Adrian Road. A letter dated July 21, Carl A. Holvich and Comp division map o,f properti from the July to the Aug the resubdivision o the the July study meeting map on this present date meeting. 1966, was read from Mr. Maurice Kerner, any, Inc., Menlo Park, referring to a resub- as in Millsdale Industrial Park, postponed ust study meeting, reported the purpose of writer apologizing for his inattendance at and requested that the Commission review the and take formal action at the August study The City Engineer and the City Planner advised that certain phases -7- A '. of the proposed resubdivision which the Commission questioned at the July study greeting have been corrected, Mice -Chairman Cistulli thereaftzr announced, with the concurrence of Commissioners, that the .map would be considered formally at the August g meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. Foster tiome Program - San Mateo County. Material prepared by the City Planner concerning "foster homes", a county welfvae program directed toward providing a particular type of housing fOT certain individuals and suggesting the Commissionts consideration of possible code changes to adapt to the county°s need for such housing was distributed and the matter referred to the August study meeting, ADJOURNMENT The meetiv.g was regularly adjourned at 10:50 p.m,, to Mondays August 8, 966, at =:00 p��:o Respectfully submitte6., John J. Erauner, Secretl.iy %7 41 BURLINGAME PLANNINP COMMISSION July 25 D 1966 L ICALL TO ORDER: II ROLL CALL III 1MINU`fES June 27 and July 11, 1966 IV HEARINGS 1� Resubdivision Loss 3 and 4, Block 13, Burlingame Grove Subdivision (California Drive). 2, Resubdivis:--on Lots 9-10, Block 1, Burlingame Land Subdivi.sixn (Lorton and California Drive). 3. Ryan and ping Company Special Permit applications for office buildings in M-1 district, 4,, To classify unclassified lands easterly of freeway: ?. L•and5 of Burlingame Shore Land Company to `q-1, Light- Industrial; 20 Remainder lands to TP, Tidal Plain District. V COMMUNICATIONS 1� Tidewater Oil Company variance extensf.on request, 20 City of San Mateo re: Drainage Phase, San Mateo General P V1 NEW BUSINESS 'V i ADJOURit MZN T