HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1966.08.08THE CITY OF BURLINCAMP P LANNI.IC ��atr.�ISSIO;v CO""ISSIONERS PPESENT Brainier Cistulli FdwaTds (8: QS) Kindiv Pvcirlp'c'r� Pierce CALL TO ORDER CO M"I SSIONTE DS ALSENT IIorw_Itz Migust 8, 1966 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney karynel City P I annex "lann City Engineer "aTT An adjourned meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from the regular meeting; of ,?talY 2S, 1966, was called to order on the above I ate at 8:00 ppi., Chairman fierce presiding. ROLL CALL The above«nared rembers answered the Secretary's roll call. I ILAR TIN rS 1. VESUI3^TVISION Or- LOTS TN R11LI.SnALE TNT)USTRIAI. PARK UNIT No .3� Chairman Pierce announced a public hearing on the application of Carl A. Ilolvick $ Company, Menlo Park, for a resubdivision of Lots 29 to 35, Block 6, kfillsdale Industrial Park No. 3. The mar pre- pared by Charles F. Randlett, Civil Engineer, and filed with the City }engineer, was reviewed by Compissioners at a ]'prior neetinp. "r. Maurice 'Kerner, representing the applicant, advised that it is proposed to delete interior lot lines and establish two parcels with frontage on Adrian Road, the larger of the two to be the site of a new buildinE for the I'resix Flectaic heater Company. drawings of the proposed .improvements were shoun for the inforr:ation of the Com- mission. There were no comments from the audience favoring or pretesting the application, in reply to the Chair's inquiry. The City Engineer and City Planner repo ted the application to be in order. A motion introduced by Commissioner Cistulli approving the resub- division in accordance with the map on file was seconded by Com- r,issioner liindil; and carried unanimous Iv on roll call. 1. VARIANCE EXTENSION CHANTED k'R. LFF J. AAA(`NIAN. A letter dated .July 26, 1966, fror.: Yr. Lee T. Aaronian, owner of property at 1317 Bayswater Avenue;, Burlingame, Teferred to a variance granted in September, 1965, for construction of a commercial building oii the ;fir open `y, eXF%_-1 ;_:..:tl t117i t Mlle j: R o� e et Was tlf� �L.t :r(?Ci i�Iien r L i. 11Ci i1 ? .. f. becare difficult, and requested an extension of tire for exercis nv. the vat•iancea Corr.issioners were in agreement that the request was reasonal)Ie and or a motion introduced 0v t,n:'rigsioner Kindig, seconded i?v C()mvissioncr Cistu li and carried ;11-O.MiPIOUS ly on roll call, the variance was extended -for a priori Cif one year, .PESOLUTTONS Resolutions Tesulti_nF from actions taken by tale Commission -it the weet .ing of Jul•v 2S, 1966, in conr,ect-ion with classification of certain laA►ds , were approved as F of lows : 1. Peconre;1dirlr claLalf c tzon c,f Rurlinnare Sliore Lard Conj2an-v rron.er",,, ...�..00es�..�.. ,.�.n.- _ur l4......�.�a+..�.•..�b..�...;�.te..'�'. 'RESOLUTT0-N i`?{itp l=isfi "RFC:!lt.;,.,r_�iT?;;<C T�II: P.I) PTT()': F :R'i ()T'i)T'.'.Th�r'CL A."i�]f;I?.� 25 a l2� 01() OF ` AF ")PRIJ-MC T., "UNUCI PAL COM: A""VT) T, ':-' Z')P" I :(: ',fir' T`�f OR\PO'13TTED Z'E:T;RE11: i.Y REF17P ;:` C,r" By ('LAS�SIFYI'NIG CEPT,+ T I L1k_X1)S it s i'.;;� `iS t;,N';i r C;F ;3(? T I.:,T'A;c:F ``,:1!)RP.: Lh',T? i"r". 1�!�i:Y� , [?1 1:FTCF RF 11`�CI-A,SSTT TFi)� T() LTf I T PIDUSTPTAL ("1-1) DIS'i-J i was iDtrrn duced for bass;=L-.c� on votion of covurissioncr t:indif, Seconded by Covur- .ssioner )7.d,,rar:!_s anti ado-.-)ted or: the roll call: \f�-�i F:s: y�'y'tS SS TC)"I QS T'.r:�L:i tl E--'s"� r�7.E'stui li_, I-.dwards, l; r.., :ir}?i��orh e.ry ASI'NT C 0V01S+S10i:?.PS- 'C+riJT.t4 h �SThI' ""'ISSFC��'t:uS; I'3 �wrc,^. "absent from l�ul-li r iie<i�-=nr1 20 RecomrendinR classification of water areas, Pi S()LUTRIN NC)o 2-66 "REC`)'<*'17NDINC THE ADOPTION OF AN ORPTINANCE. AIENDIM' SI;C:TION 2So 12.010 OF T 1F. 1 UP1.I!'-"(- _'-1F: " NICIPAI, Cof)!: AND THE- ZONIEV, '•"Af' I-CORPGRATED THE RI:INI BY n. FF:1 ENC-E BY CLAS:S,IFvINC CE TAT_'N' £.^i�T)S ilPfif:T�G FOPF UNCLA2SIFIM) TO TIDAL TPLAUN (TP) DISTPICT", Was introdi-l"'ed fo-r passage or motion of Cor-mi ssioner Ki.33:1ic:, seconded by Commissio11-er C ctal3i and carried on the follt =1inf, roll. call: 2":'ES: 03'T"ISST0N11 PS: \rC?ES: COx 'ISSI N RS: A3STAI" C{)r'^tLSS,TInN%PS: ADJOURN"FNIT B amier, Cistul li , 1 dwards, Kj,ndig, Norberp, ?•Joni Iforl-vitz Pierce (absent from public hearin ) The meeting was idjourned at 3:25 p rna, and followed immediately by tl e study )i:cetinp. regularly selkedulet? for this date, RespectfuI Iv ,u',init teu; John J. Brauner, :;ecret;�ry 2 STUDY MEETING 1, RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS IN TFAS`f-11ILLSI)ALF._i'1kT;t?iSTR.IAi. PARK NO, 20 the City Engineer presented a tna,il prepared by Charles F. Pandle2t, Civ-11 Engineer, for kial-ccxm Lri`--jesrrent Company, ow ier, proposing to resubdavide and coirbire properties in Fas`C ^ i 1 isdale Tndustri_al Par1cr Unit No. 2, as follows: BLOCK NO, 3: Common lot live between Lots 24 and 25 to be abandoned to establish Parcel. I at the corner €,f ?dalcoim and C,i. l ; r eth Poads ;, Interior lot liner, between Lcts 26, 27 and 28 to be abandoned to establish Parcel 2, YrO:,tirfg- Malcolm Road; Interior lot lines between Lets 32 through 35 to be abandoned to establish Pa -cel 3 wit.h f iontage on, Malcolm Poll 14r. Charles Eir.g represented E:.the applicant, explaining that the pur-, pose Gf the esL?bG`+y` ision is to create blaild'ing sites for three new ht'i 1-lings e Me ir:ap was sc eduled sot" ;�ebl4c ► ezirinv _..E. 1�t�4 st, 22, .1 66, 2,, RES[Ili}_"tVI—)TION OF A Pf)R.°'ION OF BLOCK 2 F AST M1.LLSDALF [NDUS'TR'(AL PA(-ZK A map prepared by Charles F, Rand .ett, Ci t,- 1. Eyk-in.eea, for Robert Ryan, owner. proposing to divide an ex.i.sLing large parcel on Britten Road into two paTcels was submitted by the City Lnginee r r. Chas less King represented the a 'pl R caTjt' ; the Comir±ission was advised that an existing building occupies a ;portion cif she property; the pro- po:sed' new pp-ce i "A"' will be i tpi'fi'EFe� E., � t.:: s i-:n ;le story orfi c:e nisi ld- inp;, The map was scheduled for public hearing on August 22, =p SPECIAL M..RM,,1 F!"M, OFF1'C:E AND SHOP �V �L�!> \C�h LANG ROAD,, An applicat"L n filed ly Anza P:ic ifio' CorprjTatio-n, 1.31ifl Raysh€)re Highway,, Burlingame, .requested a Special Pe'l-mit to const-ruc,.t a small offices building, wash rack and covered area. for s,arkinp bases for the pi:rposes of the Sari Terraria Coi'pz"� '.?i on Lot. ?_3 Anza Airport F°ar!� Noy 2, Site and floor plans, incltz, inc-; elevot-Luns, were THi led. F1 c Cyrus 11r. iEer'71 0 [`.evston, rep went -'ad tile aj?i�i3v cs�l , x a o t•.io�'.3 _ l.:�i c:.€iw .ses lie: �tl �,�±'�F ? S T�'-I but since tile.. pa? icular tsip`= of is not s f ec-3: ica'.i � y name � 1P1 the Ord-nai''Ce the '.Pcar, t w a9 a.q y`e` fj V, f .e 1,C, Z €;Sci l_+\'%cE if , j•r'_ o Kam.yslt-o-ni -in s5ti��red C-or.sm1.ssioi-,,ers _nq tAi_ ri es, adv;-sing 'tha. oil -sitie Yark?rig v i {'e a ilab1.e fo r 2CO t 25-use-.s, that. an agree,,per;'., with the to iant €)rov r dy:v a six -cot hilg ? chair, Hnk. fence and 1oadssr apia"!4? jli6 stated that a cc -tic eete wall will screen the 'yard from the freeway and � , t ;a s d I _=inE'scapzn 3ji:Li e used at the :3ater sideKeyston agreed j tc suggest to the opvra-tars marking a section of the asphalted area ' is side of the proper ay for employee parka- e'he application liwa?tion was sche-d-uled f e " public hearing on Aug. st 22. SPFCIAL APER�M;lT POR OFFICE ;?D.`t.;.PINC, AND OUTDOOR At,TMOOBI► h' STOi2AGE. s 5AYS- fO FE 1-11C1R!AYo n application for a Special Pel- nit filed by Anza Pacific Corporation, Baysho: Higbi a='gig B:.€rlinga.me, pro�,o Secs yc��aSiruct i cn of a i�z s CP-s'.E~% ft-aE • q Via-- rs for the .ailis -bens -A-Car-Sys em oil a portion of a "chin acre 'fir W 3 on thc: eii.xt of Ray. j' oi€-' I;;g;:w y. opposite Stanton PCciCjc `I'I-e applicant's conmuni-ca.ti.osj dated August B, 1966, advised that a 30,J-.-00 square foot bz. i leli g, - two stories will include offices, storage areU for rental cars, and used crr sales; a sL"p7r?.rato shop bu-ilding foY "luo Irepai_'s will apt"turf r?.a e 5700 squa-a fee7y the ':^err%inder of iAe site to be ;used for outdoor storage of vehicles to service they airport and ac=Y,rtr,;.n Sari Francisco trade. << and / S .�`.'.t-�� yt .���B: �! .3�Z Zt7 `_jiS7Q�l� e��ii��C": filed. o 111,e Ci }' Erip2'tee—.:' 1-;:uestioned p-irp (`eorge :ties i':ff?F: concC'zni-iig stievt itii�ZC:3r4= a3iCs is% ?tiE.sv c:s e !a.t ' _C7?= ,' tv t�?a"f. of oltf; iG 3i1"L""e4r35t t�.E O v!-- C:rs (Yf the a(11 J"Ij?ilij). c.CTC1Lae 22Lo a. Join `)TovSs311;-`vt apreei!enil have bee-n 't.? s' %I`6 fie advised that thev i.nt nd to corkistrt ct 5_i".p€E3.re men is on 7-_hei frontage as each section develops, n reply to the City Engineer's comments that a design of street improve- ments for the on ire fronta-e must he subriflitted for CT.?gS.nee-fintT ve-rifi- e`",al-ionp Mr. Keyston agreed to corplyp The Q11-- `' Planner pointed ou-t- that p ie land is u-as%.S.bdj k;-ide'i"'a acllleage and a Tesubdivision mat 1'Zi. be requi-red, He sttated tfla is setba hliiies .='ter the a -ea have ne ,7e". ' cen established a-nd requested f{r, Keyston to con- sider noting but lding: setha.;-ks on the map, NA _ KeYston ze(lueste d the Commission to col,slder approval a~ the usr. ; er- m .: sub-;ect to thl- res-tib:sivisioi. m, hei ig :gibed r a later Gale, e �plain- inp, thst the 11.ease her.✓' -no£ been ..-Ir2ti.pni and is ci possibility that the of ; h i.t 1El h,y occ-up ed by .."' . ✓ :ii` T' cha3. rep Tile -6Jas• sc1 F'-.f:Full d fo:. public or, August 22. rON Y'-Fi TO C-i, BUIT,ii,?CWT` — SJP_R +I,E�N COf,"ANTY FcS U)/ 3tpa t_-ii?L�:!-nC. Sh.o`. i. nel Cornrnaiv. [).tG2.� E ". iti e'�siS <-_�i�' i e`''a�.t%. ii...-� J-.iiEScr; ? }+E� _ reclas : f i .sat_Eon from oi'p R-4 C14u F � - s afii s'd� lis r,-cr...rc .tr, F tRe t, a i i o !1eTCi.aa. 4 1 P. 1 Strlc.t to allow Ct�T,liaiCar �2.._f and Vrl vee use of a ^. `Rod c.Acyc a-rcel bonkiic:.=id b'I Ca.- t Zac Way, Cali -)Ian :{nC.i.nd Be`1J"shcre- EJouii�v.%.'�_rc 0 a D-r�ni3'osed shoj vll-ng :.tt'.3'3�:fsr, (i�Yi:'ludIilg;/�YoYm� f ce 9� y i)$d, �.r�' ���' ref..•%f.li J:. apart--VIen4. and parking "���.A+E'�� s E-o.-w-n. to C,,, cqu int Comyriissioners plans. - 4 - -rec i ied - t �. t he land was rezoned from M- 3 ;:G r: 4 a E, ? :7 r ? iF I (iat tNreo -,,rears Ago on the application of Burlil.nj!a1'"e Shore t�x,�jt 'Variances Caere granite(= for an apartment complex, ate;;€?('€s?t 'e�rECLitE:l bC'ft0i°24l rC'Yte D`)P6p2%'"[Y (?WD1F,'r and the Cltjr t_-W-fl;c�r ?1.3-eed 1-0 perform Celr tain public 3.!fj)r(7ErP.,ITIEntSo. "I" C= s 11 °'_ _q �, Attorney, re rese•D.tinF the appilcstnt adtrised t-, at stir the f E "r'.< Of the agreement with the city he variances became e3" f 'c-i. e i r='s'.'ediatel'yr the improiieneH'ts were coi7wkenced, 'He mentioned street imp ��o��€ m at -Projects completed to date stating that, }presumably, t -L . UaA'2avc.e ; arnn existing and some stethod -must be fund i--c void the tic City � lt..,: i'��e pointed out that it-, P. rEr ia�S? r�.( l i.i.Crs procedure.'the i,u...if; :;i?$ iv3t` ! :£' Ci"'I C%L't':cli idc1� -in recoi?�Ti°endinp; on .he 0a2i�t.{ $ ".ti p NF??'?'mission sh(;�. ld call attenti(?i? �o l:41-',? ��I5�1?lr, °Ja r iarices ?art 'E:tl.;'s cont-ra; t 1.11lich can be terminated only 1by 2.ounci I it eta: ei'^'I -tr- - -S �A, f=:sibi lit-- 'J(it� --`;:j `_coat.O that the 3oc;W .,.tior, is highly acceptabie for a Shopping ce?2? ,2!r f_Tt4: .i36 .4� the Iif�f?_'�irk�ifl`tTt2r3"f'. 1r>> o{ a -es 4dential Ii-M Idin,-, ."!:j' f'.`tJ.n.o stOreJ th <t i.h e app. I cifr, s 0.raw 4n,_P , shoul(t nOi: hr. 10 ated .-he app.L?Cation since Y'-eclasSi icut-JI—e'i cannot be con(n.tiona n C;:: c,�, a:rle r0y is rezoned, t,ae -rep ulat' ioiis for the pa rt i cu I --r dist rict sa?yy 13c3'ni_L`iip the (aid?lei" any one of J: iltln?bCi t;2 C-i uses, �... ., ai.piical Ott? tvac. scheduled for public 110.3i'i.Yi� C.fi( :ti (1 cs 17S4' G/..p 6c FOS ER 110eTS 1N RESIDENJIAL AREAS PTSCUSSED, A memo from Lhe City Planner to the Commission dated Jolly 22, 1966, i E-.0ried of oy s of county autbor:.t3.eS 4 G place certain ?. zzd7viduals, ,r rC of the tE to or the courts in need of fcamily Ii v?tE, tD resi dent i I 1e"'t Commissioners were �'egvesE e.l to �E{�Xe's�?)t. fia? Suf`�� t @d --ode I1 }."f+. rSS whEi'ta 6k he t.oti[Pr s's1t3if Could :3I% ii"v`do c, as i ;rlrsf; a'1 tet? 1-od of discussion, coriir;e ted in dividuaily; =.E -as tthat the code be `T'edte�iilR- I, _:t$'=.i:t !R^ec:lationss trle Ti7C'(3"- "Isions for -. ar•_sEjnc s shoTdi1-1 appli O tli?. h :Y.t:�F'. ?ditinesi Bi2S_}' drops. . lar, 1 %as advisee. se!. e f '.;;rk i=? x�?.QYe� +"si�� '6 `Li32 ZC�FD�T ci� e C9��s ii sZit^1.(l:Da st?3c _;('.-ation ,. " :ate paai2Y2B-n,- Jepar i-inie -, has—p,'C3ired but are d i'al a � ist—t7-aca V, be fi-I r hcoln.2.,35 ffii' �i;sli4�' r,>I tir<f was ="egular'.`y ccij..3,;?red at Z,�f{ :s✓� Res- p ct:iy' c e t, a I �.1/( Lff:.k'�I /l�ki`�"F� '" Ll�[L."�-o-��-w_--v`� _ - ---•-e h7 cam- Q w cz... a_ CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION August 8, 1966 4.,% (ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING) I CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL III HEARING 1. Resubdivision Lots 29 to 35, Block 6, Millsdal'e Industrial Park (.Adrian Road) . ] IV COMMUNICATIONS 1. Mr. Lee J. Aaronian request for extension of variance. V RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution No. 1-66, Recommending classification to M-1, Light Industrial District, Lands -of Burlingame Shore Land Co. 2. Resolution No. 2-66, Recommending classification to TP, Tidal Plain District, certain unclassified lands. VI ADJOURNMENT (STUDY MEETING TO FOLLOW) -r-