HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1966.08.22l CITY OF BURLINCAME PLANNiNC COW41SSION August 22, 1966 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli City Attorney Karmel Kindig Edwards City Engineer Marr Norberg Horwitz Councilman Diederichsei Pierce (City Planner on vacation) CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Pierce presiding. Chairman Pierce acknowledged the presence of Councilman Diederichsen, ex-officio member of the Commission. ROLL CALL The above -named members answered the Secretary's roll call. Commissioners Cistulli and Edwards, away from the city on vacation, were excused. MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of July 25 and August 8, 1966, previously sub- mitted to members, were approved and adopted. HEARINCS 1. BURLINCAME SHORE LAND COMPANY RECLASSIFICATION HEARINC POSTPONED. Chairman Pierce reported that the Commissioners in attendance were in agree- ment that the hearing on the application of Burlingame Shore Land Company for reclassification of acreage from R-4 to C-1, scheduled for this date, should be postponed to a subsequent meeting because of the many ramifications involved, the fact that a member of the Commission who was absent from any of the public hearings would be excluded from voting, and the issue was of sufficient importance to warrant consideration by more than four members. Chairman Pierce thergafter announced, with Commissioners concurring, and with the consent of the applicap_t, that the subject hearing would proceed at an adjourned meeting on September 12, 1966. 2. RESUBDIUISIONS, EAST MILLSDALE TIVDUSTRIHL PARK NO. 1 AND NO. 2. Resubdivision maps of properties in the East Millsdale Industrial Park owned by Robert Ryan were considered later in the meeting when the appli- cant's representative appeared. (Sea Nos. 5 and 6 under Hearings), 3. ,SPECIAL PERvIT APPROVED FOR OFF..'AND SHOP BUILDING i,ANC:_R(3AC►� IF - Chairman Pierce announced a public hearing on the application of Anza. Pacific Corporation, 1310 Bayshore Higbway, Burlingame, for a Special Per- mit 'to construct a small office buildings wash rack: and roofed area for parking buses for the purposes of the San Mateo -Burlingame Transit (` Company on Lot 1, Anza Airport Park No. 2 --Zone: M-1. A site and floor plan, including elevations, was filed; a "Statement of Property Owner" was read advising that the owner seeks approval of a Special Permit because the intended use is not specifically set: forth in the Municipal Code but the proposed development is consistent and com- patible with uses permitted in the industrial district. The communica- tion stated that the site's sou Jherly frontage, to the freeway, will be fenced; the westerly boundary, adjoining Lands of City of Burlingame, landscaped. Proponents were invited to speak. Mr. Cyrus McMillan, attorney for the applicants, referred to the dis- cussion at the study meeting concerning landscaping, fencing and employee parking and advised that the owner intends to both fence and landscape the freeway side and, for the present, landscape,only, the area adjoining the channel; the drawing on file indicates six car spaces but this number can be increased as there is ample area. Mr. Cearge Keyston, in reply to Commission inquiry, stated that he was not informed as to the exact number of employees, including the bus drivers, but there will be approximately one acre black -topped and the tenants have indicated their willingness to mark off a reasonable number of spaces for employee parking. Mr. Keyston stated also that employees' cars will not remain parked overnight, nor for continuing periods, since the buses operate only during the day in the San Mateo - Burlingame area.. In reply to the Chair's inquiry, there were no further comments from the audience. The City Engineer advised that the Anza Airport Park No. 2 Subdivision, of which the subject property is a part, has not been accepted, as yet, by the City Council and a building permit will not issue until there is a legal lot; he stated it was his understanding that the subdivision map will be presented to Council at the September 6 meeting. The City Attorney, in reply to Chairman Pierce, advised there is an approved map on file delineating site boundaries; the Commission, there- fore, may proceed with the use permit. In reply to Commissioner Norberg's inquiries, Mr. Keyston indicated that the building would be located SS to 60 feet back from the property line. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Kincdig approving the use permit in accordance with the drawings on file, including landscaping as described by the applicant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously on roll cell. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVED FOR OFFICE BUILDINC AND OPEN AUTOMOBILE STORAGE Chairman fierce announced a public hearing on the application of Anza Pacific Corporation, 3310 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame, for a Special Permi for "District Headquarters Avis Rent-AOCar-Systems, Inc,,", on a portion of a nine acre parcel on the northeasterly line of Bayshore Highway, opposite Stanton Road. �2m A letter dated August 8, 1966, from Anza Pacific Corporation, signed by George N. Ke=.yston, Jr., President, advised that a tiro -story, 30,000 square feet building will have offices on the second floor, with storage of rental `. cars, used liar sales and a nominal shop facility on the ground floor; an auto body shop will be located in a separate building of approximately 5700 square feet; the remaining land will be used for outdoor storage of vehicles servicing the trade from the Airport and downtown Spun Francisco. The communication stated that only minor servicing and repairs are per- formed on site; maintenance, for the most part, is handled by contract with the Chrysler Corporation through its local dealership. A legal description of the property, a Fill Diagram and Survey Map and a plot plan were filed. The Chair invited proponents to speak. Mr. Cyrus McMillan, attorney for the applicant, referred to a discussion at the study meeting wherein the owners were requested to prepare and file a restfb;division map establishing boundaries of the proposed location; he reported that the map has been submitted to the City Engineer with a detailed plan of street. improvements. The City Engineer reported that his department is processing the improve - vent plans; the proposed resubdzvision map contemplates one r�ew.boundary line dividing the, --parcel in two, -He stated that the street iblpfbviments should'b-e com-let-ed before a building permlt is issued for the property. Mr. George +Cevston advised that the street wort: for the "Avis" sits will be commenced immediately. Referring to the resubdivision map, he explained that Avis will occupy Parcel "A"; Parcel "B " includes all of the remainder of the nine acres owned by Anza Pacific Corporation but it is not intended to start the street work in th`t area until tenants are located. The City Engineer, in reply to the Chair, indicated no objection. RESUBDIVISION MAP APPROVED The hearing on the Special Permit application was interrupted briefly for the Commission to consider the map prepared by Howard C. Hickey, Civil Engineer, resubdividing the property. Following advice from the City Attorney that the Commission may act on the map since public notice is not required, and a commitment from Mr. Ke'yston on a front setback, Commissioner Kindig introduced a motion approv- ing the property resubdivision, the record map filed with the City Engineer to include a 15 feet building setback line (agreed to by the owner). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norbert; and carried unanimously on roll call. HEARING CONTINUED Chairman Pierce, continuing the discussion on the application for Special Permit, invited comments from the audience, Mr. Charles King, 819 Mitten Road, Burlingame, associated with owners and deveiopelrs of properties in the East. Mi.11sdale area, requested information on the applicant's plans for fencing and landscaping, particularly to 3 a screen the outdoor automobile storage. 1Mr. McMillak replied that considerable landscaping will be placed in front of the buildings; Mr. Keyston advised that there is a lease pro- vision to meet the tenant's requirements for fencing but typo* and height have not yet been decided, He assured the Commission that the site will be well screened. Mr. Clark Seidel,, Avis Rent-A-Car representative, advised in reply to Commissioner Kindig that the outdoor storage area could accommodate up to SOO cars but it is unlikely that that number of automobiles would be idle at one time. There were no further comments from the floor. On a motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Brauner and carried unanimously on roll call the use permit was approved in accordance witch the site plan on file, the property .frontage to be fenced and landscaped as described by the applicant, and the building permit not to issue until street improvements aTe completed and accepted by the city, The City Engineer advised that the matter of fire protection in the location has been referred to the Fire Chief. o RESUBDIVISION EAST MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PAIV & 4NI NO, 2. A neap prepared by Charles E. Randlett, Civil Engineer, for the owner, Malcolm Investment Company, proposing to resubdivide and combine Lots 24 through 28 and Lots 32 through 35, Block 3, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 2, filed with the City Engineer and reviewed at the last study meeting, was scheduled for formal consideration at this time. Mr. Charles King, 819 Mitten Road, Burlingame, representing the owner, advised that the purpose of the resubdivision is to create three building sites by deleting existing interior lot lines and combining lots as follows: Lots 24 and 25, corner of Malcolm and Gilbreth Roads; Lots 26, 21' and 28 on Malcolm Read; and Lots 32 through 3S, also on Malcolm Road. There were no comments from the audience, in reply to the Chair's inquiry. Following a review of the map, and the City Engineer's convient that there were no probl.-ems:of concern to -his department, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Corrimissioner Brauner and carried unani- mously on roll call, approving the resubdivision in accordance'eiith the map on file. 6. RESUBDI VISION EAST MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK_, _ NIT NO. 1. A map prepared by Charles E. Randlet.t, Civil Engineer, for the owner, Robert Ryan, proposing to resubdivide a portion of Block 2, East Mills - dale Industrial Para: Nce 1, filed with the City Engineer and reviewed at the last study meeting, was scheduled for xorznal consideration at this time. Mr. Charles King, 819 Mitten Road, Burlingame. representing the owner, advised that the resubdivision will divide an existing large parcel with frontage of 310 feet on Mitten Road into two parcels; Parcel "A", the -4- -n proposed new lot, to be improved with a single story office building. In reply to Commissioner Kindig's reference to a 60 foot lot, between Parcel "A" and the larger lots fronting on Gilbreth Road, and not a part of the resubdivision, Mr. King advised that the lot, and all of the abutting lots, are owned by one owner, whom he represents; he stated that the 60 foot lot will undoubtedly be used for parking. There were no comments from the audience. The City Engineer advised that the snap was in order. On a motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Ncrberg and carried unanimously on roll call, the resubdivision was approved in accordance with the map on file. COMMUN i CATI ONS 1. MASONRY SUPPLY CO., INC. RE: RETAIL YARD, MARSTEN ROAD. A communication dated August 16, 1966, from Masonry Supply Co., Inc., 1024 Cadillac Way, Burlingame: and signed by Oscar F. Person, referred `o a Special Permit approved by the Planning Commission in March} 1966, for a contractor°s storage yard at 1356 Marsten Road. The communication stated that the entire operation of Masonry Supply Company, including the retail yard, which has existed for many years, will be relocated from Cadillac Way to the new site on Marsten Road; through inadvertence, the Special Permit application did not specifically name retail sales and the city has refused to issue per- mits for this part of the busi ..'ness. The communication requested clarification from the Commission. The City Engineer, in reply to the Chair, advised that the Planning and Building Departments became aware just recently that more than a storage yard was involved when a request was made for a permit for electricity for a sales office; at that time, the owner was advised to return to the Planning Commission. Mr. Oscar Person stated that it was his understanding that the retail operation of Masonry Supply Company was included when the use permit was approved for the new location. 'Do City Attorney, in reply to Commissioner Kindig, referred to code section 25.42.030 g. , providing for "establishments for sale of ;nods or services at retail" as a conditional use in the M-1 District. The City Attorney informed the Commission that the records of the li.cea;se department show that s business license has been paid since 1946 to 1966 for sale of hardware and building material. at Industrial v4'ay; apparently the use was nonconforming and proper in the location but would not continue to be non -conforming in another location. He stated that the minutes of the hearing for the storage yard iY;dicate that the commercial use was neither mentioned by the appli- cant nor considered by the Commission. _5Q During a period of discussion, Commissioners decided, and '+fir. Person was informed accordingly, that an application for a Special Permit must be filed and noticed for public hearing for the retail operation. ADJOURNMENT JOURNMCNT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9 : 30 p.m., to Monday, September 12 . 1966, at 3:00 p.m. Respectfully; submitted, John J. Brauner Secretary -6- .C� 7L ..i`TY PT fl?_',!T°rr rnzM1TQc1nKT d- August 22, 1966 i CALL TO ORDEP H ROLL CRT.(. III ' TNUTES - July 25 and Aulg 3st 8, 1966 IV EtiAPTXk S Resabdivisin-n of lnts :>_n Past n i llsdale Industrial Park zl!o� ?� (Malcolr Pond) 2. ►'esubdibisicn o portion of Block 2, Fast 11.illsdale Industrial Park•. No. la (M!itE.en Pond) 3. Special Pernit for office and shop buildings bang Road. ltnaa Pacific Corporation, applicant. 4, Special Permit for off -ice building and outdoor automobile storage, Bayshore Niplllwa . Anza Pacifl.c Corporatior: aPPlira� o Reclassification R-4 to C=l Burlingame Shore Land Ccrj),any acreage. v CON","UNTC1i'I'IONS In ?4asonry Supply Co. v fnc., requesti-ng clarification of special permit for contractors storage yard, Marscen Poad. i EIVI B 1.1,S1 NF SS