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September 26, 1966
None City Attorney Karmel
City Planner Mann
City Engineer Mary
Councilman Diederichsen
A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order
on the above date at 8:00 p&., Chairman Pierce presiding.
The Secretary's roll call recorded all members present,
The minutes of the meetings of August 22 and September 12, 1966, previously
submitted to members, were approved and adopted.
A map prepared by Howard Q Hickey, Civil Engineer, proposing to delete
interior property lines for the purpose of combining three existing par-
cels into a single large parcel, extending from Donnelly Avenue through
to Burlingame Avenue, was reviewed at the study meeting and scheduled for
formal consideration at this time.
Mr. Ceorge Coleman, representing the property owners, B$K Properties,
1209 Dannelly Avenue, stated that there are three commercial buildings
on the property - two fronting Donnelly Avenue, and the third, Burlingame
Avenue. He advised that eventually the buildings on Donnelly Avenue will
be demolished for new construction.
There were no comments from the audience, in reply to the Chair's inquiry.
Commissioner Brauner's query on the status of an existing driveway between
the subject property and the city parking lot initiated a period of dis-
cussion during which the City Attorney stated that it was his understanding
that ownership is divided equally between the city and the: private owners,
that approximately one-half is on city lots, the remainder on ;private
The City Engineer and City Planner reported no problems in :.he property.
A motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig approving the resubdi-vision in
accordance with the trap on i.le was seconded by Commissioner Cistu li and
carried unanimously on Y&I call.
i" The Commission agreed to defer consideration of a resubdivision map
relating to the above -described properties to the regular meeting in
October upon determination by the Chair that the applicant was not in
attendance nor represented.
A map prepared by Howard V. Hickey, Civil Engineer, of acreage between
Cadillac Way and Bayshore Boulevard, owned by Mr. Oscar Person,
1025 Cadillac Way, proposed to abandon a number of interior boundary
lines and substitute one new property line for the purpose of dividing
the acreage into two new parcels, "A" and ••B",
The City Planner reported it is the owner's intention to create a lot
upon which a building is proposed for an automobile agency; he referred
to a parcel identified "an existing veterinary hospital's which is owned
by a different owner and not part of the resubdivision. Advising that
there are problems in the property involving relocation of an existing
sanitary sewer easement, which must be resolved between the owner and
the City Council, and a 20 foot wide strip off Carolan Avenue, apparently
an access easement for the animal hospital will disappear if the resub-
division is accomplished, it was the Planner's recommendation that the
Commission approve in principle, that the map not be signed until these
matters have been settled.
The City Engineer related a further condition involving sewer construc-
tion by the owner in a proposed five foot easement.
Upon advice from the City Attorney that the Commission's action may be
conditi6ned on the points raised by the City Engineer and the City Planner,
and an indication from the owner of willingness to comply, a motion was
introduced by Commissioner Gistulli approving the resubdivision in prin-
ciple with the understanding that the map will not be signed until the
following conditions are met:
1. Abandonment of 10 foot wide existing.sanitary sewer easement;
2. Substitution, therefor, of a new 10 foot wide sanitary sewer easement;
3. Installation of a sewer to replace present installations to the satis-
faction of the City Engineer, and 4. Presentation by the owner of evidence
showing that the owner of the veterinary hospital approves abandonment of
the access easement off Carolan Avenue.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously on
roil call.
Chairman Pierce announced the continued hearing, from the meeting of
September 12, 1966, on the application of Burlingame Shore Land Company
for reclassification of approximately 13 acres at Cadillac Maya Bayshore
Boulevard and Carolan Avenue from R-4 (Fourth Residential) District to
C-1 (Retail Commercial) District.
Acknowledging the presence of interested citizens in the audience, the
Chair requested the City Planner to review proceedings to date.
The City Planner explained that the property is presently zoned R-4 for
the purposes of apartment construction - the proposal is to reclassify
to C-1 for construction of retail stores; recalled that at the last meet-
ing the proponents stated that apartment construction is impossible
` because financing is not available but that it would be possible to obtain
financing for construction of business property; that requests were heard
from property owners and merchants on Broadway for further information on
the project and that the applicants were informed that the Commission
would require evidence to prove that a shopping center would be feasible
at the locations and additional facts substantiating; the petition for
A communication dated September 14, 1966, was read from Mr. John L.. Morrill,
S05 Costa Rita Avenue, San Mateo, owner of property on Broadway, pro-
testing the reclassification on the grounds that the location is improper,
business on Broadway will suffer and financial gain to an individual is
Insufficient grounds for zoning changes.
Mr. Harry Somers, Citadel Properties, 1849 Ba.yshore Highway, Burlingame,
panty to the application, distributed to the Commission copies of a com-
munication dated September 6, 1966, addressed to Mr. Somers from
Irving D. Shapiro $ Associates, A.I.A. Los Angeles„ engaged in Architec-
ture, Planning, and Urban Land Economics, requested by the applicants to
provide an economic evaluation of the local site.
The communication, signed by Irving D. Shapiro, and read for the record,
advised of the firm's experience in creating the MacArthur/Broadway
Center in Oakland, stated that the writer personally inspected the
Burlingame project site and was convinced that a development similar to
that in Oakland would be successful if properly designed and properly
leased and -stated "from a locational point of view, it is one of the
finest for such a land use". The communication commented on ways and
means of attracting and holding commercial business and concluded that
the City "is more in a position where its decisions vis-a-vis your develop-
ment will be critical to its economic well being for years to come".
At the Chair's invitation to the proponents to speak, Mr. Cyrus J.McMillan,
Attorney, stated that at the prior meeting the Commission was concerned
with two phases of the development: to Effect on property in the area;
Z. Feasibility of the site for commercial use.
With reference to the first point, Mr. McMillan cited Ocean Avenue in
San Francisco, an example of"neighborhood businesses progressing as the
result of shoppers being attracted to the area by -the Stonestown develop-
ment; Richmond Square similarly affected Millbrae's Broadway commercial
Mr. McMillan maintained that the development will offer a variety of merch-
andise to attract and hold the local shopper, thereby benefiting the
Broadway area.
On the question of feasibility, Mr. McMillan advised that Mr. Donald H.
Stoneson of the Stonestown Corporation, a principal in the present appli-
cation, is convinced from personal experience that the location
qualifies highly for a successful commercial development - accessibility
to a main artery, proximity to prime marketing area and high employment
in the area. Furthermore, Mr. Stoneson requested the site evaluation from
Dr. Shapiro and consulted with owners of Richmond Square, Millbrae.
3 -
Mr. McMillan advised that there is proposed a mall -type, air conditioned
shopping center attractive to prime merchandising tenants.
)'The Chair invited comments from the audience favoring the application.
Mr. Philip Newman, owner Broadway Drugs 1300 Broadway, Burlingame, referred
to comments made at the last meeting by individuals in business on Broad-
way stron®iy appeasing the project, explained that the subject has been
discussed at h:oadway Merchants' Association meetings with no definite
position taken, .the majority of members appearing to be of an oPen
mind awaiting -further details.
Mr. Donald Nahrwold, President Broadway Merchantsf Association, informed
the Commission that a letter addressed to the City Council concerning any
manner of near installation or construction in the Broadway area pending
some study on the overpass was just recently filed in the City Hall; he
stated it is the Association's position, if the shopping center -were to be
approved, that the.city consider initiating at least one phase of.`the over-
pass reconstruction
Mr, Donald Stanaway, owner Stanaway Food Markets, Burlingame and'Millbrae.
reported an it -crease in the Millbrae operation since Richmond Square
developed; also:, neighboring merchants with whom he; spoke indicated like
Comments from opponents were invited; there were none.
;Following a five minute recess, the Chair declared the hearing reopened
at 9:1S P.M.
A communication was read from Fire Chief Moorby addressed to Director of
Public Works Marr concerning "Water Flow Requirements for Proposed.Com-
mercial Area". and advising that it is the Fire Department's opinion,
concurred in ,by the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau, that the proposed develop-
ment would require a fire flow in the neighborhood of 6000 G.P.M.; the
communication .caged further that the last flow test showed just under
4000 G.P.M. available in the area.
Mr. McMillan, in reply to the Chair, acknowledged that the applicant was
furnished a copy of the above. communication.
Commissioners were invited to comment.
Commissioner: referred to the points made by Mr. McMillani..% eas$b
biiity and l6ca$ion in prime INaTketiag $as Nigh employMent areas.; He
discussed traffic hazards on Broadway easterly of the railroad tracks
stating that drivers coming from practically any direction would face a
bottle -neck situation or be forced to wake left turns across heavy traffic
to reach the site.. He noted that Stonestown, Hillsdale and Richmond Square
Centers are in the center of populated areas, surrounded by homes; the
proposed site is not, suggesting that the location would appear to be on
;he edge, rather than in the center, of a prime marketing; area.. He expressed
the opinion that the .Site suffers by comparison with the successful
shopping centers from the standpoint of accessibility or location in a prime
marketing area,
Commissioner Cistulli advised that he has had the opportunity of observing
and gathering data on any number of shopping centers; in his opinion,
-� based on such knowledge, the City of Burlingame needs and will derive
many benefits from the type of commercial facilities contemplated by the
property owner.
Commissioner Edwards referred to continuing construction and development
on the easterly side of the freeway - the Hyatt House, Ramada Inn, office
buildings - commenting that arguments of traffic hazards and lack of easy
accessibility have not discouraged desirable and successful businesses
in that area. With respect to the overpass, he stated that the city must
permit owners to improve their properties; only then, when the situation
demands, will the State ;'move to correct highway deficiencies.
Commissioner Kindig stated that a shopping center at the location probably
would have a favorable rather than detrimental effect on the Broadway area;
commenting on the and result of the actual reclassification action - a
large parcel of land zoned for commercial use unrestricted as to a precise
development plan - Commissioner Kindig noted that if the shopping center
failed to materialize the property could be developed in any C-1 use per-
mitted by code.
Commissioner Norberg stated that the project should not be judged solely
on the basis of problems in the overpass and traffic since there were any
number of possibilities of feeding traffic into the area pending the
complete overpass reconstruction; he stated that a properly developed
shopping center in close proximity to the freeway would benefit the entire
i Mr. Stoneson commented on the matter of sales tax revenue, advising that
information received from the owners of Richmond Square in Millbrae
indicate a yearly gales tax from that development of $lS0,000; he
pointed out, for comparison purposes, that the population of Millbrae
is 21,100 at against Burlingame's 27,S00 and Hillsborough's 8,600.
Mr. McMillan stated that it is intended when the application is before
the City Council to submit an architect's rendering of the type of develop-
ment proposed,_ that the proponents will be willing, in fact expect
to enter into an agreement with the City Council similar in form to that
executed when the apartment zoning was approved to assure that the com-
mercial zoning will be restricted to a particular plan.
At the request of Commissioner Brauner the City Planner commented, pointing
out that the proponents during the course of the present discussion failed
to submit a true urban feasibility study, which was requested by the Com-
mission at the last meeting; he stated that he was rather dublaus about the
possibility of handling additional traffic in the location until the over-
pass reconstruction. Referring to Mr. Nahrwold's comments concerning the
construction of a portion of the overpass, he stated that this would be
rather difficult since the city has not yet decided on a' design and it
may very well be that the final design will involve a tiq?n of the
subject property. He stated his position that the?FTNJ ��aPll have a
detrimental effect on existing businesses in the area and that he was not
convinced that the zoning should be changed.
In reply to Commissioner Brauner's
zoned land in the Mills Estatel,
on the crest side of El Camino - on
remains unoccupied.
inquiry concerning undeveloped retail
the City Planner reported none
the east side, possibly one-third
Chairman Pierco stated that as long as properties remain undeveloped in
the area the State will continue to delay freeway :improvements, that
progress demands accessibility and that a decision on the project should
not be delayed solely on the grounds that there are traffic problems to
be resolved.
The City Engineer, in reply to the Chair, reported that the reclassifi-
cation will not materially affect sanitary sewerage nor storm drain
In reply to the Chair's inquiry., there were no futther comments; the
hearing was thereafter declared concluded.
A motion introduced by Commissioner Cistulli and seconded by Commissioner
Edwards directed the preparation of appropriate documents Whereby the
Comnission shall recommend the reclassification from R-4 to C-1, in
accordance with the application on file, to the City Council.
Motion carried on following roll call:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Cistulli, Edwards, g:indig, Norberg, Pierce
Following a five minute recess, the meeting reconvened at 10:30 p.m.
An application filed by Robert A. Laidlaw, M.D., 1649 Bayshore Highway,
requested approval of a Special Permit for a medical office at the above
The applicant's communication dated September 1, 1966, advised that it is
intended to offer a comprehensive type of medical :service to the indus-
trial community, including the airport; that a general medical practice
will not be established; activities will be directed toward Safety and
Sanitary Engineering and In -Plant programs and research into safety
and human factors engineering in the general aviation industry. The com-
munication reported the applicant's considerable experience in the field,
notably at Los Angeles International Airport and as consultant to large
urban centers.
Mr. Charles Pox, 1323 Encina Drive, Millbrae, represented the property
owner, advising that Dr. Laidlaw, the applicant, was ill.
A diagram of the office area was filed.
There were no comments from the audience, favoring or protesting the
application, in reply to the Chair's inquiry.
Mr. Fox advised that the office will occupy approximately 1500 square feet,
a small portion of a large existing building. In reply to the City
Engineer's comments that any structural remodeling or additional equipment
must be approved by the Building Inspector, Mr. Fox indicated compliance.
The City PlannTW'Pj%%1s inspection of the property, advising that the
building has been divided into a number of sections with different occu-
pants. He pointed out that the proposed use would normally be C-1,
Which, on principle, should not be permitted in the industrial area;
however, the service proposed certainly seems to be compatible with indus-
trial operations.
Concurring that the use would appear proper in the area, Commissioner
Brauner introduced a. notion approving the Special Permit. Motion seconded
by Commissioner Kindig and carried unanimously on roll call.
An application filed by Kenneth G. Foster, Jr., 1849 Bayshore Highway,
Burlingame, requested a Special Permit for operation of a retail car
rental office at the abode address.
The applicant's communication dated September 9, 1966, advised that
between ten and fifteen cars will be stored at the location, that the
bulk of the car renting is processed through the office at the airport,
and that the local office will handle administration of account; payable,
sales receipts and some auto storage.
A site plan was filed, and explained by the applicant's representative.
The City Planner reported he inspected the property, particularly park-
ing facilities, which were found to be satisfactory.
There were no comments from the audience favoring or protesting the appli-
On a motion introduced by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner
Kindig and carried unanimously on roll call the Special Permit was approved.
An application filed by Alfa Auto Rental of Palo Alto, Inc., requested a
Special Permit for the purpose of leasing and renting automobiles from
1669 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame.
The applicant's letter dated August 24, 1966, advised that the office
will be located in an existing building at the above address.
A diagram designating the location was filed.
The City Planner reported that there is parking available for the use;
however, if the building owner rents to additional tenants other parking
must be found, at the present time, all of the available parking is in
use. He stated that in the present application there is no problem since
the cars can be accommodated without interference to other parking.
Mr. Martin Dusig, representing the applicant, advised that twelve to
fifteen cars will be stored on the property.
There were no comments from the audience favoring or protesting the appli-
On a motion introduced by Commissioner Cistulli, seconded by Commissioner
- 7-
Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously on roll call the application
was approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. to Monday, October 10, 19660
at 8:00 P.M.
Commissioners met briefly in study session, following adjournment of
the regular meeting, to consider a resubdivision map prepared by
William A. Dartlett, Land Surveyor, for the owner, Rollins Road Industrial
The resubdivision proposed to eliminate interior lot lines and combine
into a single parcel Lots 35, 36, 37, Block 9, Millsdale Industrial Park,
No. S. located at Rollins and David Road.
Mr. Frank J. O'Neill, Publisher Advance Star and Green Sheet, Burlingame,
advised that the resubdivision will create a building site for the
newspaper plant.
The map was scheduled for public hearing on October 10, 1966.
Respectfully submitted,
John J. Brauner, Secretary
'- ,/ CAL-
September 26, 1966
MINUTES August 22 and September 12,
1. Resubdivision of Acreage, Donnelly
2. Resubd i visi on Lots 39 & 40, Block
3 E. Mi l lsda:le Hark # 2.
3. Resubdivisi_on Acreage between Cadillac
Way & BWYshoee Blvd,
4. Reclassification of Acreage R94 to
C-1r Carolan Avenue $
Bayshere Boulevard (continued from
Septembex 12 ;neetiug) .
So Special Permit far Industrial Medical
Office.,, Bayshore Highwev,
6. Special 'Permit for car leas-ing and
renting, B ysb- re Highway,,
7. Special Remit for car leasing and
renting, Rayshere Highway,