HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1966.10.24October 24, 1966 bVMISSICHERS P1K7►e3EW COMISSIOA-I'MRS ABSENT OTFnMS PRESWr Drauner Pierce City Attorney Xasr"I Ciatulli. City Rngineeer err Edwards City Planner Mann wig Councilman Dieederichmen 717-174 Formal consideration to the final map of "Vieewland Estates" creating a subdivision by combining properties® of Hdward R. Johnston. 1536 La Mona Drive and W. V. Rhoads, 1530 La Maeft Drive, was sche2dulad on thin date and a public bearing on the subject p operty was declared open by Vice air n C.iatulli. r City Planner, requested ueesteed by the Chair to outline the propocal, stated that the final asap of the subdivision follow very generally the tentative map approved main time priori they 1uprovements thereon have b*en chocked and the action required of the Commission is the submission of its recommondation to Council; that the recasomrdation should include that the City enter into an agreempt to participate jointly in an easee nt on a private road providing ingress and agrees to each of theproperties.' with the exception of two fronting the street. City Plante advised that there arse no problee=3 with respect to either the: property or the atp. ?re City Rmineer, in his report to the Comission, confirmd that the 1 final swap is in agreeent with the tentative map with the exception of two incidental engineering details that shall be corrected before the sap is presented to Council. Die City 3xngineeur, in reply to Commissioner Narbeerg's miry concern- r-ag the "panhandle" appearance affecting Lot No. 5, explained that oaaeh Rot projects into the cul-de-sac. Commissioner Edwards questioned the possibility of consolidating the two eeasemants indicated on Lot 5 into ones and following a brief mamination of the map, the City Engineer advised that both are e xis+tinaa sewereaseconts, of record and that an adjustment will be wo-A& on the asap presented to Council. ftaere being no one preamt to speak either in favor or in protest, the Chair declared the, hearing closed. A notion was introduced by commissioner Brauner that the final asap of the ®Vieewland Estates" Subdivision be submitted to Council with a recamondation for approval and that the City be dasignated co-owner of the ingress and egress easement. fte aftion was seconded by Commissioner ssioner s and recorded unanimous by Roll Call vote. Acting Chairman Cistulli declared the public bearing open on the request of Skit' Chefs. Inc., to combine its property located on Lots 39 and 40. Block 3, Bast Millsdalee Industrial Paris and an abandoned portion of the Bayshore Highway on the northwaet corner of Bbyshore Highway and Malcolm Road into a singles parcel, continued to this date by reason of the absence of the applicants or their representatives at the initial public hearing scheduled on September 26, 1.966. Apprroval would permit the owners to construct a building for thepreparation of. food for one of the airlines, a use permissible within the: zoned M-1 District. A iMr. noel, identifying himself an representing the! applicant, stated that with approval, the building proposed for construction on the re - subdivided property would comply fully with code requirements and provide adequate parking. The3 City Planner and the City Engineer, in reply to the Chair, confirmed tbat there were no existing problem. There being no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to, the hearing was declared closed and a motion introduced by Commissioner Xindig, approving the reesubclivision of real property as outlined, was seconded by Ccemissionerr B,dwaards and unanimously adopted capon Roll Call vote. The City Planner advised Mr. Noel that the action of the Planning Commission may be considered final. - 2 - By reason of the absence of the owners of the OWCO Market or their representatives from the public hearing scheduled on this date to consider a variance from the sign code limitation requested in connection with the operation of the new market located at 925 Bays- uater Avenue, Commissioner Kind ig moved that the hearing be continued to the next regular meeting on November 28, 1966. The motion was seconded by Coeaissioner Edwards and unanimously carried. 4 o SPBC ZM PB W - M ENp-y Sf pp" gATM An application for a special permit to engage in a wholesale and retail sales of�building materials at 1356 Marsten Road, filed by the Masonry Supply -Co., Inc., a.cco aniead by a trap, administrative papers and a receipt for a filing fee, was acknowledged for formal consideration. The Chair declared the public hearing on the application open. Mr. Oscar Person, the applicant, stated that the business in being relocated from 102e Cadillac Way to 1356 Karsten Road:. that in addition to the application for a special permit, he is further requesting that he be permitted to see into a small temporary structure. equipped with sanitary facilities, to be replaced with an ,appropriate building when financial conditions permit. The City Planner stated that the retail -sale of building materials in an industrially -zoned district requires approval through a use permits that the type material sold by the applicant is compatible with the M-1 Zoning and it was his recommendation that a use permit be authorized. The City Planner, continuing his statements, advised that a construc- tion "shack" bas been.placed on the property and that there is no provision in either the building or the zoning code permitting structures for use as requested by the applicant, other than temporary real estate tract sales offices or temporary sheds used during building construction and, in bin opinion, there is no 'basis upon which the Commission -can approves the request of the applicant for a temporary building. Mr. Person stated, in reply to inquiries from the Chair, that his 'retail sales from the yard average approximately three percent and the type building requested is one in which hardware, mainly for fireplace purposes, may be stored and that if the use of the building is not approved, it will be necessary to forego retail sales completely. The City Planner, following a series of inquiries directed to his by the Commission, referred to provisions of the Code, wherein accessory construction buildings may be eructed and maintained until completion of the work and buildings for tract sales offices are the only permis s ible temporaryp sa tructures . T'he.City Planner further pointed out that the applicant is requesting permiusion to use the building for an unspecified period of time. - 3 The City Attorney, in reply to the Chair, confirmed the statements of the City Planner, stating that there is no authority to permit temporary building® and that the building inspector, complying with the terms of the code, would withhold the issuance of building permits if the circumotaneess were that,permission had been granted. Cemesaissione r Norbmrg stated that the onjy solution is that a plan be prepared for a permanent building, permitting the erection of a con- struction shack for a period of not :sore than one year. Commissioner Kindig questioned the discussion on the issue and referring to the "non -conforming" use of the present shack, ,stated that requests from other applicants under :similar circeamtances, would be denied; that on the subject of financing, a wall structure for the purpose announced, in his opinion, "almost could be financed from out of 'hip -pocket" money." Mr. Person, in reply, stated that the construction of an office and a warehouse would approximate at least fifty thousand dollars for which it would be impossible to negotiate a loan because of the current financial :situation and that has would make a commitment to construct a building within one year. Commissioner Brauneir referred to the statements of the City Attorney with respect to the absence of "authority" to permit temporary con- struction and stated that in his opinion, to grant the request would be setting a precedent. Following further discussion on the two issues before the: Comssissionss (1) a special permit to conduct a retail business in an industrial zone and (2) the use of a tempoary structure to engage in the retail business, in which it was generally understood that only the "special permit* slay .le acted ::upon, the Chair requested the pleasure of the commission. Commissioner Braeuner questioned Mr. Person on his plans for the construction of a bufldiM in compliance with code requiremsnts insofar- uses a tim period is concerned. Mr. Person replied that be anticipated commencing construction early in 1967. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Bdwardss. seconded. by Commis- sioner link that a spacial permit be authorized the masonry Supply Co., r ae. to Condvcta wholesale -retail masonry products, building material and inesss at 13SS Karsten Road and unanimously adopted upon . a Rol Ca=J �/ 6 5, L S CR AD T C�CAR� (Ticousrdale-91 Car n__04 An application from the Standard tail Cony of California, Western operations, Inc.. requesting a variance to install an automatic car wash, ss achanie rally operated, on the easterly portion of its lot on ill Cassino Real'. and Trouss;{dale Drive, accompanied by -a communication from the company and related documents, was acknowledged for formal consideration by the Commission on this date. . 4 - D Mr. M. C. Dre hh sel was recognized by the Chair as the company's . representative. The public hearing was declared open and comments from the audience were invite. by -the Chair. Mire Morris C. Ross, property owner with a business interest at 1838 S1 Camino Real, advised that some of the leading companies of the country have located in this area to avoid the cong3sted commercial areas in San ftancieco and the addition of a car wash "would aggravate the administrative tine of the area." Dr. Araem! Ojahi,an, owner of business property in the ivaadiate area, spoke on his plain to construct a medical center and expressed concern that a car wash unit would not only depreciate the property but would di age doctors from locating in the areal the service road is too narrow to accomodate the proposed business and should be located in a more convenient area. Mr. Carl Snyder, 1888 Rl Camino Real, also spoke on the narrowness of the *service roakd . " A recess was called by the Moir at 9:15 p.m. to permAt a review of the site plans. The ne*thg was reconvened at 9:20 p.m., with,the Chair polling those objecting, for additional comments. Mr. Ross stated -that he had no objections to the car wash installation provided the flow of traffic would not restrict the use ofthe narrow *serviceroad;" that a building be constructed appropriate to the area and not permitted to expand in future years. , Mr. der indicated he had no objection. Dr. Ojakian stated that the present plant indicates a ninety -foot separation from his building and his objection was based on the possi- bility than a building expansion program by the applicants in the future may lessen that distance. Commissioner Xindig stated that a condition included in the variance, if granted, would restrict future wtpansion plans. Commissioner Rorberg stated.that the present building plan dogs not meat code requirements and suggested that plans be revised and re- submitted. -to the Commission. Commissioner Kindig, commnting on the reference in the .cemegnany • s coeammnica.tion accompanying the application, that the "automatic car - 5 wash consists of a building containing machanically operated brushes and heavy-duty blowers" questioned whether "noise" may be aa. disturbing factor in its Operation. Mr. D resachel stated that the Dallas -Smith. Corp., the manufacturers, ban indicated that the unit is noiseless and its operation has drawn no unfavorable comwnts from commnities in which the car wash has been installed. Further discussion cowlaadel with Mr. Dnreschel requested to re -submit a revised building plan, indicating elevations, landscaping and architectural design compatible with neighboring properties and that in addition, c=Vlete information be .made available on the mechanical equipment to be installed. The hearing on the subject was continued thereafter to the next regular meeting of the Cossaissimn on r 28, 1966. *MW BUSIMSSt 1. MMIG Z&A!M_ O1R 2EUM PLAN Commissioner Mrberg submitted a map with makings indicating his recommendations designed to provide a nore adequate traffic circula- tion within the City. Following a brief discussion, the Commission concurred with a suggestion from the City Engineer that his Office informally review the traffic recoeranendations with nm*era of the fire, the police and safety committee for report to the Commission at a -later Hate. 2. CODE &MRMU LESS THM FM U)T SOBI$2VISICN The City Planner presented several proposed changes in the subdivision code applying to less than five lots. Pointing out that recent State legislation has made a number of changes and additionsto the Subdivision Map Act, the City Planner stated that city amendments have been prepared to take advantage of these changes and to provide a mire efficient procedure in the processing of naps. The proposed code with explanatory paragraphs not forth in writing by the City planner and distributed to Commission members, were reviewed and discussed in detail. Councilman Kindig thereafter roved that - the proposed amendments be submitted to Council and recommended for adoption, seconded by Comi.s- sioner adwards and unanim muly carried. The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10 % 20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, John J. Srauner, Secretary -6- 0L_ C CZ- �`.. 2 tip- rctoher 10, 196f, PFrULA" 'IFFTT' r (zi0 jourr?ed fron Sentember 26, if ►? i.f. rALL TIT ;1rA"TNr 1. Resubdi r sion Lots 35, 36Rloch y, "i ilsdile; Industrial Park ;:o. 5 ("011 ns avd Pavid F,onkf) IV PESOUITTn" 1. Pecommending reclassi rication oi- acreage rropt to r01. `,v AT%,J(iE1RN. a FNIT ST►my AtPI~Tlr:'r 1. rival 'Tap - ','iewland Estates Surdi=vision (Johnston F, Rhovade:;) . 2. Special Permit d "°asonry Supply Cry., Tnc., wholesale/retal sales In "-I Pistri.ct. ("arson Vload),. 3. Variance v Standard MH Cov,-rangy- For tautonatic car v nsh, El Camino Peal and Tromsdrle Drive. 4. SIgn Variance OWCO R;arlceE, 92S Bayswater avenue. S. �Iar.Ter Elan for Acre:afe Anna ! aci ric rorporoti on. 6. prom tfie f"lony. Ad ourm,.ient �dhc'ju��h' 4nqG C Irl OF'BURLINGAME CO S3yt October 24, 1966 I CALL TO ORDER 11 ROLL CAI III MINUTES September 26 and October 10, 1966 IV RaCARff4GS Final Map Viewland Estates Subdivision. Resubdiv#sion Portion Block 3, Z. Killsdal* Park, No. 2. Quinton Engineers. 3. sign variance OWCO NAMMT, 925 Bayswater Avenue. 4. Special Permit Masonry Supply Company SMM 0-�.�.� L office. Marston Road. S. Variances for Automatic ear mash, Trousdale Drive y11 and 81 Camino Real. to 7taffic Elawnt of General Plano 2, Code Amendment Lose Than Five Lot Subdivision VI ADJOURYrM