HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1966.11.14C]'i f OF Bi1RL INGAD E y'.LANN COMM lION November. 1966 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Brauner None City Attorney Karmel Cistulli City Planner Mann Edwards City Engineer Marr Kindi g Mini: (8.a05 p�m.) Norberg Pierce CALL TO ORDER The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 D.m. , Chairman Pierce pre- siding ROLL CALL The above -named ae+wrbers anSWered the Secr a.ryes roll call, 1. PUe` LIC _ IMPROVEMENTS L0 ¢ 233�, KENMIAR TERRACE, A communication dazed November i, 1966, from Mr. Paul J. Constantino, Is01 El Camine Real, Burlingame, owner of Lot 23, Kenmar Terrace Sub- division, concerned public works to be constructed as a condition of a resubdivision of the property approved approximately one year ago, and requested an additional six months to complete the improvements. The communications was referred to the regular meeting, November 28, 1966. 2. PHILLIPS.PETROLEUM COMPANY SIGN VARIANCE. A letter dated November 93 19660 from Phillips Petroleum Company, San Francisco, signed by Howard W. Pape, Operations Supervisor, requested a variance from the Sign Ordinance to allow a pole sign 24 feet high at the El Camino Real and Park Road service station; four feet above the maximum height permitted by code. The communication referred to a nearly -installed City of Burlingame sign structure at the corner adjacent to the service station property.__line. advising that the top of the sign is 14 feet above grade; therefore„ to assure visibility, it will be necessary for the bottom of a proposed 8 feet Phillips Company sign to be at an elevaticn of if feeG� A site P1z*a,, sigh J2 ail 3Ad p"saos Kg��ls3:s :�:-Y� _filed The City Planner reported there will be no interference with the city sign which is located on city street property, He informed Mr. Pape that neither revolving nor flashing signs can be permitted at the location because of nearby residential properties In reply to Commi,ssioneTsa inquiries, Mr. Howard Pape advised that the Sign will be internally illuminated., mounted on a single Pole approx- imately ten feet to the rear of the city sign A public hearine was schedurbd for November 28. 3. OLI'MPIAN ONL COMPANY REQUEST TO ENLARGE SERVICE STATION A._ An application for a. Special Permit was filed by Olympian Oil Company, 35 Soo Lind -In Aven'cae, South San Francisco, to reconstruct and enlarge E}n exi t € Sul:' Oil. service statirn .st 701 California Mr. A, Bertetta, President. of Olympian Coil Con.A__any, advised that the Company, as distributor for Gulf Oil, has arranged to lease an adjacent parcel to the -north, thereby increasing; the frontage on California Drive, by approximately 55 feet; existing facilities will be removed and 1--he service st.at.i.on comp etely reconstruct,,A,, The City Planna, reported a Special. Permit is required fo'0 the use to be expanded to -01-he new property. In reviewing the applicants drawings, Commissioners suggested changes to provide some: architectural design sand landscaping. The application was scheduled for public hearing on November 28. 4- SHELL OIL C'OMPAINY SP CIAL PERMIT TO ENLARGE AND REBUILD FACIl.ZTXo An application =ion for a Special Permit filed by Shell Oil Company, 1 Rol.li.ns Road, Millbrae, proposed to relocate and reLail.d an exis`- ing service station At the northerly corner of E I Camino Real and Burlingame Ave-nue, A communication dated November lip, 1966, from the applicant stated that the adjoining lot to the west, 50 feet by 116 feet,has been acquired, subject to permit approval, in order to enlarge the property and build' a modern attractive facility. Ebro .lames H. Ray, District Engineer, represented the applicant. During a discussion on the applicant's drawings, the City Planner reported that the plans were examined and found satisfactory from the standpoint of access - existing driveways will remain unchanged. Commissioner Urberg suggested that the used brink exterior should be extended around to the Burlingame Avenue frontage. The application was scheduled for public hearing on November 28. S o PETITION FOR REVOCATION OF VARIANCE. A communication dated October 18, 1966, frem the Law Offices of Rhein and Dienstag, 98 Past Street„ San Francisco, submitted an Application For Revocation of Variance on behalf of Mr. and. Mrs. Bernard Plack, 1847 Hunt ©give, Burlingame, and, others similarly situated, The Application referred to an action n of the City Council at its meeting on July 20, 1964, approving a variance to allow Mr. Douglas Pringle to construct an apartment devi-;lopment in the P4ills Estate, alleged that the structures as constructed are in violation of the express instri�cvi.ons of the City Council, gi gran, in open meeting on November 16, 1964, and petitioned the Planning Commission to schedule a public hearing for the purpose of recommending to the City Council that the variance be revoked., The City Attorney informed the Commission that the applicants are employing a procedure provided for by code, that the Commission has the authority to conduct the hearing, as requested; that following such hearing, and with full knowledge of the varia,211ce granted, the Commission determines whether or not a violation exists and, thereafter, sends its recommendation to the City Council. Chairman Fierce announced, with concurrence of Commissioners, that a public hearing would be held at the meeting of November 28. 6. DUPLEX DWELLING PROPOSED IN R-1 DISTRICT, Mrs. A. Porguen filed an application for a variance to convert her residence at 8SO Acacia Drive to duplex; the application described the building as follows: "Large English t;pe house, consisting of 12 rooms, 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms". A communication from the applicant dated October 10, 1966, advised that there is an existing second kitchen on the second floor level, which must be altered to conform to city requirements. A copy of a letter dated September 16, 1966,•addressed to the applicant from the Department of Public Health and Welfare, San Mateo County, listed violations of the State Housing Law found to exist in the dwelling at 850 Acacia Drive and refer d to an Official Abatement Notice served on the applicant requirij�the property be made to conform to all city zoning, building and State Housing Code require- ments within a period of 30 days by either eliminating the second floor kitchen or obtaining a variance from the city to up -grade the kitchen to conform to all minimum codes The City Planner reported the zoning as R-1. He stated that the neighbors have complained that there has been duplex or boarding house use; fu+ther, it is the opinion of the Building Inspector that the second kitchen cannot:. be made to conform to code. During a period of discussion, there was reference to a variance appli- cation heard by the Commission a few years ago for duplex use of an R-1 property in the same block and the strong opposition from the neighborhood at that time to any use other than single-family. Commissioners informed the sa-pvlicant that legally she may rent to three paying guests, suggested this as an alternative to the; variance and, with the consent of the applicant, held the application for the December study meeting. 7. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR CARPORT ON PROPERTY LINE. An applications filed by Mr. and Mfrs., Charles W. va*eer, 245 Chapin Lane, requested a Special Permit -to convert an e-xisting garage to a. rumpus roor! and a Variance for a new carport extending to the side property line, with a portion of the structure in the front 30% of the lots -3- r The applicants Statement of Justification, dated November 14, 1966, stated that the proposed conversion of the garage will provide storage space for materials and equipment for the swimming pool and dressing rooms and toilet facilities.. A site plan was reviewed and following discussion with the apllicants Commissioners agreed to visit the property prior to the public hearing scheduled for the meeting of November 28. 90 ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION MASTER PLAN FOR A^REAGE. Vitro David Keyston presented a waster plan for all of the Anna Pacific Corporation acreage and a. tentative subdivision map for a small por- tion at the northeasterly corner. There was discussion of the connecting road to the! Burlingame park road since this question has not been decided with the City Council, an alternate scheme is pro i.ded on the drawing for building a read parallel to the present read if the Land can be acquired from the property owner. A letter dated October 14, 1966, froyrt Anna Pacific Corporationesigned by David Ile Keyston, submitted a program for completing public works and onds1te improvemenzLs as the several subdsvisiens develop. The mats were referred to the City Engineer and City Planner for examina- tion and report at the December study meeting. 10. SUGGESTED REGULATIONS FOR HIGH-RISE APARTMENT BUILDINGS. Material relating to a proposed "VARIABLE HEIGHT DISTRICT"", relating to constr°:action.of apartment buildings exceeding height regulations in the respective district and regulating such construction was dis- cussed briefly and referred to the December study meeting. Commissioner Norberg suggested that there should be sorte provision for treating odd -shaped parcels, ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:15 p.m, 4 Respectfully submitted, John J. Brauner, Secret_ Yam.